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Crew Evaluation Test online for seamans about SBA

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the CES CBT CD-0265 test on the subject «Shore Based Assessment». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «SBA». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Shore Based Assessment» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on any type of vessel. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel. Shore Based Assessment (SBA) is an evaluation conducted on land for maritime or aviation activities. It involves assessing the safety, readiness, and capabilities of equipment, vessels, or aviation facilities before their deployment at sea or in the air. SBA ensures that all necessary preparations are in place to guarantee the effectiveness and compliance of operations in their respective domains.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Shore Based Assessment» contains 49 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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Consider a multiple-choice test made up of 20 items each with four answer options with one option correct. What would be the expected percentage score for a candidate simply guessing the answers if each test item has equal scoring?
5 %.
75 %.
25 %.
0 %.
Next question
Errors in multiple-choice test items can be minimised before they are used by careful wording of the stem and the options and by peer review. Which one of the following actions is likely to be the most effective in identifying poor test items after the test has been used?
Look for individual items that all candidates got right or wrong; these will all be poor and will need to be rewritten.
Analysis of scores for individual test items to identify trends in scoring.
Just check the test items that good candidates get wrong.
Run a spell check on the test items.
Next question
How can learning objectives be used to ensure that a written assessment is relevant and that all learning objectives are covered within the assessment?
By having the same number of questions as there is learning objectives in the programme of learning.
By writing a learning objective for each question in the assessment.
By forming each of the learning objectives into tasks and/or questions.
Next question
In addition to providing to some cognitive and affective skills which one of the following does completion of written assignments or projects by seafarers provide direct evidence of?
Competence in a practical skill.
Report writing and research.
The full range of language skills.
Psychomotor skills.
Next question
In relation to the development of multiple-choice test items, which one of the following best explains why it is important to consider the skill that is being tested?
Because not all skills can be effectively tested using multiple-choice tests.
Because this is the only way to determine how many test items are required for the test.
Because the exact method for testing each skill will be defined in the standard so that the assessor knows when to use multiple-choice tests.
Next question
One reason for considering the duration of an assessment is to allow candidates sufficient time to complete the test. Select from the given options the other main reason why it is important to limit the duration of a written assessment?
If the test takes too long candidates will require too many additional answer books.
If the test takes too long the assessor will have too much marking to do.
If the test takes too long some of the candidates could become fatigued which may affect their performance.
Next question
STCW is the main standard used for the training and certification of seafarers. Which one of the following best describes the main structure of STCW?
It is based on a number of functional areas and 3 levels of responsibility.
It is based solely on the levels of responsibility assigned to each rank onboard ship.
It is based on shipboard ranks and their associated tasks.
It is based on the departments usually found onboard ship.
Next question
Select from the comments given in the options the one which is most accurate in relation to the following statement. “When developing multiple-choice test items it is important to consider who is being tested”.
True, the test should be set at an appropriate content and language level for the intended target group.
False, it isn’t important, as each target group is required to have the same knowledge for a given subject.
True, but it is only necessary to identify the nationality of the group being tested.
False, it isn’t important; all seafarers are required to have the same level of language skills.
Next question
Select from the following the best way that an assessor can ensure that written assignments and projects are fit for purpose when they are to be used by a number of seafarers onboard different ships:
By selecting a specific task to test the skills to be assessed.
By offering a number of alternative tasks which each tests the skills to be assessed.
By allowing the candidate to select any task they wish.
By only writing assignment and project task specifications for equipment which is common to all ships.
Next question
Select the phrase from those given in the options which most accurately completes the following statement. “The use of written assignments or projects for assessing seafarers onboard ship”:
Is a relevant assessment method as they can be based on actual work activities.
Is not a suitable assessment method as each ship is different so it is not possible to prepare suitable assignments or projects.
Is not a suitable assessment method as they only provide evidence of the learner’s report writing skills.
Next question
Select the phrase which most accurately completes the following statement. “When selecting the types of test item to use in an online multiple-choice test”:
The only factor to consider is the availability of test item templates in the test editor.
The selected scoring system is the main factor to consider.
Only simple multiple-choice questions with a single correct answer should be used.
A number of factors, including the target group and the skills being tested, need to be considered.
Next question
What would be the main purpose of having a peer review of multiple-choice test items carried by a person who is an experienced assessor but not a subject matter expert?
To check only the format, structure and language level of the test items.
To check the accuracy of the content and also the structure of the questions.
To check only the accuracy of the content.
There is no purpose if the person is not a subject matter expert.
Next question
When assigning a scoring scheme for a multiple-choice test, which one of the following is the most accurate?
Where test items have varying difficulty and importance, negative scoring is always the best scheme to use.
Where test items have varying difficulty and importance, weighted scoring should be considered.
Where test items have equal difficulty and importance, weighted scoring is the best scheme to use.
Next question
When developing multiple-choice test items why is it important to consider the purpose of the test? Select the most relevant reason from those given in the options:
The purpose of the test will help the assessor select the types of test items to use and define the type of feedback required.
The purpose of the test will identify exactly how many test items to include.
If the test is to be used for summative assessment the assessor will know that feedback must be included.
Next question
Which one of the following best describes the elements that form part of a competence, as required in a competency-based learning strategy?
A combination of practical skills and the ability to communicate.
A combination of proficiency knowledge and understanding.
The ability to pass written tests and to perform practical tasks.
The ability to answer written and oral questions.
Next question
Which one of the following correctly completes the following statement? “When using predefined model answers for marking tests which require written descriptive answers, assessors should”:
Apply some flexibility and be prepared to accept reasonable alternative answers.
Only ever accept the predefined model answer as being correct.
Limit the marks that can be awarded for answers which do not exactly match the model answer.
Next question
Which one of the following definitions most accurately describes the main feature of surface learning?
Candidates memorise information without fully understanding it.
Candidates understand information for a short period of time.
It is associated with long term memory.
It results in a better learning outcome.
Next question
Which one of the following identifies the skills that are most likely to be effectively assessed by questions requiring written descriptive answers?
Cognitive and psychomotor skills.
Affective and psychomotor skills.
Cognitive and affective skills.
Most psychomotor skills including writing skills.
Next question
Which one of the following is a main requirement for ensuring a question requiring a written descriptive answer effectively assesses a candidate?
The question should be related directly to a defined learning objective.
The question should be written in as few words as possible.
The question should contain direct clues to the required answer.
The question should not be related to the candidate’s normal work role.
Next question
Which one of the following is considered to be one of the imitations of using multiple-choice tests as an assessment tool?
This type of assessment cannot be used to fully assess competence.
It is not possible to test higher cognitive skills using this type of assessment.
This type of testing is not suitable for use online or for automated scoring.
Next question
Which one of the following is considered to be one of the main advantages of using a written assignment or a project as an assessment tool?
It is a good means of fully testing competence.
It takes very little time to mark candidate’s scripts.
It is an appropriate means of testing the higher cognitive skills.
It is easy to write effective questions that test all skill levels.
Next question
Which one of the following is considered to be one of the main advantages of using multiple-choice tests as an assessment tool?
It is an efficient way of testing knowledge for a large number of objectives.
It is a good means of testing affective skills.
Candidates have no chance of correctly guessing answers.
It is very easy to write questions that test high level cognitive skills.
Next question
Which one of the following is considered to be one of the main advantages of using questions that require written descriptive answers as an assessment tool?
It is a suitable method of testing the higher cognitive skills.
It is a suitable method of fully testing competence.
It takes very little time to mark candidates scripts.
It is easy to write effective questions that test all skill levels.
Next question
Which one of the following is correct in relation to testing affective skills using questions that require written descriptive answers?
Questions requiring written descriptive answers are only suitable for testing cognitive skills and cannot be used for testing affective skills.
Affective skills can only be tested by direct observation of a candidate in the workplace so questions that require written descriptive answers are not really suitable.
Where questions are written to explore candidate’s feelings and behaviour towards others they can be used to test affective skills.
Next question
Which one of the following is the best way for an assessor to ensure that the requirements for a written assignment or project are properly communicated to a seafarer working onboard ship:
By providing the seafarer with a comprehensive assignment or project brief, covering the full requirements.
A report specification which identifies what should be included in the final report will normally be sufficient.
A list of questions that need to be answered in the report will normally be sufficient.
By sending an email to the onboard training officer so that they can inform the seafarer.
Next question
Which one of the following is the best way that an assessor can ensure that written questions are properly focussed and therefore effective?
Relate them directly to the learning objectives and performance standards.
Keep the questions as short as possible.
Review the questions a number of times.
Use simple language even when the subject is complex.
Next question
Which one of the following is the main method of assessment most frequently used by a shore-based assessor for onboard assessment of a seafarer?
Direct observations.
Oral questioning.
Written questions.
Third party evidence.
Next question
Which one of the following is the main source of the competence requirements for seafarers?
Next question
Which one of the following publications defines the requirements for a person who is to assess seafarers’ competence?
MLC 2006.
Next question
Which one of the following scoring methods can be used to counter the effect of candidates guessing the answer to test items in a multiple-choice test?
Formula or negative scoring.
Raw scoring.
Equal point scoring.
Weighted scoring.
Next question
Which one of the following should be the main consideration for an assessor when they are using a weighted marking scheme?
The importance and difficulty of the question.
The length of the question.
The expected length of the candidates answer.
Ensuring the total marks allocated for a test adds up to 100.
Next question
Which one of the following skills are open book tests an appropriate assessment method for?
Recall skills (knowledge).
Psychomotor skills.
Higher cognitive skills.
Affective skills.
Next question
Which one of the following statements best describes the main purpose of using written assignments or projects for seafarers onboard ship?
Written assignments and projects give seafarers an opportunity to gather evidence of their knowledge, understanding and skills when working onboard ship.
Completion of written assignments and projects by seafarers onboard ship removes the need for any other form of onboard assessment.
Written assignments and projects allow seafarers to gather all the evidence they require for assessment of their competence in any work activity onboard ship.
Completion of written assignments and projects by seafarers onboard ship reduces formal training requirements for seafarers.
Next question
Which one of the following statements correctly describes competence in a work activity onboard ship?
Competence in a work activity usually involves a combination of different types of skills.
Competence in a work activity usually only involves psychomotor skills.
It is usually possible to assess competence in a work activity using a single method of assessment.
Next question
Which one of the following statements is the most accurate in relation to designing multiple-choice tests?
It doesn’t matter how multiple-choice tests are designed, they can only ever test basic knowledge.
The only way to test deep learning using multiple-choice tests is to have a minimum of 100 test items.
Multiple-choice tests which are used for testing deep learning must have at least 6 options for each test item.
In order to test deep learning, multiple-choice test items must be designed to test the higher level cognitive skills.
Next question
Which one of the following statements is the most accurate in relation to testing application skills?
Testing application skills can require the candidate to use ideas, concepts, and principles related to their knowledge and understanding.
Application skills do not rely on candidates having either knowledge or understanding of the related topic.
Application skills cannot be tested using questions requiring written descriptive answers.
Next question
Which one of the following statements is the most accurate in relation to testing comprehension or understanding?
Candidates can effectively demonstrate their understanding or comprehension of a topic by translating, summarising or interpreting information in a written form.
Recalling a piece of information is acceptable evidence of comprehension or understanding for most topics.
Understanding and comprehension are easily assessed using simple direct questions which require a single sentence answer.
Understanding or comprehension cannot be tested using questions that require written descriptive answers.
Next question
Which one of the following statements is the most accurate in relation to the use of written formative assessment for assessing seafarers onboard ship?
Formative assessment is never used when assessing seafarers onboard ship.
Formative assessment will always be used when testing seafarers for competence onboard ship.
Formative assessment will normally only be used during training or instruction of seafarers onboard ship.
Formative assessment is the main assessment tool used when selecting suitable candidates for promotion.
Next question
Which one of the following statements is the most accurate in relation to the use of written summative assessment for assessing seafarers onboard ship?
Summative assessment is one of the main assessment tools used when selecting suitable candidates for promotion.
Summative assessment is never used when assessing seafarers onboard ship.
Summative assessment will only be used for seafarers to identify training needs.
Summative assessment will only be used during training or instruction of seafarers onboard ship.
Next question
Which one of the following statements is the most accurate in relation to types of learning?
Deep learning can help to develop a learner’s higher cognitive skills.
Rote learning is a form of deep learning often used by learners in preparation for examinations.
Surface learning can help to develop a learner’s higher cognitive skills.
Deep learners usually forget information very quickly.
Next question
Which one of the following statements relating to the distracters that are used for a multiple-choice test item is the most accurate?
All distracters should be plausible and should not contain repeated information which could be included in the stem.
The more distracters that are used the better, as it will be more difficult for a candidate to guess the correct option.
Two of the best distracters to use are “None of the above” and “All of of the above”.
Only one of the distracters used in a test item needs to be plausible.
Next question
Which one of the following statements relating to the use of formula or negative scoring in a multiple-choice test is correct?
It is normally used to prevent candidates achieving a 100 % score.
It is normally used in order to counter the effect of candidates guessing the answers.
This type of scoring is used to differentiate between easy and more difficult test items.
This type of scoring system is never used in this type of test.
Next question
Which one of the following statements relating to the use of weighted scoring in a multiple-choice test is correct?
It is normally used in order to differentiate between easy and more difficult or important and less important items.
It is normally used to prevent candidates achieving a 100 % score.
This type of scoring system is never used in this type of test.
This type of scoring is used to counter the effect of guessing.
Next question
Which one of the following would be the usual source of subjects for written assignments and projects that are to be used for the assessment of seafarers onboard ship?
The competence tables in STCW.
The MARPOL annexes.
The ISM Code.
Next question
Which one of the given options best describes the relationship between learning objectives and written assessments in a competency-based programme of learning?
Assessments should be designed to provide evidence that the knowledge linked to the learning objectives have been met.
Learning objectives are only included as guidance for the candidate and do not need to be linked to the assessment.
Learning objectives are simply statements of intent and do not have to be directly assessed.
Learning objectives are only included as reminders to the assessor of what has to be assessed.
Next question
Which one of the phrases given in the options correctly completes the following statement? “Defined marking schemes are essential with written assessments to help ensure that”:
Scoring is reliable and consistent.
All questions carry equal marks.
Each part of a question carries equal marks.
Candidates only attempt questions with the highest mark allocation.
Next question
Which one of the phrases given in the options correctly completes the following statement? “Defined marking schemes are essential with written assessments to help ensure the test is ballanced”:
It is important since a balanced test must have test items for each topic and also for each weighting group if weighted scoring is used.
As long as the test contains test items covering each topic it is balanced so the scoring scheme is not important.
The test will only be balanced if it is made up of test items with equal point scoring.
It is not possible to have a balanced test unless it is made up from a discreet number of test items.
Next question
Which one of the statements given in the options describes one of the main responsibilities of a candidate for a written assessment?
The candidate must familiarise themselves with all details of the assessment provided by the assessor before and in the assessment.
The candidate must complete the assessment in the shortest time possible.
The candidate must ensure the assessment venue is properly prepared for the assessment.
The candidate must ensure that the assessment decision is properly recorded in a secure record system.
Next question
Which one of the statements given in the options is correct in relation to individuals who have responsibility for assessing seafarers onboard ship?
Assessors should not be influenced by external pressures.
Assessors should only be allocated a fixed period of time when planning assessments.
Assessors should consider the cost of an assessment as the main criterion when planning an assessment.
Assessors should always consider how long the candidate has served in their current rank when assessing a candidate’s competence.
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