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Crew Evaluation CBT Test Online on SAM Electronics ECDISPILOT 1, Basic and Platinum (CD-4017.1)

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the CES CBT CD-4017.1 test on the subject «SAM Electronics ECDISPILOT 1, Basic and Platinum». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «SAM Electronics ECDISPILOT 1, Basic and Platinum». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«SAM Electronics ECDISPILOT 1, Basic and Platinum» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on any type of vessel. The course offers comprehensive training for maritime professionals, covering aspects of electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS). This program is designed to cater to various vessel types, ensuring that trainees gain the skills needed to operate effectively in the modern maritime industry. The basic level provides an introduction to ECDIS, familiarizing participants with the fundamentals of the system and its applications. As the course progresses to the platinum level, it delves into more advanced topics, preparing individuals to handle complex navigation scenarios. Participants will learn about chart management, route planning and the integration of various maritime data sources. The training also focuses on enhancing situational awareness, enabling crew members to make informed decisions in critical situations. With a practical approach, trainees will gain hands-on experience, ensuring they are well-prepared to utilize ECDIS in real-world sailing conditions. This advanced training is essential for anyone seeking to enhance their navigation skills and adapt to the evolving technology in the shipping industry.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «SAM Electronics ECDISPILOT 1, Basic and Platinum» contains 89 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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How can the screen brilliance be increased on an ECDISPILOT when it is running, but the screen is too dark to see it? Select the ONE correct answer.
Roll the cursor to the top left side of the screen and repeatedly press the «DO» key.
Roll the cursor to the top left side of the screen and repeatedly press the «MORE» key.
Roll the cursor to the top right side of the screen and repeatedly press the «DO» key.
Roll the cursor to the top right side of the screen and repeatedly press the «MORE» key.
How can the wheel over point be set? Select the ONE correct answer.
As a line only.
As a point or a line.
As a point only.
As a text message.
How can user symbols, areas and lines be defined on the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE best answer.
Global, track related and attached to a particular chart cell.
Global, user defined or track related.
They cannot be defined, as they are available to all once created.
User defined group and available to anyone.
How does an operator find out which version of the ECDISPILOT is loaded on the MFD? Select the ONE best answer.
By pressing the «About» button on the menu.
By contacting SAM Electronics.
By looking in the ECDIS handbook.
By pressing the «Version» button on the menu.
How does an operator maximise the chart screen? Select the ONE correct answer.
By using the small arrow on the navigation data strip.
With a double press on the chart screen.
By using the arrow button located on the menu bar.
By using the square symbol located on the menu bar.
How is a manual fix entered onto the chart after two LOPs have been entered? Select the ONE correct answer.
By entering a user text, object.
By entering an onscreen text message.
Press the «Create Pos Fix» button.
Press the «Drop Pos Fix» button.
How is an offset EBL centred back on the vessel symbol? Select the TWO correct answers.
Switch it off then on again.
Use the on-screen menu with «Center EBL1» or «Center EBL2».
Click and drag it to the symbol on a zoomed in display.
Press the «Fixed» button.
How is it possible for an operator to check for chart updates on the ECDISPILOT? Select the TWO correct answers.
In the «Chart» frame of the «Navigation Side bar», left side of Chart type ID. An alarm symbol displays a chart expiry warning or alarm.
With activated, highlighted updates in the chart area.
By checking with the chart records on board the vessel where the ECDIS is located.
By contacting a local RENC, or the chart supplier.
How many electronic bearing lines are there on the ECDISPILOT?
One blue one and one brown one.
One blue.
How many parallel index lines are available on the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE best answer.
How often are voyage records stored on the hard drive of an ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE correct answer.
Every 10 seconds for a period of 90 days.
Every 12 hours for a period of 3 months.
Every 20 seconds for a period of 100 days.
Every 24 hours for a period of 3 months.
If the LED on the lower right side of the monitor shows a fixed red light, what has happened to the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE correct answer.
The PC is switched off or has a technical problem.
The monitor has failed.
The system is in standby mode.
There is a dangerous target.
If the LED on the lower right side of the monitor starts to flash a green light, what has happened to the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE correct answer.
The ECDISPILOT is being used for chart maintenance.
The navigation signal from the sensor unit has failed.
The display is switched off, or the PC connection lost.
The system is operating normally.
If the LED on the lower right side of the monitor starts to flash a red light, what has happened to the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE correct answer.
The ECDISPILOT PC has failed.
It is at too high a temperature.
The signal from the sensor unit has failed.
The system is shutting down.
In the illustration, what is missing from the cross shaped cursor when it is located on the chart screen of the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE best answer.
A small number, indicating which MFD is being used.
Nothing, as this is what the cursor looks like on the chart screen.
The text box with position.
The text box with position and range and bearing.
Is it possible to have more than one route open at the same time on the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE best answer.
Depends on the mode.
Only when planning.
Is the predictive function based on water or ground track? Select the ONE best answer.
Ground track, when the sea floor is relatively close for the Doppler log.
Ground track.
Water track, when the vessel speed is below three knots.
Water track.
Is the safety detection sector active at all times, or just when seen on the chart screen? Select the ONE best answer.
At all times.
At all times when there is an «Active» route.
Just when seen on the chart screen.
Only when seen and if there is an «Active» route.
On an ECDISPILOT, what is used to define a «Navigating» target as opposed to an «anchored» or «moored» target? Select the ONE correct answer.
A speed greater than three knots.
A speed greater than five knots.
One that is in a recognisable fairway.
The definition set into the other vessel’s AIS transmission.
On an MFD, the graphical user interface for the ECDISPILOT is based on Windows 7. Is it possible for a user to load other software using the Windows operating system? Select the ONE correct answer.
No it is not possible until the system is out of warranty.
Yes it is, as the ECDISPILOT is loaded on a standard PC.
Yes it is, as Word is installed to allow a passage planning route list to be made.
No it is not possible to load user software.
On the ECDISPILOT version 1.0.15.xx, what does this symbol indicate? Select the ONE correct answer.
A priority one alert.
A warning classed as number one in the alarm list.
An alarm on MFD number one.
Number one buoy.
On the ECDISPILOT version 1.0.15.xx, what does this symbol indicate? Select the ONE correct answer.
A priority two alert.
A warning classed as number two in the alarm list.
An alarm on MFD number two.
Number two «special» mark.
On the ECDISPILOT version 1.1.xx.xx what would this symbol indicate seen on the alarm strip? Select the ONE best answer.
A «Warning».
A system «Alarm».
An AIS «Alarm».
An ECDIS «Alarm».
On the ECDISPILOT version 1.1.xx.xx, what would this symbol indicate seen on the alarm strip? Select the ONE best answer.
The acoustic horn has failed.
This is a system alarm.
An «Emergency alarm» or an «Alarm».
This is an ECDIS alarm.
On the ECDISPILOT, how does an operator know that the chart is over scaled? Select the ONE correct answer.
A warning is given on the «Chart Status Line».
The chart screen has horizontal lines on it.
The indicated range has a red highlight around it.
The range cannot be changed any further down.
On the ECDISPILOT, how many man overboard positions are possible? Select the ONE correct answer.
On the ECDISPILOT, if a route geometry check is not passed, what cannot be done? Select the ONE best answer.
Another geometry check.
A chart and user object check.
The route cannot be saved.
The route cannot be used.
On the ECDISPILOT, if the «Display Off» button has been pressed on the menu bar, how is the display returned? Select the ONE correct answer.
The chart screen has horizontal lines on it.
The indicated range has a red highlight around it.
The range cannot be changed any further down.
By moving the pointing device.
On the ECDISPILOT, what choices are there in the route «Controller» for following a route? Select the TWO correct answers.
DP for vessels with «Dynamic Positioning».
«TP» or «Manual».
«Manual» or «Operator».
«Steering» or «Auto».
On the ECDISPILOT, why does a dropped fix sometimes not appear at the crossing point of two LOPs? Select the ONE correct answer.
Because the bearing values are round up to the nearest whole number for plotting.
Because the ECDISPILOT knows that visual bearings are great circles.
Because the ECDISPILOT knows that visual bearings are rhumb lines.
Because there is always a small error in bearings.
On the SAM integrated bridge system (NACOS), what does the abbreviation MFD stand for? Select the ONE correct answer.
Many fixed displays.
Multi-function display.
Maximum forward detection.
Multi file display.
On the SAM integrated bridge system (NACOS), what is the most useful principle of the MFDs found within it? Select the ONE best answer.
They can show any application within the NACOS system.
They can be dispersed around a vessel.
They can be used by service technicians when they board.
They can show both ECDIS and radar displays.
Some ECDISPILOTs are fitted with a «Panel PC», what is meant by this? Select the ONE best answer.
This is an ECDISPILOT Basic, where the PC is integrated into the monitor.
The PC can be more easily accessed for maintenance.
The PC has a solid-state hard drive not commonly found on an ECDIS.
This is a system where the PC is more like a laptop, being thinner.
What are the reference positions available on an ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE correct answer.
«CCRP», «Radar» and «Track».
«CCRP», «Radar» and «Route».
«Pivot point», «CCRP» and «Track».
«Track», «CCRP» and «AIS».
What can a scroll wheel on a mouse or trackball be used for, when fitted to a SAM MFD? Select the ONE correct answer.
A long push of it restarts the PC running the MFD.
It can be set up similar to a special function key on the keyboard.
It scrolls a list or zooms the chart.
It is used to obtain a «Pick» report on a charted object.
What can be done by an operator to maintain the hardware of an MFD in the NACOS system? Select the ONE correct answer.
Check for the security of cables and remove dust.
Complete earth leakage tests on all equipment.
Remove the hard drive from the cabinet and make sure it is free running.
Replace the fluid in the motion damping unit.
What can be done by an operator to maintain the software of an MFD in the NACOS system? Select the ONE correct answer.
Check that all the necessary files are in their correct folders.
Nothing, as this should only be done by SAM approved personnel.
Re-install the software for the ECDISPILOT from the backup.
Remove temporary folders from the hard drive.
What can happen when the «DO» key on the pointing device of an ECDISPILOT is given a double push? Select the ONE correct answer.
A folder is opened, or a function is activated.
It can be set up similar to a special function key on the keyboard.
The ECDISPILOT is put into standby mode.
The value of the object in a cell is advanced by one unit.
What do the special function keys «F11» and «F12» do when pressed on a NACOS MFD? Select the TWO correct answers.
Stop the ECDIS acoustic alarm.
Accept a newly acquired radar target.
Stop the ECDIS visual alarm, the flashing symbols.
Set the ECDIS display into a «Standard» mode.
What does a yellow triangle indicate when seen on ECDISPILOT version 1.0.15.xx? Select the ONE correct answer.
It indicates that there is a warning message alongside it.
It indicates that there is an update buoy in this position.
It is an alarm that requires immediate operator action.
It says that there are three warning messages unacknowledged.
What does the small arrow alongside the speed through the water indicate, as seen on this illustration from the navigation side bar? Select the ONE correct answer.
It shows the resultant of longitudinal and transverse water speed.
That a water track log is sending the speed.
That the log sensor signal is received within limits.
That there is a sub-menu available allowing the speed to be changed to «ground».
What does the small symbol seen alongside «helgoland» indicate? Select the ONE best answer.
That the route has geometry errors.
That the route is open.
That the route has not been validated.
That the route is closed.
What does the small triangle seen on this ECDISPILOT menu represent? Select the ONE correct answer.
If pressed, it closes the display menu.
It is a button to access a sub-ordinate menu.
It notifies the operator that the mode is «Browse».
It scrolls the chart down as the mode is «Browse».
What does the thick red line seen on this illustration from route indicate? Select the ONE correct answer.
It is because the heading change is greater than 90°.
It is because the route is laid over a buoy.
The route has not passed the geometry check.
It is the normal way a turn is shown at a waypoint.
What happens on an ECDISPILOT when the vessel symbol seen on the chart screen is pressed? Select the ONE best answer.
Chart browse mode is selected.
The vessel symbol changes to an outline shape.
The vessel symbol moves to the bottom of the chart screen.
The vessel symbol centres on the chart screen.
What happens to an ECDISPILOT display mode when the «S» button is pressed on the menu bar? Select the THREE correct answers.
It activates the safety contour alarm, and it selects the standard display category.
It reverts to north up, true motion and 6-mile range.
The «own–ship»-symbol is centred on the chart display.
It reverts to course up, true motion.
What happens to an ECDISPILOT when the «S» button is pressed on the menu bar? Select the ONE best answer.
The display brightness is increased to maximum.
The ECDIS goes into standby mode.
The chart display turns to the well-known pre-defined, part IMO setting.
The system loads an IHO S57 chart type.
What is a «Customised» display as seen on the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE best answer.
A display created by SAM Electronics.
A display personalised by an operator.
An IMO «Standard» display.
One created for a harbour pilot.
What is contained in the «Chart Status Line» of an ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE correct answer.
The level of detail, mode of display and the type of displayed chart.
The man over board button, the home button and the type of displayed chart.
The type of chart, the associated permit number and the scale status of the displayed chart.
The type of chart, the level of detail, the depth units and the scale status of the displayed chart.
What is indicated by a chart cell seen on the «Maintenance» screen with a blue outline? Select the ONE best answer.
The cell is one supplied by C-Map.
The cell has an incorrect compilation scale.
The cell is corrupt.
The chart cell is an IHO ENC cell.
What is indicated by a chart cell seen on the «Maintenance» screen with a green outline? Select the ONE best answer.
The chart cell has an error on it.
The chart cell is a C-Map one.
That the cell is okay to use.
The ECDISPILOT considers that this cell should be used on the planned route.
What is indicated by a chart cell seen on the «Maintenance» screen with a red outline? Select the ONE best answer.
The chart cell has been checked and is ready for use.
The chart cell has no content as it is corrupted.
This is the normal way that the ECDISPILOT lets an operator see loaded chart cells.
An error occurred when the cell was being checked by the ECDISPLIOT.
What is meant by an «Active» route on the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE correct answer.
It is a route that is being edited by an operator.
It is a route that will be monitored by the ECDISPILOT.
It is one that crosses into very busy sea areas.
It is one that needs more edits to be completed by an operator.
What is the easiest way to move the chart around on the ECDISPILOT screen? Select the ONE best answer.
Press and hold the «DO» key while moving the pointing device.
Change scale then reposition the chart centre.
Load a different chart for another location.
Use the «MORE» key and opened menu to set the chart centre.
What is the greatest time setting available on the predictive function? Select the ONE correct answer.
60 seconds.
120 seconds.
180 seconds.
240 seconds.
What is the name given to the folders where route files are stored on the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE best answer.
What is the red sector seen in this illustration from a chart screen? Select the ONE correct answer.
A danger area.
The guard zone.
A safety zone.
Then safety detection sector.
What is the significance of the little red box seen on the guard zone? Select the ONE correct answer.
It allows the guard zone to be adjusted.
It allows the guard zone to be closed down.
It identifies that this is number one zone.
It is an acquired target within the zone.
What is the slider shown in the illustration used for? Select the ONE correct answer.
It adjusts the volume of the acoustic horn.
It is the screen brightness adjuster.
It is used to change the chart display scale.
It is used to adjust the chart compilation scale.
What is the use of the small orange box seen on the route leg in this illustration? Select the ONE best answer.
It informs the operator about the vessel’s schedule.
It is a charted object showing a «Caution» area.
It is a manual chart update.
It is a «User Area» set in by an operator.
What is the «Escalation» time as seen on the alarms list? Select the ONE correct answer.
It is a limit on how many alarms will be raised at the same time.
It is the time before a warning becomes an alarm.
It is how rapidly a dangerous target would cause a close quarter situation.
It is the time it takes to respond to an alarm.
What is the «S» used for as shown on the menu bar of the ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE correct answer.
When pressed it changes the ECDIS display to an IMO defined «Standard» one.
It is an indication that the display mode is set to «Standard».
It is an indication that the ECDISPILOT is in standby mode.
When pressed it returns the display to the «Super Home» screen.
What might happen if an ECDISPILOT is not powered down properly? Select the ONE correct answer.
Nothing, as the software will just run up again.
The Linux host will end up corrupt and SAM Electronics will have to send a qualified service person.
The ECDISPILOT program will not re-start, needing a qualified service person to attend.
The Windows host will end up corrupt and Windows will have to be re-installed.
What would a yellow dot, as seen alongside a sensor, indicate? Select the ONE correct answer.
It indicates that the sensor is normal.
It shows that a sensor is in «Auto» mode.
It shows that the sensor is outside the normal operational limits.
It indicates that the sensor information has been manually set.
What would happen to the small white arrow seen alongside the speed through the water, on a vessel with only sternway? Select the ONE correct answer.
It would not change.
It would point downwards.
It would point upwards.
It would turn a red colour.
When an LOP is being set on the chart screen, what function does the «Adjust» button have? Select the ONE best answer.
It adjusts the bearing of the LOP in one degree steps from the reference object selected.
It adjusts the coordinates of the observed object.
It adjusts the origin of the LOP, placing it on the reference object selected.
It opens a menu to allow exact coordinates, distance and bearing of the charted reference object to be entered.
When an operator sets safety depth values, what should they consider? Select the ONE best answer.
The vessel’s hydrodynamic pivot point position.
The vessel’s draught and the zone of confidence value along the route.
They should set large values to stop unnecessary alarms.
They should set small values to stop unnecessary alarms.
When does the cursor on the ECDISPILOT look like the one illustrated? Select the ONE best answer.
Because an onscreen function is attached to it.
Because it is being moved.
Because it is being used as a tape measure.
Because it is on the chart screen.
When does the cursor on the ECDISPILOT look like the one illustrated? Select the ONE correct answer.
The cursor is outside the chart, on a menu.
The cursor is on the chart area.
The ECDIS computer is hanging.
The ECDIS computer is idle.
Where is the danger detection sector referenced to on an ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE best answer.
The «Track» reference position near the bow.
The vessel’s centre point.
The vessel’s pivot point.
The «CCRP» located at the conning position.
Which ONE answer correctly completes the following statement? A long range AIS interrogation on an ECDISPILOT
… is not automatically answered if the setting is in «Manual».
… is automatically answered if the setting is in «Manual».
… is automatically answered if the station is within VHF range.
… is not possible, as the system does not support it.
Which ONE answer correctly completes the following statement? A man overboard position on an ECDISPILOT
… stays in the initial ground position.
… stays in the initial water position.
… updates with the estimated drift.
… updates according to a vessel’s course and speed.
Which ONE answer correctly completes the following statement? A virtual button on the ECDISPILOT
… is recognised because there is shading around it.
… must always be pressed using the «MORE» key on the pointing device.
… is recognised because it always has a letter on it.
… is recognised because it is yellow in colour.
Which ONE answer correctly completes the following statement? A virtual button on the ECDISPILOT
… is pressed using the «DO» button on the pointing device.
… can be pressed using the «MORE» or «DO» button on the pointing device.
… is recognised because it always has a number on it.
… is there as a prompt only to remind the operator to access a menu.
Which ONE answer correctly completes the following statement? An ECDISPILOT shows charted objects that have been updated …
… by adding a small symbol alongside the charted object.
… by adding an update icon on the «Chart Register» bar.
… by surrounding them with an orange star shape, lines and a U-pattern.
… by surrounding them with a red star shape.
Which ONE answer correctly completes the following statement? User symbols created on an MFD
… are available throughout the vessel’s network.
… are only available on one other MFD.
… are only available on the MFD that they were created on.
… only have «danger areas» spread throughout the network.
Which TWO answers correctly completes the following statement? The ECDISPILOT can indicate an ETA using the planned speed or …
… calculate the ETA using the actual speed on vessels with a conning screen.
… calculate the speed to make a required ETA.
… be set so that it does not do this.
… calculate the ETA using an average speed.
Which answer describes a use for «Chart 1» with respect to the setup of an ECDISPILOT display? Select the ONE best answer.
The chart shows how to set up display types.
There is a help menu embedded within «Chart 1».
There is a grey scale and colour test pattern for the monitor.
There is guidance on the number of pixels available on the fitted monitor.
Which of the mouse or trackball keys are active on a SAM MFD? Select the ONE correct answer.
The left side «DO» key and the right side «MORE» key.
The left side «DO» key, the centre «INFO» key and the right side «MORE» key.
The right side «DO» key and the left side «MORE» key.
The right side «DO» key, the centre «INFO» key and the left side «MORE» key.
Which of the special function keys on a fitted keyboard are assigned for ECDISPILOT use? Select the TWO correct answers.
The «F11» key.
The «F12» key.
The «F10» key.
The «F8» key.
Why does the ECDISPILOT have a setting to reduce the output power of the vessel’s AIS transponder? Select the ONE correct answer.
To reduce the risks of sparks being generated.
To restrict the range of the AIS in a piracy area.
To stop it interfering with GPS reception.
To stop «modal» affect when the transmitter is close.
Why does the cursor on the ECDISPILOT look like the one illustrated? Select the ONE correct answer.
Because it is on the SCAMIN lines.
Because an on-screen function can be grabbed.
The ECDIS computer is hanging.
The ECDIS computer is idle.
Why is there a yellow dot alongside the time shown on an ECDISPILOT? Select the ONE correct answer.
It is an indication that the displayed time is LMT.
The time information is coming from the internal clock of the PC.
It is an indication that the displayed time is UTC.
There is a discrepancy between the internal clock of the PC and the navigation sensor.
Why might An ECDISPILOT look like it is not running when it really is running? Select the ONE best answer.
The ECDISPILOT computer fans cannot be heard running.
The power light is dimly illuminated.
The screen brilliance is set too high for the light conditions.
The screen brilliance is set too low for the light conditions.
Why might the arrow-button for maximizing the chart area not work when pressed? Select ONE correct answer.
The MFD is being used with an ARCS chart displayed.
The version of the ECDISPILOT does not have this functionality fitted.
There are too many tracked targets for the MFD to cope with as the screen display would become too cluttered.
The MFD is involved in surveillances around the vessel, with target tracking or with TRACKPILOT in operation.
Why would a red diamond, as seen alongside a sensor, indicate? Select the ONE correct answer.
It indicates that the sensor is normal.
It shows that a differential GPS position is being received.
It indicates that the sensor information has failed.
It shows that the sensor is being used by another MFD.
Why would the alarm «Deviation from Route» sound? Select the ONE best answer.
A vessel is not on the planned time schedule.
A vessel’s heading is outside the set limits.
A vessel is outside the set cross track limits.
A vessel’s speed has dropped below the set value.
Why would the «Chart Status Line» show the following: «Base+»? Select the ONE correct answer.
There is a «Customised» display category selected.
There is a duplicated screen display.
There is a «Base» display at an incorrect range.
There is a «Base» display with zone of confidence symbols added.
Why would two red alert triangles be seen at the same time, side by side, on the alarm strip? Select the ONE correct answer.
The alert is coming from another connected MFD.
Because the alarm ‘Escalation’ time is exceeded.
Because there is a fire alarm sounding on the vessel.
There are two alarms active at the moment.

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Январь, 15, 2025 173 0
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