A Chlorine carrier must be equipped with a chlorine absorption plant connected to the cargo tanks and cargo lines. What is the gas detectors alarm setting?
20 ppm.
15 ppm.
10 ppm.
5 ppm.
Next question
Why must some chemical gases be carried on gas carriers as specified by the IMO’s gas code?
Because they are toxic.
Because their vapour pressure is above 2,8 bar at 37,8 °C.
Because their vapour pressure does not exceed 2,8 bars at 37,8 °C.
Because of the gases boiling point at atmospheric pressure and special requirements for temperature control.
Show result
A fully refrigerated gas carriers, equipped with membrane tanks with MARVS less than 0,7 bars and cargo temperature less than -10 °C. What type of barrier is required?
No secondary barrier required.
Complete secondary barrier.
Partial secondary barrier.
No barrier required.
Next question
After arms and communication plugs are connected, the ESD is tested from:
Ship and shore.
No testing required.
Next question
Cargo hoses have to be tested at a pressure of 1,5 times the maximum working pressure. How often do we have to carry out the pressure test?
After each discharging operation.
After 3 months.
After 6 months.
After 12 months.
Next question
Cascade cooling plant is basically a direct cargo cooling plant where the cargo is condensed against a secondary refrigerant. Which type of secondary refrigerant is most commonly used for cooling of the cargo condenser?
Freon 22.
Freon 12.
Next question
Enthalpy is an expression of how much energy is tied up in one kilo of a substance. A substance’s total energy consists of:
External energy.
Internal energy.
External and internal energy.
Next question
Fully refrigerated gas carriers are designed for excess tank pressure less than 0,7 bars. What tank types are they built with?
Independent tank type A or B.
Prismatic or spherical tanks.
Membrane tanks.
All mentioned.
Next question
How do we control the cargo tank pressure when loading a gas carrier?
When loading we control the cargo tank pressure with vapour return to shore or the loading rate.
When loading we control the cargo tank pressure with cargo compressors or the loading rate.
When loading we control the cargo tank pressure with cargo compressors, vapour return to shore or the loading rate.
When loading we are not able to control the cargo tank pressure.
Next question
How many carbon atoms are there in solid materials?
Up to 4 carbon atoms.
From 5 to 16 carbon atoms.
Above 16 carbon atoms.
I don’t know.
Next question
How many electrons are there totally in a carbon atom?
Next question
How many elements are arranged the periodic table?
Next question
How many groups is the cargo tanks divided into?
Next question
How safe is LNG compared to other substances handled in ports and land-based facilities?
The vapour of LNG is heavier than air and will create a danger of fire on ground.
LNG itself will cause a danger because it is flammable and can explode.
LNG is toxic and can cause a threat to human life.
LNG does not burn because it contains no oxygen. It is not toxic and can only burn within the narrow range of a 5-15 % gas-to-air mixture.
Next question
Isomer compounds is substances with:
Different formula.
Different boiling point.
Same characteristic.
Different characteristic.
Next question
Name three international conventions that cover the international shipping trades:
The three international conventions that cover the shipping trade are SOLAS 74, MARPOL 73/78 and STCW 78.
The three international conventions that cover the shipping trade SOLAS 74, SOLAS 78 and STCW 78.
There is not any international conventions hat cover the shipping trade.
The three international conventions that cover the shipping trade are SOLAS 74/78, STCW 78/95 and MARPOL 73/78.
Next question
On all pressure vessels above 20 m3 that is used to safety valves. What do we mean with MARVS?
Maximum relief valve setting storage of liquefied gases there is a requirement for.
Maritime Relieve valve.
Maximum allowed relieve valve setting.
Minimum allowed relieve valve setting.
Next question
One of the purposes to MARPOL Annex I is to:
Ensure that the ships certificates are valid.
Prevent operational oil pollution by providing ships with discharge criteria and other guidelines to follow.
Prevent sea-going incidents involving tankers.
The tanker is en-route and meets certain discharge conditions.
Next question
Organic chemistry mostly deals with chemical compounds containing carbon:
Next question
Propane has a boiling point at -42,8 °C at atmospheric pressure. Can we load fully refrigerated propane on a fully pressurised gas carrier?
Yes, if we heat the cargo to more than -10 °C.
We are not allowed to load propane on a fully refrigerated gas carrier.
Only if the cargo tanks are insulated.
Next question
Referring to IMO IGC Code all gas carriers mentioned in Chapter 19 is given one of the following descriptions for tanks: which tank type can carry all cargoes mentioned in Chapter 19?
Next question
The ABC method stands for air, breathing and circulation. If a person has stopped breathing, how many respirations and heart compressions are to be given if there are two rescuers?
2-3 respirations and 10 compressions.
3 respirations and 15 compressions.
2 respirations and 20 compressions.
2 respirations and 30 compressions.
Next question
The Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Pressurised Natural Gas (PNG) technology offers interesting possibilities for handling of associated gas and for exploration of marginal fields. What is the advantage of this system?
The system will not require a gas liquefaction plant or LNG storage tanks.
LNG storage and regasification at the discharge location will not be necessary.
A fleet of CNG ships will serve as both storage and transport vehicles and can discharge directly into the land based gas grid via an offshore discharge terminal, and offshore platform or offshore buoys.
There will be no risk of sloshing damages inside the cargo tanks.
Next question
The IMO gas carrier code defines liquefied gases as gases with vapour pressure higher than 2,8 bar at which temperature?
27,8 °C.
37,8 °C.
43,8 °C.
35,8 °C.
Next question
The Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) used for measuring the volatility of petroleum liquids is conducted at 37,8 °C (100 °F). What RVP has crude oil?
0,1 to 0,5 kg/cm2.
0,1 to 0,6 kg/cm2.
0,1 to 0,7 kg/cm2.
0,1 to 0,8 kg/cm2.
Next question
The Threshold Limit Value (TLV) refers to as parts to million (ppm) by volume of gas in air. What does the time weighted average of ppm indicates?
An average of exposure to a toxic substance per day.
The maximum exposure to a toxic substance per day.
An average of exposure to a toxic substance per 8 hours working day.
The maximum exposure to a toxic substance per 8 hours working day.
Next question
The periodic system is built on the principle that the electrons in the outer shell determine the chemical properties of a material. What is the maximum number of electrons in the outer shell?
Next question
There are three gas codes issued by IMO. Which are they?
Code for existing ships carrying Liquefied gases in bulk.
IBC Code: International Bulk Chemical Code.
Code for construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk.
IGC Code: International Code for construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gas in bulk.
Next question
What IMO conventions take care of the human safety at sea?
It is the MARPOL conventions that take care of the human safety at sea.
It is the STCW 78/95 that takes care of the human safety at sea.
It is the SOLAS conventions that take care of the human safety at sea.
There are not any conventions that take care of the human safety at sea.
Next question
What are actual cargoes for fully pressurised gas carriers without cooling capacity?
LPG, LEG, Ammonia and some chemical gases.
LPG and some chemical gases.
Next question
What are saturated hydrocarbons?
Saturated hydrocarbons are chemically reactive liquids with strong colour.
Saturated hydrocarbons are chemically non-reactive liquids and they are transported under high pressure.
Saturated hydrocarbons are colourless and odourless liquids and they are transported under high pressure.
Saturated hydrocarbons are colourless and odourless liquids and they are chemically non-reactive.
Next question
What are the most common products in NGL?
Propane, butane and a mixture of these.
Ethane, LPG, Pentane and heavier fractions of hydrocarbons or a mixture of these.
Propane, methane and a mixture of these.
Ethane, propane, butane and nitrogen.
Next question
What does the IGC Code primarily deals with?
The IGC Code primarily deals with gas carriers cargo equipment.
The IGC Code primarily deals with gas carriers design.
The IGC Code primarily deals with gas carriers design and equipment.
The IGC Code primarily deals with gas carriers safety equipment.
Next question
What does the cargo’s data sheet tell us about the character of the cargo?
The emergency procedure for a cargo fire or cargo spill.
Information about health hazards, fire, explosion, chemical data, reaction data and physical data.
The condition of material in freight.
Information about the transportation.
Next question
What is IMO’s requirement to maximum temperature for fully pressurised cargo tanks at ambient temperature?
50 °C.
45 °C.
40 °C.
43 °C.
Next question
What is LEG (Liquefied Ethylene Gas) utilised for?
As raw material for the fertiliser industry.
As fuel for electric power plants.
For energy purposes and in the petro-chemical industry.
As raw material for plastic and synthetic fibres.
Next question
What is characteristic for Alkanes?
Alkanes has single or triple bonds between the atoms.
Alkanes have only single bonds between the atoms.
Alkanes has triple bonds between the atoms.
Alkanes has double or triple bonds between the atoms.
Next question
What is extremely important to remember when measuring hydrocarbon gas in an inerted atmosphere using the Riken model 17HC?
To use a special inert gas filter.
To reduce the readings by 2,5 %.
The indicator should not be used in an inerted atmosphere.
To increase the reading by 1 %.
Next question
What is likely to happen if a randomly chosen hose is used?
The hose will most likely absorb hydrocarbon gases.
Nothing in particular.
The hose won’t fit the indicator inlet ports.
The indicator will malfunction.
Next question
What is the atmospheric content of oxygen that is required before tank entry?
17 %.
19 %.
21 %.
20,5 %.
Next question
What is the boiling temperature of propane at atmospheric pressure?
-28 °C.
-32 °C.
-42 °C.
-45 °C.
Next question
What is the intension of the Safety Meeting?
The intension of this meeting is to gather the crew that’s not on duty to get to know each other better, which will affect the safety on board.
The intension of this meeting is to assign planned work to the crew, and to insure that checklists and permits have been filled in before the work start.
The intension of this meeting is to inform and train the crew in safety matters and to get the crew to participate in discussion and make own suggestion for improvement.
To inform the crew of safety information.
Next question
What is the maximum allowable filling limit on cargo tanks on gas carriers?
Maximum allowable filling limitation cargo tanks are 95 % on gas carriers.
Maximum allowable filling limitation cargo tanks are 98 % on gas carriers.
Maximum allowable filling limitation cargo tanks are 100 % on gas carriers.
Maximum allowable filling limitation cargo tanks are 90 % on gas carriers.
Next question
What is the maximum size of a cargo tank on a Chlorine carrier?
400 m3.
600 m3.
1 000 m3.
1 200 m3.
Next question
What is the most common way of handling the LNG boil off gas?
The boil off is let to the atmosphere.
It is liquefied and directed back to the cargo tank.
It is used as fuel for the main engine.
It is used as fuel for the boilers.
Next question
What is the name of UN maritime division?
The UN maritime is ISO International Shipping Organisation.
The UN maritime division is IMO International Maritime Organisations.
The UN maritime division is UNM United Nations Maritime.
UN does not have any maritime division.
Next question
What is the normal relief valve setting on a fully pressurised LPG carrier?
The minimum relief valve setting must not be less than 12 bars.
The relief valve setting equal to cargo temperature at 45 °C at ambient temperature.
A relief valve setting at 18 bars.
A relief valve setting at 15 bars.
Next question
What is the number one job for the ship management team when fire break out?
The ship management team must fight the fire and then call the fire squads.
The ship management team must organise the fire squads and then the fire squads have to search for missing personal.
The ship management team must call the nearest fire brigade and police station.
The ship management team and the crew must evacuate the ship.
Next question
What is the purpose of an automatic trip system on board, and how does it function?
Automatic trip is to avoid over pressuring of cargo tanks and other pressurised vessels, the trip function is often initialised by a float switch.
Automatic trip is to avoid tanks becoming over loaded and the trip function is often initialised by a float switch.
Automatic trip is to avoid tanks and pressurised vessels becoming overloaded, the trip function is often initialised by a float switch.
Automatic trip is to avoid tanks being cooled too much, the trip function is often initialised by a float switch or a temperature switch.
Next question
What is the purpose of the ship/shore safety check list?
To ensure the safety of the personnel.
To ensure the ship is safe moored.
To avoid the avoidance of cargo contamination.
To ensure the safety of personnel, ship and terminal.
Next question
What is the typical size of a LNG carrier?
75 000 – 80 000 m3.
125 000 – 145 000 m3.
12 000 – 50 000 m3.
200 000 – 250 000 m3.
Next question
What kind of span gas is used to adjust the Servomex OA 262 to the 21 % mark?
Clean air.
Pure oxygen.
Oxygen free nitrogen.
Next question
What kind of span gas is used to zero adjust the Servomex OA 262?
Oxygen free nitrogen.
Next question
What purpose has the discharge booster pump on a gas tanker?
To compensate for friction losses in the delivery line.
To increase the discharge rate.
To increase the manifold pressure.
To maintain the same temperature on the cargo.
Next question
What temperature do we calculate on when loading clean cargoes?
We calculate the liquid weight at 25 °C.
We calculate the liquid weight at 15 °C.
We calculate the liquid weight at the actual cargo temperature.
We calculate the liquid weight at the ambient temperature.
Next question
What temperature do we calculate on when using the ASTM-IP tables?
We calculate the liquid weight at 25 °C.
We calculate the liquid weight at 15 °C.
We calculate the liquid weight at the actual cargo temperature.
We calculate the liquid weight at the ambient temperature.
Next question
What type of compressors is used as cargo compressors on board gas carriers?
Oil free screw and piston compressors.
Piston, screw and centrifugal type compressors.
Three stages piston compressors.
Three stages screw compressors.
Next question
When did the transportation of fully refrigerated liquefied gases start?
In the beginning of the 1930’s.
In 1912.
In the beginning of the 1960’s.
In mid 1960’s.
Next question
Where do we find information about what cargo the vessel is allowed to carry?
Safety Equipment Certificate.
Safety Construction Certificate.
Certificate of Fitness for Carriage of Liquefied Gas in Bulk.
Next question
Which are the three most common energy forms?
The three most common energy forms are mechanical energy, chemical energy and electrical energy.
The three most common energy forms are speed energy, electrical energy and rolling.
The three most common energy forms are mass energy, physical energy and electrical energy.
The three most common energy forms are temperature, pressure and electrical energy.
Next question
Which are the three most common used valves for cargo handling equipment on gas carriers?
Ball valves.
Gate valves.
Seat valves.
Butterfly valves.
Next question
Which certificate is issued in accordance with the IGC Code?
It is the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate that is issued in accordance with the IGC Code.
It is the Certificate of Fitness that is issued in accordance with the IGC Code.
There is no Certificate issued in accordance with the IGC Code.
It is the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate that is issued in accordance with the IGC Code.
Next question
Which is the most utilised pump type for cargo discharge on a gas tanker?
Hydraulic driven centrifugal pump.
Displacement pump.
An electrical operated submerged centrifugal pump.
Booster pump.
Next question
Which of the following indicators is based on the paramagnetic principle?
Riken model 17HC.
Servomex OA 262.
Draeger detector tube.
Riken Model GP-204.
Next question
Which of the following materials has the highest diffusion resistance?
Mineral wool.
Freon 22.
Stationary air.
Next question
Why is it important that you become familiar with the vessel, the equipment and your own duties on board as soon as possible?
It is important for you to know so you can find your way without someone guiding you all the time.
In an emergency situation you need to know the position and use of different safety – and fire-fighting equipment, and what to do.
In an emergency situation it is important for you to know where to find the safety officer for reporting.
To be able to carry out safe working on board.
Next question
* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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