“Seagull CES marine test online about Crisis Management” (Crew Evaluation Test) will help marine specialists in preparation to exams for getting certificate of confidence.
This test contains 45 questions. Mode “Practice” and “Exam” have one difference – in “Exam” mode you can’t ask the computer to show you the right answer.
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A company must update its Safety Management System and Manual:
Whenever regulations change.
At least once every 6 months.
At least once every 12 months.
At least once every 18 months.
Next question
A moderate level of stress provides which useful function in an emergency?
To slow down the heart rate to conserve energy.
To slow down the thought processes to ensure a thorough assessment of the threat.
To immobilize the individual until he has decided upon the best course of action.
To prepare for peak performance that will improve the chances of survival.
Next question
After a drill, when is the most effective time to conduct a debriefing?
Immediately after the drill.
Debriefings should only be held when necessary.
Within 24 hours after the drill.
The day after the drill, to allow crew members to reflect on their actions.
Next question
An effective drill is:
Conducted while in port.
Held at the same time every week.
Relevant and routine.
Realistic and unpredictable.
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Checklists should be provided for:
All emergency situations.
All crewmembers.
Only fire and abandon ship situations.
Only fire-fighting and boat teams.
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Choose the one correct answer. Why might there be differences in the emergency plans and procedures on different ship’s in the same company?
The ISM Code.
MARPOL 73/78.
The design and layout of the ship.
The safety requirements of the USCG.
Next question
Debriefing of an emergency drill:
Is most effective when held at a safety meeting.
Focuses attention on the defriefer’s feedback.
Expands the experience of all personnel.
Encourages crewmembers to focus on their duties.
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Describe how Captain Smith demonstrated for Titanic crewmembers the principle of leading by example:
His rank and his years of service were enough to ensure respect.
He wasn’t to blame for the collision because he wasn’t on the bridge.
Throughout the crisis, he was calm, decisive and approachable.
His order to board women and children first was admirable.
Next question
During the Morro Castle crisis, crewmembers showed a complete failure to deal with the emergency. What caused them to abdicate their safety roles?
No lifeboat drills for passengers.
Inadequate fire-fighting training.
Inadequate fire-fighting provisions.
Lack of leadership.
Next question
Effective drills are Relevant, Realistic and:
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For which emergency resource is it difficult to plan the best use?
Company personnel.
Emergency equipment.
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In a crisis, which crew behaviours are most reassuring to passengers?
Enthusiasm, confidence, hospitality.
Enthusiasm, confidence, decisiveness.
Keeping up with safety knowledge.
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In an emergency, if passengers receive clear, direct communications, what result can be expected?
Passenger stress is increased.
Passenger cooperation is increased.
Passengers are more likely to panic.
Messages don’t have to be repeated.
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In an emergency, why is it important, that the emergency teams give constant feedback to the bridge?
It gives the master a good basis for decision making.
The cruise director has to decide what to tell the passengers.
The bridge team has to keep the head office up to date.
The master needs to know when to abandon ship.
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In preparing for emergency response, which are the two most important elements?
The ISM Code and the Safety Management System.
The safety requirements of the USCG and the company.
The design and layout of the ship.
Emergency plans and drills.
Next question
In the Morro Castle disaster, to what extent were senior officers responsible for the crew’s failure to deal with the emergency?
Their failure to provide adequate fire-fighting equipment, procedures and training demonstrated that safety wasn’t a priority.
Their attention to maintenance of equipment, procedures and training demonstrated that safety was a priority.
During the crisis, incompetent leadership meant that crewmembers had no positive role models.
The death of the master meant that crewmembers couldn’t be expected to respond well to an emergency.
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In which languages should communications and announcements be conducted?
The main languages of the ship’s flag state.
The main languages of the ship’s administration.
The main languages of the majority of the crew.
The main languages of the passengers usually carried on the route.
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Most passengers will not respond to the first indications of an emergency. Why?
They are immobilized by excessive stress.
They are waiting for leadership from the crew.
They don’t know what emergency action to take.
They don’t accept that there is an emergency.
Next question
Name one advantage of drills that are unpredictable:
It increases the crew’s ability to handle changes and uncertainty.
It is more interesting for the captain.
It makes the crew talk about the drill after it has been complete.
It keeps the crew from getting bored during a drill.
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Select four factors that affect the situational awareness of the crew:
Safety awareness.
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Stress is an abnormal and undesirable reaction to an emergency:
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Studies of shipboard emergencies show, that many passengers do not read or remember safety information. As an officer, how can you best compensate for this fact?
Prior to departure, provide passengers with a good safety video.
Ensure that printed safety information on board is of the highest quality.
In an emergency, repeatedly tell passengers what’s happening, what’s being done, and what they should do.
Post large, graphic safety signs conspicuously throughout the ship.
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Symptoms such as a racing pulse, cold hands, and dry mouth indicate, that a crewmember is likely to be unable to perform his emergency duties:
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The ISM Code requires every company to develop a Safety Management System. For what kind of emergencies should the SMS system include plans and procedures?
All imaginable emergencies.
Fire, collision, grounding and piracy.
Fire, collision and grounding.
Fire, collision, grounding and oil pollution.
Next question
The Safety Management Manual contains checklists that are:
To be used when crewmembers feel especially stressed in emergencies.
Clear, concise summaries of all action items in the emergency plan.
Clear, concise summaries of critical action items in the emergency plan.
Detailed descriptions of action items most easily forgotten in emergencies.
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The only purpose of drills is to train the crew in the emergency plans and procedures:
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The resources that can be used in an emergency are:
People and equipment.
Crew and equipment.
Fire-fighting and lifesaving equipment.
Crew and passengers.
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The two essential elements of emergency-preparedness are planning emergency procedures and practicing those procedures:
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There are three recognized states of stress: Resistance, Exhaustion and..:
A sense of hopelessness.
Next question
What is the benefit of identifying predictable passenger behaviours?
Crew can act to prevent these behaviours.
Crew will know what behaviours to expect from passengers.
Crew can practice handling these behaviours through role-playing in drills.
Crew will know which passengers are experiencing stress.
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What is the best explanation for why well-trained crewmembers experience lower levels of stress than passengers?
Crewmembers experience less uncertainty and more sense of control than passengers.
Crewmembers have more experience of emergencies than passengers.
Crewmembers have more information about the circumstances of emergency than passengers.
Crewmembers experience the emergency as a challenge.
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What is the best strategy for reducing passenger stress in an emergency?
Try to resolve the emergency without notifying the passengers.
Inform the passengers only if evacuation becomes necessary.
Give passengers information as soon as possible.
Tell passengers something that will make them feel secure.
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What is the function of the physical changes produced by a moderate level of stress?
To slow down the heart rate to conserve energy.
To slow down the thought processes to ensure a thorough assessment of the threat.
To immobilize the individual until he has decided upon the best course of action.
To prepare for peak performance that will improve the chances of survival.
Next question
What is the likely result of clear, direct communications in an emergency?
Passenger stress is increased.
Passenger cooperation is increased.
Passengers are more likely to panic.
Messages don’t have to be repeated.
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What is the most common reaction to emergencies among passengers?
Being rational.
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What is the most important factor in the master’s ability to make good decisions in an emergency?
Input from company personnel.
Feedback from the crew.
Planning of emergency procedures.
Following safety regulations.
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What should you do if a passenger is unable to understand emergency instructions due to language problems?
If possible, try to find a passenger or crew member who can translate.
Speak louder and hope, that the passenger will understand.
The passenger will understand English if you speak slowly enough.
Ignore the passenger and assume that he or she will follow the others.
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Where can you find plans and procedures for responding to emergencies?
In the Safety Management Manual.
Posted on the wall in the crew mess.
Ask the captain.
On the internet.
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Which is the most important factor in the safety awareness of the ship’s crew?
The level of emergency-preparedness.
The safety awareness of the senior officers.
The shipboard training provided.
The quality of emergency drills.
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Which of the following approaches is more likely to encourage feedback from the passengers?
Passengers should be encouraged to report unusual situations to an officer because the crew are focused on performing their routine duties.
Passengers should not be encouraged to report unusual situations because this can cause them to doubt the safety of the ship.
The crew should calm passengers by explaining that their safety concerns are unfounded.
The safety awareness of the crew and the delivery of safety information are the best ways to encourage passengers to report unusual situations.
Next question
Which of the following is most likely to influence changes to emergency plans and procedures?
The ISM Code.
MARPOL 73/78.
The design and layout of the ship.
The safety requirements of the USCG.
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Which statement about stress is correct?
An example of stress is a shipboard fire.
Stress is an unusual reaction to a threatening situation.
Individuals in a shipboard emergency experience different levels of stress.
Stress interferes with an individual’s ability to respond to a threat.
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Which statement is true about encouraging feedback from passengers?
Passengers should be encouraged to report unusual situations to an officer because the crew are focused on performing their routine duties.
Passengers should not be encouraged to report unusual situations because this can cause them to doubt the safety of the ship.
The crew should calm passengers by explaining that their safety concerns are unfounded.
The safety awareness of the crew and the delivery of safety information are the best ways to encourage passengers to report unusual situations.
Next question
Why is it important that crew members are safety-conscious and alert?
They can notice and report something wrong before any detection system.
To ensure that the crew is ready for a drill at any time.
It gives the passengers a good impression of the on board safety.
It makes them more alert to the passenger’s needs and therefore improves the passenger service.
Next question
Why might improvisation be required in an emergency?
Some crewmembers may be unable to perform their emergency duties.
Some crewmembers may have to perform their regular duties.
Changes to the Safety Management System may require changes to the emergency procedures.
Checklists may not be available.
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* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.

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