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Crew Evaluation System CBT test online for seamans about ECDIS System and Chart Types

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «ECDIS System and Chart Types». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «ECDIS System and Chart Types». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«ECDIS System and Chart Types» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on the ship. Knowledge of this information directly indicates the competence of the employee holding the relevant position on the ship. Electronic Chart Display and Information System, ECDIS is an information-based computer navigation system that meets the requirements of the International Maritime Organization, ensures the safety of navigation and can serve as an alternative to traditional paper charts.

The computer system displays information from electronic navigational charts, integrates it with data from the GPS global positioning system, radar data, automatic ship identification systems. ECDIS is a marine navigational charting system that meets the requirements of the national maritime register (“Regulations for the Equipment of Sea-Going Vessels”) and international requirements. Types of electronic cards Raster maps (RNC) are, in fact, scanned copies of paper maps, “attached” to a coordinate grid Vector cards.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «ECDIS System and Chart Types» contains 78 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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As approved ECDIS has to be tested for functionality against a standard:
Correct – for use on a vessel under SOLAS chart requirements.
Not when it is from an approved supplier.
Only when it is supplied from a non-approved supplier.
No – standards only relate to charts.
Next question
Why will a VAR sometimes convert an ENC file to a SENC file?
To save time on the vessel.
The VAR does this to check the contents of the file.
The ENC cannot be loaded directly onto the ECDIS on board the vessel.
It is a necessary part of the data protection process.
Show result
Approximately how many countries are producing electronic charts?
Between 40 and 50.
Between 10 and 40.
More than 100.
Between 50 and 100.
Next question
Can an ECS chart plotter be approved as an ECDIS?
No, as it has unofficial charts on it.
Yes, but only when in raster mode.
Yes, an ECS is always approved as an ECDIS.
Yes, but only when connected to a navigation signal.
Next question
ECDIS is an acronym for:
Electronic chart displays and information system.
Electrical chart device in service.
Easy chart display individual setup.
Electrical compass device is ship.
Next question
Explain the statement which best describes an ECDIS when compared to a chart plotter:
ECDIS devices are manufactured according to the ECDIS standard.
Chart plotters are manufactured according to the ECDIS standard.
An ECDIS is a physically smaller device than a plotter.
There are no difference between chart plotters and ECDIS.
Next question
Geodesy is best described as:
The science that describes the shape of the earth.
A datum that is used in the GPS system.
Some value that reflects the height of the datum.
A process of making vector charts.
Next question
How can a quick check on the quality of the navigation signal to ECDIS be obtained?
By viewing the radar overlay.
By setting up software to observe the navigation signal.
By asking the US Coastguard how the system is operating.
By checking the LAN to ascertain if the signal is still running into the ECDIS.
Next question
How many files of chart information does a raster chart have?
Next question
IMO made an important decision for the production of electronic charts. Which of the given options best describes their decision?
They asked countries to produce their own charts for their territorial waters.
They allowed countries to go anywhere in the world to make charts without seeking permission.
They decided to have little influence in the activity.
They asked the American Hydrographer to complete the task for the world.
Next question
If the ECDIS shows the vessel overshooting turns indicate the probable cause:
The time filters on the GPS and ECDIS are set high.
There are poor signals coming from the navigation system.
The route is not correctly set up for errors.
There is a malfunction of the ECDIS software jumping the vessel’s position.
Next question
If the radar overlay appears skewed on the ECDIS indicate the possible problem:
The radar heading marker could be misaligned.
The system has a serious navigation problem causing the skew.
The bridge wing gyro repeater is not properly aligned.
There is an offset on the navigation position.
Next question
Indicate the main advantage to the Mariner of a raster chart:
They can be used when there is no vector ENC available.
They are cheap to purchase saving the company money.
The colours do not change when displayed on a modern monitor.
They are more accurate than the paper version of the chart.
Next question
Indicate the main disadvantages to the Mariner of a vector chart:
The electronic display can make the Mariner over reliant.
It is very costly to update the charts and time consuming.
It has no flexibility compared to other chart types.
The Mariner gets lost in the menu system when trying to install charts.
Next question
Indicate the primary use of ECDIS on board the vessel:
To store and display electronic charts.
To assist the officers passage plan.
To be used as a recording system for the engine.
To be used in cases of emergency.
Next question
Official electronic charts have various names. Select the correct list from the options given:
Vector, S57, official ENC.
Digital, Raster, C-Map, ENC.
ENC, Transas, Vector, BSB.
HCRF, SENC, Raster, Official.
Next question
Official vector charts are made by projecting which spheroid?
WGS 84.
WGS 72.
ETRC 84.
ED 50.
Next question
Select the option which correctly completes the following statement: “An ECDIS compliant electronic chart is best described as…”
One constructed under the S52 standard.
A digital chart constructed under S57 standard.
A raster chart made under S61 standard.
Any electronic chart.
Next question
Select the option which correctly completes the following statement: “An ECDIS position filter protects the ECDIS from…”
Showing a fluctuating position of the vessel.
Airborne dust in sandy areas of the world.
Incorrectly set up system software on the ECDIS.
Operating under conditions that are extreme e. g. cyclones.
Next question
Select the option which correctly completes the following statement: “An ECDIS will alarm if…”
The chart datum and navigation signal datum mismatch.
The chart datum is not WGS 84.
The navigation signal datum is not WGS 84.
There is a discrepancy between WGS 84 and ETRS 89 datum.
Next question
Select the option which correctly completes the following statement: “Digitally produced charts are suited to computer use because…”
They are produced as a series of files that give flexibility.
They are easily made by a cartographer.
They can never be changed by the manufacturer.
The operator can change the file to suit their needs.
Next question
Select the option which correctly completes the following statement: “The SCAMIN attribute will influence the chart display, because…”
Objects will be removed as the operator zooms.
The chart cannot be used in the official mode with SCAMIN.
The colours of the display will be wrong when the SCAMIN is set wrongly.
The SCAMIN affects the saved files.
Next question
Select the option which correctly completes the following statement: “The presentation library on the ECDIS is important, because…”
If it is not the latest version the ECDIS will not show all detail.
It allows the ECDIS to decide on the scale setting of the chart.
It influences the colours on the display.
It is where the files for maintenance of the system software are stored.
Next question
Select the option which correctly completes the following statement: “When loading updates on the ECDIS it is important to delete old files, because…”
The ECDIS may display old versions not the update one.
It stops the ECDIS computer from slow running.
The old files can be confusing to the operator when selecting charts.
The auto delete function on the ECDIS may not work properly.
Next question
Select the option which correctly completes the following statement: “When using ECDIS, out of position navigation buoys will be noticed, because…”
The radar return and buoy symbol do not coincide.
There will be a flashing alarm on the ECDIS showing which one is out.
A local port authority would send an automatic signal to the ECDIS.
They are coloured orange on the ECDIS display.
Next question
Select the option which correctly completes the following statement: “When the ECDIS is in DR mode…”
The course and speed through the water are used for navigation.
The bridge team can rely on this trusted method of navigation.
It stops working not showing the position on the screen.
It is in normal operational mode.
Next question
Select the option which describes the correct scale to view chart detail on a vector chart:
At the same scale as the compilation scale.
Using the scale window to see what the objects are.
At the scale the operator decides to select.
Any scale, as the scale setting makes no difference to the detail seen.
Next question
Select the option which is normally one of the main feeds into the ECDIS system:
The navigation signal.
GMDSS communication system from the radio equipment.
Ship’s stability information.
The ship’s internal telephone system via the LAN.
Next question
Select the option which most accurately describes the following statement: “When raster charts are made, new data is always used to make them”.
The statement is totally incorrect.
The statement is totally correct.
The statement is partially correct for all manufacturers.
The statement is correct for the UKHO only.
Next question
Under the ISM Code what are ECDIS Operators required to have?
Proper equipment and generic training for ECDIS.
Some awareness of the basic functionality of ECDIS.
Computer skills that can be adapted to other equipment.
Equipment specific training only.
Next question
What could a large magenta question mark on the ECDIS display could indicate?
The presentation library is out of date.
There is a detected problem with the ECDIS software.
The question mark indicates a wrong action by the operator.
There is no chart loaded in the ECDIS.
Next question
What does the acronym HDOP stand for?
Horizontal dilution of precision.
High datum of precision.
Horizontal depth of precision.
High dilution of precision.
Next question
What does the acronym RNC stand for in relation to ECDIS?
Raster Navigational Chart.
Regional Navigation Committee.
Raster Nautical Chart.
Retailer of Navigational Charts.
Next question
What does the acronym SENC stand for in relation to ECDIS?
System Electronic Navigational Chart.
Software Electronic Navigational Chart.
Swedish Electronic Navigational Chart.
Survey Electronic Navigational Chart.
Next question
What is WEND in relation to electronic navigation?
A world system of supply and updating of charts.
Part of the ECDIS software which changes object attributes.
The organisation where charts are purchased.
An IMO working group looking at the manufacture of charts.
Next question
What is the height datum for water depth on an ENC chart usually taken as?
Lowest astronomical tide.
Low water Newlyn.
Mean high water springs.
Mean higher high water.
Next question
What is the main advantage to the Mariner of a vector chart?
The stored data base has intelligence.
The chart can be copied and passed to other vessels on a disk.
It is cheap to purchase as it is only a computer file.
Simple to use with an easily understood structure on the ECDIS.
Next question
What is the main disadvantage to the Mariner of a raster chart?
They have little flexibility in their use.
They are very expensive to buy costing the company lots of money.
They have a series of files so are very flexible to use.
They cannot be used on an ECDIS display.
Next question
What should a chart, with usage code 1, be used for?
Over viewing an ocean when planning.
Berthing and un-berthing.
General navigation.
A coastal passage.
Next question
What should a chart, with usage code 6, be used for?
Crossing an ocean.
Berthing and un-berthing.
General navigation.
A coastal passage.
Next question
What would a large magneta question mark on the ECDIS display indicate?
That the presentation library is out of date.
That there is a detected problem with the ECDIS software.
That there is a wrong action by the operator.
That there is no chart loaded in the ECDIS.
Next question
What would a small magneta question mark on the ECDIS display indicate?
That the ECDIS is uncertain as to some object’s attribute.
That there is a detected problem with the ECDIS software.
That there is a wrong action by the operator.
That there is no chart loaded in the ECDIS.
Next question
What would be contained in the “Exchange set” of files in relation to ECDIS?
The vector chart file and other information files.
Data that will drive the chart display colours.
Information that the ECDIS needs to assist the integration of the navigation signal.
Files showing the standard protocol for ECDIS.
Next question
When can a raster chart be used on the ECDIS display?
When there is no vector chart available.
At any time as they are more recognizable than vector charts.
Never, because they are not official charts.
Only in harbour areas as they show more detail.
Next question
When does the ENC data set become an SENC?
When the ECDIS converts it.
When the hydrographic office finish making the data set.
When the chart displays on the ECDIS.
When the value added retailer obtains the data set.
Next question
When sailing with ECDIS, what behaviour must the bridge team show?
A duty of care to navigate the vessel safely by all means.
Absolute reliance on ECDIS ignoring everything else.
Total distrust of the ECDIS using other methods to navigate.
Other lack of interest in the device.
Next question
When the primary position sensor to the ECDIS fails which of the following is likely to occur?
The ECDIS attempts to position with the secondary system.
Nothing happens as the navigation signal has integrity.
The vessel is notified with an e-mail from the US Coastguard.
Failure of the sensor would cause the ECDIS to shut down.
Next question
Which answer BEST completes the following statement: “A vessel is fitted with a LAN…”
To connect up the devices in a communications loop.
To assist the recording of information on the bridge.
As a backup to the ECDIS.
To enable charts to be sorted in order on the ECDIS.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes a data set in relation to ECDIS and electronic charts?
It is the compiled information making up the electronic chart.
It is the information necessary to make the ECDIS boot up.
It is the electronic raster chart delivered from the chart agent.
It is a set of data that allows the ECDIS to communicate with the bridge equipment.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes how ECDIS fits in with the chart carriage requirements as identified in SOLAS?
An approved ECDIS is acceptable under the chart carriage requirements.
Paper charts have to be always carried with the ECDIS.
Electronic chart systems (ECS) comply with SOLAS and can be used as an ECDIS.
ECDIS is not allowed.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes the effects on an ECDIS if the navigation signal has errors on it?
The indicated position will be wrong.
There will be an alarm.
There will be no effect.
It will go into DR mode.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes the function of RENC?
A centre for collating and distributing charts.
A world wide body for chart manufacture.
A centre where chart anomalies can be reported.
A place that is tasked to develop standard ECDIS software.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes the function of data protection on the chart?
Anti-piracy and controls authenticity.
The bridge team hacking into the chart for their laptops.
Makes sure the updates are correct.
Allows the chart files to be passed through customs without issues arising.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes the validity of the following statement: “The official vector chart is always more accurate than the paper chart”.
It is not correct.
It is correct.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes the validity of the following statement: “After the first of July 2012, new passenger ships will have to be fitted with ECDIS”.
Correct, but only if they are above 500 GRT.
Incorrect, it will depend on the shipping company.
Incorrect, it will be left to each Flag state to decide.
Correct, but only if the vessel crosses oceans.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes the validity of the following statement: “An approved ECDIS can replace paper charts on a vessel”.
Only with approval from the flag state.
Only when official charts are loaded.
Only when it used as a “dual fuel” system.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes the validity of the following statement: “In the future existing ships will have to be fitted with ECDIS”.
Correct, in accordance with a rolling time program depending on ship type.
Correct, but only if they are going to be kept in service for many more years.
Incorrect, it will depend on the shipping company.
Incorrect, it will be left to each Flag state to decide.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes the validity of the following statement: “Ships approved for ECDIS are robust enough to sail the world with one system”.
Incorrect, there should be a backup system fitted.
Correct, when there are vector charts on the ECDIS.
Correct, but only if the system is on the bridge of the vessel.
Correct, but it should be used only when crossing oceans.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes the validity of the following statement: “The 1996 amendment to the ECDIS standards allowed the use of raster charts on an ECDIS”.
Correct, but only when an official chart is not available.
Incorrect, raster charts can never be used.
Correct, but only when an official chart has not been obtained for use.
Correct, but only when the ECDIS is older than 1996.
Next question
Which of the given options describes the normal types of input to an ECDIS?
Any useful input from bridge and engine room equipment.
Only an input from engine room equipment.
Only an input from a wind speed and direction indicator.
Only an input from a Satellite navigator.
Next question
Which of the given options is correct in relation to the following statement: “When using ECDIS, a general chart, with usage code 2, can be zoomed in on for harbour viewing”.
Correct, it can be but should not be.
Correct, and it should be done as it saves money on charts.
Correct, but the chart could only be zoomed in on once.
Incorrect as the chart cannot be zoomed in on.
Next question
Which of the given options is the meaning of the letters GB and the number 5 in the chart cell identifier GB50344?
A chart made by the UKHO for harbour usage.
A British chart, number 5 in the series.
The chart is from the UKHO, the 5 means it is an updated version.
The GB means from Great Britain, the 5 means it is for ocean use.
Next question
Which of the given options is the most accurate in relation to the following statement: “Vector charts are no more accurate than paper charts”.
True since vector charts are usually digitised versions of the paper chart.
True since the digitising tool is very complicated to use and is prone to large errors.
This is untrue as vector charts are always more accurate.
True since the file in the vector chart stores only rough approximate values.
Next question
Which of the given options is the typical scale of a harbour chart?
1:4 000.
1:24 000.
1:1 000 000.
1:30 000 000.
Next question
Which of the given options would be the most appropriate action to take if the datum of the raster chart is not WGS84 and GPS is being used?
Apply the stated offsets on the chart.
Change the datum in the GPS receiver.
Tell the Master.
Do nothing as the GPS will give the correct charted position.
Next question
Which of the options is an important task given for RENCs?
They are responsible for ensuring the chart data is protected.
They have to oversee and be in charge of the chart makers.
They have to colour code the products for distribution.
They set a price on the product for onward despatch to AVRs.
Next question
Which of the requirements given in the options is necessary when loading charts on a vessel’s ECDIS?
A license or permit to allow the charts to install.
To have verbal permission from the chart supplier.
To always undertake the operation in port in case the computer crashes.
To have the Master undertake the operation.
Next question
Which of the standards given in the options must a vector chart be manufactured under in order for it to be considered an official ENC?
Next question
Which one of the authorities, given in the options, sets the hydrographic standards for electronic charts?
Next question
Which one of the authorities, given in the options, sets the hydrographic standards for ECDIS?
Next question
Which one of the given options can be considered as summarising the disadvantages of an ECDIS to a navigator?
The navigator can be misled by the computer display believing it to be correct.
The navigator will become board as the ECDIS will do all of the navigation automatically.
More work is involved looking after it than for paper charts.
It is complicated and older persons tend to be less able to use computers.
Next question
Which one of the given options can be considered as the main advantage to the bridge team of having an ECDIS?
Various types of information can be displayed to the bridge team.
It saves time for the 2nd Officer.
It can use raster charts that are recognisable.
The team can sit back and totally trust the ECDIS.
Next question
Which one of the options is considered as the main disadvantage to the Mariner of a vector chart?
The electronic display can make the Mariner over reliant.
It is very costly to update the charts and time consuming.
It has no flexibility compared to other chart types.
The Mariner gets lost in the menu system when trying to install charts.
Next question
Which statement best describes an attribute of a chart object?
A set of instructions to the ECDIS to control objects.
A particular feature of the paper chart that needs to be copied.
A method that the cartographer has of naming objects in the chart data set.
The colour of the object and how it will change in night mode.
Next question
Which type of electronic chart is considered to have intelligence when used on ECDIS?
A digital vector chart.
A digital raster chart.
None as only humans have intelligence.
Non official charts.
Next question
Why is it important that an approved method is used for the conversion of ENC to SENC?
Because the conversion process allows the chart electronic files to be converted properly.
Because the process is always completed by the retailer and they know how to do it.
Because the raster chart would not be seen if you did not.
It is important as the ECDIS is intelligent.
Next question
Why is it important to have the same datum for chart and navigation signal when using ECDIS?
Because navigation positions can be plotted directly on the chart.
It is not important as ECDIS can cope with any datum.
Because the attributes on the symbols will not be understood by the ECDIS.
Because the operator will not be able to change the plotted positions.
Next question
Why is it that some ECDIS devices show symbols that look different for the same object?
The ECDIS manufacturer interpreted the S57 standard differently.
The differences come from the raster chart data set.
The speed of the ECDIS computer varies so the shapes can be different.
They should all display the same shape and looking symbols.
Next question
* Some questions may have more, than one correct answer.
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