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Crew Evaluation Test online about Corrosion Protection I and II

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on subject «Corrosion Protection I and II». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist get improve your knowledge with help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation need in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tool for selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crisis management and gathering of people;
  • Integrated Navigational System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on subject «Corrosion Protection I and II». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Corrosion Protection I and II» subject includes theoretical and practical information about various metals and their interaction with water or other liquids. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel, provides to perform quality fulfillment of duties following the safety rules working with various metals, ability to reveal corrosion or it’s signs, to take the necessary actions reducing or preventing on own.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on subject «Corrosion Protection I and II» contains 24 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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Oxygen is usually present where corrosion takes place. What would happen to steel in an area, where no oxygen exists?
Will corrode in the normal way.
It will not corrode.
A different form of corrosion could take place.
It will be protected against corrosion.
Next question
What are the most important parameters to be observed during application of a convertible coating system?
The absolute number of days, stated on over-coating intervals to be observed.
The over-coating interval being a product of time and air temperature to be observed.
The over-coating interval being a product of time and steel temperature to be observed.
To observe the weather conditions during the period.
Next question
What are the most important things to monitor when inspecting coating conditions?
Inspect the areas, only where coating has broken down.
Inspect a typical area, where you can access easily.
Inspect both intact and corroded areas, and also inspect angles, corners, behind bars etc.
Inspect suspected areas only.
Next question
What determines the rate, at which the corrosion process of steel proceeds?
The amount of oxygen present and the ambient temperature.
The conductivity of the electrolyte, ambient temperature, amount of oxygen present and the relative sizes of cathodic and anodic areas.
The relative sizes of cathodic and anodic areas, and the conductivity of electrolyte.
The conductivity of the electrolyte.
Next question
What is the key role, that you carry out when evaluating steel condition?
You are there to decide the next repair action.
You need to be able to assess the condition, and be able to report that condition accurately (so that decisions can be made based on your report).
You are there to understand, what has happened to the steel.
You are there to approve the work done.
Next question
What is the main single factor, which affects the cost of preparation and application to difficult vessel areas?
The specialized labour required.
The cost of access to an area.
The cost of the paint.
The weather conditions.
Next question
What should be observed during application of convertible coating systems in cold weather?
That sufficient curing time, above the minimum curing temperature of the coating, is allowed prior to application of the next coat.
That the surface is dry.
That sufficient curing time is allowed prior to application of the next coat.
The correct ambient temperature.
Next question
What type of corrosion on a coated deck-area would you most worry about?
3 % scattered corrosion.
6 % localized corrosion.
1 % localized pitting corrosion.
Localized damage corrosion.
Next question
Would cargo remnants, e. g. coal mixed with water, affect the corrosion rate?
The water in contact with the sulphur in the coal will form an active electrolyte, which will tend to accelerate the corrosion process.
This would have none or little effect on the corrosion rate.
This would have no effect if the water present is fresh water.
There will be no corrosion.
Next question
A large area of exposed deck is to be blasted to an agreed standard of SA2 before application of an epoxy paint system. In the vicinity of some pipes, where difficult access means that the blasting is not able to remove all the corrosion. What do you do?
Discuss the various options with the contractor.
Accept the blasted areas and go ahead with painting.
Reject the whole blasted areas, until blasting is redone to the correct SA2 standard.
Next question
During a dry-dock paint application why only check dft’s on spot blasted areas, how do you check the antifouling thickness?
You can also check dft’s on non-blasted areas.
You check the wet film of each coat, at various parts of the hull.
Spot blasted areas are the only areas coated from the steel surface upwards – you control the antifouling thickness by controlling the distribution.
Next question
Paint is applied to a deck in the morning. Each morning the air temperature is 7 °C. In early afternoon the temperature of the air rises to 23 °C. You are told, that the maximum overcoating time for the paint coating is 36 hours at 20 °C and 48 hours at 10 °C. In this case, what maximum overcoating time do you allow?
You consult the Technical data sheet for the paint.
36 hours.
48 hours.
You consult the paint supplier’s representative.
Next question
Please select the advantages from the following list of advantages and disadvantages of “Dry Abrasive Blasting” method:
Fast efficient removal of corrosion/old coatings.
Produces surface profile for adhesion of coatings.
Vacu-blast small units, available for on-board maintenance.
Requires air power only for operating.
Spent grit requires removal.
Next question
Please select the advantages from the following list of advantages and disadvantages of “Hydro blasting” method:
No spent grit to dispose.
Other work is possible close to the blasting.
Removes salt contaminants from surfaces.
Can be as fast as dry blasting.
No contamination to surrounding areas.
Requires air and fresh water for operation.
Next question
Please select the advantages from the following list of advantages and disadvantages of “Wet Abrasive Blasting (Slurry blasting)” method:
Fast and efficient removal of corrosion/old coatings.
Produces surface profile for adhesion of coatings.
Can achieve good standards in difficult access areas.
Uses lower pressure water than hydro blasting.
Less initial investment compared to hydro blasting.
Produces contaminant dust.
Next question
The main contaminants in a Marine environment are SALT, CORROSION, MOISTURE, OIL & GREASE, DUST AND HULL FOULING. What is the most efficient method of removing HULL FOULING?
Low Pressure High Volume Water Washing.
High Pressure Water Washing.
Scraping to remove the fouling.
Fan Jet Cleaning.
Next question
The wet film of paint, which is applied, bears a direct relationship to the final dry film thickness of the coating. Taking wet film measurements can be very important. Why is it important to take these measurements as quickly as possible?
To avoid the fresh coat softening the coats underneath leading to possible wrong readings.
So that the painter is disturbed as little as possible.
To obtain as close a reading to the actual wet film as possible.
Next question
What is the minimum number of degrees centigrade the steel temperature must be above the dew point before paint application?
1 °C.
2 °C.
3 °C.
4 °C.
Next question
What piece of equipment would be the most effective in removing corrosion from difficult corners or angled areas?
Needle gun.
Disc sander.
Chipping hammer.
Next question
When using Airless Spray equipment, what are the 3 most important safety rules to observe?
Do not operate the equipment at excessively high paint pressures.
Do not use the airless spray unit when it is dirty.
Do not point the gun at anyone or pull trigger when bare hands or fingers are close to the spray outlet tip.
Do not snag the paint lines or drag them over sharp edges.
Always wear the correct personal protective equipment.
Next question
Which are the 3 factors, which influence the length of time from finishing an antifouling coating to the flooding of the dry-dock?
Number of coats applied.
Correct film thickness.
Drying time.
Next question
Which are the 3 factors, which help contribute to correct performance of a paint system?
The Paint itself.
The Correct Specification.
That clean Airless spray equipment is used.
Proper Surface Preparation.
Proper Application of Paint.
Next question
Which of the following statements best describes one of the main advantages of Hydro blasting with fresh water as opposed to Dry Abrasive Blasting?
Produces a Surface Profile to aid adhesion of coatings to the surface.
Only requires air power for operation.
As well as removing corrosion products it also removes salt contamination.
The prepared surfaces will flash rust.
Next question
Why is fresh water washing important before commencing paint application?
To remove oil & grease.
To remove corrosion.
To remove soluble salts.
To remove dust & debris.
Next question
Why should the use of long lines be avoided, if possible, during spray application?
Risk of blockages.
Risk of paint curing in the line.
Risk of pressure drops.
Safety risks due to increased length.
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* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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