Welcome to the website where you can find answers for the CES test for «Deck Management Roro Cargo Vessel». This site will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of open information, where you can find questions as well as answers for them. CES based on practical information and marine specialists experience.
CES tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.
Version: 6.0.0.
Test type: STCW.
Department: Deck.
Level: Management.
Vessel type: Ro-Ro Cargo Vessel.
CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:
Crowd and Crisis Management;
Integrated Navigation System (INS);
Ballast water management;
Handling and Stowage;
Vessel operation management and safety;
Marine engineering;
Maintenance and repair, etc.
«Deck Management Roro Cargo Vessel» subject includes theoretical and practical information about safety working with electrical equipment. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel. RoRo vessels often operate in short-sea shipping routes and ferry services, transporting cargo between different ports within a region or country. RoRo vessels are also used in international trade, connecting major ports around the world. Overall, RoRo vessels offer an efficient and cost-effective way to transport large quantities of wheeled cargo over water, providing a vital link in global supply chains and supporting industries such as automotive manufacturing and construction.
As an officer on a Roll-On/Roll-Off (RoRo) vessel, your duties may include vavigational responsibilities such as plotting courses, monitoring weather conditions, and ensuring the safe navigation of the vessel, supervising the loading and unloading of vehicles and cargo using the RoRo ramp and etc.
This page contains answers to Seagull CES (Crew Evaluation System) test about Deck Management Roro Cargo Vessel, and serve as a database of questions and answers, using which seafarer can prepare to exams for getting certificate of competence, or just to challenge yourself with knowledge in this theme.
CES – Deck Management RoRo.pdf
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Amount of questions: 63.
Right answers marked with this sign .
Code: GQJB According to Rule 24 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions and the illustrated lights, how long is the tow likely to be?
It exceeds 200 metres.
At least 100 metres.
It is less than 200 metres.
It is more than 50 metres but less than 200 metres.
Code: CBBT On a conventional rudder, how much lift force remains if the rudder-angle is decreased to 20 degrees, from an initial 35 degrees?
About 80 %.
About 50 %.
About 30 %.
About 10 %.
Code: AEPV You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria, West Africa. Are you allowed to dump empty glass bottles overboard?
Yes, glass bottles can be dumped overboard.
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 25 mm openings.
No, glass bottles can not be dumped overboard.
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 50 mm openings.
Code: VIHN For which ships is the SOLAS convention applicable?
For tankers and other vessels carrying persistent oil as cargo.
For all vessels expect passenger vessels.
For all vessels.
For passenger vessels only.
Code: VPWQ Who are responsible for safe working conditions onboard?
Master, Chief Engineer & Chief Officer.
The safety officer.
The officer of the watch.
The individual person.
Code: EBPS The emergency fire pump is in accordance with good seamanship and precautionary routines run and tested weekly. Routine checks and maintenance are normally carried out by dedicated personnel. To ensure safe and appropriate operation of the pump, would you consider it beneficial that the same dedicated personnel operate the pump in emergencies?
Only senior engineers should operate the emergency pump.
To ensure safe operation of the emergency pump, only dedicated personnel must be permitted to operate the pump.
Only senior deck officers should operate the emergency pump.
In case of accidents, it is important that a wide range of personnel must be permitted and trained to operate the pump.
Code: HHWS What is the minimum number of portable two way VHF walkie talkies for use in survival craft, that should be carried onboard vessels which comply with GMDSS regulations?
3 sets.
2 sets.
1 set.
There is no requirement to carry them.
Code: OPPO What is the result of a “high metacentric height”?
The vessel will roll slowly or be unstable.
The vessel will roll violently.
The vessel will have a great bending moment.
The vessel’s tweendeck height is too high.
Code: HBJX Your watchkeeper has just informed you that the vessel has collided with a sailing vessel. What action should be taken?
Call the company, explain the situation and ask for orders.
Do nothing and wait for assistance.
Alarm the rescue centre and commence searching for any survivors.
Leave the position as fast as possible.
Code: QLFS What corrections must be applied to the echo sounder reading to compare the depth of water with the depth printed on the chart?
Draught of the ship.
Allowance for the ships speed.
Shallow water effects.
The distance between the pulse Transmitter and Receiver.
Code: BOXP Is there any special area where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues?
There isn’t any special area where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues.
There is 5 special area where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues.
There is 4 special area where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues.
There is 3 special area the Baltic, Mediterranean and the Black sea where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residues.
Code: EYJG The authority to order the use of distress signal or distress alerts is:
Only with the master.
The first person to discover the distress situation.
The person designated to maintain communication during distress situations.
I don’t know.
Code: RPSC The word SHIP is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Sierra, Hotel, India, Papa.
Singapore, Hotel, India, Paris.
Sierra, Hotel, Item, Papa.
Sugar, Hotel, Italia, Peter.
Code: QEAB To get priority with radio-communication, one must notify the coast-station that the call is:
A priority call.
A personal call.
An urgent call.
I don’t know.
Code: IVNJ One wishes to have a telephone conversation with a person whose name is known. This is what is called:
A priority call.
A personal call.
A direct call.
I don’t know.
Code: PPYDInmarsat Telex Service code “31” can be used:
To ask for maritime inquiries.
When the coast-station is disfunctional.
When technical problems are experienced with the Inmarsat terminal.
I don’t know.
Code: GAAKInmarsat Telex Service code “33” can be used:
When the coast-station is disfunctional.
When technical problems are experienced with the Inmarsat-terminal.
To ask for maritime enquiries.
I don’t know.
Code: FCQY For a “distress alert” via the DSC, the MF-brand is used in the frequencies:
TX: 2 177,0 kHz, RX: 2 177,0 kHz.
TX: 2 189,5 kHz, RX: 2 189,5 kHz.
TX: 2 187,5 kHz, RX: 2 187,5 kHz.
I don’t know.
Code: PIBQ When may a call for radio medical advice be preceded by the urgency-signal:
When you have a doctor on board.
In urgent cases.
Code: FDOF When a character in the NAVTEX message sent is not received in the proper way:
A closely resembling character will be printed.
Any other character will be printed.
The message will not be printed at all until, with repeated transmission, it can be automatically compared and corrected.
Nothing or a special character will be printed.
Code: LOFV To prevent overload of the MF/HF transmitter:
Do not leave the transmitter on stand-by for too long, if not required.
Clean the dust filter of the fan regularly.
Switch over to low power intermitently.
Do not transmit to long at full power.
Code: BYSG Testing a SART is permitted:
Only in a port or harbour.
Only at sea, outside territorial waters.
At sea, outside territorial waters, and in a port or harbour.
I don’t know.
Code: UPVQ The batteries must be placed in a well ventilated place, so that:
There is sufficient oxygen available for optimum working of the batteries.
The detonating gas can be discharged.
The production of detonating gas can be prevented.
I don’t know.
Code: EGSU On area A1 the function “Reception of shore to ship distress alerts” is mainly based on:
The use of MF DSC.
The use of Inmarsat-A.
The use of SART transponders.
The use of VHF DSC.
Code: MGVT The hydrostatic release of an EPIRB should be changed:
Every 4 years.
Every 3 years.
Every 2 years.
Code: JHBM Messages sent via Inmarsat-C are charged:
On the number of kilobits of information transmitted per block of 256 bits.
On the basis of a 3 minute minimum charge with 1 minute incremental steps.
On the number of kilobits of information transmitted per block of 1 024 bits.
On the basis of a 6 seconds minimum charge with 6 second incremental steps.
Code: VIRV The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be proportioned as it follows:
Length = 280 mm, breadth = 85 mm, depth = 10 mm.
Length = 380 mm, breadth = 145 mm, depth = 20 mm.
Length = 480 mm, breadth = 115 mm, depth = 25 mm.
Length = 580 mm, breadth = 165 mm, depth = 30 mm.
Code: PBTW The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be spaced apart by a distance of:
Equally spaced, not less than 300 mm or more than 380 mm.
Equally spaced, not less than 200 mm or more than 280 mm.
200 mm.
300 mm.
Code: BLDC Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Radar transponder.
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals.
Rocket parachute flares.
Code: VABS Which ships does the ISM code apply to:
All passenger ships, all cargo ships of 500 GRT or above.
Only tankers and Ro-ros.
All craft above 300 GRT.
Only passenger vessels.
Code: BUFM What is a contingency plan for ships?
Plan for safety preparedness.
Loading plan for general cargo.
Plan for next voyage.
Plan for maintenance and repair.
Code: OATSHEL-H is the abbreviation of a heavy helicopter radius of action for rescue purposes. What do you think the radius and evacuating capacity of the helicopter is?
500 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 25 persons.
200 nm and capacity for evacuating more then 15 persons.
150 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 12 persons.
100 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 10 persons.
Code: DRMB Who is the leader of the lifeboat drill (abandon ship drill)?
The first member of the crew arriving at the survival craft.
The appointed lifeboat commander.
Senior deck officer.
Senior engine officer.
Code: EGGB What is a Continuous Synopsis Record?
A record of the vessels history.
A plan including all security measures onboard.
A record of all security incidents.
A plan for continuous maintenance of security equipment.
Code: ESLC On a RoRo vessel, how should caterpillar crawlers stowed on hatch covers be secured?
By means of wire ropes or chains secured to the hatch covers and to the main deck from all four sides of the unit.
By means of wire ropes secured to the hatch covers from all four sides of the unit.
By means of wire ropes secured to the hatch covers from all four sides of the unit.
By means of wire ropes secured to the hatch coamings.
Code: MDGB On a RoRo vessel, what should be done when cargoes that transmit stack loads are to be loaded onto the vessel’s decks or hatch covers?
Weld additional steel plates to the deck and/or hatch covers where stack loads are transmitted.
Stow the cargo on timbers of sufficient thickness so as to distribute the stack load.
Load the cargo under-deck instead.
Stow the full length of cargo on timbers of sufficient thickness.
Code: TEYN On a RoRo vessel in a wet climate what can happen to wheeled cargoes?
The ship’s paintwork flaking and falling onto the cargo.
The lashings will become clean because of the water.
Lashings can become slack over time and the cargo is more likely to shift due to the wet weather.
The lashings will become clean because of the water.
Code: PCVX Why is it important in a RoRo vessel to ensure that cargo is loaded in a uniform way?
Because it makes it harder to lash the cargo correctly if you don’t.
Because it looks better and image is important.
Because it looks better and image is important.
To prevent high sheer forces and bending moments on the vessel during the loading/discharge operations.
Code: AGKP When will a ro-ro vessel pitch heavily?
When wave lengths are equal to the ship’s length.
When wave lengths are equal to half the ship’s length.
When wave lengths are equal to twice the ship’s length.
In confused seas.
Code: YFFD What special design feature is attributed to RoRo vessels which are only car carriers?
A small GM when fully loaded.
A very large windage area.
A stern ramp.
Solid ballast.
Code: FSOS What immediate action should be taken if a ship unexpectedly runs aground and stops?
Stop engine(s).
Stop engines and tell the engine room to switch over to high suctions.
Stop engines and immediately request “Full Astern”.
Sound the General Alarm and plot the ships position.
Code: DEIL On a RoRo vessel, which of the ships trading certificates details the type and location that dangerous goods are allowed to be stowed onboard?
Safety Equipment certificate.
The Cargo Ship Safety construction certificate.
Certificate of compliance for the carriage of Dangerous goods.
I don’t know.
Code: QKWY Under SOLAS, what are the minimum required air changes per hour for “Special Category Spaces” on a RoRo vessel?
Code: GTUL A Standard Ro-Ro unit weighing 18 mt is to be loaded in the fore and aft direction and lashed by belts of SWL 2 mt. Using the general rule How many lashing belts should be used to secure the unit?
9 on each side.
10 on each side.
11 on each side.
One fore every securing point on the unit.
Code: KDDQ On a RoRo vessel, which of these situations will result in an emergency shutdown of cargo operations?
Any of the listed situations.
Failure of the cargo hold ventilation system.
The vessel developing a sudden and unexpected list.
I don’t know.
Code: WLFN On a RoRo vessel, what must be ensured onboard the vessel prior to commencing cargo?
Cargo hold ventilation systems are operational.
That all cargo is ready for loading.
That the vessel has been cleared by immigration.
That all cargo is ready for loading.
Code: CSGF On a RoRo vessel, to what should you pay very close attention, when inspecting the structure and condition of movable car decks?
General condition of the portable deck.
Crack in way of deck supports.
Abrasions over the deck surface.
General condition of the portable deck.
Code: EERI When lowering a RoRo Cargo Side or Stern Ramp what must be ensured?
The vessel is securely moored and there is nothing beneath the ramp.
The ramp must be lowered by the duty officer only.
The ramp must be lowered by the duty officer only.
The ramp surface must be clean.
Code: DDKL On a RoRo vessel, where can you find the validity of web lashings?
It does not have one they last forever.
On the bridge.
On the certificate supplied with the equipment.
I don’t know.
Code: TJOG On a RoRo vessel, what is the Maximum Securing Load of “D” rings?
50 % of the breaking strength.
40 % of the breaking strength.
35 % of the breaking strength.
25 % of the breaking strength.
Code: MJUW On a RoRo vessel, when should a trailer horse be taken out of service?
If there is any damage to the wheel or spring, the frame is rusted or distorted or the pads are worn out.
Every 6 months for routine maintenance.
Every 3 months for routine maintenance.
Never you use them until they collapse.
Code: DXHH Your vessel is approaching a port in restricted visibility and you hear this signal. What kind of vessel is it and what is it doing?
It comes from a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.
It comes from a vessel at anchor, less than 100 metres in length.
It comes from a vessel engaged in pilotage duties at anchor, over 100 metres in length.
It comes from a vessel engaged in pilotage duties and it is making way through the water.
Code: BXKL What are the three volumes of the IAMSAR Manual?
I – Planning and Preparation, II – Rescue Control, III – Reference.
A – Command and Control, B – Communications, C – Rescue Procedures.
I – Organization, II – Communications, III – Rescue Procedures.
I – Organization and Management, II – Mission Coordination, III – Mobile Facilities.
Code: EHJGDG placards shall be located on a freight container:
One on each end and one on each side.
One on each side (only).
One of the back end and one on one of the sides (only).
One on each end (only).
Code: BKWH Substances, materials and articles shall be stowed as indicated in the Dangerous Goods List of the IMDG Code, in accordance with a series of stowage categories, which are designated a:
5 categories, labelled A-E.
10 categories, lattered A-K (excluding I).
10 categories, numbered 1-10.
Three categories, numbered I, II and III.
Code: YTMM If the shipper wishes to ensure that a vessel or her operators will not be held responsible for any damage that may arise from the carrier issuing a clean Bill of Lading, even though the Mate’s receipt is marked as “unclean”, such a document is called the:
A Letter of Credit.
A Letter of Indemnity.
An addendum to the Bill of Lading.
An absolution clause in the shipping documents.
Code: KWAP When conducting a risk assessment for a shipboard work activity, the two elements to be considered are:
The time available to complete the task and the resources to hand.
The available manpower and their experience in this type of work.
The chance of an incident re-occuring and the potential effects of an loss.
The potential severity of harm and the likelihood that harm will occur.
Code: ROQU How often under SOLAS, is the performance test of a Voyage Data Recorder required by an approved testing or servicing facility?
When the data media is downloaded.
When the battery is replaced.
At the Intermediate Safety Equipment Survey.
Code: RCAM Where would you find the document relating to the “Condition of Freeboard Assignment” onboard?
With the Structural Survey File.
With the Loadline Certificate.
With the Classification Records.
With the Safety Construction Certificate.
Code: KLOA Master of every ship must provide:
A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore.
The training during crews working hours only.
Proper rest to the crew after each training programme.
Facilities to conduct training whenever required by the training officer.
Code: GPAU Why is it important to have good relationship on-board a vessel?
It leads to better work performance and positive atmosphere among the crew.
Crew comes to know each other problems.
In encourages crew to extend their contract.
It will prevent accidents from happening.
Code: DCCQ What type of dynamic forces may cause indent in plating on forecastle deck and main deck in way of pillars inside forecastle?
Forces created by waves on the forecastle.
Slamming in way of flat bottom forward of light draught.
Impact pressure forces in way of abrupt or flared bow.
Pressure forces caused by green water on deck.
Who can contact the Designated Person with their safety concerns?
Captain and Officers.
All crewmembers.
I don’t know.
Code: NCLM Your ship security plan must include procedures for responding to security threats, auditing security activities and interfacing with the port facility.
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