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Crew Evaluation System test online for seamans which work in Catering Service

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the CES test on the subject «Catering Service». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

  • Version: 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0.0, 6.0.8.
  • Test type: STCW.
  • Department: Catering.
  • Level: Clearing, Food Planning, Storage, Supply.
  • Vessel type: any.
  • This test include questions from this CBT’s:
    • Catering: Clearing, Food Planning, Junior, Senior, Storage, Supply;
    • Control Operation – Medical Aid; Personal safety/Ship general safety; Pollution Prevention; Safety Healt Environment (NMD).

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Catering Service on board». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Catering Service» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on any type of vessel. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel. Catering service on board a ship refers to the provision of food and beverage services to passengers and crew members. This includes menu planning, food preparation, meal service, managing supplies and inventory, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene standards, and accommodating special dietary needs or preferences. The catering service aims to ensure a pleasant dining experience and customer satisfaction during the voyage by offering quality food and efficient service.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Catering Service on board» contains 175 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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A bandage is always applied to an open wound:
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Code: QULS You discover bugs in the white flour stored in the store room for dry stores. Where would you move the flour to prevent the problem from spreading any further?
In the meat freezer.
In a spare cabin that has air conditioning.
In the vegetable cooler.
In the galley.
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A casualty with burns has less need for fluid:
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A chemical burn from fluid must be bandaged firmly to prevent fluid from covering greater parts of the skin:
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A fractured spine will always imply unconsciousness:
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A good splint should prevent adequate blood circulation and compress nerves, so the casualty will not feel any pain:
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A haematoma can be caused by head injury:
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A large dose of muscle relaxing medicaments can cause respiratory problems due to the reduced activity in the respiratory muscles:
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A limb with an external bleeding should be lowered to maintain circulation in order to supply the cells with oxygen and prevent cell death:
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A patient who breathes will always have a pulse rate?
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A patient who is shouting has an open airway:
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A patient with a major burn is liable to develop circulation failure:
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A person suffering from a moderate to hard blow to the head, should always be under close observation in the early hours after the accident, considering possible development of edema in the head:
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A person under influence of alcohol will suffer from frost injuries quicker than a sober person:
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A seriously hypothermic patient should as soon as possible be placed in a warm bath (>50 °C) to regain normal body heat:
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A spine/neck injury will always have priority over every other injury due to the risk of paralysis:
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A sudden fall in blood pressure does not normally lead to circulation failure:
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A triangular bandage is always used in its triangular shape:
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Abdominal thrust is applied to remove foreign objects in the airway:
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All fires will burn easier and faster in an oxygen-rich environment. Therefore, do not use oxygen bottles near an open fire. Smoking is not allowed.
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An internal abdominal bleeding is not dangerous as it will stop bleeding by itself due to the increased pressure in the abdomen:
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An unconscious patient suffering from a major spine injury should not be placed in recovery position, as this may increase the damage and lead to paralysis:
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Any major bleeding must be stopped before treating a wound:
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Bandages must be sterile before use:
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Bleeding will always occur together with a fracture, that breaks the skin:
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Breathing is controlled by the respiratory centre in the brain:
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Cardiac arrest leads to circulation failure:
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Cardiac arrest will always lead to unconsciousness:
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Cooling does not reduce pain in a sprain:
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Cooling of a third degree burn should be terminated after 15 minutes:
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Damage to the spinal cord will always result in immediate neurological malfunction:
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Do not touch anything that is sticking to, or embedded in, the eyeball, or over the coloured part of the eye, when treating a person with a foreign body in the eye:
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Dressing should always be larger than the wound they cover:
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Flush away any residual chemical on the skin with plenty of cold water. Be sure, that the water does not flush away from the casualty’s body:
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Food poisoning may be caused by eating food, that is contaminated by bacteria or by toxins produced by bacteria, that were already in the food:
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Grease and oil must never be used in connection with oxygen bottles, couplings and valves:
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Head injury will lead to circulation failure:
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Heat cramps seldom occurs after excessive sweating precipitated by strenuous exercise:
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Heat-stroke can occur suddenly, causing unconsciousness within minutes. This may be signaled by the casualty feeling uneasy and ill.
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If a patient has heat exhaustion, the symptoms are weakness, vertigo, headache and nausea. Initially the skin is cool and clammy.
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If there are signs of tendon damage, the tendon must be sutured by a surgeon before closing the wound. If so, put on a dressing until qualified treatment can be administered:
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If you are unable to give a patient with an increased circulation failure due to bleeding, intravenous treatment, he should promptly be given plenty to drink to replace lost fluid:
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Improvised splints can only be made of solid materials:
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Inspiration is mainly caused by muscle activity of the Diaphragm:
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Internal bleeding will never lead to circulation failure:
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It is the increased pressure in the head that is fatal, not the bleeding itself:
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It may be difficult to tell if there is a fracture or a sprain:
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Moderate and deep hypothermia cause very unstable condition, and the patient must be inactive and treated very carefully:
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Most adults will endure a loss of blood of 1 litre:
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None of the tissue cells will die, only damaged when the casualty has a crush injury:
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Normal resting rate of pulse in a healthy adult is about 2-3 beats per second:
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Once a bandage is in place it should be left alone:
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One of the main tasks of the blood is to transport oxygen to body’s cells:
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Open weave roller bandages are used to support joints:
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Oxygen bottles should be handled with care and should be removed if they are exposed to heat:
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Oxygen treatment is most important with injury to the head/neck/spine:
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Parts of the body can be used as splints:
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R-I-C-E treatment has no effect if postponed more than 4 hours after the injury took place:
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Respiration while resting is normal if the frequency increases to more than 20 ventilations per minute:
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Shock and circulation failure are equivalent:
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Spillage of corrosive chemicals is poisonous and can also result in burns:
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Symptoms of serious head injury are unconsciousness, low pulse rate and high blood pressure:
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The brain of hypothermic patients will consume less oxygen than usual:
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The main goal of splinting is to render a pulling strain on the fractured bone ends, in order to prevent them from touching each over:
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The motor function and circulation distal to the fracture should always be assessed:
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The position and direction of entry and exit wounds will alert you to the likely extent of hidden injury, and to the degree of shock that may ensue:
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The red blood cells are responsible for the transportation of oxygen:
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The respiration system of a person suffering from flame burns is very exposed to damage:
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The respiration system, above all, reacts to carbon dioxide levels in the blood:
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The walls in the blood vessels are completely resistant to diffusion:
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There are, at least, four distinct signs of fracture:
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There is nothing more you can do to prevent food poisoning, than ensure that frozen poultry and meat are fully defrosted before it is cooked. Cook meat, poultry, fish, and eggs thoroughly to kill harmful bacteria. Never keep food lukewarm for long periods; bacteria can multiply without obvious signs of spoilage:
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To protect a burn injury, we should never remove the patients clothing:
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To render correct first aid one should be certain that there is a fracture before treating the patient:
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Visible shortening of a limb is not necessarily a sign of a fracture:
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We have 3 circulatory systems for blood transportation:
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What is the most important treatment concerning a foreign body in the eye?
Rinsing of the eye.
Local anaesthetic.
Wring the eye-lid to prevent blinking.
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What is the most serious damage to the tissue concerning damage by pressure?
Pain and discolouring.
Dirt in the wound.
Increasing pressure and developing oedema.
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When an ambulance or more qualified personnel arrives at the scene, there is no need to tell them about the poisonous chemical inhaled since they will find out themselves:
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When dealing with a heat stroke your aims are to lower the casualty’s body temperature as quickly as possible, and to arrange removal of the casualty to hospital. Do NOT use iced water as they may constrict blood vessels:
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When performing C-P-R it is advisable to elevate the patient’s legs to secure sufficient blood to the chest and head:
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When there is an electrical burn there is a great danger of internal injuries:
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When treating an injury obtained by falling, it is of great importance to check the motor function in the extremities:
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When we deal with food poisoning your aims are to encourage the casualty to rest, to seek medical advice or aid, and to give the casualty plenty of bland fluids to drink:
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You can threat a person with heat exhaustion by giving him salt and water:
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You should always wash your hands before preparing food. Wear protective gloves or waterproof plasters if you have cuts on your hands:
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You should not supply oxygen when resuscitating, as this will only disturb the treatment. It is however important to do so immediately after the resuscitation has ended:
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You should only use double nose catheters when treating two patients on one oxygen bottle:
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You should terminate resuscitation after 15 minutes:
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Your aims are to maintain the airway, breathing and circulation, to remove any contaminated clothing, to identify the poison and to obtain medical aid:
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Accidents happen for a reason. Based on what you have seen in this module, what would you say is the cause of most accidents at sea?
The actions that people take, the so-called “Human element”.
Faulty procedures.
We cannot avoid danger at sea.
Lack of training.
Next question
According to most authorities, what is the cause of most accidents at sea?
The human element.
Lack of training.
Flags of convenience.
Reduction in manning levels.
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According to the International Chamber of Shipping, what are the THREE key components to developing an effective safety culture? Select the THREE correct answers:
Commitment from top management.
Measuring current performance and behavior.
Modifying behavior.
Finding out who is to blame for accidents.
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According to this module, where does the ship’s safety culture begin?
The safety and familiarization tour when joining the ship.
With the ship’s SMS.
With the correct procedures being written.
With regular Safety Management Team meetings.
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According to this module, why is the Galley a potentially dangerous place?
Because there is a greater risk of slips, trips and falls, and there are many other additional hazards.
Because galley staff do not usually wear the correct PPE.
Because galley staff are less aware of safety.
Because galley staff are not trained about safety in the same way as deck and engine room staff.
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Anyone joining a vessel that they are not familiar with should be given a safety equipment and familiarization tour. According to this module, where does this requirement come from?
The ISM Code and STCW.
SIRE and OCIMF requirements.
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).
MLC guidelines.
Next question
Anyone joining a vessel that they are not familiar with should be given a safety equipment and familiarization tour. Which of the following should this include? Select any answers that you think apply:
Alarm signals and Muster stations.
Firefighting equipment.
Life-saving appliances.
Any security duties that they have.
Next question
How can accidents still happen, even when the correct procedures are followed?
If there are any “holes” or weaknesses in procedures, accidents can still happen in some circumstances.
Accidents can never happen if all the procedures are followed.
There are often a lot of very poor procedures around.
It is not worth trusting in procedures, you should always decide what is best yourself.
Next question
If you need to use a chemical cleaning agent, where can you find complete information about any potential hazards and precautions?
The Safety Data Sheet for the product.
On the label of the product.
In the ship’s SMS procedures.
No special precautions are needed if the correct PPE is worn.
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In a lockout-tagout system, what is the main purpose of the lock and tag?
To prevent anyone else making equipment you are working on dangerous by trying to re-start or re-energise it.
To hold valves in the closed position, or isolators and switches in the open position.
So that the duty officer knows you are working on equipment.
To give you permission to work on equipment.
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What operations does the ISM Code cover?
Operations which could affect safety or cause pollution.
Only operations that affect safety.
Only operations conducted at the management level.
Operations by ship management companies.
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When working on electrical equipment, we need to have it isolated. What does this mean?
We have created a physical separation between the electricity supply and the item to be worked on.
The equipment is switched off.
The equipment has a tag on it, where possible.
We have roped off the area around the equipment.
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Which of the following are evidence of a POOR safety culture onboard a ship? Select any options that you think apply:
People not paying attention to safety briefings.
No security procedures at the gangway.
Wearing sports shoes in a recreational area of the accommodation.
Other people wear PPE such as hard hats, when you cannot see any risks.
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Why do people need familiarization training every time they join a new ship?
Because the content of familiarization training will change depending on the type of ship and their job on board.
Because they are liable to have forgotten how to launch lifeboats and operate rescue equipment.
Because it is checked during SIRE inspections.
If they are experienced seafarers, they do not need such a tour.
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Why should “near miss incidents” be reported?
To avoid accidents and injuries in the future.
To comply with the regulations.
To find the person who was to blame.
It is best not to report them; it makes the company look like they are having too many incidents.
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Code: OWRH You are going to be at sea for 30 days with a crew of 30 men. How many eggs would you buy?
2 000.
1 400.
3 000.
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Code: IQHC What does “periodic cleaning” mean?
Washing and polishing floors, chemical cleaning of furniture and carpets in cabin and other common rooms.
Clearing all showers and WC.
Removing trash, dusting and light cleaning in cabins and common rooms.
Laundry service.
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Code: RTPF What will you do if you are told to operate unknown mechanical equipment?
Ask your superior for advise before attempting to operate it.
As time is money, the trial and error method shall be used.
Ensure that all safety guards and devices are disconnected.
Do not operate the machine, but read the manual before reporting to the head of your department.
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Code: QONU Injuries resulting from slips and falls constitute the largest percentage of accidents that occur in the catering department. What should be done to reduce this high accident rate?
Keep the floors and decks free from fat and grease.
Do not wash off all rubbish to prevent persons slipping.
Install thermostates to avoid water from freezing to ice.
Ensure that slippery substances are not left where several persons are expected to be.
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Code: EMON On the average, how much long life milk would a crew of 30 men use in the course of 30 days?
220 liter.
90 liter.
450 liter.
330 liter.
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Code: BCTN What should not be given to a patient who has diarrhoea?
Strained Oatmeal Soup.
Grated apple.
Coca Cola.
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Code: RWUV What is advisable for a person entering a padlocked refrigerated room?
He should take the padlock inside the room.
He should leave the padlock outside on the door for everyone to be seen.
He should never remove any ice or debris as the ice is needed to keep the refrigerated room at the right temperature.
I don’t know.
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Code: OWGL Which of the following fruits should you use first?
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Code: PMBF What should NOT be given to a patient suffering from diarrhea?
Oatmeal gruel.
Grated apple.
Coca Cola.
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Code: KFMA When loading provisions/stores in a tropical harbour on sunny days, which of the following would you arrange to get out of the sun as soon as possible?
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Code: HEWF What does “general daily cleaning” mean?
Removing trash, dusting and light cleaning cabins, messrooms and WC.
Cleaning floors in cabins and messrooms.
Washing floors, chemical cleaning of furniture and carpets, polishing.
Dishwashing and laundry service.
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Code: VYFW Hindus are not allowed to eat one particular type of meat. Which one?
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Code: OSFK What kind of cleaning product would you use to remove burnt food remains?
Strong alkaline solution.
Acidic solution.
Neutral solution.
A solution of water and acid vinegar.
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Code: FYNQ Which of the following actions will most effectively prevent fire in a cabin?
Ensuring that all persons avoid smoking in bed.
Removing all ashtrays.
Request people to refrain from smoking.
Install fire detecting devices.
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Code: MPYB Which of the following tinned products should be kept in cold storage?
Pickled herring.
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Code: LROO Unfortunately an insect has become lodged in the ear. How to remove the insect?
Gently flood the casualty’s ear with terpid water so that the insect will float out.
By using rubber vacuum pump and suck the foreign body out.
By using a Q-tip and carefully try to get the insect out.
I don’t know.
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Code: ILED Water Jel is a unique product regarding protection and first aid of burns. Water Jel is delivered in different sizes. Biggest is a carpet with the size 182×152 cm. What is the highest temperature the Water Jel carpet is resistant against?
1 530 °C.
2 500 °C.
823 °C.
414 °C.
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Code: ECOS What is the lowest temperature at which potatoes should be stored?
4 °C.
2 °C.
6 °C.
8 °C.
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Code: CEPQ Personal hygiene is important in all professions, especially cooks who should be particularly careful. Why?
Because a cook handles food and beverages and could easily be spreader of viruses and infections.
Because a cook meets many people and shakes a lot of hands.
Because a clean and properly dressed cook often is respected.
Because if not the cook’s superior will not like it.
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Code: HMEV What would you serve at a cocktail party?
Assorted canapes.
Buffet featuring warm dishes.
Buffet featuring warm and cold dishes.
Assorted open-faced sandwiches.
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Code: STLM Welding and burning are among the factors which give the highest risk of fire on board ships. Precautions has to be taken to avoid this risk. Which of the following safety rules may be regarded as the most important?
The welder shall have been instructed in the use of the ship’s welding plant.
Electric welding plants shall be controlled by a responsible engineer before use.
Only holders of welding certificates shall be allowed to carry out welding on board ships.
Only use electrodes from a well-known manufacturer.
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Code: CXMC The responsibility for safety and security rests with everybody on board the vessel. General house-keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important?
Do not use loose garments, belts, ties or scarfs near winches and moving machinery.
Always use gloves when handling nylon ropes.
Always use gloves when using grinding machines.
Always use protective working shoes when working outdoors.
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Code: NWJN Why should knives never be left submerged in washing-up water?
Because you may cut your fingers.
Because the blades may be stained and rust coloured.
Because they may be lost when the sink is drained.
Because the knives may be blunt and need resharpening.
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Code: EHNJ What is the correct temperature range for the vegetable room where most of the fruits and vegetables are stored?
4-5 °C.
10-11 °C.
7-8 °C.
1-2 °C.
Next question
Code: BRUR The responsibility for safety and security rests with everybody on board the vessel. General house-keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important?
Keep your working area clean and tidy.
Always use gloves when using grinding machines.
Do not carry lighters or matches when working outdoors.
Keep tools within easy reach during work.
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Code: XFQV You will be at sea for 45 days with a crew of 30 men. How much tomatoe would you buy?
35 kg.
50 kg.
60 kg.
70 kg.
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Code: JDRW How shall you treat the dishwashing machine?
It shall be cleaned daily and oiled and inspected regularly.
It shall only be used for prewashing the crockery and cutlery.
It shall be treated with care and cleaned once a week.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: OVHR Shock is a manifestation of changes in which the circulation fails because either pressure or volume of circulating blood has fallen to a dangerous level. What is the skin colour of a pasient in shock?
Pale or grey.
Light blue.
Dark blue.
Green or purple.
Next question
Code: YCIJ What kind of cleaning product would you use to remove spilled oil and fat in the galley and pantry?
Neutral to Alkaline solution.
Neutral to acid solution.
Hot water.
Whitespirit or other fat removers.
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Code: DABI Which of the following kinds of fish is least perishable in cold storage?
King klip.
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Code: GCRA What IMO conventions take care of the human safety at sea?
It is the SOLAS conventions.
It is the STCW 78/95.
It is the MARPOL conventions.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: JDQB The muster list shall show the duties assigned to crewmembers in relation to passengers in case of emergency. Which of the following duties do not necessarily have to be included in the muster list? The duties shall include:
Ensuring that every passenger is provided with an immersion suit or a thermal protective aid.
Assembling passengers at muster stations.
Ensuring that a supply of blankets is taken to the survival craft.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: GVIO Unfortunately a fish hook has entered someone’s finger. The barb of the hook is even inside the skin. How to remove the fish hook?
Push the hook through the skin until the barb protrudes, then cut the hook between the barb and the skin and gently withdraw the hook.
Don’t do anything by yourself, see a doctor.
Cut the skin so it is possible to take the hook directly out.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: KTXA If Mouth-to-Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the casualty’s heart stops, or has stopped beating, you must perform External Chest Compression (ECC) in conjunction with M-T-M. When performing ECC, where do you place your hand on the casualty’s body?
Place the heel of one hand, two finger breadths above the bottom of breastbone. Cover the hand with the heel of the other hand.
The correct position of your hands are of no importance.
Place the heel of your two hands on the top of the breastbone.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: LOLK When using cleaning equipment, what is important before starting?
Knowing exactly how the equipments are working.
That the electric cord is long enough.
Conferring with the working-plan.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: KNPO On average, how much filter-ground coffee would you need for a crew of 20 Filipinos and 10 Norwegians for 6 months?
180 kg.
270 kg.
90 kg.
350 kg.
Next question
Code: WFTX Where would you store a 6 month supply of margarine?
In the meat locker.
In the vegetable room.
In the dairy room.
In the dry stores room at +20 °C.
Next question
The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated whenever possible. Which of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?
Donning of fire protection clothing.
Muster of assigned stations.
Donning of lifejackets and immersion suits.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: CKSH If Mouth-to-Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation by itself is unsuccessful and the casualty’s heart stops, or has stopped beating, you must perform External Chest Compression (ECC) in conjunction with M-T-M. What is the complete rate when performing ECC?
Complete 15 compressions at the rate of 80 compressions per minute.
Complete 25 compressions at the rate of 75 compressions per minute.
Complete 20 compressions at the rate of 60 compressions per minute.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: KAGU Why shall you never pour water into hot fat?
The water will explode into steam causing hot fat to be thrown far away thus possibly causing severe burns or fire.
The fat will stiffen immediately and need reheating.
The water will turn into steam and cause the fat to explode.
The fat will not be edible anymore.
Next question
Code: MQQP The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated whenever possible. Which one of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?
The use of onboard communication systems.
With assistance of illustration, the use of radio life-saving appliances.
The use of drogues.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: CCNF How will you treat a seasick person?
Leave him in bed or request him to have some fresh air.
Force him to eat any kind of fat food.
Make him swollow seasick pills until he stops vomiting.
Encourage him to drin a lot of lukewarm sea water.
Next question
Code: JAHH What will you serve seafarers who has been exposed to cold?
Warm nutritious drinks.
Pork and fat fish.
Brandy, whisky or other strong drinks.
Fruit and vegetables only.
Next question
Code: KILD Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery Position. What is the Recovery Position?
The patient placed in a “face-to-the-floor” position, and with arms and legs arranged in order to stabilize this position.
Laying in a water-bed.
The patient sitting in a position with the head kept as low as possible.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: XQKQ What is the first sign and symptom of a Cardiac Infarction?
Sudden crushing, vice-like pain in the centre of the chest.
Possible frothing at the mouth.
Skin may be red and loss of movements in the right arm may occur.
Strong and painful pulse.
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Code: RDSN Which of the following items is essential and should always be kept in stock?
White flour.
Fresh leeks.
Tinned mushrooms.
Beef entrecote.
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Code: BUFM What is a contingency plan for ships?
Plan for safety preparedness.
Plan for next voyage.
Plan for maintenance and repair.
Loading plan for general cargo.
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Code: VYXN A method NOT usually allowed in cleaning up oil spills in the US waters is:
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Code: KOWW What is most important to take with you in a lifeboat if the ship is abandoned?
Warm clothes, blankets and lifevests.
As much biscuit and canned food as possible.
All valuables like money, jewelry etc.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: CWTR Cleaning has certain safety aspects, among other things which?
Fire is easily spread in dust and trash and wet floors may cause different accidents.
Cleaning has nothing to do with safety.
Polished floors are a safety risk.
Untidy rooms are a safety hazard.
Next question
Code: IQGK In many countries some cleaning products are labelled with warning signs. Why?
The user should be warned that the product contains fluids that may irritate and itch skin.
Contents should not be used in accommodation area.
Because it contains alkaline.
To show that the product contains a special floor polish.
Next question
Code: DKQF Anyone of the crew who is assigned to watch duties in ports has a number of important task to carry out. Which one of the listed tasks has to be included in the watchman’s duties?
Checking the mooring for tightness/slack.
Checking the trim of the vessel.
Checking the number of persons entering/leaving the vessel.
Checking the safe and secure handling of cargo.
Next question
Code: PUQJ When you are taking out provisions for the next day, you notice that the temperature in the meat freezer is only -8 °C. How would you react to such a situation?
Report it immediately to the Chief Engineer.
Wait until the next day to report it.
It’s not your problem.
Report it immediately to the Chief Officer.
Next question
Code: YFXS In general cleaning it is recommended and suitable to use cleaning products which are:
Both alkaline and acid.
Next question
Code: JAKR There is always a remote possibility that a fish and meat freezer could break down. What product should you always keep enough of in stock?
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Code: NPWY What is the correct temperature for storing bananas?
13-14 °C.
4-5 °C.
17-18 °C.
8-9 °C.
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Code: HHDN Which of the following meats is most perishable in cold storage?
Whole chicken.
Next question
Code: EHLP Which of the following kinds of fish is the most perishable in cold storage?
King klip.
Red snapper.
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Code: AGEA During mooring operations, which is the safe position to be in?

Safe zone during mooring operation

Outside the colored zone.
Between the “point of break” and the “fairlead”.
Behind the point of restraint, but inside the zone.
Behind the fairlead, but inside the zone.
Next question
Code: UYCL Treatment of burns and scalds depends on the severity of the injury. What is the correct thing to do for minor burns and scalds?
Place the injured part under slowly running cold water for at least 10 minutes, but preferably until the pain is gone. If no water is available, use any cold, harmless liquid.
Remove all sticky clothing from the casualty.
Break blisters, remove any loose skin or foreign objects from the injured area.
Apply lotions, ointments or fat to the injury.
Next question
Code: HWQG The passage of electrical current through the body may result in severe and sometimes fatal injuries. You are witness to man getting electric current through his body and is stuck to the dangerous area. It is impossible to switch off the current by any main switch. How to break the current safely?
Stand on dry insulating material and pull the person away with isolating material.
Apply fish oil on your hands and cut the cords by the use of any metallic pilers.
Just take the casualty in your arms and pull the person away.
I don’t know.
Next question
Code: EPBT Which of the following items is essential and should always be kept in stock?
Tea biscuit.
Fresh leeks.
Next question
Code: RDSN Which of the following items is essential and should always be kept in stock?
White flour.
Tea biscuit.
Tinned mushrooms.
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Code: UACB Which of the following items is essential and should always be kept in stock?
Table butter.
Tinned mushrooms.
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Code: QQFL When should equipment be cleaned?
Every time used.
Every week.
Every month.
Before starting to use it.
Next question
Code: SKFS What shall be done with left over food?
It shall be properly stored and prepared for another meal.
It shall be left in crockeries on the table for the next meal.
It shall be thrown over board to avoid any bad smell.
The value of the left over food shall be paid by the cook.
Next question
Code: BIND At what number of crew members is it mandatory to have an Protection and Environment Committee on board?
Minimum 8 crew members.
Minimum 4 crew members.
Minimum 12 crew members.
Not mandatory.
Next question
Code: EOBS What is the fat content of whole milk?
3,5-3,9 %.
4,3-4,9 %.
2-2,5 %.
0,5-1 %.
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Code: GUNS What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?
Air, Breathing, Circulation.
Air, Burning, Critic.
Air, Breath, Concentration.
Abandon, Balance, Circulation.
Next question
Code: SSPX What kind of routine would you follow to make preparations for the next day’s menu (frozen meat and fish)?
Chief cook and second cook work together to select provisions for officers and crew, discussing needs and quantities, if necessary.
Second cook selects provisions based on a fixed menu for officers and crew.
Chief cook selects provisions alone. No discussion with the second cook.
Messman selects provisions on the basis of instructions from the chief cook.
Next question
Code: ETKK Why do we clean?
Because if we don’t clean it will influence safety, economy, our own well-being and maintenance.
Because I like to clean and feel good after having done a good job.
Because we have to do it.
Because catering personnel is the first to discover dirt.
Next question
* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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