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Crew Evaluation System CBT test online for seamans about Fire-fighting, Advanced, Hazards and Tactics

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «Fire Fighting System, Hazards and Tactics». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Fire-fighting, Advanced, Hazards and Tactics». These questions can be used to test the competence of a specialist capable of preventing fire safety emergencies, as well as for self-testing.

«Fire-fighting, Advanced, Hazards and Tactics» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on the ship. Knowledge of this information directly indicates the competence of the employee holding the relevant position on the ship, his readiness to act in any extreme situations on the ship. Fire fighting tactics include: declaring a fire alarm, inspecting the emergency area, determining the procedure for performing actions to rescue passengers and crew, localizing and fighting a fire, and removing water that accumulates during fire extinguishing.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Fire-fighting, Advanced, Hazards and Tactics» contains 14 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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After an Engine Room fire is extinguished, what indicator is there that the space is safe to open? Select the ONE correct answer:
Reducing temperature of surrounding bulkheads.
A steady temperature seen in surrounding bulkheads.
A reduction in smoke seen at the top of the Engine Room.
White smoke rather than black smoke seen at the top of the Engine Room.
Next question
Carbon dioxide will smother a fire. Which ONE of the following will it NOT do? Select the ONE correct answer:
Remove heat from a fire.
Extinguish a fire.
Smother an electrical fire.
Be of any use in the Engine Room.
Next question
How are fire-fighters protected from electrical shock? Select the ONE best answer:
By always making sure that supplies are isolated.
By not using a water extinguishing agent.
By wearing insulated boots and gloves.
By never spraying water on electrical parts.
Next question
If a large fire takes hold in the Engine Room, what is the best action to take? Select the ONE best answer:
Shut-off fuel and ventilation, evacuate the space, and use the fixed fire-fighting system.
Send in as many fire parties as the vessel can muster.
Shut-off and attack the fire from the shaft tunnel with water hoses.
Close ventilation and send in fire parties to use the 55 litres portable foam extinguisher.
Next question
If attempting to fight an engine room fire with a fire team, where is the best place to enter the engine room? Select the ONE correct answer:
From below, since it is cooler and there is less chance of flames and heat spreading to the accommodation.
From the accommodation above, since water can then be cascaded down onto the fire.
From the accommodation at the same level, since this gives the nearest point to attack the fire from.
From the engine control room, since this can be easily accessed from the accommodation.
Next question
What action should be taken to protect fire-fighters? Select the ONE correct answer:
They should only be sent to fight a fire if risk assessment allows it.
Never send them into a space containing a fire.
Always have them working in teams of four fire-fighters.
Never release carbon dioxide or other gas types of fire suppressants.
Next question
What influences the amount of air used by the wearer of a BA set? Select as many answers that you think are correct:
The amount of work done.
The level of training.
Personal fitness.
The design and model of the SCBA set.
Next question
What is the characteristic of an economiser fire? Select the ONE correct answer:
Very high temperature.
Fairly low temperature.
It is intermittent.
Of very short duration.
Next question
What precaution should be taken before carbon dioxide is released into a space? Select the ONE correct answer:
Check that the space has been evacuated.
Check that all persons in the space are wearing BA sets.
Check that the fire does not involve any electricity.
Check that no other extinguisher has been used.
Next question
Where should you be when the low pressure alarm whistle sounds on your BA set? Select the ONE correct answer:
Safely back in fresh air.
At the scene of the fire, but it is the signal to leave.
At the scene of the fire, but it is the signal that you have to leave soon.
Away from the fire, but on your way out of the affected space.
Next question
Which of the following is the most dangerous characteristic of an Engine Room fire? Select the ONE best answer:
When oil is involved, it can rapidly escalate.
It is never really possible to extinguish it fully.
It will always spread to the accommodation above.
When left to burn, it damages equipment.
Next question
Why are some stored goods dangerous if there is a fire on board? Select the ONE best answer:
They can be very dangerous if they catch fire.
They get in the way of successful fire-fighting.
They float in water used to fight the fire.
They do not have a UN number.
Next question
Why is it dangerous to open a door on a fire previously contained within a space? Select the ONE correct answer:
Air can cause a flashover fireball.
Smoke can come out and enter the accommodation.
Heat escapes from the fire.
Crew can accidentally enter the space.
Next question
Why might fire-fighting with fire hoses produce a capsize risk? Select the ONE best answer:
A large volume of water can be added above the vessels original centre of gravity.
Water can find its way to the engine room.
Water can find its way to the bottom of holds.
The Bilge water separator will not be able to keep up with the amount of water added.
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* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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Февраль, 06, 2023 2157 0
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