On September 11, 2001, amidst the devastation of the World Trade Center attacks, a remarkable story of heroism emerged. Merchant mariners, commanding a flotilla of ferries, tugboats, and other vessels, orchestrated the largest maritime evacuation in US history, rescuing over half a million people from Lower Manhattan.
The short documentary “BOATLIFT: An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience,” narrated by Tom Hanks, tells this powerful story of courage and unity. It highlights the efforts of boat captains, crew members, and ordinary citizens who bravely took to the waterways to evacuate those stranded below Canal Street as other transportation options were paralyzed.
“BOATLIFT” offers gripping firsthand accounts of these rescuers and their passengers, capturing the tension, uncertainty, and ultimate relief of the operation. This documentary pays tribute to the unsung heroes who risked everything to save lives, reminding us of the extraordinary resilience and solidarity shown on that tragic day.