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Crew Evaluation System CBT test online for seamans about Galley Operations, Hygiene

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «Galley Operations, Hygiene». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Galley Operations, Hygiene». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Galley Operations, Hygiene» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on chemical tanker. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel. This knowledge will help the specialist to observe the rules of hygiene in the kitchen.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Galley Operations, Hygiene» contains 58 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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A Garbage Management Plan will indicate the locations and intended use of stations on board for the storage of garbage. Which other piece of information must the Plan specify?
Their capacity.
Their colour coding and labelling requirements.
The maximum size of garbage item permitted.
The type of seal required on any containers.
Next question
A disciplined approach to personal hygiene is essential to food safety, but what other element is equally important?
A clean galley.
Good safety posters.
Personal care and safety when off duty.
Some organization of tinned and packaged stores.
Next question
A person designated in a Garbage Management Plan is responsible for which of the following?
Maintaining the records in the Garbage Record Book.
Operating the garbage handling equipment.
Implementing the procedures described in the Plan.
Arranging garbage collection contracts in foreign ports.
Next question
According to the table displayed in this program, how long will a plastic bottle take to degrade in the ocean?
450 days.
1 000 years.
450 years.
250 years.
Next question
Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 (as amended) requires placards to be displayed. What should these placards indicate?
The daily permitted garbage limit for every individual on board.
Garbage disposal requirements.
How plastic should be disposed of at sea.
Who the designated person is for completing entries in the Garbage Record Book.
Next question
Apart from ships of their own flag, which ships might a country’s national food safety regulations apply to?
Foreign ships trading in that country’s waters.
All ships of 400 gross registered tons and over.
Those ships which have previously been detained.
Those ships which have been in dry dock since their last visit to the port in question.
Next question
Besides listing the requirements in respect of garbage handling by vessels, what else does Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 (as amended) prescribe?
The provision of facilities for the reception of garbage from ships at ports and terminals.
The regulations governing the operation of incinerators in ports and harbours.
The regulations controlling the disposal of oily waste by vessels.
The certification requirements for Responsible Persons under shipboard Garbage Management Plans.
Next question
Certain regions of the seas are subject to particular controls under MARPOL 73/78 (as amended). What are they called?
Controlled Regions.
Special Areas.
Designated Sea Areas.
Next question
For how long must a Garbage Record Book be kept after the date of the last entry?
2 years.
5 years.
6 months.
Once completed, it may be disposed of.
Next question
For which of the certificates listed below, if applicable, will a ship’s galley and storeroom be inspected?
The load line certificate.
The safe manning certificate.
The cargo ship safety certificate.
The de-ratting certificate.
Next question
How can minor stains on storeroom shelves used for foodstuffs best be removed?
By scrubbing with a suitable antibacterial cleaner.
By soaking in bleach.
By painting over the stains.
By gentle washing with warm fresh water.
Next question
How do individual countries apply food safety regulations to ships?
Through national legislation.
Through the IMO.
Countries do not act independently with health and safety regulations. They apply them through international agreements.
Food safety regulations only apply to places ashore.
Next question
How may a flying beetle be recognised?
By its large rear legs.
By its bright green eyes.
By its horny wing cases, which cover the wings when not in use.
By the soar smell that it gives off.
Next question
How may a fruit fly be recognised?
By its bright red eyes.
By its large rear legs.
By its large transparent wings which it extends whilst feeding.
By antennae that are as long as its body.
Next question
If a ship lands garbage at a port, what should the Master obtain?
A receipt specifying the amount of garbage landed.
An invoice for the measured amount of garbage landed.
A certificate of compliance with port sanitary regulations.
A customs declaration for the estimated amount of garbage landed.
Next question
If gloves are to be worn for food preparation, what type should they be?
Powder-free, disposable latex or vinyl gloves.
Heavy-duty leather gloves.
Lightweight cotton gloves.
Colour-coded rubber gloves.
Next question
If spraying to control cockroaches, which of the following areas should you concentrate on?
Exhaust ducts above galley ranges.
Entry points, such as conduits and pipes.
Around doors and windows.
In and over machinery, near the motors in particular.
Next question
If your ring will not come off your finger, what alternative precautions may be taken to protect the food with which you are working?
I can wear powder-free disposable latex or vinyl gloves.
I can use wooden or plastic utensils to work with the food.
I can ensure the food, once prepared, is heated up to a minimum of 70 °C to kill any bacteria present.
I can wrap cling-film around my hands.
Next question
In the case study of the vessel convicted of pollution in New South Wales, Australia, what item was traced back to the ship?
A plastic quarantine bag, with its numbered seal.
An aluminium container, with its batch number still legible.
A sealed plastic envelope, with a barcode address.
A wooden packing case, stamped with the ship’s name.
Next question
In what language should the Garbage Management Plan be written?
Versions should be available for all languages spoken on board, plus English.
English, Spanish, Chinese and Russian.
It doesn’t matter what language is used, provided the ship has a certified Plan.
The working language of the crew.
Next question
On which of the following occasions is it most important that you wash your hands from a hygiene point of view?
After blowing my nose.
Before operating the incinerator.
After finishing the service of a meal.
Before collecting vegetables from the storeroom.
Next question
Snuff and chewing tobacco are prohibited in the galley, but is smoking permitted?
No, not under any circumstances.
Yes, but only once food service is completed.
Yes, provided no food preparation is underway at the time.
Yes, provided the extractor fans are running.
Next question
There are generally three elements to a Garbage Management Plan. Besides “Recycling” and “Disposal”, which of the following is the third element?
Reduction at Source.
Return to Sender.
Green packaging.
Next question
What English term is used to describe the process by which garbage breaks down and dissolves in the sea?
Next question
What danger does a studded finger ring present when preparing food?
The metal in the ring may produce an electric shock if it accidentally contacts with the metal casing of a microwave oven.
A gold ring may introduce a metallic taste into the food.
The clasps can hold bacteria and the stones may even become loose and drop into the food.
Certain precious stones used in rings are poisonous.
Next question
What is the best way to ensure that dirt and germs are not brought into the galley by others?
By restricting access to authorised persons only.
By putting a large notice on the outside of the door leading to the galley.
By the cook giving a lecture to all new crew members.
Being realistic, germs and dirt cannot be kept out of the galley, so there is no point in trying to tell other crew members what to do.
Next question
What is the larger cousin of the common house fly?
The blow fly.
The sand fly.
The fruit fly.
The blue fly.
Next question
What is the main reason why catering personnel should NOT use highly-scented anti-perspirant sprays and perfume?
Because of the possibility of the transfer of the scent to foodstuffs during handling.
Because it is considered inappropriate for catering personnel in general.
Because the combination of the high average heat in the galley and the alcohol in such sprays may cause mild intoxication and hinder reactions.
Because the scent may react with sweat and cause skin irritation.
Next question
What is the main risk that may arise if you wear your catering department uniform in the dayroom or ashore?
You might get in trouble with the authorities.
The uniform clothing may pick up germs that then get transferred to the galley when you return to work.
You will get asked for food when you are off duty.
You will transfer germs if you accidentally brush up against another person.
Next question
What is the minimum time for which hands should be washed, as recommended by the US CDC?
20 seconds.
10 seconds.
45 seconds.
5 seconds.
Next question
What is the most common crawling insect encountered at sea?
The cockroach.
The sand beetle.
The phasmida.
The fire ant.
Next question
What is the principal legislation that governs the handling and disposal of garbage aboard ships?
MARPOL 73/78.
SOLAS 1974.
The International Maritime Garbage Regulations, Annex B.
The Maritime Pollution Act 2007, Annex II.
Next question
What kind of footwear is acceptable for working in the galley and storerooms?
Heavy-duty, with a non-slip sole and reinforced toecap, covering the foot fully.
Comfortable, casual, soft leather and low cut.
Easily removed, well-ventilated, flip-flop or sandal style.
Smooth-soled, open-backed clogs.
Next question
What kind of lamp is generally used in the electronic insect device?
It doesn’t matter what kind of lamp is used.
Next question
What material should galley work clothing be made of?
Plastic fibres.
Next question
What should be located next to the wash basin in the galley?
A soap-dispenser and hand-dryer or disposable towels.
A mirror.
A rack for a razor and toothbrush.
A warning sign.
Next question
What virus do the faeces of the common house fly carry?
The Salmonellae virus.
Clostridium botulinum.
Staphylococcal enterotoxin.
E-coli 0157.
Next question
When can you smoke in the galley?
Smoking is prohibited in the galley at all times.
Once food service is finished.
At any time, provided no food preparation is underway.
Between 1900 and 0600 hours only.
Next question
Which Annex of MARPOL 73/78 (as amended) governs the handling of waste aboard ships?
Annex VI.
Annex IV.
Annex V.
Annex VII.
Next question
Which form of domestic garbage presents is said to present the greatest danger to marine life?
Ropes and bags.
Cans and packages.
Rotten meat.
Next question
Which of the following is a description of a compactor?
An apparatus designed for the combustion of waste materials through high-temperature thermal treatment and by which waste will be reduced to ash.
A machine designed to grind down waste material to a size less of than 25 mm and thereby pass it through a mash with openings of that diameter.
A processing which will cut and shred plastic, then compress and melt it into solid shapes for subsequent disposal.
A machine designed to compress garbage into manageable shapes for subsequent disposal.
Next question
Which of the following is a description of an incinerator?
A machine designed to compress garbage into manageable shapes for subsequent disposal.
An apparatus designed for the combustion of waste materials through high-temperature thermal treatment and by which waste will be reduced to ash.
A machine designed to grind down waste material to a size less of than 25 mm and thereby pass it through a mash with openings of that diameter.
A processing which will cut and shred plastic, then compress and melt it into solid shapes for subsequent disposal.
Next question
Which of the following is a positive value of a properly maintained Garbage Record Book?
It may be used to demonstrate compliance by the ship in the event of a suspected pollution incident.
It may be used to verify the validity of the certificates of the catering staff.
It may be used to demonstrate compliance with a QA system in the event of an oil pollution incident.
It provides reference to operating instructions for the garbage incinerator.
Next question
Which of the following is the Master required to do under flag State regulations?
To verify, by observation and within 48 hours, that a newly signed-on cook can produce meals of an acceptable quality and quantity for his ship’s crew.
To inspect all catering facilities at least once every 3 months.
To inspect the galley, storerooms and dining areas at regular and frequent intervals.
To confirm that all Catering personnel are in possession of MLC 2006 Hygiene Compliance certificates.
Next question
Which of the following statements correctly applies to a container of used cooking oil?
Disposal into the sea is prohibited.
It can be disposed of overboard without restriction.
It can be disposed of into the sea if mixed with other forms of garbage.
It can be disposed of into the sea if the vessel is more than 12 miles from the nearest land.
Next question
Which organisation operates the Vessel Sanitation Program?
The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Food and Drug Administration.
The Norwegian maritime Directorate.
The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
Next question
Which ships are required by MARPOL 73/78 (as amended) to maintain a Garbage Record Book?
All ships of 400 grt and above and all ships certified to carry 15 persons or more.
All ships of 300 grt and above and all ships certified to carry 6 persons or more.
All vessels certified to trade in international waters.
All vessels where catering operations are carried out on board.
Next question
Which ships are required by MARPOL 73/78 (as amended) to operate a Garbage Management Plan?
All ships of 500 grt and above and all ships certified to carry 12 persons or more.
All vessels certified to trade in international waters.
All vessels where catering operations are carried out on board.
All ships of 100 grt and above and all ships certified to carry 15 persons or more.
Next question
Who must countersign each page of the Garbage Record Book?
The Master.
The Senior Catering Officer.
The Superintendent.
The Ship Safety Officer.
Next question
Why is it recommended that you shower at the end of your shift in the galley?
So that odours, grease and sweat accumulated during the day are not transferred to my living quarters.
Because it is required under the STCW Code.
Because it is better to shower at the end of the day than at the beginning.
So that I am relaxed as I commence my off-duty time.
Next question
Why is plastic considered to present the greatest danger to marine life?
Because of the time it takes to degrade.
Because it is difficult to digest.
Because it floats.
Because it becomes poisonous if left in salt water over 6 months.
Next question
Why should catering staff NOT wear their ordinary clothes when working in the galley?
Because it is not made out of cotton.
Because they may not be recognised as part of the catering staff by new crew-members.
Because it will pick up odours, grease, etc., that will then transfer to their accommodation.
Because ordinary clothing may not meet health and safety requirements for sleeves, collars, fashion accessories, etc.
Next question
Why should trousers worn in the galley be loose fitting around the lower legs?
To prevent or lessen injury if hot liquids are accidentally spilled.
Because that is the fashion style adopted by all seafaring cooks.
Because ventilating the lower legs will lessen the chance of cramp.
Because ventilating the lower legs will lessen the chance of heat rash.
Next question
Why should you wear a hat or hair net when preparing food?
To prevent odours being absorbed and loose hair or dry skin falling as I work directly over food.
To stop hair getting into my eyes.
Because it is required by the STCW Code.
So that other crew members can easily identify me.
Next question
You are a junior steward on a ferry. What should you do if you notice that the slicing machine in the galley has rust on its blade?
Report it.
Nothing – such items are not my responsibility.
Ask a couple of shipmates what they think I should do about it.
Remove the blade and throw it overboard.
Next question
You are a steward. The cook is working in the galley, preparing food. Can you use an insect aerosol spray at the other side of the galley, while he is working?
Yes, killing any insects is the priority.
Yes, provided I ask him first.
No, the spray might be carried across and contaminate the food.
Yes, but only if the extractor fan is switched on.
Next question
You are the Assistant Cook/Steward. You are suffering from a sore throat and diarrhoea. What should you do?
I should report my condition immediately to the Cook. I should not work with food until the condition passes.
I will keep quiet about the condition and work through as best I can. I should drink plenty of liquids.
I will take a double dose of stomach sickness medicine and carry on as usual.
I should continue my work, but ensure I visit the toilet frequently. I should wash my hands thoroughly after each visit.
Next question
You are the Steward. You are suffering from a cut on the third finger of your right hand, caused by a staple which was sticking out from a carton of tins in the storeroom. The wound has not closed over and continues to bleed slightly. What should you do?
I will carry on and work as best I can. I will try to keep my injured finger clear of any food.
I should report it, have it treated, then covered with a waterproof Band-Aid and a glove.
I will continue to work, but will wash my hands more frequently than usual.
The important thing is the dangerous carton. I will get something to knock the staple flat.
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* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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