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Crew Evaluation CBT Test Online on Social Media Awareness (CD-4060)

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the CES CBT CD-4060 test on the subject «Social Media Awareness». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Social Media Awareness». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Social Media Awareness» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on any type of vessel. The training provides essential knowledge about the responsible use of social platforms while working aboard vessels and in the maritime industry. The course covers security risks associated with sharing sensitive information about vessel operations, cargo and crew members on social media platforms. Seafarers learn about the importance of maintaining professional boundaries when using social media during their time on board and in ports. The training includes practical guidelines on protecting personal and company information from cyber threats through proper social media management. Participants receive instruction on company policies regarding social media usage, including restrictions on posting photos of vessel equipment, operations and location details. The course emphasizes the impact of social media posts on company reputation and teaches crew members how to represent their organization professionally online. Through practical exercises, participants learn to identify potential security breaches and understand the consequences of inappropriate social media behavior in the maritime industry.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Social Media Awareness» contains 15 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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Amount of questions: 15.

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A post on social media can be copied and spread around the world in seconds?
Can journalists find information about you on your personal social media accounts?
No, as long as you only share information with friends.
No, they can’t track things you delete.
Yes, if your privacy settings are not set to maximum.
Yes, but only if they get special access.
Can you lose your job from just one simple social media post?
If you aren’t breaking any rules, they can’t do anything.
No you cannot.
Yes, because a social media post could be misinterpreted and cause serious damage to a company’s reputation.
Yes you could be fired if you post something the company doesn’t like.
Do journalists use social media as a source for their stories?
Yes, many journalists search social media channels for information to use in their news stories.
It is illegal for journalists to use social media for their stories.
It is illegal for journalists to use social media for their stories.
No, journalists do not use social media.
Do things on the Internet get deleted after a certain amount of time?
No, nothing will ever disappear on the internet.
If your accounts have been inactive for 5 years they will be deleted.
Yes, nothing is kept on the internet forever.
Your posts and photos are owned by you so even if they don’t get deleted no one will be able to re-use them anyway.
If an incident happens on board your vessel you should:
Send social media posts about the incident to your friends and family.
Take photos and post them on social media.
Tweet about the incident so that the media hear the story from your side before anyone else’s.
Keep calm and wait until your superiors instruct you.
If the company you work for has a social media policy you should:
Don’t follow it word for word. This is simply a guide.
Make sure you read and understand it and follow it every time you post.
Don’t take it too seriously. Social media should not be considered a priority.
Quickly look through it so you get a general idea of the policy.
If there is a critical situation that has something to do with your company, what should you do?
Post a photo and share only with family and close friends.
Don’t post anything at all.
Send an anonymous tip/news scoop to journalists.
Send the photos to a friend privately and ask him/her to upload these.
If you are contacted by a journalists to discuss company affairs or a recent incident you should:
Tell them that you are not the correct person to speak to but you can take their contact details and get the appropriate person to call.
Be honest, tell them what you know and what you have seen.
Get angry.
Hang up on them.
If you are in a critical situation and you need to give a message to family or friends, what should you do?
Contact the agent.
Give them a phone call.
Post a photo of the situation and tag them.
Post a public status message.
If you post information that is not accurately marked with a time and a place a potential consequence could be that …
Journalists will assume what they want to get a good story.
Journalists are allowed to fill in the time and place themselves.
Researchers will have restricted access to your posts.
Your name and social media accounts will rank higher in search engines, e.g. google.
Once you have uploaded an image to social media channels, can you take it back and delete it forever?
If you contact the social media sites, then they can put a stop to it.
It can be deleted, but it might take 24 hours to delete from other internet sites.
No, you can’t delete a photo once it has been posted.
Yes. Once you have deleted a photo it entirely deletes it from the internet.
What should you do if the press asks you questions about your company’s actions?
Follow company rules and guidelines on how to deal with the press and public.
Go ahead, everyone is free to talk.
Speak only when they insist.
Tell the press some of the things you know, but don’t provide the whole picture.
What you post on social media can possibly damage your company’s reputation.
False, because photos cannot be interpreted in many ways.
False, because posts can be hidden and deleted permanently.
True, because others might misunderstand the posts and get a different story from them.
True, but only if my posts and photos are manipulated.
You should check regularly that your privacy settings are set to the maximum?

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Декабрь, 06, 2024 346 0
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