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Crew Evaluation Test online for seamans about Vessel Inspection

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «Vessel Inspection». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Vessel Inspection». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Vessel Inspection» subject includes theoretical and practical information about inspections on the ship. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel, provides to perform proper ship inspections, providing safety by detecting dangerous or possibly unsafe conditions which can endanger ship crew or passengers.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Vessel Inspection» contains 49 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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A Safety Management System includes:
Warning signs, labels and Safety Data Sheets.
Verbal warnings.
Colour, Odour and Taste.
Guiding Manuals, Company Forms, Reference Documents and a filing system.
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A safe route from the gangway should be cordoned off:
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A standard pre-arrival procedure should include:
A briefing in unsafe work practices.
A meeting on increasing fire hazards.
A good wipe down of oily surfaces.
Re-assignment of emergency duties.
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A tank scope can measure hydrocarbons in an inert atmosphere:
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A vetting is:
A risk management process used by oil and chemical companies.
A hazard recognition process.
A filing system.
Required by statutory regulations.
Next question
All officers should know:
That disaster cannot be avoided.
Requirements for high-speed machinery.
33 CFR 151.10d.
How to shut-down power ventilation systems.
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An Oxygen & Acetylene cutting torch must be fitted with:
A proper size torch head.
Flashback suppressors.
Analogue gauges.
Digital gauges.
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An inspector may determine non-compliance with garbage requirements if:
The contingency plan is not posted.
Plastic materials are mixed in with food waste.
The control plan is out of date.
The master plan is not in the galley.
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Drills aboard ship must:
Satisfy vetting inspectors.
Thoroughly confuse the crew.
Comply with ISGOTT.
Demonstrate crew competence.
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During a boat drill, the crew should:
Ensure proper filing of ship’s documents.
Attempt to overload the boats.
Bring the equipment assigned on the muster list.
Assemble at any available lifeboat.
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During a fire drill, the crew must ensure, that:
Water pressure is established, electrical power and ventilation to the area is secured.
The SMS is placed in the lifeboat.
The main engine is properly shut-down.
The steering is in non-follow-up mode.
Next question
During a fire drill, the crew must:
Report roll call of those present and accounted for.
Advise the Master when the emergency team is ready.
Obtain the Master’s permission before sending the emergency team into fight the fire.
Prepare to abandon ship.
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During an emergency drill, the Chief Mate must be able to:
Demonstrate command and control of the emergency team.
Show concern for the environment.
Gain credit for a vocational degree.
Drop anchor in a timely manner.
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Emergency systems to be tested at regular intervals includes:
The emergency generator.
The emergency fire pump.
Fire flaps and quick closing valves.
The Main Engine.
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Europe and Asia joined in identifying substandard ships through:
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
The United Nations MOU.
The Paris MOU and the Tokyo MOU.
The London MOU and the Singapore MOU.
Next question
Evidence of a higher than normal fire risk includes:
Improperly maintained or inoperable fire doors.
Improperly segregated garbage.
An inoperable ODME.
Deficiencies of fire extinguishing equipment.
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First impressions are the most important element in passing an exam:
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If a serious material defect is known, the Master should:
Hide it from inspectors.
Call port state authorities.
Call the flag state.
Advise the technical manager to notify the Classification Society.
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In general, substandard conditions are indicated by:
Conditions below the requirements of international conventions.
Non-compliance with the CDI and OCIMF Ship Inspection Report.
The USCG issues a Control Number.
Issuance of a Document of Compliance.
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In the workshop, a waste bin is considered unsafe if:
It is in a corner.
It is empty.
It is uncovered.
It is made of tin.
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MSDS Sheets must not be available at chemical store areas:
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Mobile phones:
Should never be used on the deck of a petroleum tanker.
Provide safe communications in hazardous atmospheres.
Are explosion proof.
Should be of an approved type.
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Name tags and badges of rank create a good impression:
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On tankers, mooring which brake tests must be conducted every:
6 months.
8 months.
12 months.
18 months.
Next question
One of the most common deficiencies in vetting inspections is:
Lack of document control.
Inadequate passage planning.
Failure to properly tend notice of readiness.
Crew apathy.
Next question
One way to demonstrate knowledge of the dangers posed by cargo is:
Posting the MSDS.
Posting the Document of Compliance.
Posting a Gas Free Certificate.
Posting the Safety Equipment Certificate.
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Open paint cans stored in spaces other than the paint locker indicates:
A careless disregard for safety.
That paint work is complete.
That the Master is keen on maintenance.
The Bosun is a busy man.
Next question
Passage planning on tankers must include:
Berth to sea buoy and sea buoy to berth.
Parallel Indexing Information.
The methods and frequency of position fixing.
Radar Maintenance.
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Prior to a boat drill, the engine should:
Have the oil changed.
Have the sea suction disconnected.
Have a safety check.
Be warmed up to ensure smooth operation when under observation by inspectors.
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Several years ago, the USCG introduced risk management methods that include:
Targeting Substandard Vessels.
Checking Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers.
Pressure testing Nitrogen Bottles.
Requires Life Jacket Drills.
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Standard Operating Procedures are a major component of:
A Safety Management System.
Charterers requirements.
MARPOL rules.
The IMDG Code.
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Standing Orders need not be signed by navigating officers:
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Statutory Regulations include:
SOLAS regulations.
MARPOL regulations.
The IMDG Code.
Next question
Tanker crews face additional examination from:
Classification Surveyors.
The P&I Club.
Major Oil and Chemical companies.
Next question
The OCIMF stands for:
Outer Condition Inspection Marine Force.
Chemical Distribution Institute.
Oil Companies International Marine Forum.
Original Catastrophic Incident Mission Form.
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The SOLAS Training Manual must:
Be produced in French language.
Be colour coded.
Be ship specific.
Be kept near the gangway.
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The air bottle on Self Contained Breathing Apparatus in an emergency locker should be at least 90 % full:
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The following conditions will result in an impression of substandard operation:
A large number of temporary repairs.
Evidence of chronic steam, water and oil leaks.
The crew not wearing ear protection in the engine room.
Crew watching television.
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The inspector should not:
Impose any test that could jeopardize safety.
Drink coffee.
Make a thorough exam.
Report findings.
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The inspector will check logbook entries to:
Learn the name of the Managing Director.
Ensure all required entries and tests are completed prior to arrival and departure.
Establish contact with the Operations Manager.
Learn the name of the Designated Person Ashore.
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The inspector will check to see if key crewmembers can:
Adequately communicate with each other to ensure safe operation of the ship.
Understand document control.
Validate library management.
Issue form systemization.
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The poor condition of fire mains and hydrants or the absence of hoses extinguishers would point to:
The third mate.
A need for closer inspection of fire safety equipment.
A need to examine the hospital.
The ISM Code.
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The requirement to have pollution equipment available on deck is applicable:
During hard rain.
During mooring operations.
During cargo operations on tankers and during bunkering.
At no time.
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Too many general deficiencies would warrant:
Taking control away from sea staff.
Giving control to sea staff.
Inspection of logs and machinery records.
An abbreviated inspection.
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Visitors should be able to board unchallenged:
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Watch schedules detailing the work hours of watch keeping personnel:
Must be posted.
Faxed to the home office monthly.
Included in an accident scenario.
Must be kept with the fire plan.
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When an inspector initiates fire drill with a crewman, the crewman should shout:
“Abandon Ship” and muster on the deck.
“Emergency” “Emergency”.
“Smoke Diver Ready”.
“Fire, fire” until the alarm bell is sounded.
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Whenever a small deficiency is observed, the crew should correct it on the spot:
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Work on steam systems does not require a permit to work:
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* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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