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LNG Fundamental Knowledge

This publication details the underpinning knowledge required for ship’s officers serving on liquefied natural gas carriers, as set out in SIGTTO’s “LNG Shipping Competency Standards“.


LNG shipping knowledge encompasses a wide range of technical, operational and regulatory expertise essential for the safe and efficient transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG). This field involves understanding the specialized design and engineering of LNG carriers, including the construction of cryogenic tanks that maintain LNG at extremely low temperatures. Professionals in this industry must be well-versed in the various containment systems, such as membrane and spherical tanks, which are crucial for preventing leaks and ensuring structural integrity during voyages.

Cargo Delivery

Moreover, LNG shipping requires comprehensive knowledge of international maritime regulations and safety protocols. This includes mastery of emergency response procedures, fire suppression systems, and emergency shutdown systems designed to protect both the vessel and its crew. Additionally, the efficient operation of propulsion systems and the management of cargo transfer processes are critical components that professionals must adeptly handle. As LNG continues to grow as a vital energy source, the knowledge and expertise in delivery of liquefied gas remain paramount for ensuring its global distribution is conducted safely, efficiently, and sustainably.

Liquefied Natural Gas Commercial Considerations 447
Non-Standard and Emergency Operations on Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers 884
Ship to Ship (STS) Preparation and Manifold Connection for Transfer Operation 775
Preparation, Operations, and Considerations of Liquefied Gas Tanks Aeration 489
Gas Freeing of Cargo Tanks on Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers 504
Efficient Liquefied Natural Gas Tank Warming Procedures 591
Main Procedures and Best Practices of Liquefied Gas Discharge from LNG Carriers 762
Strategies and Best Practices of Ballast Voyage for Liquefied Gas Carriers 436
Managing Laden Voyages – BOG Management and Propulsion Systems for LNG Carriers 283
Step-by-Step Guide for Safe and Swift Loading of Liquefied Gas 484
Cooldown of Cargo System on the Liquefied Gas Carriers 617
Gassing Up (Purging) of Cargo System on Liquefied Gas Carriers 552
Comprehensive Guide to Ship and Shore Preparation and Manifold Connection for LNG Cargo Operations 795
Essential Steps for Preparing LNG Tanks for Cargo Loading on LNG Vessels 483
Gas Combustion Systems on Liquefied Gas Carriers 374
Exploring Different Turbine Propulsions for Liquefied Gas Carriers 664
Gas and diesel low-pressure two-stroke engine (X-DF) 365
M-type electronically controlled gas injection (ME-GI) 425
Dual-fuel diesel electric/Tri-fuel diesel electric (DFDE/TFDE) 981
Exploring the Advantages of Slow-speed diesel (SSD) 372
Exploring Propulsion Systems and Turbo Alternators on Liquefied Gas Carriers 273
Features and Functions of Integrated Alarm System 320
High Voltage Systems and Safe Electrical Equipment 511
Custody Transfer Measurement System (CTMS) on Liquefied Gas Carriers 717
Level Gauging Systems in Liquefied Gas Tanks 687
Fire Suppression Systems for Liquefied Gas Carriers 694
Emergency Mooring Release of Liquefied Gas Carriers 428
Emergency Shutdown System (ESDS) on Liquefied Gas Carriers 1360
Common LNG Support Systems 460
Cargo Related Spaces on Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers 506
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