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Crew Evaluation System test online for seamans about Deck department, Management level, Oil Tanker

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the CES test on the subject «Deck Management Oil Tanker». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

  • Version: 5.0, 5.1, 6.0.0.
  • Test type: STCW.
  • Department: Deck.
  • Level: Management.
  • Vessel type: Oil Tanker.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the area «Deck Management Oil Tanker». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

This area includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on oil tanker. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel. Officer duties on an oil tanker include overseeing navigation operations, managing cargo operations, ensuring the maintenance of deck equipment, promoting safety protocols for the crew and vessel, and coordinating deck operations. They are responsible for safe navigation, adherence to oil handling regulations, maintenance and inspection of deck machinery, ensuring crew safety, and efficient functioning of the deck team.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Deck Management Oil Tanker» contains 154 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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Code: BFTH According to SOLAS, the mechanical ventilation system of the cargo pump room shall be capable of making:
At least 20 air changes per hour.
At least 12 air changes per hour.
At least 6 air changes per hour.
At least 2 air changes per hour.
Next question
Code: FXUB According to ISGOTT, flue gas that is produced by the burning of a fuel oil that has a high sulphur content will typically contain which of the following amounts of sulphur dioxide?
2 000 ppm.
4 000 ppm.
850 ppm.
200 ppm.
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If the wind speed on a vessel doubles, by approximately how much will the force from it rise?
The force will be Quadrupled.
The force will be Doubled.
The force will be Tripled.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: DLFF Who is responsible for maintaining the vessel’s structural strength?
The master.
The Flag State Administration.
The Shipyard.
The Shipping Company and Classification Society.
Next question
Code: LJEQ The recommended guideline for avoiding the risk of electrostatic potential in a mist produced by using oil and water during Crude Oil Washing operations is that:
Before washing begins, any tank that is to be used as a source of oil for Crude Oil Washing should be partly discharged to remove any water that has settled out during the voyage. The discharge of a layer of at least 1 metres necessary for this purpose.
If a slop tank is to be used to supply oil to drive a Crude Oil Washing operation in a cargo tank, then that slop tank must not have contained slops with a water content of more than 2 %.
As washing begins, any water observed in the stream should be diverted to a slop tank, before Crude Oil Washing of any cargo compartment is commenced.
Crude Oil Washing, where the oil source is stored in a slop tank or other tank that has previously contained slops, should be avoided.
Next question
Code: RJHC Which VHF channel should be used for intership navigation safety communications?
Ch. 13.
Ch. 12.
Ch. 16.
Ch. 06.
Next question
The calibration of the ODME is carried with the use of:
Fresh water.
Salt water.
Bilge water.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: YNUO In US waters “Oil Pollution Act of 1990” was activated in August 1993. What is the main issue for the introduction of the act?
To prevent oil spills in US waters.
To enforce owners to use equipment of higher standards that those of today.
To encourage owners to build double hull vessels for trading US waters.
To improve safety measures onboard.
Next question
Code: EAUS If all indications are that a cargo has been received without damages, irregularities or short shipment and the phrase “apparent good order and condition” is entered on the Bill of Lading, then this Bill is this said to be:
A clean Bill of Lading.
A Bill of Lading completed for shipment.
An endorsed Bill of Lading.
A Due Title Bill of Lading.
Next question
Code: LVYC Which of the following requirements to ships stability for normal operation corresponds to present regulations? (NSCL 4/12.2).
The ship is loaded in such a manner that adequate stability is achieved in all loading condition.
Unless otherwise stated in the approved stability calculation, the total weight of the deck cargo shall not exceed 50 metric tons.
In waters with the danger of icing, loading of deck cargo must be approved by competent authority.
Centre of gravity shall be calculated with an accuracy better than 5 %.
Next question
As a result of being in collision with your vessel, the other vessel involved is on fire. What are your responsibilities?
The other vessel is in distress and if possible I will render assistance.
This is not my problem.
Depends on in which seawaters we are.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: UGTD MARPOL – Annex V. Disposal of garbage. Your vessel is in the Red Sea (Special Area) and the Chief Cook is requesting to have some food waste burned in the incinerator. Due to problems with incinerator, you decide to have the waste ground in the Grinder (Lump size max. 25 mm) and disposed off into the sea. Is this prohibited, if not, how far from nearest land is this legal?
12 miles.
25 miles.
3 miles.
This is prohibited.
Next question
Code: HWCB What is the probable cause of an error in the position shown on a GPS receiver set into “2D” fixing?
Incorrect height of the antenna set into the receiver.
A three dimensional instead of a two dimensional position output.
Abnormal sun spot activity causing unusual radiation effect.
All of the suggested answers.
Next question
Code: LUMK For a ship operating or calling in US waters, COTP can request (OPA-90):
Unannounced drills at any time.
Participation in all announced drills.
Maximum two drills a year.
Maximum one drill a year.
Next question
Code: KVRB An oil tanker with a defective Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment may be allowed by a Port State Authority to trade for:
One ballast voyage before proceeding to a repair port.
The vessel will be detained until ODME is rectified.
Two ballast voyage before proceeding to a repair port.
The vessel must proceed to repair port.
Next question
The ODME printouts for tank cleaning operations must be retained on board for a minimum period:
Of 3 years.
Of 2 years.
Of 1 year.
Next question
Code: GXAX On board an oil tanker, slop tanks may be used for the carriage of oil:
When not being used for the carriage of slops and are included in the total cargo capacity of the vessel.
Slop tanks may only be used for the carriage of oil on clean ballast tankers and are only included in the total cargo capacity of this type of vessel.
Slop tanks may only be used for the carriage of oil cargo by agreement between the shipper, receiver and charterer. They are not normally included in the total cargo capacity of the vessel.
Slop tanks may not be used for the carriage of oil cargo under any circumstances and are not included in the total cargo capacity of the vessel.
Next question
Code: FLCN On an oil tanker, are there any restrictions as to the maximum amount of treated water that originates from cargo spaces that has passed through a bilge water separator that can be discharged?
Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/30 000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/10 000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
Maximum is 60 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/30 000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
There isn’t any restrictions of pumping sludge from ships outside special areas.
Next question
What statutory certificate is carried onboard to indicate that a tanker is in compliance with Annex 1 of the MARPOL convention?
The International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate.
Safe Manning Certificate.
The AB’s certificate.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: FNIY A vessel is equipped for all sea areas. In the middle of the Indian Ocean the EGC-receiver appears out of order. Is it still possible to receive MSI-messages?
Yes, with the MF/HF-radio telex.
Yes, with the MF/HF-DSC.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: KQDQ The prescribed periodic tests of the radio set must be entered in:
Radio Log.
Equipment manual.
Ship’s deck log.
Manual maritime radio communication.
Next question
Code: PBQI The ID of an Inmarsat M station on board starts with:
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: PPYD Inmarsat Telex Service code “31” can be used:
To ask for maritime inquiries.
When the coast-station is disfunctional.
When technical problems are experienced with the Inmarsat terminal.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: PPYD Inmarsat Telex Service code “31” can be used:
To ask for maritime inquiries.
When the coast-station is disfunctional.
When technical problems are experienced with the Inmarsat terminal.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: NTJA The display of the DSC-controller on board is showing the following lines: TX call: Selectiveto: 02114200; Category: RoutineUSB:telephony; DSC Tx 2 189,5 kHz save>send<.
Next question
Code: OCSO The MF/HF-transceiver on board is tuned to the assigned frequency of a station. To make this connection the following mode is used:
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: IUWK If one requires medical advice by means of an Inmarsat-C terminal one should use the following address:
MED +.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: TDVP At present the MF/HF transmitter often has an automatic aerial turning unit. Should this fail:
It’s always possible to put the turning unit in a fixed position, so the MF distress frequencies can still be used.
No distress frequencies can be used at all.
The transmitter will automatically keep operating on the MF and HF frequencies.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: BANY The emergency battery of a GMDSS portophone:
Must be replaced before the expiry date is exceeded.
Must be tested once a week.
Cannot be replaced.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: XFOI At the entrance to the space where batteries are stored on board the following notice must be fitted:
No entry with naked light and/or flame.
Crew only.
Keep access free.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: KSGK Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain medical advice?
Next question
Code: MMGB Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain maritime assistance?
Next question
Code: JVIQ Which of the following information shall be specified by the muster list?
Action to be taken by crew and passengers.
The abandon ship signal consisting of two long blasts.
The muster list has been prepared and approved by the administration before the ship proceeds to sea.
The specific duties assigned to passengers that are in charge of a group of others.
Next question
Code: AMYI The mandatory color of a hand flare is:
Next question
Code: HQGU Buoyant smoke signals shall be so designed as to burn or emit smoke:
Continuously after having been immersed for a period of 10 seconds under 100 mm of water when underwater.
Continuously after having been immersed for a period of 1 minute under 1 m of water.
Only when not in the water.
When underwater.
Next question
Code: UKUM What is most important for crew members when preparing for emergencies?
That people are well trained.
That people know where to muster.
That people listen to orders given.
That people know where to find designated equipment.
Next question
Code: RXOA On board passenger ships an abandon ship drill must be performed:
Every week.
Every two weeks.
Every month.
Every three months.
Next question
If a DSC distress alert is received on board your ship, what is the first action that should be taken?
Listen for a distress message on the appropriate radio frequency for five minutes.
Make note in journal.
Nothing, it doesn’t matter.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: TAIP What is the period of validity of the Safety Management Certificate?
5 years.
2 years.
1 year.
6 months.
Next question
Code: YOWU Under ISM, what is a “non-conformity”?
An observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a specified requirement.
The wearing of non-standard Personal protective equipment.
Official log book entries not being completed correctly.
A safety officer not being nominated for the vessel.
Next question
Code: ENLD A ship in distress should transmit the appropriate alarm signal followed by the distress call and message on one or all of the international distress frequencies. Which of frequencies is in accordance with the present recommendations?
500 kHz, 2 182 kHz and 156,8 MHz.
550 kHz, 2 182 kHz and 121,5 MHz.
550 kHz, 2 367 kHz and 121,5 MHz.
500 kHz, 2 367 kHz and 243 MHz.
Next question
Code: EJCH How often should the lifeboat wire falls be turned and renewed?
Turned at intervals of not more than 30 months and renewed every 5 years.
Renewed every three years.
Turned every 2 years and renewed every 4 years.
Turned every 30 months and needs only to be renewed if the wire is in poor condition.
Next question
Code: IIPJ Referring to the SOLAS convention, how often should a crew member on a cargo ship participate in one abandon ship drill and one fire drill?
Every second week.
This is only required when he joins the ship.
Next question
Code: BWWO During test and/or maintenance work of the CO2 system affecting the release system, precautions to ensure that the gas is not released into the engine room due to a mistake are to be ensured. What precautions should be taken?
The main supply line to be blanked off prior to the work.
Arrange a watchman in the CO2 central.
No special precautions necessary.
Check the main valve for a potential leakage.
Next question
Code: KWKK Which of these conventions is The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code a part of?
The Anti Terrorist International Agreement.
Next question
Code: AWDL Oil tankers of 70 000 tons and above, delivered after 31 December 1979 shall be:
Provided with at least 2 slop tanks.
Provided with slop tank.
Provided with sufficient number of slop tanks.
No requirement regarding number of slop tanks.
Next question
Code: WUOY The purpose of expansion couplings to be fitted on the longitudinal pipelines of oil tankers is:
To allow the pipelines to follow the ships flexing movement when pitching.
To allow the pipeline to contract when the cargo passing through it is cold.
To allow the pipeline to expand when loading a hot cargo through the pipeline.
To prevent the pipeline from cracking when the ship suffers from Racking stresses.
Next question
Code: FSOS What immediate action should be taken if a ship unexpectedly runs aground and stops?
Stop engine(s).
Stop engines and tell the engine room to switch over to high suctions.
Stop engines and immediately request “Full Astern”.
Sound the General Alarm and plot the ships position.
Next question
Code: JWPF You are on a sailing vessel, underway in open water. This vessel is sighted on the starboard bow, on a steady bearing and the distance is closing. By the International Regulations for the Preventing Collisions at Sea, what action will you follow?
By Rule 18, a power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of a sailing vessel. I will maintain my course and speed, but will continue to monitor situation to ensure the other vessel takes avoiding action.
This vessel is clearly a power-driven vessel and I anticipate that the bearing will therefore close and she will pass ahead at a safe distance.
Risk of collision is deemed to exist and, as the other vessel is on a steady bearing on my starboard side, I am required to keep out of the way. I will make a broad alteration of course to starboard.
Risk of collision is deemed to exist and, as the other vessel is on a steady bearing on my starboard side, I will maintain my course and speed.
Next question
Code: CAHU Your vessel is in an area of restricted visibility. You hear this sound signal. What does it mean?
That there is a vessel in distress nearby.
That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity.
That there is a vessel aground in the vicinity.
That there is a vessel engaged in underwater operations in the vicinity. She has divers down.
Next question
Code: BXKL What are the three volumes of the IAMSAR Manual?
I – Organization and Management; II – Mission Co-ordination; III – Mobile Facilities.
I – Planning and Preparation; II – Rescue Control; III – Reference.
A – Command and Control; B – Communications; C – Rescue Procedures.
I – Organization; II – Communications; III – Rescue Procedures.
Next question
Code: HKEH How many square metres does the IAMSAR Volume 3 manual suggest may be calmed by releasing 200 litres of lubricating oil slowly through a rubber hose with the outlet maintained just above the surface while the ship proceeds at slow speed?
Approx 5 000 square metres.
Approx 500 square metres.
Approx 50 square metres.
Approx 50 000 square metres.
Next question
Code: HLFP As per the IMDG Code, an “article” is referred to as:
A device that contains a dangerous substance or mixture of substances.
A form that contains important information about a hazardous substance.
Something that is packed within a freight container.
A device that is responsible for initial dangerous reaction.
Next question
Code: EHJG DG placards shall be located on a freight container:
One on each end and one on each side.
One on each side (only).
One of the back end and one on one of the sides (only).
One on each end (only).
Next question
Code: INRU The compensation payment by the charterer that is due when a vessel is unable to load/discharge her cargo within the allowed and contracted time is referred to as:
Contractual penalty discount.
Next question
Code: RCAM Where would you find the document relating to the “Condition of Freeboard Assignment” onboard?
With the Loadline Certificate.
With the Structural Survey File.
With the Classification Records.
With the Safety Construction Certificate.
Next question
Code: KREQ If for some reason a vessel does not comply with a Classification Society’s requirements, what can a surveyor issue to the vessel enabling it to sail to the next port or for a period of time?
A Condition of Class.
A Notification of Deficiency.
A revised Class Notation.
A notification of Detention.
Next question
Code: KLOA Master of every ship must provide:
A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore.
The training during crews working hours only.
Proper rest to the crew after each training programme.
Facilities to conduct training whenever required by the training officer.
Next question
Code: GPAU Why is it important to have good relationship on-board a vessel?
It leads to better work performance and positive atmosphere among the crew.
Crew comes to know each others problems.
It encourages crew to extend their contract.
It will prevent accidents from happening.
Next question
Code: QIXQ What is the purpose of girders in the tank?
They support the stiffeners and also take up some of the sea forces.
They transfer all the cargo forces acting on the plating.
They transfer all sea forces acting on the plating.
They support the stiffeners.
Next question
Code: WRDA When describing the characteristics of oil cargoes or oil/water slops, a “mercaptan” is:
A colourless, odorous gas, with a smell similar to rotting cabbage and which is generated naturally by the degredation of natural organisms, as may be found where water has remained under oil for a long time.
The component of hydrocarbon-based cargoes which is formed from Merolion Carbonized Tannin.
A chemical additive blended with crude oil to inhibit the natural “rotten egg” smell associated with certain grades.
A device fitted to a cargo pump which automatically alerts the operator once traces of water start to be detected during discharge.
Next question
Code: JQQA When in-service testing a hose used for cargo transfer on an oil tanker (and for which the elongation of the hose assembly when new was greater than 2,5 %), the maximum permitted elongation before the hose must be withdrawn from service should be:
Not more than 1,5 times the temporary elongation measured when the hose assembly was new, as documented in the manufacturer’s certificate.
Not more than 1,25 times the temporary elongation measured when the hose assembly was last tested, as documented in the appropriate certificate.
Not more than 1,5 times the temporary elongation measured when the hose assembly was last tested, as documented in the appropriate certificate.
Not more than 1,5 times the temporary elongation measured at the previous in-service test, as documented in the ship’s annual test record.
Next question
Code: BTVJ The DoS addresses the responsibility for the security of the water around the ship and the verification of increased threat levels.
Next question
Code: TBXU A Cargo Ship Equipment Certificate will be issued for:
5 years with control every 12 months.
4 years.
2 years with control every 6 months.
3 years.
Next question
Code: FAUG A large tanker is proceeding slowly up a narrow channel, using its own engines and assisted by the use of one tug. Where should the tug be connected to assist the ship in maintaining its course in the centre of the channel?
Made fast on a line through the centre lead astern.
Pushing alongside.
Standing-by – Ready for use anywhere, as required.
Made fast on a line through the centre lead ahead.
Next question
Code: IAKL A vessel berths at two different jetties under the influence of a 1 knot beam current. At the first jetty the ship has an underkeel clearance of 5 times the draught and at the second the underkeel clearance is only 0,5 times the draught. If the current exerted a force of 50 tonnes on the ship at the first jetty, what would be the approximate force exerted at the second if the draught is the same?
150 tonnes.
25 tonnes.
75 tonnes.
Unchanged, remains at 50 tonnes.
Next question
Code: WYXW What can be used to reduce the effect of the state of sea-waves?
Fuel Oil.
Vegetable/Fish Oil.
Crude Oil.
Next question
Code: RBCW When handing over the con of a vessel to a pilot, should the Master insist in discussing the passage plan with the pilot while he is there to use his local knowledge and advice on the navigation of the ship?
The passage is well established and known by the pilot, and a plan is therefore not necessary.
A passage plan should be discussed between the Master and pilot, when under pilotage in the same way as discussed with the bridge team when deep sea.
The pilot would probably consider it unnecessary, be more interested in knowing the ship’s characteristics and resist any passage planning discussions with the Master.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: POVX When loading oil in oil tankers, why are you only allowed to load maximum 98 % of the tank capacity?
Due to temperature expansion.
Danger of overloading.
It is company policy.
Danger to vessel stability and strength.
Next question
Code: AWRG Who is responsible for maintaining the vessel’s structural strength?
The Flag State Administration.
The Master.
The Shipping Company and the Classification Society.
The Shipyard.
Next question
Code: HNVI The portable walkie talkies required to be carried by GMDSS regulations should have which channels as a minimum?
Channel 16 only.
Channels 6, 13 & 16.
Channels 13 & 16.
Channels 6 & 16.
Next question
Code: RJHC Which VHF channel should be used for intership navigation safety communications?
Ch. 12.
Ch. 13.
Ch. 06.
Ch. 16.
Next question
Code: NQKI A conventional tanker has most of its tanks slack during the discharging of oil cargo, it is not of any great consequence; however, if an OBO has most of its holds slack during discharging (or loading) of oil cargo this will:
Have not much effect on stability as these vessels are designed for such conditions?
Likely cause a sudden or violent list due to the very large free surface in the broad beamed holds?
Cause the vessel to develop a slow rolling motion?
Cause extreme strain to the hull on the listed side if a list develops?
Next question
Code: TCUD At what calendar interval must lifting appliances on board a vessel be suitably tested by a competent person?
2 years.
5 years.
2 1/2 years.
Next question
Code: OLHT At least, how often shall life boats be launched with their assigned operating crew aboard and manoeuvred in the water according to SOLAS?
Every week.
Every 3 months.
Every month.
Every 2 weeks.
Next question
Code: EVNT What is the correct setting of the “Anti sea clutter” control on the radar?
All of the suggested answers.
A few sea returns remaining on the screen.
No sea returns left on the screen which may confuse with small target echoes near the ship.
A removal of all the sea returns down to about a mile from own ship.
Next question
Code: PODI Notification logging procedures (OPA-90):
Only communication with USCG.
Every report or message must be logged including time and date.
Only verbal reports for documentation.
Only initial reports to be logged.
Next question
Code: GRWD When a Master takes the leadership in approaching a problem, Must his first action be a decision that will directly solve the problem?
Yes, take full control. Do not delegate to other officers, to avoid mistake.
Not necessary, he shall use all available resources. He should resist the temptation to step in and do it all by himself.
No, he should observ the situation, and let the other senior officers solve the situation.
Yes, with his experience it is most likely that he has the best solution.
Next question
Code: XPNC For how long is the health certificate valid for a seafarer in foreign trade?
2 years.
1 year.
3 months.
No time limit.
Next question
Code: VYLW The prescribed test of EPIRB, SART and portable VHF radio set must be entered in:
Maintenance manual.
Ship’s radio log.
Radio equipment manual.
Equipment survey.
Next question
Code: GNHN The time indication 121310z means in maritime radio communication:
12th month, 13th day, 10:00 hours UTC.
12th day, 13:10 hours UTC.
12th day, 13:10 hours local time.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: FQVB By the term “Stand by” the operator of a coast-station means that one should:
Switch back to the calling channel.
Wait until the coast-station calls again.
Give the position of the ship.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: LWXH A message is send by the Inmarset C-set. The land earth station will:
Automatically send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender.
Only send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender if the sender requested, so in the send menu.
Never send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender. The addressed will have to confirm the message through the ground-station and request for further information, if desired.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: SMBG Via Inmarsat-C a message is sent to an Inmarsat-C mailbox with a positive delivery notification (PDN). The ground station will:
Send a PDN, as soon as the message is collected from the mailbox.
Send a PDN, if the message has arrived in the mailbox.
Send no PDN’s with messages intended for the mailbox.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: TVHI Regular “updating” of a ships position in an Inmarsat-C installation is necessary:
To enter the correct data to the disk antenna.
To have the correct position in case of accidents.
To keep to the correct Inmarsat-region.
To inform the satellite of ships position.
Next question
Code: DFLS A DSC distress alert is received. The message states that communication by radiotelex is preferred. One preferably uses:
ARQ mode.
SELFEC mode.
FEC mode.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: RQDE Wire antenna of 12 metres long is probably:
A VHS-antenna.
An Inmarsat-antenna.
A MF/HF-antenna.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: MGCN The position that is determined by built in GPS-receiver in an Inmarsat-EPIRB has an accuracy of about:
1 200 metres.
2 200 metres.
200 metres.
4 200 metres.
Next question
Code: CONY A satellite receives the transmissions of the 406 MHz Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB. The transmissions of the EPIRB will be:
Exclusively passed on to a LUT only between 70° N and 70° S.
Exclusively passed on to a LUT if the satellite sees both the EPIRB and the LUT.
Always passed on to a LUT.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: MIJF The battery of a SART:
Must be re-charged weekly.
Replaced monthly.
Must be replaced before the expiry date is exceeded.
Charged condition must be checked weekly.
Next question
Code: OWQM While navigating using a paper chart marked WGS84 the OOW plots the ships position by four different methods and they all give slightly different positions. Which of the following would be considered the most accurate.
GPS set on WGS84 datum.
Bearing and distance from a navigation buoy close to the vessel.
Radar ranges from two radar destinctive headlands.
Gyro compass bearings from two lighthouses.
Next question
Code: DRVC On area A3 the function “Reception of shore to ship distress alerts” is mainly based on:
The use of MF DSC and Inmarsat-C SAFETYNET.
The use of VHF DSC and NAVTEX.
The use of HF DSC and Inmarsat-C SAFETYNET.
Next question
Code: NBSF On area A4 the function “Transmission and reception of on scene communications” is mainly based on:
The use of HF DSC and/or Inmarsat-C.
The use of HF DSC.
The use of MF and/or VHF R/T.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: ULWC Which word will precede a routine message?
No specific word will precede a routine message.
Next question
Code: KWPJ When should a crew member joining a ship for the first time be given some training and instructions in the use of the ship’s fire-fighting appliances?
As soon as possible but not later than 2 days after he joins the ship.
As soon as possible but not later than 24 hours after he joins the ship.
As soon as possible but not later than 2 weeks after he joins the ship.
As soon as possible.
Next question
Code: PBTW The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be spaced apart by a distance of:
300 mm.
200 mm.
Equally spaced and not less than 300 mm or more than 380 mm.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: BFBF Give the meaning of the following symbol:

Symbol - rocket parachute flare

Line throwing appliance.
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signal.
Rocket parachute flares.
Next question
Code: OYAM If your chemical tanker is equipped with high velocity venting valves, at what minimum height above the weather deck or catwalk should they be installed?
6 metres.
4,5 metres.
3 metres.
2,5 metres.
Next question
Code: UNCQ What do you understand by the term “Risk Assessment”, and how would this be carried out on board?
States than when work has a degree of risk that the work is not carried out.
Requires a great deal of preparation and involves recording everything on paper.
Identify the hazards, quantify the risks, put control measures in place, monitor the work activity and review.
Identify the hazards and specify the personal protective equipment that would be required to complete the work.
Next question
Code: NRCW Which personnel must undergo familiarization training on board?
Only the ratings.
Only catering staff.
Only the deck officers.
Next question
Code: LNIJ Which one of the listed requirements regarding service and maintenance of life-saving appliances correspond to present regulations?
Spares and repair requirement shall be provided for components subject to excessive wear and consumption.
Maintenance and repair shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations.
Instructions for onboard maintenance of life-saving appliances in accordance with the regulations shall be provided.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: CBAH During helicopter evacuation of an injured man, what course should the ship steer?
Directly into the wind.
With the wind fine on the bow opposite to the helicopter operating area.
As instructed by the helicopter pilot.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: BNEO What is the minimum number of channels required for the portable two-way VHF’s for survival craft?
Channel 16 only.
Channels 16 & 12.
Channels 6, 13 & 16.
Channels 6, 12 & 16.
Next question
Code: BFDT You are witness to a collision between two other ships close to your vessel. What immediate action should you take?
Send out a distress message on their behalf.
Contact one or both vessels involved in the incident and offer assistance.
Nothing, just standby and wait to see if any assistance is required.
Inform the local coast radio station of the incident and submit your name as a witness.
Next question
Code: OAEQ Part way through a profiling interview with a supplier, the package the individual is carrying arouses your suspicion. What do you do?
Confront the individual and demand that he open the package.
Call for help on the radio.
Discreetly inform someone of your suspicions so he or she can get assistance.
Take the package and open it.
Next question
Code: RJUQ If drugs are discovered onboard your ship:
Write a report a few days after the event and describe everything that occurred.
Disembark crew and passengers as quickly as possible at the next port of call so the authorities can conduct their investigation.
Ensure the witness to the discovery signs your incident report.
Notify the authorities after you arrive at the next port of call.
Next question
Code: ENHB A tanker in ballast, having recently left the discharge port is involved in a collision. The two vessels are still interlocked after the collision and a survey of the ships gives all crew members are safe and the damage is focussed to the vicinity of the impact. What should be the greatest concern at this time?
When the two vessels separate, one (or both) of the vessels will have insufficient stability to remain afloat.
The possibility of pollution.
The ships moving together in the swell/seaway will cause a spark and consequently an explosion.
The vessels moving together will create even greater damage to their structures.
Next question
Code: KLRW What action should be taken by the Officer of the Watch in the event of fire being reported to the bridge during the 00:00 to 04:00 watch?
Send the bridge look-out down to investigate.
Stop engines and inform the engine room.
Sound the Fire Alarm.
Call the Master.
Next question
Code: KXDO “Passivation” is a restorative process periodically applied to stainless steel tanks on a chemical tanker. What effect does this process have on the steel surface?
It restricts active corrosion on the surface steel.
It restores the surface steel to an even and smooth finish, thereby encouraging drainage during discharge.
It restores and reforms the passive Chromium Hydroxide surface layer.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: LTAN What is the minimum permissible distance measured horizontally between the ship’s shell plating and the outer side bulkhead of the first cargo compartment on a type II chemical tanker?
Not less than moulded breadth / 5.
Not less than 1 250 mm.
Not less than 760 mm.
Not less than moulded breadth / 15.
Next question
Code: IUFP You are to load a number of chemical cargoes in Rotterdam in December, for eventual discharge in Australia, after the ship has called at Singapore and Malaysia. None of the cargoes on board at any stage of the voyage require heating. None of the tanks to be discharged in Singapore and Malysia will require hot washing after discharge. What will need to be considered when determining the filling limits of the tanks containing the Australian cargoes?
The potential damage to tank coating in the upper areas of any tanks which are not fully loaded due to the duration of exposure to cargo vapour.
The accuracy of the tank level monitoring systems in potentially sub-zero conditions.
The anticipated cargo loss due to the projected evaporation rates as the vessel passes through the tropics.
The maximum anticipated temperature that the cargoes will reach bearing in mind ambient air and sea temperatures to be encountered on passage, so that any expansion does not result in overflow.
Next question
Code: NOWX … a ship … intended to transport products with appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards which require significant preventative measures to preclude escape of such cargo. Usually the ship is of double-hull construction, with a variety of tank sizes/capacities. What is this the definition of?
A type I chemical tanker as per the IBC Code.
A chemical tanker for the purposes of the 1996 IMO directive MEPC/2.12 circ. on “Mandatory Reporting Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous or Polluting Goods”.
I don’t know.
A type II chemical tanker, as per the IBC Code.
Next question
Code: FEQX Which of the following groups of chemical cargoes is particularly susceptible to polymerisation, especially through exposure to heat?
Aliphatic Amines.
Next question
Code: PAUK The IBC Code prescribes certain design conditions for a cargo heating or cooling system fitted to a chemical tanker. What does it require in respect of pressure within such a system, for any condition other than when it is empty?
That an automatic alarm is fitted to alert the operator when the pressure within the system drops to within 0,2 bar of the pressure measured at the lowest located cargo pressure sensor within the tank.
That the system must be fitted with automatic control valves that will maintain the inlet pressure at not less than 0,2 bar above the return pressure.
I don’t know.
That a higher pressure can be maintained within the system than the maximum pressure head that could be exerted by the contents of the cargo tank on that system.
Next question
Code: AKGL What is the MARPOL definition of a “high-viscosity substance”?
A noxious liquid substance in category “Y” with a viscosity equal to or greater than 100 mPa·s at 37,8 °C.
A noxious liquid substance of any category with a pour point of greater than 37,8 °C.
I don’t know.
A noxious liquid substance in category “X” or “Y” with a viscosity equal to or greater than 50 mPa·s at the unloading temperature.
Next question
Code: FUBY Cargo residues of certain chemical substances are permitted to be removed by ventilation. What criteria is applied in determining if a cargo can be cleaned in this way? (Always accepting that local port authorities may have over-riding regulations on ventilation).
That the cargo discharged has a vapour expansion coefficient of at least 1,025.
That the vessel’s ventilation system is capable of delivering a minimum of 20 changes of atmosphere per hour within the compartment.
I don’t know.
That the cargo discharged has a vapour pressure greater than 5 KPa at 20 °C.
Next question
Code: YLFA Chemical tankers of 20 000 tonnes DWT or above, with a keel laid on or after 1st July 1986, when carrying flammable products with a flashpoint not exceeding 60 °C, such as those listed in chapters 17 and 18 of the International Bulk Chemical Code, are exempt from the requirement to be fitted with and use an inert gas plant provided certain conditions are met. Which of the following is a summary of those conditions?
The cargo tank does not exceed 1 250 cubic metres capacity/each tank washing machine nozzle does not exceed 12,5 cubic metres per hour delivery rate/the total wash water input to the tank from all tank washing machines does not exceed 90 cubic metres per hour.
The cargo tank is greater than 3 000 cubic metres capacity/each tank washing machine nozzle is capable of delivering a minimum of 17,5 cubic metres per hour/the total wash water input to the tank from all tank washing machines must be at least 110 cubic metres per hour.
I don’t know.
The cargo tank does not exceed 3 000 cubic metres capacity/each tank washing machine nozzle does not exceed 17,5 cubic metres per hour delivery rate/the total wash water input to the tank from all tank washing machines does not exceed 110 cubic metres per hour.
Next question
Code: YGTM The “dew point” of a liquid chemical is often quoted in the documentation relating to its loading and carriage. Which of the following is a definition of “dew point”?
The temperature at which dry-ice melts in Acetone.
The temperature at which a saturated gas exhibits condensation.
I don’t know.
The temperature at which a gas is saturated with respect to a condensable component, as in operational terms is seen at the point when air is saturated with moisture.
Next question
Code: BVOA You are to carry a cargo of Phenol across the North Atlantic in winter time. What precaution will you take with the double bottom tank located under the cargo tank containing the Phenol?
It is not necessary to take any additional precautions with the double bottom tank because it is part of an entirely separate pumping system.
It should be continuously vented to avoid the build up of condensation on the structure around the product.
I don’t know.
It should be empty, to avoid cold water contacted the structure around the product because Phenol has a relatively high melting point.
Next question
Code: PNJC A tank which contained a category “X” product must undergo a prewash before leaving port in compliance with MARPOL. The resulting residues shall be discharged to a reception facility until the concentration of the substance in the effluent, as indicated by analysis of samples of the effluent taken by the authorized surveyor reaches a certain level. What is that level?
0,1 % by volume.
0,2 % by weight.
0,3 % by volume.
0,1 % by weight.
Next question
Code: AKNP What significant change to the requirements for the carriage of Vegetable Oils in tankers was introduced by the amendments to MARPOL and the IBC Code on 1st January 2007?
They must now be carried in type II tanks.
None of above.
I don’t know.
They must now be carried in double-hull tankers.
Next question
Code: CAGI In a typical shipboard de-humidifier plant as may be found on a modern chemical tanker, operating on a “rotating bed” principle, what names are given to the two parts of the rotating bed?
The “live sector” and the “reserve sector”.
The “active sector” and the “dormant sector”.
The “inbound sector” and “outbound sector”.
The “process sector” and the “reactivation sector”.
Next question
Code: DCDJ Ballast introduced into a cargo tank on a chemical tanker which has been washed to such an extent that the ballast contains less than 1 ppm of the substance previously carried may be discharged into the sea without regard to the discharge rate, ship’s speed and discharge outlet location, but under certain conditions. What are those conditions?
That the vessel is not less than 50 miles from the nearest land and is proceeding on route.
Provided the ship is underway and a sample of the ballast water has been drawn from the tank and is stored on board, there are no additional conditions to be imposed on such a discharge.
I don’t know.
That the vessel is not less than 12 miles from the nearest land and is in water that is not less than 25 metres deep.
Next question
Code: AVUA You are close to the entrance to a port in thick fog. You hear the following signal. What does it mean?
That the port is closed.
That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres length.
I don’t know.
That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is less than 100 metres in length.
Next question
Code: PHEK What type of search pattern is recommended in the IAMSAR Manual as most effective when the location of the search object is known within relatively close limits?
Track Line Search.
Sector Search.
Parallel Sweep Search.
Expanding Square Search.
Next question
Code: WGKM According to the IAMSAR Manual, what is the expected survival time for a person in water of 4-10 °C, without special protective clothing?
Less than 12 hours.
Less than 1 hour.
Less than 6 hours.
Less than 3 hours.
Next question
Code: GAUP Which of the following is a definition of the “Proper Shipping Name”, as found in the IMDG Code?
The correct chemical name of a potentially hazardous material, as identified from the Chemical Cargo List.
The name under which a dangerous material, substance or article is described for export purposes in the country of loading.
I don’t know.
The name to be used in any documentation relating to the transportation of the dangerous substance, material or article, such as on forms, labels and placards.
Next question
Code: BKWH Substances, materials and articles shall be stowed as indicated in the Dangerous Goods List of the IMDG Code, in accordance with a series of stowage categories. How are those categories designated?
10 categories, numbered 1-10.
Three categories, numbered I, II, III.
10 categories, lattered A-K (excluding I).
5 categories, labelled A-E.
Next question
Code: EHVR What type of Bill of Lading covers “door to door” shipment?
A Destination Bill of Lading.
A Multi-Phase Bill of Lading.
An Ocean Bill of Lading.
A Through Bill of Lading.
Next question
Code: LUHR Which Convention first placed on the shipowner an obligation to exercise due diligence to make a ship seaworthy, requiring him “before and at the beginning of a voyage… to….make the ship seaworthy … and … make the holds … and all other parts of the vessel in which goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation”?
The Antwerp Convention.
The Paris Memorandum.
The Nassau Protocol.
The Hague-Visby Rules.
Next question
Code: QKBV By what formula is the displacement calculated? W = Displacement; L = length; B = Breadth; D = depth of vessel; Cb = Block Coefficient; Cw = Coefficient of waterplane; RD = relative density.
W = L · B · d · RD/Cb.
W = L · B · d · Cb.
I don’t know.
W = L · B · d · RD.
Next question
Code: FEUW Onboard training should be organised in such a way that:
Each crew member is trained individually.
It does not contravene with the rest hours of the crew.
None of the above.
It is an integral part of the overall training plan.
Next question
Code: KLOA Master of every ship must provide:
The training during crews working hours only.
Proper rest to the crew after each training programme.
Facilities to conduct training whenever required by the training officer.
A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore.
Next question
Code: HCBI IMO MSC.1/Circ 1321 requires that cargo pump rooms on oil tankers shall be mechanically ventilated, using non-sparking suction type fans. What is the minimum number of changes of air per hour that a ventilation system must deliver?
At least 15 per hour.
At least 10 per hour.
At least 30 per hour.
At least 20 per hour.
Next question
Code: IAKL A vessel berths at two different jetties under the influence of a 1 knot beam current. At the first jetty the ship has an underkeel clearance of 5 times the draught and at the second the underkeel clearance is only 0,5 times the draught. If the current exerted a force of 50 tonnes on the ship at the first jetty, what would be the approximate force exerted at the second if the draught is the same?
75 tonnes.
25 tonnes.
Unchanged, remains at 50 tonnes.
150 tonnes.
Next question
Code: FXDX What would be the correct understanding of the term “a ship is directionally unstable”?
When the rudder is kept amidships, the ship will continue on a straight course.
The ship has negative transverse stability (GM) when proceeding on some specific courses.
The ship will only require small amounts of helm to maintain its course when steaming in a heavy seaway.
The ship requires continual application of the rudder to maintain a steady course.
Next question
Code: QBHO What is the disadvantage of using chemicals on an oil-spill on the water?
It is difficult to apply the chemicals if the oil drifts away from the ship’s side.
It is difficult to apply chemicals if there is any wind.
The water gets a white colour, which makes it easy to detect the oil-spill.
The chemicals make it difficult to remove the oil from the water.
Next question
Code: IPLJ An Oil tanker experiences large bending moments and therefore the deck scantlings must be maintained within “x” length amidships, where “x” is:
0,4 Length.
0,6 Length.
Half Length.
Quarter of the Length.
Next question
Code: ENIY MARPOL – Annex IV. Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from ships. What do you understand by the word “Sewage”?
Drainage/waste from toilets/urinals.
Waste from galley.
Mixture of sea water/oil.
Waste from synthetic materials.
Next question
Code: PETM Why should Ground Stabilised True Motion display mode be avoided when using the ARPA for anti-collision purposes?
The collision regulations are based on ship courses through the water.
The Relative Motion display and relative vectors is the only display to use for anti-collision purposes.
The true vector can never give an indication of collision risk with another ship.
True motion does not provide the collision risk of other ships.
Next question
Code: HXMV What is the “Scantling Draught” of an Oil Tanker with segregated ballast tanks?
The draught for which the structural strength of the ship has been designed.
The draught on which the fundamental design parameters are based.
The minimum draught amidships when in ballast condition.
The maximum draught determined by the Loadline Rules.
Next question
Code: JQBS Some centrifugal cargo pumps on oil tankers are designed with an automatic stripping system, which allows the cargo tank to fully discharge its contents. By what principle does such a stripping system operate?
On the basis that, if cargo vapour can be stopped from entering the cargo pump suction inlet, the flow will continue without cavitation.
By automatically reducing the rate at which oil cargo enters the cargo pump, such that any vapour lifted along with the liquid does not cause a loss of suction.
By the optimum size and positioning of the suction inlet that feeds the automatic stripping system, which ensures that the cargo oil tank is discharged to the maximum possible extent.
By automatically reducing the rate at which oil cargo enters the cargo pump, such that any vapour lifted along with the liquid does not cause a loss of suction.
Next question
Code: VMSE When a message is sent by the Inmarsat-C installation to an Internet e-mail address, the land charge is:
Independent of the destination.
Dependent on the destination.
Dependent on the “chargeband”.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: HHNL After disconnecting the telex connection via a LES, the time period is stated based on:
The time in minutes, or parts of it, when the landline was used.
Real time, around 400 characters per minute.
The time in whole minutes when one was connected with the LES.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: PHLT With an Inmarsat-C terminal the option “PSTN” for addressing is available. This option:
Is to deliver a message by telephone via a modem on the computer of the suscriber.
To have the operator read the message by phone.
Delivers a message as a telegram.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: YLRD When during transmitting the display of a radiotelephone-installation shows a decrease intransmitting power it is:
An indication of aerial problem.
An automatic adjustment of the chosen transmitting mode.
An indication of choosing a wrong channel.
An adjustment of the semi-duplex transmitting power.
Next question
Code: QKLW The correct functioning of a DSC-modem can be checked by means of:
The build-in test facilities in the modem.
The testing-mode of the ever present VHF-DSC-EPIRB.
The obligatory monthly transmission from the RCCs.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: NTAR When initially setting up the GPS to provide positions for use with a paper chart, what Chart Datum should be selected:
Select WGS84 and when plotting on the chart apply the stated corrections.
WGS78 and input the corrections stated on the chart into the GPS.
Select the datum stated on the chart in use.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: UJGM Which of the following requirements regarding life-buoys correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS III/7.1).
Not less than half the total number of lifebuoys shall be provided with self-igniting lights.
At least four life-buoys on each side of the ship shall be fitted with buoyant lifelines.
All the life-buoys shall be placed in holders with quick-release arrangement.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: ENJT Every inflatable liferaft, inflatable lifejacket and hydrostatic release units shall be serviced:
Every 12 months.
Every 24 months.
Every 36 months.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: SHWX The recommended distance between parallel tracks (track spacing) in a search for a casualty by a surface vessel varies (amongst other factors) according to visibility and the nature of the target in the IAMSAR Manual. These distances are then normally adjusted for prevailing weather conditions. If visibility was 5 nautical miles and you were looking for a six-person liferaft, what would the recommended uncorrected track spacing be?
3,6 nautical miles.
0,7 nautical miles.
5,0 nautical miles.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: CGSB One particular group of hazardous goods is highlighted by the IMDG Code as potentially being the most dangerous for carriage. Which of the following is it?
Organic peroxides.
Liquefied gases.
Infectious substances.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: XQCA During the survey of Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) equipment, which document must be available to the surveyor to demonstrate compliance with SOLAS?
A Statement of Installation and Testing by the Approved Service Provider in compliance with SOLAS V/26-4.
A report giving the result of the Performance Test, issued by the manufacturer in compliance with the Flag State Authority requirements.
A report giving the result of the Conformance Test, issued by the Classification Society on behalf of the Flag State Authority.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: KOSO When discussing their chemistry of petroleum cargoes, if “Alkanes” are saturated hydrocarbons, what are unsaturated hydrocarbons?
I don’t know.
Next question
* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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