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Crew Evaluation Test online for seamans about Electronic Chart Display and Information System

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“Seagull CES marine test online about ECDIS System” (Crew Evaluation Test) will help marine specialists in preparation to exams for getting certificate of confidence.

This test contains 48 questions. Mode “Practice” and “Exam” have one difference – in “Exam” mode you can’t ask the computer to show you the right answer.

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A chart made by using the Lambert projection can be considered to present:
Correct areas.
Correct angles.
Correct areas and angles.
None of the above answers are correct.
Next question
A geoid refers to:
A theoretical model of the earth’s surface.
A mathematical model of the earth’s surface.
A satellite derived model of the earth’s surface.
The actual size and shape of the earth.
Next question
A raster chart is a chart that is:
Only used in a RCDS.
Only used in a ECDIS.
Used both in RCDS and ECDIS.
Only used together with paper charts.
Next question
A typical ECDIS “base display” shows the following information:
Coastline, seamarks and traffic separation schemes.
Coastline, danger areas and soundings.
Coastline, subsea dangers and traffic systems.
Information according to operators choice.
Next question
According to IMO, what type of charts should be used on ECDIS?
A computerised chart.
A raster chart.
A vector chart.
A scanned paper chart.
Next question
An ECDIS consists of:
ENC and GPS.
Next question
Before using a pre-programmed ECDIS route, what should you do?
Check all route data thoroughly.
Check own ships position.
Check all way points.
Check log and gyro input.
Next question
Can a raster chart be displayed in head-up mode on today’s ECDIS?
Only during route planning.
Only charts with small scale.
Next question
Can a raster chart be “customised”?
Only when used on an ECDIS.
Only when used on a RCDS.
Next question
Can raster charts provide navigational warnings?
Only when used on an ECDIS.
Only when used on a RCDS.
Next question
Chart projections are classified according to the type of projection surface used. How many commonly used surfaces are there?
Next question
Does STCW specify special training in use of ECDIS?
Only for ships over 10 000 DWT.
Only for ships carrying dangerous cargo.
Next question
ECDIS is an abbreviation for:
Electronic Chart Display and Information System.
Electronic Chart Display System.
Electronic Chart Display.
Electronic Chart Data System.
Next question
ECS is a system that:
Does not meet SOLAS requirements.
Meets SOLAS requirements.
Will meet SOLAS requirements after Y-2000.
Uses radar information.
Next question
HMI is an abbreviation for:
Hydrographic Maritime Institute.
Human Machine Interface.
High Maritime Intelligence.
Human Maritime Interference.
Next question
How can the ships course change be described in detail?
By specifying ships present and future course.
By specifying ships present and future heading.
By specifying ships turn radius.
The ships course change cannot be described in detail.
Next question
How is an ellipsoid formed?
By rotating an ellipse about its minor axis.
By rotating an ellipse its larger axis.
By moving a circle about its north/south axis.
By moving a circle about its east/west axis.
Next question
How many stages are there in the planning of a safe voyage?
Next question
If own ships position is erroneous on an ECDIS system, what is the result?
All other positions on the chart are erroneous.
The distances to other positions on the chart is faulty.
The direction to other positions in the chart is faulty.
All positions, directions and courses taken from the ECDIS are erroneous.
Next question
In worst case, how much can the difference be expected to be between local datum and satellite datum?
Up to 100 metres.
Up to 500 metres.
Up to 1 000 metres.
Up to several nautical miles.
Next question
The ECDIS system can operate in how many modes?
Next question
The accuracy of data on a raster chart is exactly the same as:
The paper chart.
The computerised chart.
The Mercator chart.
The Transverse Mercator Chart.
Next question
The first satellite datum was based on:
Russian Glonass.
American GPS.
American NNSS.
American DGPS.
Next question
The surface of an ellipsoid is:
Regular in direction N/S.
Regular in direction E/W.
Next question
The world’s first satellite based datum was named:
Next question
The “flattening” of the earth is approximately:
Next question
Vector charts can:
Only be displayed with North up.
Only be displayed Head up.
Only be displayed Course up.
Can be displayed with any direction up.
Next question
What does a navigator who uses an ECDIS require?
Good navigational knowledge and professional job attitude.
Good computer knowledge.
Good system knowledge.
Nothing special.
Next question
What is a raster chart?
A raster chart is a chart made by giving digital values to each and every object on the chart.
A raster chart is a chart made by giving analogue values to each and every object on the chart.
A raster chart is a digital facsimile of the paper chart.
A raster chart is a computerised chart.
Next question
What is the IMO definition of ECDIS?
A system, which provides information based on GPS.
A system, which provides information based on all available data.
A system, that display hydrographic information in order to assist the safe navigation.
The display equipment used to display ENC.
Next question
What is the definition of a leg?
A line connecting two turn-points.
A line connecting the start and end position of a route.
A line in the direction of the next way-point.
A line in the direction of the previous way-point.
Next question
What is the definition of a waypoint?
A waypoint is a position on a leg.
A waypoint is the starting point of a voyage.
A waypoint is a position where the ships course is to be changed.
A waypoint is the destination of a route.
Next question
What is the definition of an Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC)?
ENC is a subset pf ECDB.
ENC is a subset of ECDIS.
ENC is a subset of ECS.
ENC is a subset of RCDS.
Next question
What is the effect of sailing in “Course mode”?
Ships course will automatically be corrected for off-set.
Ships course will not be corrected for off-set, but the course will be adjusted towards the nearest waypoint.
Ships course will be great circle.
Ships course will be rhumb line.
Next question
What is the main element of geographical data?
Description of positions.
Description of objects.
Geometric data.
Hydrographic data.
Next question
What is the main purpose of the pan function?
Deselect an area of no interest.
Move the current chart on the screen.
Change chart scale.
Reduce displayed information.
Next question
What is the main purpose of the zoom function?
To select an area of special interest.
To deselect an area of no interest.
To reselect a previous area of special interest.
To select appropriate chart scale to the actual situation.
Next question
What is the most important thing to know about computerised systems?
Their functions.
Their features.
Their technical capacity.
Their limitations.
Next question
What is the name of the international standard for exchange of maritime digital electronic chart information?
Next question
What is the number of the IMO resolution concerning ECDIS?
IMO res. A 817(19).
IMO res. A 572(14).
IMO res. A 827(19).
IMO res. A 728(11).
Next question
What is the purpose of the “off track” limit?
Give warning about possible danger.
Assist in controlling the ship track from planned track.
Give warning about possible grounding.
Display warning limits on ECDIS.
Next question
What is the purpose of voyage planning?
To satisfy STCW regulations.
To support the bridge team.
To meet company regulations.
To satisfy IMO regulations.
Next question
What is the reference datum for GPS?
Next question
What is the worst known difference between a local datum and WGS-84?
1 NM.
3 NM.
5 NM.
7 NM.
Next question
When own ships position input to ECDIS is wrong, what is the result?
ECDIS will give warning.
ECDIS will automatically be switched off.
Positions, range and bearings taken on the ECDIS will be wrong.
Next question
When the route planning process is completed, what should then be done?
Store the route in a safe way.
Make a safety copy of the route data.
Checking basic route data.
Validate and check all route data.
Next question
Where can you find information about standard terms used in connection with electronic charts?
IMO resolution A.472 (XII).
IMO resolution A.572 (14).
IMO resolution A.817 (19).
IMO resolution A.888 (21).
Next question
Which of the following chart is considered “intelligent”?
The paper chart.
The vector chart.
The raster chart.
The computerised chart.
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* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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  1. Mamunur Rashid
    09.09.2022 в 17:37

    Second officer question

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