Looking for a suitable position, seafarers pay special attention to the offered salary. Here you will find verified and up-to-date information on seaman salaries for various positions on ships.
- Actual salaries of seafarers
- Advanced filter
- Officer squad
- Ship Master Salary
- Salaries of the Chief, 2nd and 3rd Mates
- Pilot Salaries
- The Chief Engineer’s Salary
- Salaries of 2nd and 3rd engineers
- Gas Engineer’s Salaries
- Electrical Engineer’s Salaries
- Regular squad
- Bosun’s Salary
- Sailor’s Salary
- Motorman’s Salaries
- Ship’s Cook Salaries
- Offshore Fleet
- Accommodation Barge/Ship (AB)
- Cable Laying Vessel
- Crew Boat
- Diving support vessel (DSV)
- Multi Role Service\Support vessel (MRSV)
- Offshore Construction Vessel (OCV)
- Pipelaying Vessel (PLV)
- Platform Supply Vessel (PSV)
- Seismic vessel
- Drilling Platform
- Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO)
- Jack Up Rig
- What is your contract?
A seafarer’s salary can vary significantly depending on various factors such as his rank, experience, type of ship, employer company, regional characteristics and contract terms. In the maritime industry, there are several different categories of seafarers, each of which has its own level of responsibility and accordingly earnings.
Actual salaries of seafarers
The table below shows seafarer salaries from actual contracts, so here you can compare which companies pay more and for which positions. This data provides valuable information for those interested in maritime careers or seeking career opportunities in the maritime industry. You can also share your details. Information sharing helps improve wage transparency in the maritime industry and contributes to fairer working conditions for all participants in the maritime industry. We will monitor changes in the market and update the page with fresh figures.
Advanced filter
Offshore fleet
Container ships
Cargo vessels
Bulk carriers
Permanent contracts, also known as “permanent” or “long-term” contracts, do exist in a variety of industries, including maritime. This is a form of long-term agreement between employer and employee, providing stability of employment over a long period of time.
For seamen on a permanent contract, this may mean that they are committing to work for a specific ship or ship owner for an extended period, for example, an year. This gives seafarers job and financial stability.
However, it is worth noting that in the maritime industry, as in many others, there are many types of contracts, including temporary (short-term) and seasonal contracts. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on the individual preferences and needs of the sailor.
Salaries can range from a few hundred dollars a month for entry-level sailors to several thousand or more for masters and highly qualified engineers on large ships. It is important to note that in the maritime industry there is also the concept of a “daily wage”, especially for short-term contracts.
In this material, we have studied vacancies for seamen and will consider the positions and salaries of officers, mid-level and enlisted personnel performing their duties on ships. We will also touch on the topic of analysis and forecast of wage growth to the near future.
Officer squad
The officer corps on each ship is formed from the main crew members and varies depending on the type of the ship itself and its intended purpose, and the followed routes are also important.
Ship Master Salary
At the moment, salaries can vary from several hundred to several tens of thousands in currency equivalent, depending on factors such as:
- citizenship,
- job title,
- experience,
- vessel type and size,
- applicant company.
So in the UK you can earn on average $70 000/year on a cruise ship, while Australian companies offer from $95 000 to $100 000/year. The US pays between $54 541 and $81 600/year, while captains working on Russian river ships can earn up to $8 100/year.
The master of the ship, whose salary reaches up to $120 000/year, usually has significant experience in navigation on large-tonnage vessels.
Salary: 16 000 – 23 000 $
Salary: 14 000 – 16 000 $
Chemical Tanker
Salary: 13 000 – 15 000 $
Container Vessel
Salary: 3 000 – 11 000 $
Product Tanker
Salary: 11 000 – 14 000 $
Fishing Vessel
Salary: 1 500 – 13 000 $
Cement Carrier
Salary: 8 300 – 9 500 $
Cruise Ship
Salary: 7 500 – 15 800 $
Tug boat
Salary: 7 400 – 10 000 $
Salary: 9 000 – 27 000 $
A well-serving tugboat master can earn up to $104 157 per year, while a harbor captain will receive $100 572.
The master’s salary on different types of ships also varies greatly. For example, on prestigious cruise ships it can reach 200 000 per year – which naturally requires highly qualified captains.
Operating an oil tanker is paid in proportion to its complexity and danger – $14 000 per month, and for LPG/LNG tankers the amount will be 9 600 – 14 650 (on a permanent contract, an average of 9 720 euros, plus loyalty bonuses of 500 euros are possible) , and 16 000 – 23 000 dollars per month, respectively.
On fishing vessels, it is possible to earn up to 13 thousand per month, which also requires highly specialized knowledge of dry navigation and navigation, while dry cargo salaries range from 8 to 13 thousand dollars per month.
To have the opportunity to earn a decent income, you need not only to get the necessary education, but also to go all the way up the career ladder on ships of various sizes.
Salaries of the Chief, 2nd and 3rd Mates
In spite of the full responsibility of the captain of the ship, the posts of senior, second and third mates are no less responsible.
First mate salaries vary depending on the type of vessel, ranging from a minimum of $5 500 per month to $12 000. As the type of vessel becomes more dangerous, the salary also increases. So on “RO-RO” vessels you can get an average of 6 thousand dollars, and on chemical tankers 7 500 – 12 000, while on LPG salaries range from 7 519 to 12 800 dollars, and on LNG from 12 000 to 18 000 $/ month, for a permanent contract this amount will be monthly 7,600 euros plus a possible bonus of 500 euros. Bulk carrier and container ship salaries range from 6 000 to 8 100 dollars per month.
Salary: 12 000 – 18 000 $
Salary: 8 000 – 9 000 $
Chemical Tanker
Salary: 7 500 – 13 000 $
Container Vessel
Salary: 6 500 – 8 000 $
Product Tanker
Salary: 7 000 – 8 500 $
Cement Carrier
Salary: 6 500 – 8 500 $
Cruise Ship
Salary: 11 000 – 21 000 $
Salary: 6 500 – 8 000 $
As for the 2nd and 3rd mates, their salaries differ by approximately 300 – 400 dollars, but the responsibility is the same. On a cruise ship, the second mate will receive 4 700 – 7 000 thousand, and the third mate will receive 4 300 – 6 820 $/month. But on a bulk carrier, RO-RO and product carrier, the second mate can earn 2 200 – 4 000, 3 400 – 3 800 and 2 900 $/month respectively.
On a container ship, the second mate will be paid 3 300 – 4 900 dollars per month, on a chemical tanker – 4 000 – 4 500 thousand. For LNG, the salary of a second assistant is on average $6 000 – $8 000 and permanently 3 850 euros, while for LPG they pay from $3 863 to 5 500 per month.
Salary: 6 000 – 8 000 $
Salary: 4 300 – 5 200 $
Chemical Tanker
Salary: 4 000 – 4 500 $
Container Vessel
Salary: 3 300 – 4 900 $
Product Tanker
Salary: 4 500 – 5 250 $
Cruise Ship
Salary: 4 700 – 7 000 $
Salary: 2 200 – 4 000 $
For a third mate, a container ship salary ranges from $2 500 to $3 700 per month. You can earn a little more on a chemical tanker – up to $3 800. For a bulk carrier the amount is from 2 500 to 3 500 $/month, but for RO-RO vessels the salary is calculated at 2 400–3 000 dollars. On ships carrying Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) there is an opportunity to earn an average of $5 000 – 7 000 (it is 2 750 euros monthly on a permanent contract ), and on ships carrying Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) from $2 627 to $4 500/month.
Pilot Salaries
Working together with the master on a ship’s navigation bridge, a pilot guides ships in and out of harbors, straits, rivers and bays using specialized knowledge of local weather, tides and currents, and the handling of the wide variety of vessels that enter the sea. These duties are performed in all weather conditions, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In the USA, a pilot can earn up to $90 000/year on large vessels and up to $70 000 on small vessels.
In Asian countries, a pilot is paid on average $60 000 and $40 000/year, respectively. A port pilot earns up to 13 144 per month, which is an average of $157 728 per year. All salaries depend on the experience of the navigator and the difficulty of the route; in addition, there are bonus systems and overtime pay.
The Chief Engineer’s Salary
The chief engineer, in turn, performs the duties of the deputy captain for the technical side, taking over the leadership of the electromechanical service. For the duties performed by a ship engineer, the salary averages 12 – 14 thousand dollars per month.
The chief engineer is responsible for the ship’s power plant and all mechanisms, devices and systems of the ship (with the exception of technical means of navigation and communications, as well as collective and individual means of rescue). For their duties on a container ship they earn between $8 000 and $11 000 a month, and on a cruise ship between $11 000 and $14 000 for the same period.
On bulk carriers, a chief engineer’s salary ranges from $8 500 to $11 000 per month. While driving a tugboat you can earn an income of 5 800 to 6 800 euros per month.
On LNG type vessels you can get up to 22 200 per month and on a permanent contract the salary will be 9 410 euros per month plus a 500 loyalty bonus. Whereas on no less dangerous LPG ships the salary will be 9 280 – 15 000 dollars.
Salary: 15 000 – 22 000 $
Salary: 9 400 – 15 150 $
Chemical Tanker
Salary: 12 000 – 14 500 $
Container Vessel
Salary: 8 000 – 11 000 $
Cruise Ship
Salary: 10 000 – 14 000 $
Cement Carrier
Salary: 8 000 – 9 000 $
Tug boat
Salary: 6 200 – 7 300 $
Salary: 8 000 – 9 000 $
Salaries of 2nd and 3rd engineers
The second engineer is responsible for the main and auxiliary engines, including emergency diesel generators (EDG), as well as all associated technical equipment. He is responsible for shafting, including gearboxes and release couplings, stern tube devices, propulsors and the mechanical part of the steering device. Such responsible duties on different types of ships pay very differently. On container ships the amount varies from $6 500 to $8 600 per month; on cement tankers the initial amount is the same, but the final figure is $1 400 less. Salaries on tankers, cruise ships or RO-RO average 8 600 – 110 000, 7 000 and 6 800 – 8 500 dollars per month, respectively.
On special danger vessels of the LNG type, the salary is calculated on average 12 000 – 17 500 thousand, and 7 500 + 500 euros when drawing up a permanent contract.On LPG gas carriers the amount will be $7 416 – $11 310/month.
Salary: 12 000 – 17 500 $
Salary: 11 200 – 15 000 $
Chemical Tanker
Salary: 8 500 – 10 500 $
Container Vessel
Salary: 6 500 – 8 600 $
Cruise Ship
Salary: ~7 000 $
Fishing Vessel
Salary: 6 500 – 7 200 $
Cement Carrier
Salary: 6 500 – 8 500 $
Salary: 6 800 – 8 500 $
The third engineer is involved in the maintenance and repair of engines, pumps, compressors and other mechanical systems of the vessel. It monitors the operation of engines and other machinery to detect and correct possible failures or malfunctions. This is no less responsible work, which is paid approximately the same. On a container ship you can get a profit on your income from 3 300 to 4 500 $/month, on a bulk carrier from 3 500 to 4 500 thousand, and on a chemical tanker they pay salaries from 4 000 to 4 500 dollars. On fishing vessels, a third engineer can earn an average of $2 500.
Salary: 6 000 – 8 200 $
Salary: 4 500 – 5 400 $
Chemical Tanker
Salary: 4 000 – 4 500 $
Container Vessel
Salary: 3 300 – 4 500 $
Product Tanker
Salary: 4 500 – 5 250 $
Fishing Vessel
Salary: 2 500 $
Salary: 3 400 – 3 800 $
Vessels transporting Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) are ready to hire third engineers for 3 863 – 5 450 $/month, and those transporting Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) are already 5 223 – 8 375 thousand (permanent contract is paid monthly 3 850 euros). On RO-RO you can earn an average of $3 400 – $3 800/month.
Often, fourth engineers are also hired on ships, so on a container ship they can receive from $2 400 to $3 500 per month, and on a Product carrier $3 600–$3 800/month. On a chemical tanker there is an opportunity to earn from $2 300 to $4 200/month, on a Cement carrier $3 500/month, and on a tanker transporting crude oil from $3 400 to $4 600 monthly salary. On ships like Bulk Carrier, the fourth engineer is offered wages from $2 650 to $4 500/month, on ro-ro vessels $2 500, on multipurpose vessels the range is from $2 500 to $3 524, and on refrigerators $3 500 per month.
Salary: 5 000 – 7 000 $
Salary: 3 000 – 4 800 $
Chemical Tanker
Salary: 2 300 – 4 200 $
Container Vessel
Salary: 2 400 – 3 500 $
Product Tanker
Salary: 3 400 – 4 600 $
Salary: 2 750 $
Salary: 2 500 $
Cement Carrier
Salary: 3 500 $
Depending on the companies of the applicants, salaries on an LNG vessel for a 4th engineer can be $3 500, $5 400, and $6 750 – $7 000/month, and for LPG vessels the salary offered is from $2 627 to $4 815 per month of labor.
Gas Engineer’s Salaries
An important part of his responsibilities is to maintain safety standards when working with gas equipment to prevent possible accidents or leaks. During periods of vessel anchorage or cargo unloading, the gas engineer is also involved in preparing equipment for operation or its temporary deactivation.
For his duties a Gas Engineer receives salaries on gas carriers transporting LPG that range from $4 000 to $8 000, and for LNG starting from $7 000 it can reach $15 000 per month or more.
Electrical Engineer’s Salaries
The electromechanic reports to the chief engineer and is responsible for the following duties:
- ensuring the correct technical operation of ship electrical equipment, including automatic telephone exchange(ATE), power and lighting networks.
- correct using, storage and movement of logistics recorded in accordance with the captain’s order.
- maintenance and care of electrical equipment that is not the responsibility of the radio operator. Complying with safety regulations and implementing safe work practices.
On cruise ships, an electrical engineer’s salary can average $6 500 monthly, while on ships such as Crude oil tanker, Product carrier, RO-RO and Bulk Carrier, amounts range from $5 000 to $6 500 over the same period.
Cement carrier earn salaries in the range of $5 200 – $6 000 per month, while chemical tankers can earn between $5 000 and $7 500. Gas carriers transporting LNG and LPG offer vacancies with salaries ranging from 5 850 to 9 000, and some LNG transportation companies offer as much as $14 800 (for a permanent contract, the salary will be 5 880 euros per month).
Salary: 7 000 – 9 000 $
Salary: 4 500 – 6 000 $
Chemical Tanker
Salary: 5 000 – 7 500 $
Container Vessel
Salary: 5 100 – 7 000 $
Product Tanker
Salary: 5 000 – 6 500 $
Cement Carrier
Salary: 5 200 – 6 000 $
Salary: 5 000 – 6 000 $
Salary: 4 500 – 6 300 $
Cruise Ship
Salary: 6 500 $
A ship’s refrigeration mechanic is responsible for the reliable operation, correct technical operation and general technical condition of the refrigeration and air conditioning system, including all technical devices that serve them (including the air system), as well as automation equipment (for excluding elements of electrical circuits), instrumentation and other technical means within the jurisdiction of this area.
Container Vessel
Salary: 4 000 $
Salary: 4 600 $
Fishing Vessel
Salary: 5 000 – 7 000 $
Tug boat
Salary: 2 500 $
Пассажирское судно
Salary: 5 500 $
General Cargo Vessel
Salary: 2 200 $
On foreign passenger ships, a refrigeration mechanic will receive an average of $5 479/month, and on a sea tug the amount is $2 500/month, while on a container ship from $4 000 to $4 250/month. On a fishing boat, a refrigerated mechanic will earn between 2 – 4 thousand, or 5 – 7 thousand dollars, depending on the company, the size of the vessel and other factors; on ships with general cargo the salary is on average $2 200. A trainee on an LPG gas carrier can receive a monthly salary in the range of $2 300 – $2 600. On LNG, a refrigerator electrician will earn from $4 300 to $8 500/month.
Regular squad
The ordinary personnel of the ship includes sailors, engineers, stewards and other specialists who are not officers. Ordinary personnel are responsible for implementing procedures and measures aimed at ensuring the safety of the ship. They participate in fire and rescue investigations, maintain order on board the aircraft, monitor the condition of equipment and thus prevent accidents from occurring. Also supports officers’ work and a variety of operations and tasks. They may be handled in carrying out navigational instructions, managing ship cargo and other positions.
Bosun’s Salary
For their duties on different types of vessels, salaries vary by $200, $300, and even $400. So on a container ship the salary is 1 830 – 2 100 dollars per month, on a chemical tanker the salary is already 2 000 – 2 800 $/month, on LNG/LPG type vessels they pay an average of 2 200 – 2 500 $/month.
Sailor’s Salary
The sailor on watch is subordinate to the watch-chief mate and is obliged to remain at the place indicated by the latter without interruption. He is tasked with visual observation of the environment, the water surface and the horizon, and also, when the ship is moving in fog, actively carrying out auditory observation.
The average salary of an ordinary sailor on ships for various purposes can reach an average of $28 992/year or $2 416/month. On cruise ships and container ships, the salary is almost the same, and is equal to 1 100 – 1 390 and 1 180 – 1 340 $/month respectively. For chemical tankers the payment is $1 300 to $1 500, while for a Product carrier it’s $900 to $1 300. A sailor can earn an average of $1 400 on a Crude oil tanker.
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) gas carriers provide sailors with a salary of 1 400 for them, for those transporting LNG the salary will be equal to 1 375 – 1 480 $/month. On a bulk carrier, a sailor earns $1 224 – $1 598/month.
Salary: 1 300 – 1 400 $
Salary: 1 300 – 1 800 $
Container Vessel
Salary: 1 200 – 1 350 $
Cruise Ship
Salary: 1 100 – 1 400 $
Salary: 1 200 – 1 600 $
Product Tanker
Salary: 900 – 1 400 $
The salaries of a 1st class sailor are insignificant but they are still different. So on a container ship he can earn from 1 455 to 2 700 dollars a month, and on a Crude oil tanker the payment will be 1 900 – 2 100 $ for the same period. For service on a chemical tanker you can earn from 1 500 to 1 600 dollars, or even 4 200, it all depends on the hiring company. On a tug he will receive an average of 2 000, and on a RO-RO vessel from 2 000 to 2 500 dollars.
Motorman’s Salaries
A motorman oiler in the navy is a specialist of the rank of maintenance personnel responsible for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the ship’s power plant. The term “motorman oiler” (or machinist) is usually used to refer to experts who work on reciprocating diesel engines on a ship.
Salary: 1 850 – 1 900 $
Chemical Tanker
Salary: 1 750 – 2 500 $
Tug boat
Salary: 1 300 $
Salary: 1 500 $
General Cargo Vessel
Salary: 1 200 $
Salary: 1 350 $
On a chemical tanker, the salary for the position of Motorman oiler is 1 750 – 2 500 $/month, on RO-RO vessels it will be 1 500 dollars, for general cargo 1 200, and on a tugboat 1 300 $/month. On refrigerated ships, a 1st class motorman oiler will receive $1 350 per month, and on ships transporting Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) the salary will be between $1 845 and $2 960 for the same period.
Here we can also mention a position such as Pumpman (Donkerman – exercises full control and ensures the uninterrupted operation of ship systems during cargo operations and during routine and planned maintenance on a tanker vessel), who earns on oil tankers from 2000 to 3000 dollars per month of work, and on chemical tankers from $2 514 to $3 500.
Ship’s Cook Salaries
The ship’s cook supervises the work of the galley staff and is responsible for organizing meals for the crew in various sailing conditions.
We can say that the average salary of a cook per year will be $42 427, and a chef on a ship up to 60 000 will be $72 115. On various ships and companies, salaries vary from 1,000 to 4 248 $/month. So, on ships carrying general cargo, a cook can earn from 1 000 to 1 700 dollars per month, on a tugboat 1 100 – 1 200, but on a multipurpose vessel, on average 1 800 $/month.
Salary: 2 000 – 2 500 $
Salary: 2 600 – 3 000 $
Chemical Tanker
Salary: 2 200 $
Cruise Ship
Salary: 4 000 $
Container Vessel
Salary: 1 600 – 1 900 $
Product Tanker
Salary: 2 500 – 3 350 $
Salary: 2 000 – 2 400 $
Tug boat
Salary: 1 100 – 1 200 $
Salary: 1 800 – 2 050 $
General Cargo Vessel
Salary: 1 000 – 1 800 $
Salary: 2 200 $
For cooks serving on a bulk carrier, the salary is paid in the range of $2 000 – $2 400, while on a chemical tanker the salary is slightly less – $2 200/month. On a cruise ship you can earn an average of $4 248 per month; on some passenger ships there is a mandatory bonus of approximately $600.
On LNG/LPG gas carriers, a cook will receive from $2 200 to $3 000 per month of work. Crude oil tanker cooks will be paid between $2 500 and $3 350, again depending on the hiring company and your experience. On a container ship you can earn in the range of $1 600 – $1 882, on RO-RO> vessels from $1 800 to $2 050/month, and on refrigerated ships the cook is paid an average salary of $2 200 for the same period of work.
Offshore Fleet
As a rule, the average salary of a seafarer is stipulated by a permanent contract (they receive money both on the ship and on shore), or vice versa, their salary is calculated per day. In general, salaries are higher than in a typical merchant fleet, but there are also some nuances, which we will discuss in another article. It should be remembered that the average salaries are presented below, as there is high variability depending on the applicant companies and other factors.
Accommodation Barge/Ship (AB)
On ships of this type, the captain can earn from $7 500 to $10 500 per month, and his chief mate on average $500 to $800 less. The second mate on AB will already earn $6 000/month.
A chief engineer here will receive an average of $8 400 per month, a second engineers has a daily rate of $100 less, which is approximately $5 400. An AB marine electrician earns between $280 and $350 daily, which equates to an average of $9 450/month. The boatswain on such vessel can count on an average of $2 500/month.
As for a 1st class sailor, his salary can be $4 350/month. A welder will receive $176 per day, a cook $29 per hour (340 per day), and a motorman oiler $600/month.
For these vessels, the average salary of $365 daily is provided for the position of “captain”. On average, a captain can earn from $6 600 to $15 000/month. A chief mate earns daily $120–350 (6 500 per month), a second mate earns from $2 800 to $6 000/month.
A chief engineer at AHTS will earn from 9 000 to 10 500 per month, a second engineer can expect to earn $6 000 to $7 500 per month, while a third engineer can expect to earn $100 to $150 per day of work. An electromechanic on board (ETO) will earn an average of $6 000 to $7 000/month.
A 1st class sailor will receive an average of $4 500 per month of work on an AHTS type vessel, and a welder and motorman oiler will receive $1 100 – $1 250 per month. A cook on such a vessel will earn around $3 683 over the same period.
Cable Laying Vessel
An offshore cable laying vessel (CLV) offers captains a daily salary of an average of $750 – $800. For chief mates is this amount $500/day, the second mate can count on $450/day. A boatswain can earn up to $3 000 a month.
For a chief engineer pay per day ranges from $209 to $280, for a second engineer the salary is $250–275/day, and for a third engineer $120/day. A ship electrician on a cable-laying vessel will earn an average of $190 per day.
A 1st class sailor and a cook receives on average the same salary per month – $3 863, but a welder only gets $1 200 – $1 500/month.
Crew Boat
On a crew transport vessel (Crew Boat) the captain will receive $5 000 per month and the chief mate will receive $200 – $225 per day. A chief engineer will receive an average of $256 per day of work. The boatswain and motorman oiler on such vessels receive from 110 to 120 $/day.
A ship electrician will earn $150/day ($4 500/month), and a first class seaman will earn $2 400/month.
Diving support vessel (DSV)
In itself, the position of captain is already responsible, but on a vessel such as a Diving support vessel, the responsibility is increased, in principle, as for other positions on it. The captain receives $550 per day for his work on the DSV, the chief mate like the chief engineer, receives from 350 to 375 $/day and the second mate receives even 20–250 $/day.
The second engineer can earn on average from 250 to 300 $/day, and the third in the region of 200 dollars. A ship DSV electrician earns about $250 to $270, a motoman oiler makes $110 and a welder can earn between $110 and $150 daily. A cook on such ships receives an average of $108/day.
Multi Role Service\Support vessel (MRSV)
The chief mate on a MRSV type vessel earns an average of $342 per day, and the second mate earns $120 – $150/day. The chief engineer receives $322/day, but the second engineer already receives $210–300/day; the third engineer on the MRSV will receive $134 per day of work.
A ship electrician can earn an average of $300/day, a motorman oiler – $135 and a sailor – $85. The position of cook has a daily salary of $185.
Offshore Construction Vessel (OCV)
The Offshore Construction Vessel (OCV) is a multi-purpose offshore vessel where the captain receives a salary ranging from $375 to $425 per day. The daily rate for a chief mate ranges from $180 to $572, depending on the applicant firm, while for a boatswain the number would be $150. The second engineer here will earn $250–300/day, and the electromechanic will earn $75–100/day just like the sailor. A welder and motorman oiler will earn an average of $165 on an OCV vessel.
Pipelaying Vessel (PLV)
On offshore Pipelaying Vessel (PLV) salaries range from $65 to $900 per day depending on the position. So the captain receives $900 per day, his chief mate $463 and the second mate (like the ship’s electrician) $280/day.
A chief engineer will earn an average of $460 per day working on PLV, while the 2nd engineer will earn $250 and the 3rd engineer will earn $130/day.
The salary for a welder on this type of vessel will be on average 213 $/day, for a cook 70 – 85 dollars, and for a 1st class motorman oiler – 65 dollars.
Platform Supply Vessel (PSV)
The Platform Supply Vessel recruits workers for positions, providing very average salaries in the market. For a captain the salary will be about 428 – 500 $/day, for a chief mate it will be 180 – 280 dollars, and for a 2nd mate it will be 190 dollars per day, while a third mate can count on daily 120 $.
A chief engineer on PSV ships averages from $209 to $350/day, while in some companies this amount rises to $540 for a second engineer. The third engineers salary will be $110/day.
A ship electrician earns from 86 to 270 dollars per day on PSV, and in some companies up to 730 dollars… An ordinary sailor will receive 65 dollars per day, and 1st class sailor already 320. A cook will earn 100 dollars, a boatswain – 90, and a motorman oiler – 35 $/day.
Seismic vessel
On Seismic vessel, depending on the applicant companies, captains can earn daily from $330 to $693. The chief mate receives $320 to $340 per day, the second mate receives $230 and the third mate receives $145 to $185 per day.
In turn, the chief engineer on a seismic vessel receives from 209 to 693 dollars per day, and the second and third engineers are the same as the second and third mates. An electromechanic on a ship earns 190 – 290 $/day.
A welder, boatswain and cook on ships of this type receive 83 – 126 $/day, a sailor 53 – 82, and a 1st class sailor on average 115 dollars, while a motorman oiler receives 73 – 112 $/day.
Drilling Platform
On drilling platforms, the captain earns an average of $350/day, the chief mate $250/day, and the second mate $140/day.
A chief engineer at Drilling Platform earns up to $275/day, while a second engineer earns an average of $200.
An electromechanic receives a salary from 150 to 190 $/day, but a motorman oiler can receive 83–100 dollars per day of work for his work. At the same time, a welder earns around $140, a cook $80–90, and an ordinary sailor $70–100 per day.
Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO)
Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) is a complex technical facility for oil production and storage – here each position is paid in proportion to the difficulty of its duties. A captain on an FPSO
earns 16,5 thousand dollars per month, and his chief mate earns 12 800, while the second mate receives 8 000 per month.
A chief engineer earns an average monthly salary of $16 000, a second engineer earns $11 700, and a third engineer can earn up to $7 500/month. An electromechanic earns $310 per day for his work on FPSO vessels.
A sailor will immediately earn from 2 400 to 2 700, and a welder for his duties will earn 2 700 – 2 900 $/month. The boatswain receives 175 – 200 dollars a day on FPSO, the cook receives from 2 500 to 2 800, while the motorman oiler is on average 300 – 350 dollars less.
Jack Up Rig
For a jack-up rig captain, a salary of 300 – 700 dollars is provided. The chief mate receives an average of three hundred dollars per day of work, but the second mate will receive $125/day.
Some companies offer a salary for a chief engineer of 500 – 600 $/day, second engineer – 400 $. An electromechanic at Jack Up Rig will earn an average of $190 per day.
A boatswain on such ships can earn an average of $250/day, a welder – $140, but a cook will earn $120 for his daily duties. A motorman oiler and a sailor receive on average the same salary per day from 75 to 125 dollars.