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Crew Evaluation CBT Test Online about Bulk Carrier Voyage (CD 0348)

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the CES CBT CD-0348 test on the subject «Bulk carrier voyage». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Bulk carrier voyage». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Bulk carrier voyage» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on any type of vessel. It is crucial for seafarers working on bulk carriers to understand the intricacies of a bulk carrier voyage to ensure safe and efficient cargo handling. This knowledge helps prevent accidents related to cargo shifting, improves compliance with maritime regulations, and enhances overall operational effectiveness. Additionally, being aware of the specific challenges associated with bulk cargoes allows crew members to respond effectively to emergencies and maintain the safety of the vessel and its personnel.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Bulk carrier voyage» contains 38 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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According to the IMSBC Code, what is the acceptable limit on methane concentration in the space above a coal cargo? Select the ONE correct answer.
5 % of the Lower Explosive Limit, (LEL).
20 % of the Lower Explosive Limit, (LEL).
70 % of the Lower Explosive Limit, (LEL).
90 % of the Lower Explosive Limit, (LEL).
According to this module, what is expected to eventually replace ballast water exchange operations? Select the ONE correct answer.
Systems for ballast water treatment onboard during the ballast voyage.
A return to discharging ballast water in the loading ports.
Complete discharge of ballast water prior to arrival at the loading port.
The provision of good reception facilities at loading ports.
How can high acidity of the water in the bilges be detected? Select the ONE best answer.
A sample of water is taken from the sounding pipe and tested with litmus paper, or litmus paper is attached to the sounding rod.
A sample of water is taken and tested onboard using a silver nitrate testing kit.
A sample of water is taken from the sounding pipe and sent ashore after arrival for testing.
After discharge, any water left in the bilges can be tested with litmus paper.
How can the rate of hold flooding be quickly estimated using the Water Ingress Detector System? Select the ONE best answer.
After the alarm has activated, a visual inspection of the hold will enable an estimate of the rate of flooding to be made.
The height of the detector above the tank-top indicates how deep the water is in the hold.
The time interval between activation of the low level alarm and the higher level alarm gives an indication of the rate that water is entering the hold.
The time interval between the alarm activating and the space being fully flooded gives an indication of the rate that water is entering the hold.
How is the Dew Point found? Select the ONE correct answer.
By using a digital hygrometer or by finding the wet and dry bulb thermometer temperatures.
By measuring the air temperature and atmospheric pressure.
By testing the moisture content of a sample of air.
From long term weather forecasts.
If a self-heating cargo is quickly increasing in temperature and smoke is seen at the hatches, who should the Master first inform? Select the ONE best answer.
The Charterer.
The ship’s Classification society, who can offer advice on likely repairs.
The unloading port, so that preparations can be made for the ship’s arrival.
The ship owner or operator, who should then contact the shippers and get expert advice and recommend immediate actions.
In what circumstances must the hatch covers be fully secured before leaving the berth? Select any answers that you think apply.
If the holds containing a grain cargo have been fumigated.
Hatch covers must always be fully secured before leaving the berth.
If a hatch closure certificate has been issued by an independent surveyor.
If it is raining.
In which ONE of the following circumstances would weather routeing services be most helpful? Select the ONE best answer.
In busy shipping lanes.
Routes in the Red Sea.
Tropical areas in the cyclone season.
Tropical areas outside of the cyclone season.
Is the Master required to follow weather routeing advice provided by the charterer? Select the ONE best answer.
No. The Master will use their own experience and appraise the present conditions.
No. The Master can ignore the advice without having to provide any reasons.
Yes. The Charterparty requires the Master to use «Utmost Despatch» and this requires the Master to follow their weather routeing advice.
Yes. The Master must follow the weather routeing advice provided by the charterer.
Is ventilation always carried out during loaded voyages? Select the ONE best answer.
No. There are some cargoes and circumstances where ventilation can be harmful and should not be carried out.
Yes. Air must be circulated over the cargo at all times, to prevent heating of the cargo.
Yes. Air must be circulated over the cargo at all times, to remove moisture from the cargo.
Yes. Continuous ventilation will remove any dangerous gases which might otherwise be present.
Outside of MARPOL Annex V Special Areas, what is the general rule for discharging none HME cargo residues and wash water? Select the ONE correct answer.
Discharge is not permitted under any circumstances, except to a reception facility.
Discharge is permitted in seas and rivers as required.
Discharge is permitted, but not less than 12 miles from the nearest shore or ice shelf.
Discharge may only be done at night.
What action should be taken if bilge water levels are rising, or ballast tank levels are changing unexpectedly? Select the ONE best answer.
An immediate visual inspection should be carried out and the outcome reported to the owners.
Charterers should be informed.
Class should be informed.
The agents at the next port should be requested to arrange a survey and repair contractor to attend the ship.
What are the main types of test for weather tightness of hatch covers? Select any answers that you think are correct.
A chalk test.
A hose test.
A drop test.
An ultrasonic test.
What is the «three degree» rule for cargoes that can absorb water? Select the ONE correct answer.
Consider ventilating the holds if the external air temperature is three degrees or more below the loaded temperature of the cargo.
Consider ventilating the holds if the external air temperature is three degrees or more above the loaded temperature of the cargo.
Do not ventilate the holds if there is three degrees difference between the dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures of the air.
Never ventilate the hold if the external air temperature is three degrees or more below the loaded temperature of the cargo.
What is the Relative Humidity at the dew point? Select the ONE correct answer.
0 %.
50 %.
100 %.
This varies with the temperature of the air.
What is the biggest risk when using the flow-through ballast water exchange method? Select the ONE best answer.
Over-pressuring a tank by pumping in faster than the outlets can discharge.
Damage to the ship’s coating systems by water from the tanks flowing over the decks.
Good weather is needed to carry out the operations safely.
Torsional forces on the hull due to non-symmetric ballasting.
What is the definition of «wash water» under MARPOL Annex V? Select the ONE correct answer.
Water used in washing the holds that contains some cargo residues and may contain small amounts of cleaning chemicals.
Fresh water used to rinse the holds.
Water used in washing the holds that contains some cargo residues but no cleaning chemicals.
Water used in washing the holds that has been filtered to remove solids.
What is the greatest risk when methane is given off by coal cargoes? Select the ONE best answer.
The cargo may be at risk of liquefaction.
The cargo may be damaged by the presence of the gas.
The ship’s structures may be corroded.
There is an explosion hazard in the hold and adjacent spaces.
What is the preferred location for ballast water exchange? Select the ONE correct answer.
At least 200 miles from nearest shore and 200 metres water depth.
At least 100 miles offshore and 200 metres water depth.
At least 12 miles offshore.
At least two days before arrival at the loading port.
What is the purpose of Water Ingress Detector Systems fitted to bulk carriers? Select the ONE correct answer.
To give an early warning of water ingress to the holds and also the ballast, dry and void spaces forward of the collision bulkhead.
They are fitted to the holds and ballast tanks of all bulk carriers to check the moisture content of the air in the hold.
Water ingress detector systems are fitted to the ballast tanks of all bulk carriers to remotely monitor the levels during filling.
Water ingress detector systems are fitted to the holds of all bulk carriers to monitor the level of water in the bilges.
What percentage of ballast water needs to be exchanged during sequential ballast exchange? Select the ONE correct answer.
100 %.
95 %.
80 %.
25 %.
When is the best time for the Chief Officer to carry out the final inspection of the holds prior to arrival at the loading port? Select the ONE correct answer.
Towards the end of the ballast voyage, but with time to fix any faults that are found.
On departure from the unloading port.
On the day before arrival at the loading port.
The Chief Officer should inspect the holds on arrival, with the terminal representative.
Where can guidance on ventilation of cargoes be found? Select the ONE correct answer.
The IMSBC Code.
The ship’s loading manual.
Where can the Master find advice on fumigation of cargoes? Select the ONE best answer.
The IMO Recommendations on the Safe Use of Pesticides on Ships.
The Shipper’s Declaration.
The Ships Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate (SSCEC).
The ship’s Loading Manual.
Where can the regulations and guidelines relating to ballast water management be found? Select the ONE correct answer.
The Ballast Water Management Convention.
The IMSBC Code.
Where should details of the ballast water exchange be recorded? Select the ONE best answer.
In a ballast water note book.
In the Deck Logbook.
In the Engine Room Logbook.
In the Ballast Water Record Book.
Which ONE of these circumstances would cause «cargo sweat» to occur in a hold? Select the ONE correct answer.
When a cargo has a high moisture content and water leaches out.
When a cold cargo surface meets warm moist air coming from outside the hold.
When a cold cargo surface meets cold air during ventilation.
When cold external air flows over a warm cargo during ventilation.
Which ONE of these circumstances would cause «ship’s sweat» to occur in a hold? Select the ONE correct answer.
When warm moist air in the space above the cargo meets the cold surfaces of the ship’s steel structures.
When cold air in the space above the cargo meets the cold surfaces of the ship’s steel structures.
When cold air in the space above the cargo meets the warm surfaces of the ship’s steel structures.
When the sea temperature is higher than the air temperature.
Which ONE of these circumstances would cause sweat to occur in a hold? Select the ONE correct answer.
When warm moist air meets a cold surface.
When cold dry air meets a warm surface.
When warm dry air meets a warm surface.
When warm moist air meets a warm surface.
Which of the following amounts of ballast would give the «heavy ballast» condition? Select the ONE correct answer.
25 % of the loaded displacement.
40 % of the loaded displacement.
55 % of the loaded displacement.
95 % of the loaded displacement.
Which one of the following is a typical minimum forward draught? Select the ONE correct answer.
2,5 % of the ship’s length.
10 % of the ship’s length.
5 % of the ship’s length.
7,5 % of the ship’s length.
Which one of the following is the main disadvantage of the sequential ballast water exchange method? Select the ONE correct answer.
Damage to the ship’s coating systems due to water flooding over the decks.
It is not as good as the flow-through method at removing organisms.
Reasonably good weather is required for the whole of the operation.
Over-pressuring the tanks.
Whose direct responsibility is it to ensure that the hatch covers are properly secured prior to proceeding to sea? Select the ONE correct answer.
The Chief Officer.
The Bosun.
The Master.
The Officer of the Watch.
Why are daily soundings of hold bilges required during the ballast voyage? Select the ONE correct answer.
So that any signs of leakage into the hold can be found as soon as possible.
To check that the ballast system is working correctly.
To confirm that the non-return valves are working correctly.
To confirm that the sounding pipes are clear.
Why does the atmosphere above a coal cargo need to be monitored? Select the ONE best answer.
To monitor for explosive or toxic gases.
This is a requirement of the charterers.
To determine the dew point in the hold.
To ensure that the relative humidity in the hold is at the correct level.
Why is it important to keep good records of all ventilation during the voyage? Select the ONE correct answer.
To be able to show that good care has been taken of the cargo during the voyage.
To allow the amount of power used to ventilate the cargo to be calculated.
To keep a log of the crew working hours with respect to ventilation of the cargo.
To record the running hours and wear on the ventilation system.
Why is regular measurement of hold temperatures necessary when carrying cargoes such as coal or grain? Select the ONE best answer.
So that the cooling ventilation can be planned.
To monitor for self heating.
To help with planning the unloading of the cargo.
To indicate if the hold bilges need pumping.
With the exception of Australia, how many insects (dead or alive) in a hold will make it unfit to load a grain cargo? Select the ONE correct answer.
Three or more.
Fifty or more.
One or more.
Ten or more.

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Сентябрь, 26, 2024 683 0
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