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Crew Evaluation CBT Test Online on TOTS 1C-Passage Planning and Navigation (CD-7044)

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the CES CBT CD-7044 test on the subject «TOTS 1C-Passage Planning and Navigation». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «TOTS 1C-Passage Planning and Navigation». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«TOTS 1C-Passage Planning and Navigation» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on any type of vessel. The test provides advanced training for safe and efficient voyage planning on all kinds of ships. The subject combines knowledge and skills to ensure precise navigation and route optimization. Participants will learn to create comprehensive passage plans, considering weather, tides and navigational hazards. The course emphasizes the use of modern navigational tools and traditional chart plotting techniques. Practical exercises simulate real-world scenarios to develop confidence in handling complex navigational challenges. Key topics include compliance with international regulations, risk assessment and emergency route adjustments. This training equips mariners with the skills needed to ensure safety and operational efficiency during voyages.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «TOTS 1C-Passage Planning and Navigation» contains 25 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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During appraisal what sources should the Navigating Officer use to gain information?
From every available source.
From official sources approved by Company regulations.
From official sources approved by the relevant Hydrographic Office.
From sources agreed by the Master.
If a vessel is fitted with an unapproved electronic chart system, how can it be used in Passage Planning?
It should not be used for Passage Planning.
Any electronic chart system can be used with confidence, even if it has not been officially approved.
It can be used fully, but positions must be plotted on a paper chart.
It can be used in the appraisal, but this must then be checked by another method.
If, during the Appraisal it is realised that one or more up to date charts at the best possible scale are not available on board, what action should be taken?
Cancelled charts can be used with caution.
The necessary charts should be requisitioned.
The next best scale charts should be used.
The route should be changed to use only acceptable charts.
One of the earliest tasks in Passage Planning is to calculate the total distance. Why is this information needed at an early stage?
To calculate the ETA at the destination, and the consumables such as fuel and water required to reach it.
To assess the weather situation at the destination.
To enable the catering department to plan food consumption in advance.
To inform the crewing office in good time with regard to crew changes at the destination.
What actions must the vessel be able to safely take at the abort point?
Pick up the Pilot, providing a lee if necessary.
Reduce speed to minimum steerage way.
Turn around, stop in safe water, or anchor.
Test the main engine ahead and astern.
What are the four stages of Passage Planning?
Appraisal, preparation, approval, execution.
Pilotage outwards, sea passage, anchoring, pilotage inwards.
Planning on paper, preparing the route on the charts, discussion with the Master, correction of any errors.
Appraisal, planning, execution, monitoring.
What information should you record in the Bell Book and the Deck Log Book about the navigation of the vessel?
Sufficient information to enable the reconstruction of the ship’s movement if required at a later date.
Only the information that is instructed by the Master to be recorded.
Only the manoeuvring changes and status of the main engine should be recorded.
Only the times that are important for the charterers’ commercial operations (like EOSP, Pilot on board, all fast etc should be recorded).
What is achieved by carefully selecting «no-go areas» on the nautical charts required for the ship’s passage?
It indicates all areas where the vessel cannot go on deepest draft.
It indicates all areas where the vessel is advised not go on deepest draft.
It indicates all areas where the vessel cannot go with present draft.
It indicates all areas where the vessel should not go when loaded.
What is achieved by the «appraisal» phase of passage planning?
Appraisal is the part of passage plan where all the information on required charts is collected, and it is confirmed that all required charts are available on board.
Appraisal is the part of the passage plan that needs to approved by office.
Appraisal is the part of the passage plan where the Master decides which route the vessel will take between two ports.
Appraisal is the part of passage planning where all pertinent information is gathered and the firm foundation for the plan is built.
What is the «tidal window»?
It is the maximum time permitted for the vessel to reach the berth from safe anchorage in a tidal area.
It is the times between which the tide has achieved a required height, and it is safe for the ship to transit an area.
It is the time required for the vessel to reach the berth from safe anchorage in a tidal area.
It is the time when the vessel can go alongside and start discharging cargo to reach the required safe draft.
What is the UKC (Under Keel Clearance)?
It is the vertical distance between the seabed and the deepest part of the ship.
It is an important part of the «pilot station to berth» section of the passage plan for all tankers.
It is an important part of the «pilot station to berth» section of the passage plan for loaded tankers.
It is an important part of the «pilot station to berth» section of the passage plan.
What is the main consideration when deciding the frequency of position fixing?
The vessel should be clear of dangers, and have enough time to take avoiding action between fixes.
Master’s orders, and Company regulations.
The availability of different methods of position fixing, and the time required to plot an accurate using them.
The frequency should take into account the workload on the Bridge Team.
What is the meaning of the term «abort point»?
It is the latest position where the vessel may abandon the planned passage and either return or stop safely.
It is any position on the passage where the vessel can abandon the planned passage.
It is not a phrase which should be used within the plan.
It is the safe area, specified in the plan and marked on the chart, where the vessel can wait if the plan is abandoned.
What is the meaning of the term «margin of safety»?
It is another phrase meaning «no-go areas».
It is not a phrase which should be used within the plan.
It is a line parallel to the track, within which the vessel will always be in safe water.
It is the distance from the nearest danger.
What is the meaning of the term «parallel index»?
A navigational instrument used for plotting bearings on a chart.
Information on radar about the ship’s position in relation to a fixed object ashore.
Information on radar about the ship’s position in relation to a ship’s longitudinal track error.
A radar-based constant update of a ship’s cross track error.
What is the primary reason for the ship’s passage plan to be discussed between the navigating officers and the Master before the beginning of a voyage?
In order to inform the Chief Officer and the 3rd Officer about the particular voyage and its specific issues and concerns.
In order to inform the officers and crew about the destination port.
In order to satisfy the Company’s Navigational Procedures requirement.
In order to fully inform all navigation officers about the particular voyage, its specific issues and concerns.
What precautions must be taken when using floating marks for navigation?
The identity and position of the mark must be accurately established.
Floating marks should only be used within port limits.
The mark should only be used on the advice of the pilot.
Use visual bearings only, not radar information.
What type of markers can be used on nautical charts?
Soft 2B pencil and permanent magenta ink.
Ball-point pens.
HB pencils only.
White correction fluid.
What would you use a gnomonic chart for during Passage Planning?
To plot Rhumb Line courses and waypoints.
To show sections of the route for which suitable passage charts were not available.
To plot Great Circle courses and waypoints.
To show the complete passage conveniently on one chart.
When is the UKC (Under Keel Clearance) calculation required to be completed?
The UKC should be calculated and applied for all ships loading and discharging from ports, irrespective of any local regulations and requirements.
The UKC should be calculated for all tankers while arriving and departing from US ports.
The UKC should be calculated for loaded tankers while sailing to US ports.
The UKC should be calculated for tankers while sailing to US ports.
When should highlighters and permanent markers be used on nautical charts?
For corrections according to Notices to Mariners.
Only in areas of the chart not used directly for navigation.
They should not be used.
When permitted by the Master.
Which scale navigation charts should be prepared for use on the passage?
The largest scale available.
The most recently corrected charts available.
The smallest scale available.
Whatever scale will conveniently show the intended route.
Who is responsible for ensuring that a proper Passage Plan is drawn up?
It depends on the Company requirements.
The Second Officer.
The ship owner.
The Master.
Why should the passage plan be updated on receipt of Navarea Warnings or T&P notices during the voyage?
Because they may contain important commercial information regarding the availability of berths, tugs, pilots etc.
Because they may contain instructions from owners or charterers regarding the voyage.
Because they may contain important and urgent navigational information and warnings that were not available on board at the beginning of the voyage.
Because they may contain urgent weather warnings.
Why would you use risk assessment techniques during Passage Planning?
To reduce, and where possible eliminate risks from navigational hazards.
There is no requirement for risk assessment to be used.
To comply with Flag State or Company regulations.
To reduce, and where possible eliminate risks to the Bridge Team personnel during the passage.

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Ноябрь, 22, 2024 389 0
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