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Crew Evaluation CBT Test Online on TOTS 1B-General Tanker Section (CD-7030)

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the CES CBT CD-7030 test on the subject «TOTS 1B-General Tanker Section». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «TOTS 1B-General Tanker Section». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«TOTS 1B-General Tanker Section» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on any type of vessel. The course delivers in-depth knowledge of electrical and electronic systems found aboard various types of vessels. The test-course provides advanced training for working on various types of vessels. It covers essential knowledge of electrical and electronic systems commonly found aboard different ships. The test is designed to enhance the competency of maritime professionals in handling complex onboard systems. Participants gain a thorough understanding of safety procedures and operational standards related to tanker operations. Practical training sessions ensure hands-on experience with advanced maritime equipment and technologies. The curriculum includes topics such as power distribution, automation and control systems used on vessels. Emphasis is placed on the integration of electronic systems to ensure efficient and safe vessel operations. Successful completion of the course prepares individuals for technical challenges encountered in the maritime industry.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «TOTS 1B-General Tanker Section» contains 37 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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A Permit-to-Work on electrical circuits is important in order to prevent what?
All of these answers.
Electrical shock.
Non-scheduled planned maintenance tasks being carried out.
The use of non-intrinsically safe equipment on deck.
A Permit-to-Work should specify the period of validity. According to the Code of Safe Working Practices, this period should not exceed how many hours?
24 hours.
12 hours.
8 hours.
6 hours.
A Risk Assessment can be a useful tool when preparing a Permit-to-Work on electrical circuits.
A company’s Safety Management System (SMS) includes the following functional requirements: safety & environmental policy, procedures to ensure the safe operation of the ship, levels of authority amongst ship and shore personnel, procedures to prepare for:
All of these answers.
Procedures for helicopter operations.
Procedures for training ship’s staff.
Procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities.
A single work permit is issued …
Only for the work to be undertaken.
For a variety of tasks.
To keep paperwork up-to-date.
To satisfy auditors.
According to the Code of Safe Working Practices, a Permit-to- Work does not in itself make the job safe but contributes to measures for safe working.
Before cargo or ballast operations commence, the Master (or his representative) and the terminal representative should do what?
Agree in writing on the action to be taken in the event of an emergency during cargo or ballast handling operations.
Agree in writing on the transfer procedures, including the maximum loading or unloading rates.
All three of the above.
Complete and sign the Ship/Shore Safety Checklist.
Critical Operations Check Lists are to be used for what purpose?
To ensure that all company procedures are followed at all times.
To ensure that every item of equipment on board is operated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
To ensure that critical equipment is operated, started or restarted correctly so that it will not result in a hazardous situation developing or compromise critical functions.
To ensure that the vessel passes external ISM audits by showing the auditor that Section 10 of the ISM Code is fully complied with.
Familiarisation of the Safety Management System (SMS) is essential in order to …
comply with all the applicable codes, international regulations and best practices.
ensure that the ship is operated in the safest possible way to avoid injury or damage to the environment.
improve your skills including emergency preparedness.
All of these answers.
Hazardous materials such as chemicals and oil will have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available. Which of the following is NOT likely to be included in a MSDS?
The correct storage.
The health effects.
The name of the vessel.
The physical data (e. g., the flashpoint).
If hot work is to be undertaken above the tank deck (higher than 500 mm), then cargo and slop tanks must either be cleaned and gas freed, OR emptied purged and inerted, OR filled with water, within a minimum radius around the working area. What is this min?
10 metres.
20 metres.
30 metres.
40 metres.
If hot work is to be undertaken on the tank deck or at a height of less than 500 mm above the tank deck, the precautions taken should be the same as for hot work within the tank.
If the conditions under which a Hot Work Permit has been issued change, what should be done immediately?
Amend the work permit conditions.
Extend the validity of the permit.
Prepare additional firefighting equipment.
Stop the hot work.
No hot work should be carried out in the vicinity of bunker tanks unless which of the following is carried out?
The tank has been cleaned to hot work standard.
The tank contains fuel with a flashpoint above 60 degrees Celsius.
The tank contains fuel with a flashpoint below 60 degrees Celsius.
The tank is greater than 90 % full.
On a Permit-to-Work for pipeline/pressure vessels, which of the following questions would NOT likely be included as part of the checks?
Has the part of the system to be worked upon been isolated?
Has the pressure been bled off the section to be worked on?
Have all personnel been equipped with the correct personal protective equipment?
Is the lifeboat/rescue boat ready for use?
The Code of Safe Working Practices requires that any faults relating to cargo handling equipment, testing instruments and alarm systems must be …
Repaired immediately.
Reported immediately.
Repaired in dry dock.
Reported when cargo operations are completed.
The International Shore Fire Connection is used for what purpose?
To enable carbon dioxide to be used from shore to fight engine room fires.
To enable the water fire main onboard to be connected to an external water supply from shore.
To enable the foam line onboard to be connected to an external foam supply from shore.
To enable the ship to assist in extinguishing a fire ashore.
What happens to a Permit-to-Work upon completion of work?
It is cancelled by the responsible officer.
It is cancelled by the person carrying out the work.
It is left in place in case further work has to be carried out.
It is transferred to another location where similar work is to be carried out.
What is the correct method of closing off unused cargo and bunker connections?
All unused connections must be closed and blanked. Blank flanges are fitted and are to be fully bolted.
All unused connections must be closed and blanked. Blank flanges are fitted and have every second bolt secured by a nut.
Unused connections may be left unblanked so long as two valve separation exists between the connection and the line in use.
Unused connections on the shore-side of the vessel must be closed and fully blanked. The offshore-side may be left unblanked.
What should happen to deck scuppers during periods of heavy rain when engaged in cargo or bunker handling?
All deck scuppers must be kept fully closed at all times and never opened until cargo and bunker operations are completed.
Only deck scuppers on the outboard side of the vessel are to be opened to release the rain water. When the rain stops, the scuppers can then be replugged.
Open all deck scuppers to release the rain water. When the rain stops, the scuppers can then be replugged.
One or two scuppers may be opened temporarily to allow rain water to escape but must be closed as soon as possible and in the event of an deck oil spill.
What should personnel on board barges or other craft obey when moored alongside?
Prohibition of naked lights.
Restrictions on the use of cooking appliances.
Smoking restrictions.
All of these answers.
What should the ship’s Master do if an unauthorised craft comes alongside and attempts to secure to the vessel when at a terminal?
Report the craft to the terminal and if necessary stop cargo operations.
Sound the emergency alarm.
Turn fire hoses onto the small craft.
All of these answers.
What would be the minimum recommended firefighting equipment to have available when alongside a terminal?
Fire hoses with spray/jet nozzles run out forward, aft and adjacent to the manifold in use. Also a dry chemical extinguisher near the manifold.
Fire hoses with spray/jet nozzles forward and aft of the manifold and a fire blanket adjacent to the manifold in use.
Fire hoses with spray/jet nozzles or fire extinguishers adjacent to the manifold in use.
One fire hose and one dry chemical extinguisher near the manifold in use.
When are items on the ship/shore safety check list checked when a vessel is at a terminal?
During cargo operations.
Immediately upon berthing and before starting cargo operations.
Before cargo or ballast operations commence and then at regular intervals until hoses are disconnected.
Upon commencing cargo operations.
When can controlled hot work be carried out within a hazardous area on a tanker?
When the ship is in ballast condition.
When the ship is carrying out cargo operations.
When the ship is carrying out gas freeing operations.
When the ship is carrying out inerting operations.
When carrying out hot work with electric welding equipment, which one of the following statements is correct?
The cable route to the working area should be the shortest and most direct route.
The ship’s structure should not be used as an earthing point.
The Direct Current output source should be in excess of 70 Volts.
The person carrying out the welding operation can work alone so long as a work permit has been issued.
When handling oil or waste oil, direct contact should be avoided with the skin by using gloves. What other method can be used to protect the skin?
A barrier cream.
A moisturiser cream.
Talcum powder.
Where does the Code of Safe Working Practices recommend guidance on general precautions be taken from?
Safety in Oil Tankers.
The Company’s Safety Management System.
The International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals.
All of these answers.
Where hot work is planned to be carried out, what should the Lower Flammable Limit (LFL) reading of the atmosphere be?
Less than 1 % LFL.
1 % LFL.
Between 1 % and 2 % LFL.
Greater than 1 % LFL.
Where should the ship’s emergency fire control plans be located?
At the bottom of the gangway.
In a prominently marked wallet contained within the cargo control room.
In a prominently marked weather-tight enclosure outside the accommodation block.
With the Deck Officer of the Watch at all times.
Which of the following could be considered a “designated space” where hot work is able to be carried out safely?
The engine room.
The engine room workshop.
The forecastle deck.
The poop deck.
Which of the following is the most important way for any company to improve their Safety Management System (SMS)?
Receiving criticism from third parties.
Receiving information on the introduction of new legislation.
Receiving constructive feedback and review from the ship’s staff.
Receiving notification of problems by Port State Control.
Which of the following items can be described as critical machinery?
Steering gear.
The main engine.
All of these answers.
Which of the following items may NOT be considered a critical operation?
Switching on the radar.
Changing over from heavy fuel to diesel.
Lowering and raising lifeboats.
Starting the emergency generator.
Which of the following items of equipment would be found in a chemical storage/handling area?
A dust mask.
Ear plugs.
Safety shoes.
Safety goggles.
Which of the following questions would NOT be part of a Permit-to-Work check list for allowing small craft to come alongside?
Has the ship been inerted or gas freed?
Are all deck and cargo openings closed?
Has the Master of the small craft been advised of all appropriate safety regulations (e. g. emergency signals, smoking regulations etc.)?
Is adequate illumination available?
Which of the following statements apply to a storage area where chemicals are kept?
It must be kept well ventilated and secure.
It must be kept under surveillance by closed circuit television cameras.
It must be located within the engine room workshop only.
It must be stored in the main deck store only.

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Февраль, 01, 2025 39 0
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