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Crew Evaluation System CBT test online for seamans about ECDIS Display Feature

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «ECDIS Display Feature» (ECDIS in the Ship). Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «ECDIS Display Feature». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«ECDIS Display Feature» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on the ship. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel. ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) is a navigation computer that can be used as an alternative to paper navigation charts. We call all this simply electronic maps. ECDIS uses two types of maps: vector and raster.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «ECDIS Display Feature» contains 55 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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Is the following statement True or False? Compilation scale is the scale of the paper chart from which the vector chart was made:
Next question
Is the following statement True or False? Traditional buoy symbols on an ENC vector chart look similar to symbols seen on a paper chart:
Next question
Select the correct meaning of the abbreviation ZOC in relation to ECDIS:
Zone of Confidence.
Zone of Communications.
Zone of Confusion.
Zero on Carbon.
Next question
Select the option best describes the meaning of a magenta coloured “i” in a box seen on a charted sea area in relation to ECDIS:
There is some information appertaining to the sea area.
The ECDIS is trying to say something to the operator about the route.
There is an object missing from the chart.
It is an indicator that a chart correction has been applied.
Next question
Select the option that best describes a cautionary area on the ECDIS:
Orange cross hatching on the chart display.
Magenta cross hatching on the chart display.
Red cross hatching on the chart display.
Vertical grey bars on the chart display.
Next question
Select the option that best describes how ECDIS informs the operator of an approaching chart at different scale to the one being used:
There will be a thick continuous black line visible.
An audible alarm will sound.
A visual alarm will activate.
The chart detail will not be visible.
Next question
Select the option that best describes how Temporary and Preliminary notices are shown on the vector chart in relation to ECDIS:
The ECDIS may not display them – a navigator’s note could be set up to show them.
Ts & Ps are always automatically loaded and visible alongside the area of concern being.
Ts & Ps are always shown on the chart in blue text being loaded manually.
Ts & Ps are shown in a magenta colour near the area of the notice.
Next question
Select the option that best describes the meaning of a magnet a coloured “i” in a box with a line to an object in relation to ECDIS:
There is more information available on the object than is shown on the display.
It is a recently added object to the chart data set.
The position of the object is approximate.
The object has been moved with a chart correction.
Next question
Select the option that best describes the meaning of the text “bn 10” on an ECDIS display:
Navigation beacon number 10.
VHF channel 10 to be used.
Depth figure of 10 metres.
Attribute set at level 10.
Next question
Select the option that best describes the meaning of the text “bn 12” on an ECDIS display:
Navigation beacon number 12.
VHF channel 12 to be used.
Depth figure of 12 metres.
Attribute set at level 12.
Next question
Select the option that best describes why vertical grey lines can sometimes be seen all over the ECDIS display:
ECDIS is set at the wrong scale for the vector chart loaded.
The lines show where shallow water begins.
There is not enough detail to show soundings correctly.
The chart scale is the same as the compilation scale.
Next question
Select the option that correctly completes the following statement in relation to ECDIS: “A ZOC A1 indicates the depth accuracy on the vector chart to be…”
0,5 m + 1 % of depth value.
2 m + 5 % depth figure.
1 m + 2 % depth.
5 m + 10 % depth.
Next question
Select the option that correctly completes the following statement in relation to ECDIS: “A navigation buoy cancelled with a chart update will…”
Have an orange diagonal line through the symbol.
Be removed from the chart display altogether.
Have an orange box around it.
Have a magenta box around it.
Next question
Select the option that correctly completes the following statement in relation to ECDIS: “An isolated danger buoy is represented on an ENC chart with…”
Two red spheres slightly inclined.
A single black sphere.
Two upright red spheres.
A single red sphere.
Next question
Select the option that correctly completes the following statement in relation to ECDIS: “Isolated danger symbols are not seen on a vector chart when they should be because…”
The safety depth contour is set with too small a value.
The object is not a threat to the vessel.
The draught of the vessel is not great enough to hit it.
There will be some other symbol there that gives the same visual information.
Next question
Select the option that correctly completes the following statement in relation to ECDIS: “Updates to official ENCs cover…”
All relevant chart corrections.
Changes to navigation buoys only.
Changes to the chart in navigable areas.
All Temporary and Preliminary notices.
Next question
Select the option that correctly completes the following statement in relation to ECDIS: “A grey question mark alongside an object indicates that…”
The position of the object is doubtful.
There is an attribute missing from the object.
There is more information available on the object.
The ENC data set does not know what the object is.
Next question
Select the option that correctly completes the following statement in relation to ECDIS: “A precautionary area is shown on the ENC as…”
A magenta coloured “i” in a box inside a diagonal hatched area.
A magnet a coloured “i” in a box.
Words saying “Precautionary Area – take care” in the area.
A magenta filled box with red borders.
Next question
Select the option that correctly completes the following statement in relation to ECDIS: “An isolated danger beacon is represented on an ENC chart with…”
Two upright red spheres.
Two red spheres slightly inclined.
A single black sphere.
A single red sphere.
Next question
Select the option that correctly completes the following statement in relation to ECDIS: “ECDIS alarms…”
Should never be ignored and must be investigated.
Only need to be acknowledged.
Are the responsibility of the Master alone.
Are a nuisance and only happen when a sensor is failing to the ECDIS.
Next question
Select the statement that best answer this question: Do some ECDIS devices show tidal stream values as an information overlay?
Yes – if they have dedicated software loaded on the ECDIS computer.
Yes – this is a standard feature embedded in all ECDIS software.
No – this feature is not possible with ECDIS.
No – this feature can be seen on standalone bridge computers only.
Next question
Select the statement that best answer this question: Do ECDIS depth soundings show height of tide on them?
Most do not, but in the future most will.
Always, as the ECDIS can calculate tide heights automatically.
Yes – they show chart datum with the maximum tide rise added on.
No – because the tide changes.
Next question
Select the statement that best describes a buoy symbol that is NOT properly defined in the ENC data set:
A spherical buoy grey in colour.
ECDIS will always define the correct characteristic of the buoy.
Always red for a port lateral mark, green for a starboard lateral mark.
Always green for a port lateral mark, red for a starboard lateral mark.
Next question
Select the statement that best describes how an operator establishes the nature of an isolated danger on an ENC:
Interrogate it and ask for a pick report.
Check the chart symbols catalogue to ascertain the meaning.
Check the surrounding area for any clues on the sea floor.
Check with a senior officer.
Next question
Select the statement that best describes the anomalies that are sometimes seen on ECDIS:
They are features of the ECDIS that sometimes seem illogical.
They are errors caused by the vector chart having bad information.
They are caused by a mismatch in the navigation signal datum.
They are ECDIS features dictated to manufacturers by Port State.
Next question
Select the statement that best describes the use of docking mode on ECDIS:
ECDIS used with the vessel close to berths.
ECDIS used only when the vessel enters a dry dock.
The ECDIS switched to stand by awaiting updates.
The ECDIS set to stand by with the vessel alongside.
Next question
Select the statement that best describes the use of the text “bn” on an ENC display:
Stops confusing beacon numbers and depth sounding figures.
“bn” is a code for the object in the data set.
They are adjectives and are used to describe land objects.
Helps the operator understand sounding figures.
Next question
Select the statement that best describes why a Port State Control Officer is interested in ECDIS when they undertake vessel inspections:
Because ECDIS has to comply with IMO requirements.
There is a section on their check sheet that has to be ticked.
They are required to register the ECDIS Type for the IMO.
They enjoy playing with the new features.
Next question
Select the statement that best describes why a button on ECDIS shows with a red highlight:
The ECDIS is in an alarm state.
It is an indication that the vector chart has loaded successfully.
It shows an incoming email.
It is a warning to the operator that they are using a raster chart instead of a vector chart.
Next question
What happens on the ECDIS display when the selected safety contour value does NOT exist in the chart data set?
The next highest value will be shown highlighted as a bold line.
The ECDIS will not display a contour value at all.
The next lowest will be highlighted as a bold line.
The depth areas will be coloured dark blue.
Next question
Which answer BEST describes how dredged areas are highlighted on the ENC chart display?
Dredged areas are highlighted with a grey dotted fill in the dredge area.
Dredged areas are highlighted as a text box with the words “dredged area” inside.
The next lowest will be highlighted as a bold line.
The depth areas will be coloured dark blue.
Next question
Which answer correctly completes the following statement: The safety depth contour value is calculated by adding…
The draught of the vessel plus a safe under keel clearance.
The draught of the vessel plus one percent.
The draught of the vessel minus a safe under keel clearance.
The charted depth on the berth plus the draught of the vessel.
Next question
Which answer describes how the safety depth contour is seen on ECDIS?
As a solid line with the contour highlighted in bold.
The contour line pulses to make it visible.
It is coloured bright orange.
It is shown as a thick dotted red line.
Next question
Which answer describes the minimum amount of information shown on an ENC vector chart?
The “Base” layer.
ENC data set layer.
The “Standard” layer.
“SENC” layer.
Next question
Which answer describes the two types of buoy symbols found on an ENC vector chart?
Simplified and traditional.
Simplified and IALA system C.
IALA systems C and D.
Simplified and IALA system D.
Next question
Which of the following BEST describes why a button on the ECDIS shows with a yellow highlight?
It is an indication to inform the operator of something.
It is an alarm that should be acknowledged immediately.
It is normal on ECDIS for system buttons to show yellow.
It is something associated with the land colour.
Next question
Which of the following statements is the most accurate in relation to the safety depth contour setting on an ECDIS?
The safety depth contour is best set at a value to reflect the vessel’s draught.
The safety depth contour value is best set at a high value.
The safety depth contour value is best set at a low value.
The safety depth contour value has no effect on ECDIS operation.
Next question
Which of the given features is indicated by a grey vertical rectangle on an ENC in relation to ECDIS?
An undefined beacon.
A house on land.
The absence of chart information.
A symbol associated with oilfields.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes an ECDIS being in “browse” mode?
A mode allowing the operator to look ahead on the chart.
A mode putting ECDIS into a stand by condition to investigate files.
A mode allowing the operator, not sure of their position, to fix using radar.
A mode for casual operation of the system.
Next question
Which of the options correctly completes the following statement? ECDIS display various colours and shades on vector chart depth areas, because:
They are easily seen by the operator.
It stops the ship grounding on them.
It lets ECDIS know they are there.
They set off alarms on the bridge.
Next question
Which of the statements best describes how the raster chart gives advice on data quality in relation to ECDIS?
There are notes on the chart that can be read.
The chart has a ZOC function where the data quality can be assessed.
Data quality comes from text that describes the sea floor type.
Data quality comes from the help menu on the stand alone computer.
Next question
Which of the statements best describes what happens to the sounding figures on the display when the safety depth figure is set on an ECDIS?
Depth values below the depth are highlighted in bold.
The display looks the same as it did before and is unchanged.
The whole sea area below that depth turns dark blue.
There will be alarms activated to let the operator know the depth under keel.
Next question
Which option best describes the reason behind this statement? There should be regular ECDIS monitor colour tests:
To ensure the monitor shows correct colours.
The manufacturer’s warranty indicates to do this.
It says that in the bridge procedures guide.
Monitor test complies with IMO’s and IHO’s requirements.
Next question
Which option best describes what lies below an isolated danger symbol on an ENC?
There could be any seafloor obstruction.
There is a wreck from a sunken vessel.
There is a rock outcrop not seen by the survey team.
There is probably a man-made subsea structure associated with oil or gas.
Next question
Which statement BEST describes how ECDIS sees land coded in the vector chart as a point source?
The land will not be recognised as an obstacle to the ECDIS.
The land will show up in a green shade on the screen.
When the ECDIS is zoomed in, the land will get bigger on the screen.
The land will be recognised when the route is validated.
Next question
Which statement best describes how the vector chart gives advice on data quality in relation to ECDIS?
The chart has a ZOC function.
There are source data diagrams on the chart that can be read.
The chart has text on it that describes the sea floor type.
It does not – the operator has to go to the help menu on the stand alone computer.
Next question
Which statement best describes orange cross hatching as might be seen on an ECDIS sea area?
Orange cross hatching is an indication of a Cautionary area.
The ECDIS sees an area with dredged sounding values and shows it in orange hatching.
It means that a chart correction has been added somewhere in the area.
It is an indication of a port approach area.
Next question
Which statement best describes the action needed if ECDIS cannot automatically display Temporary and Preliminary notices?
Annotate the ECDIS using the notes function.
Ignore them as they will be made into a Notice to Mariners soon.
Inform the Master.
Ask a VAR to encode them into SENC format.
Next question
Which statement best describes the meaning of the Paris Memorandum?
An understanding for Port State Control Officers in Europe.
An agreement between worldwide nations for ECDIS development.
A government paper in France concerning hydrography.
A reminder that ECDIS should be kept up to date.
Next question
Which statement best describes what happens to land in North up relative motion mode on ECDIS?
Land on screen moves relative to the ship symbol.
Land is stopped with the vessel symbol moving.
The land is always in the middle of the screen.
This is a feature only seen on radar.
Next question
Which statement best describes what happens to the land in North up true motion mode on ECDIS?
Land on the screen does not move until it resets.
Land is moving with the vessel symbol stopped.
The land is always in the middle of the screen.
This is a feature only seen on radar.
Next question
Which statement best describes what happens to the ship symbol in North up relative motion mode on ECDIS?
Vessel symbol is stopped on the screen.
Vessel symbol moves across the screen.
Vessel symbol is always in the middle of the screen.
This is a feature only seen on radar.
Next question
Which statement best describes what happens to the ship symbol in North up true motion mode on ECDIS?
Vessel symbol moves across the screen.
Vessel is stopped on the screen land moves relative.
Vessel symbol shows the heading fixed vertically on the screen.
This is a feature only seen on radar.
Next question
Which statement best describes why it is important to remove cancelled chart cells from the ECDIS?
To stop them being loaded onto the ECDIS display.
So that the computer hard drive stays uncluttered.
New charts will not load if old versions are there.
It is part of flag State requirements.
Next question
Which statement best describes why the ECDIS has settings for ambient light conditions?
Observation of the screen is necessary under all light conditions at sea.
The sensitivity of the operator’s eyes is a factor allowing changes.
The screen will automatically set light levels day on night.
To allow the bridge team time to adjust their eyes at night.
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* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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