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Crew Evaluation System CBT test online about Hazardous Materials – IMDG Code Advanced

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «HAZMAT – IMDG Code, Advanced». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «HAZMAT – IMDG Code, Advanced». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«HAZMAT – IMDG Code, Advanced» subject includes theoretical and practical information about specifics of International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel, provides to prevent accidents, vessel damage as well as marine pollution.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «HAZMAT – IMDG Code, Advanced» contains 91 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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A cargo manifest shall include which four of the following items in respect of each package of dangerous goods?
The UN Number.
The Proper Shipping Number.
The location within the ship.
The total quantity of dangerous goods within the package.
The applicable manufacturer’s serial numbers.
The port of delivery and name of the consignee.
Next question
Which two of the following statements apply to packaging’s in direct contact with dangerous goods?
They shall not be affected or significantly weakened by the dangerous goods.
They shall not cause a dangerous effect in the dangerous goods.
They shall be constructed of non-porous material.
They will absorb a rise in surface temperature of not more than 20° as a result of such contact.
They will not exhibit any visible distortion directly – caused by such contact.
They will be deliver a standard of protection equivalent to, or better than, a class 2 (sift-proof and water-resistant) liner.
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A cargo transport unit contains 50 drums, each with the UN number 2967 displayed on it. Which number should be displayed in the lower half of the diamond on the placard on the front, rear and both sides of the unit?
Next question
A compound can have characteristic properties that may be significantly different from those of its constituent elements. True or false?
Next question
A fireboard package containing 4 metal cans of Caesium Nitrate, individual weight 1 kg each, transported under the provisions of chapter 3.4 of the Code, will bear which of the following markings?
Next question
A marking label coloured green will refer to dangerous goods of which class?
Class 2.2 – Non-flammable, non-toxic gases.
Class 2.1 – Flammable gases.
Class 4.1 – Flammable solids.
Those listed with the UN Environmental Committee approval.
Next question
A “Dangerous Goods Declaration” is not required to be provided by the consignor when shipping a package marked “Dangerous Goods of Class 3 – Limited Quantity”. Which one of the following is a correct assessment of this statement?
True, but only when the total quantity does not exceed 5 litres.
True, but only when contained in rigid containers of not more than 0,3 m3 capacity, contained within an inner packaging.
Next question
According to the IMDG Code, a portable tank, with capacity 3 000 litres or more, which is loaded with dangerous goods and which is intended for transport by sea, must display the placards as described by which one of the following statements?
On each side and on each end of the tank.
On each side and on the back end of the tank.
On each side only.
On the back end only.
Next question
According to the guidelines in the IMDG Code, what is the maximum mean temperature that should be used in calculations to ensure that the filling of an IBC does not exceed 98 % of its water capacity?
50 °C.
60 °C.
100 °C.
15,6 °C.
Next question
As defined within the IMDG Code, the term “labelling” refers to which one of the following?
Identification of the risks and hazards presented by substances contained in a package.
Identification of the substance contained in a package.
Identification of the risks and hazards presented by substances contained in cargo transport units.
Identification of the consignor of the article.
Next question
As defined within the IMDG Code, the term “marking” refers to which one of the following?
Identification of the risks and hazards presented by substances contained in a package.
Identification of the substance contained in a package.
Identification of the risks and hazards presented by substances contained in cargo transport units.
Identification of the consignor of the article.
Next question
Can the hazard posed by a substance arise from a dangerous reaction of the substance or article with other substances in the surrounding environment?
Next question
Emergency information on shipments of dangerous goods shall be available at all times and may be provided in which three of the following methods, permitted under the IMDG Code?
By making the appropriate entries in the manifest.
On a separate document, such as a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
By keeping separate books such as the EmS Guide and MFAG available at all times.
By stamping the contact telephone number of the responsible emergency service on the package.
By providing the ship with internen access details for the USCG Dangerous Substances Transportation Database.
Next question
Except in the case of class 1: Explosiveness, ships are divided into two groups for the purpose of making appropriate stowage recommendations in accordance with the IMDG Code. Which two are they?
Cargo ships or passenger ships carrying a number of passengers limited to not more than 25 or to 1 passenger per 3 metres of overall length, whichever is the greater number.
Other passenger ships in which the limited number of passengers carried is exceeded.
Oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers which are not subject to the provisions outlined in volume 2 of the IMDG Code.
Cargo ships equipped for the carriage of dangerous goods in packaging’s, IBC’s, portable tanks and MEGCs.
Next question
For security purposes, in conjunction with which set of international regulations should the IMDG Code be read? (excluding additional regulations made by a national authority).
Part A of the ISPS Code.
Annex III of MARPOL 73/78.
Chapter 6 of the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seaman (COSWP).
Part B of the International Safety Guide for Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT).
Next question
For the purposes of studying the IMDG Code, what are the three main states of matter?
Next question
How does the IMDG Code require that drums will be stowed?
On their sides.
On pallets and shrink-wrapped, in batches of eight drums.
In a pyramid pattern, not more than three tiers high.
Next question
How many classes of Dangerous Goods are there in the IMDG Code?
Next question
How must salvage packaging be specially marked?
By the word SALVAGE.
With the warning CAUTION – SALVED GOODS.
With the caution DANGER – SALVAGED GOODS.
Next question
How would you expect to find a package that previously contained a consignment of UN Number 2067 marked? It is in an uncleaned condition and there are still heavy residual vapours inside the package.
Empty packages are not required to be marked.
Empty after UN 2067.
Next question
In which part of the IMDG Code is the Dangerous Goods List found?
Volume 1.
Volume 2.
Next question
One particular group of substances may reasonably be considered the most dangerous transported by ship. Which is it?
Organic peroxides.
Liquefied gases.
Infectious substances.
Corrosive substances.
Next question
Packages of UN 0477 and UN 2008 are intended for transport by sea. Which one of the following applies?
No specific segregation is required.
Must be stowed away from each other.
Must be separated by a complete compartment or hold from each other.
Must be separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from each other.
Next question
Packages of UN 2805 and UN 1120 are intended for transport by sea. Which of the following applies?
Must be stowed away from each other.
Must be separated from each other.
Must be separated by a complete compartment or hold from each other.
Must be separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from each other.
Next question
Packaging shall be so constructed and sealed as to prevent any loss of contents. Which two of the following are among those circumstances which the IMDG Code says should be considered in this respect?
Changes in pressure.
Being inverted.
Damage through an impact equal to a force of 300 kg point load.
Next question
Proper Shipping Names and UN Numbers are used in dangerous goods marking and documentation for which two primary purposes?
To ensure that the substance, material or article can be readily identified during transport, especially in the event of an emergency.
To provide the necessary information for the Master to be able to comply with reporting requirements in the event of a pollution incident.
To complete the additional security documents when entering a port subject to a level “orange” security alert.
To demonstrate compliance with MARPOL 73/78 when subject of a Port State Inspection.
Next question
Substances, materials and articles shall be stowed as indicated in column 16 of the Dangerous Goods List, in accordance with a number of Stowage Categories. How are these categories designated?
5 categories, lettered A-E.
10 categories, numbered 1-10.
Two categories, numbered I and II.
Three categories, lettered A, B and C.
Next question
Sufficient ullage shall always be left when packaging’s are filled with liquids, to ensure that neither leakage nor distortion occurs as a result of expansion due to temperature change during transport. In general, (and not counting the additional calculations necessary with IBC’s) what temperature is to be used in calculations to ensure that the package is not completely filled?
45 °C.
55 °C.
65 °C.
59,4 °C.
Next question
The Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods provides advice intended for which one of the following?
The initial management of chemical poisoning/toxic effects and diagnosis within the limits of the facilities available at sea.
The comprehensive and total management of chemical poisoning and diagnosis to full recovery, with assistance from shore as required.
The proper documentation to the flag state authority in the event of a fatality involving dangerous goods on a vessel.
The accurate transfer of information relating to a spilled cargo to the appropriate shore side medical and environmental agencies.
Next question
The classes used by the UN for the IMDG Code are based on which ONE of the following?
The type of hazard that Dangerous Goods present.
The alphabetical order of the list of commonly shipped Dangerous Goods.
The UN Numbers of Dangerous Goods.
The results of accredited laboratory tests of different chemical groups.
Next question
The reporting of incidents involving harmful substances and/or marine pollutants is regulated under which international regulations?
MARPOL 73/78.
SOLAS 1974.
Appendix B of the Supplement to the IMDG Code.
The EmS Guide.
Next question
The transport condition of a gas is described according to its physical state. Which of the following two states are listed in the Class 2 of the Dangerous Goods List?
Liquefied gas.
Refrigerated liquefied gas.
Blended gas.
Concentrated gas.
Next question
The two main purposes behind indicating the Proper Shipping Name and UN Number of a substance, material or article on the Dangerous Goods Form are described by which two of the following statements?
To ensure that it can be readily identified during transport, especially in the event of an emergency.
To provide the necessary information for the Master to be able to comply with reporting requirements in the event of a pollution incident.
To avoid excessive fines for improper documentation when passing through controlled waterways.
To demonstrate compliance with section 6.5 of MARPOL 73/78.
Next question
To what specific source of safety information, as indicated in this program, would you refer in the case of a fire involving a substance identified with the UN number 2257?
EmS schedule F-G.
EmS schedule S-N.
MFAG Table 17.
Dangerous Goods List, column 12.
Next question
To what specific source of safety information, as indicated in this program, would you refer in the case of a spillage of a substance identified with the UN number 1230?
EmS schedule S-D.
EmS schedule F-E.
MFAG Table 16.
Dangerous Goods List, column 16a.
Next question
To which explosives compatibility Class are “Articles containing a secondary detonating explosive substance, without means of initiation, with a propelling charge (other than one containing a flammable liquid or gel or hypergolic liquids)” assigned?
Next question
Unless otherwise provided for in the Code, a package containing dangerous goods of UN Number 2196 should be marked as which one of the following?
UN 2196.
Next question
What are generic and “not otherwise specified” entries, as found in the list in Appendix A to the IMDG Code?
Those relating to substances, materials or articles not mentioned specifically by name in the Dangerous Goods List.
Those relating to substance, materials or articles where the shipper has been unable to identify a UN Number.
Very particular and detailed information relating to a substance, material or article as listed in the Index to the IMDG Code.
Names of substances, materials or articles listed as suitable for carriage in Limited Quantities, and therefore not subject to rest of the IMDG Code.
Next question
What are the Proper Shipping Name and UN Number for the substance Bromomethane?
METHYL BROMIDE with not more than 2,0 % chloropicrin UN 1062.
Next question
What do the letters stand for when we refer to the IMDG Code?
International Maritime Dangerous Goods.
Internal Marine Dangerous Goods.
International Marine Danger Group.
International Monitoring Department (Geopolitics).
Next question
What does the Code say about the transportation of CHLOROPRENE, STABILIZED as a “limited quantity”?
The entry in column 7(a) of the Dangerous Goods List is “0” and therefore indicates that this substance cannot be transported as a limited quantity shipment.
The entry in column 7(b) of the Dangerous Goods List is “E0” and therefore indicates that there is no restriction on this substance being transported as a limited quantity shipment.
The entry in column 16(b) of the Dangerous Goods List has code “SW2” which means that the substance should be stowed clear of living quarters. A limited quantity can therefore be carried, provided it is stowed more than 24 metres away from the accommodation.
The entry in column 8 of the Dangerous Goods List refers the user to a Packing Instruction 0, which explains how the substance may be transported under “Limited Quantity” requirements.
Next question
What does the EmS number refer to?
The relevant emergency schedules for FIRE and SPILLAGE in the Emergency Response Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods.
The emergency response procedures as outlined in 46 CFR 32 of the US Federal Code of Regulations and expanded in the USCG Guidelines on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Sea.
The relevant guidelines listed in the International Maritime Organization Emergency Anti-Pollution Measures (1974).
The appropriate entry in the Emergency Procedures (Shipping).
Next question
What does the abbreviation “IBC” stand for?
Intermediate Bulk Container.
Intermediate Bulk Code.
Internal Bulk Construction.
International Booking Code.
Next question
What does this label indicate?
The substance to which it refers is a marine pollutant.
The substance within the package is toxic.
The contents of the package are organic.
The package contains fishmeal.
Next question
What is a “UN Number”?
A unique identifying number assigned to a dangerous substance, material or article by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, as contained in the “UN List” and found in the Dangerous Cargo List.
A unique chemical symbol assigned to dangerous substances or materials of a chemical group by the International Committee for the Classification of Chemicals, as contained in Appendix A to the IMDG Code.
An emergency contact number for use in the event of an injury or pollution incident involving a dangerous substance as listed in the Dangerous Goods List in the IMDG Code.
The number assigned to a substance which will undo the chemical reaction caused by a dangerous good after it mixes with water, as set out in the emergency response procedures in the IMDG Code.
Next question
What is an “article” in relation to classifications in the IMDG Code?
A device that contains a dangerous substance or mixture of substances.
A form that contains important information about a dangerous substance.
A device that is responsible for initiating a dangerous reaction.
Something that is packed within a freight container.
Next question
What us the maximum permitted temperature on the outer surface of the shell of a portable tank, or its thermal insulation, during transportation?
70 °C.
60 °C.
45 °C.
100 °C.
Next question
What is “segregation”?
The planned, separated stowage of dangerous goods that may react dangerously with each other in the event of leakage or other damage.
The planned, adjacent stowage of packaged dangerous goods, to confine the listed hazard to a limited area within the ship.
The name given to the process of transferring the IMO Transport Document between the shipper and the receiver of a consignment of dangerous goods.
The term applied to stowage of dangerous goods when determined by a computerized stowage program.
Next question
What material would a drum, the marking on which began with be constructed from?
Metal, other than steel or aluminium.
Next question
What medical warnings are found in the Dangerous Goods List for 3-TRIFLUOROMETHYLANILINE?
Toxic if swallowed, by skin contact or by inhalation.
Corrosive if swallowed.
Causes burns to skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
High rate of skin decomposition on prolonged contact.
Next question
What pressure relief provisions apply to the carriage of TRIETHYLENETETRAMINE in portable tanks?
Normal provisions for pressure relief devices apply.
Such a tank is required to have a relief device constructed of Polycarbonate resin.
Such a tank is required to have a relief device comprising a bursting disc preceding a spring-loaded pressure relief device.
Tanks containing this product are not fitted with a pressure relief device.
Next question
What special mark must a plastic packaging bear if it is recycled?
Next question
What special packing provisions would apply to an IBC, of construction code 11 A, used for the transportation of OSMIUM TETROXIDE?
Such an IBC shall be carried in a closed cargo transport unit or in a freight container or vehicle, which shall have rigid sides or fences at least to the height of the IBC.
Such an IBC shall be sift-proof and water-resistant or shall be fitted with a sift-proof or water-resistant liner.
Such an IBC shall meet the performance group II performance level.
IBC’s shall not be used for the transportation of this substance.
Next question
What standard identification mark is used to denote an authorizing State in a packaging mark?
The international letters used to indicate the country of registration for motor vehicles.
The International Symbols Agency Classification code.
The letters assigned by the United Nations Labelling Committee.
The international letters used to indicate the country of registration for aircraft.
Next question
What term is applied to one liquid dissolving in another liquid, or one gas dissolving in another gas?
Next question
When a Cargo Transport Unit is loaded with a mixture of dangerous goods and non-hazardous materials, how should the dangerous goods consignments be loaded?
Wherever possible, adjacent to the doors, with labels and markings visible.
On the bottom of the unit, to ensure no damage of other cargo occurs in the event of leakage.
Away from all doors or openings to prevent falling out when the unit is opened.
On top of the non-hazardous material, so as to be readily accessible for priority unloading.
Next question
Where in the IMDG Code do you find the provisions relating to temperature control of cargo transport units?
Part 7. Provisions Concerning Transport Operations.
Part 2.4.3. Substances liable to Spontaneous Combustion.
Column 9 of the Dangerous Goods List.
Part “Elevated temperature substances”.
Next question
Where should placards be located on a freight container?
One on each end and one on each side.
One on each end (only).
One on each side (only).
One on each end and one visible from directly above.
Next question
Where will a dangerous substance, material or article not mentioned specifically by name in the Dangerous Goods List, appear in the IMDG Code?
In the List of Generic and NOS Proper Shipping Names.
It will not appear anywhere in the Code.
In Packing Provision P200.
In the List of Class 9 Substances, Materials and Articles.
Next question
Where would you stow a package of dangerous goods, subject to the provisions of Stowage Category D, on a cargo ship, of length 81 metres overall, carrying 12 passengers?
Such stowage is PROHIBITED.
In a locked cargo compartment.
Next question
Which Class is assigned to “Explosives” in the IMDG Code?
Class 1.
Class 2.
Class 3.
Class 9.
Next question
Which abbreviation is used to identify a “Marine Pollutant” in the Dangerous Goods List?
Next question
Which code letters direct the user towards instructions relating to large packaging’s?
Next question
Which four of the following are standard tests performed on representative samples of packaging’s?
Drop test.
Leakproofness test.
Internal pressure, or hydraulic test.
Stacking test.
Rigidity test.
Crash test.
Next question
Which four of the following statements describe characteristics of a gas?
Having a very low density when compared to the other main states of matter.
Having a very low viscosity when compared to the other main states of matter.
Will readily expand under applied heat.
Easily compressed.
Having an indefinite mass.
Resistant to mixing and poor at filling a space uniformly.
Next question
Which four of the following types of container are covered by the general term “Cargo Transport Unit”, as listed in the Code?
Road freight vehicles.
Railway transport tank.
Railway freight wagon.
Portable tanks.
Military armoured vehicles.
LASH barge.
Next question
Which of the following Code letters, as used in the Dangerous Goods List, is applied to Special Packing Instructions for Intermediate Bulk Containers?
Next question
Which of the following describes the “boiling point” of a liquid?
The temperature at which the vapour pressure of a substance exceeds the atmospheric pressure.
The same as the freezing point, but read as a liquid is heating up, rather than when it is cooling down.
The temperature at which it gives off sufficient vapours to form an ignitable mixture with the air near its surface.
The minimum temperature required to cause self-sustained combustion in the absence of a spark or flame.
Next question
Which of the following is an example of a code used to indicate a packaging type as listed under section 6 of the Code?
Next question
Which of these definitions is that of a “Marine Pollutant” under the IMDG Code?
A substance which is subject to the provisions of Annex III of MARPOL 73/78, as amended.
A substance which is subject to the provisions of Chapter V of SOLAS 1974, as amended.
Any substance which is hazardous to the marine environment.
A substance which, because of its tendency to degrade in seafood, or because of its hazard potential to the aquatic environment is subject to the provisions of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78, as amended, and carried by sea accordingly.
Next question
Which one of the following code prefixes, as used in the Dangerous Goods List, is applied to Special Packing Instructions for Packaging’s other than IBC’s and Large Packaging’s?
Next question
Which one of the following is a definition of the control temperature of a dangerous substance as applicable to the IMDG Code?
The maximum temperature at which certain substances, such as organic peroxides and self-reactive and related substances can be safely transported during a prolonged period of time.
The lowest temperature at which decomposition may occur for a substance in a packaging as used in transport.
The temperature at which emergency procedures shall be implemented.
The overall average temperature drawn from daily observations in passage.
Next question
Which one of the following is a design feature of all Intermediate Bulk Containers?
They must be suitable for handling by mechanical means.
They must be individually approved by the Flag State authority.
They must be capable of withstanding a drop test of 12 metres.
They must be fitted with a minimum of three pressure-relief valves.
Next question
Which one of the following is a valid example of a mark for a packaging containing substances of class 6.2?
Next question
Which one of the following is a “Cargo Transport Unit”, as defined in the IMDG Code?
Aviation transport container.
Road transport tank.
Integral cargo compartment.
International livestock container.
Next question
Which one of the following is the definition of a “consignee”, as indicated in the IMDG Code?
Any person, organization or Government that is entitled to take delivery of a consignment.
Any person who prepares a shipment for transport.
A shipment of dangerous goods.
A member of a competent authority charged with the administration of the transportation of dangerous goods.
Next question
Which one of the following is the strictest type of segregation between two classes of dangerous goods?
Separated from.
Away from.
Next question
Which one of the following is used to denote a Marine Pollutant in the Dangerous Goods List?
Next question
Which one of the following statements is correct?
The hazard posed by a substance can arise from a dangerous reaction of the substance or article with other substances in the surrounding environment.
Substances in the surrounding environment can have no dangerous impact on packaged dangerous goods.
A dangerous reaction between a substance or article and other substances in the surrounding environment is only possible if those goods are packaged in a container constructed of soft and non-water-resistant material.
Next question
Which one of the following statements most accurately describes salvage packaging in relation to the IMDG Code?
Special packaging into which damaged, defective, leaking or non-conforming packages or dangerous goods that have spilled or leaked are placed for the purposes of transport for recovery or disposal.
Packaging which has been reconditioned after previous use.
Packaging in which goods recovered from the sea are held, pending investigation by the appropriate authority.
Packaging which is manufactured from recycled material.
Next question
Which one of the following symbols would you expect to find on a thermal tank containing liquid of a high temperature?
Next question
Which one of the following would you consult for guidance on the fire-fighting procedures to follow in the event of an incident involving dangerous goods?
The EmS Guide.
MARPOL 73/78.
The International Marine Fire-Fighting Directory.
Next question
Which one of the options does the mark shown here indicate when found on a package?
The package contains dangerous goods in Expected Quantities.
The package contains dangerous goods meeting European Union regulations.
The package contains contains a marine pollutant subject to MARPOL Annex 2.
The package contains 2,2 kg of Class 1 explosives.
Next question
Which one of the three Packing Groups is assigned to substances presenting the lowest level of danger?
Packing Group I.
Packing Group II.
Packing Group III.
Next question
Which one of these is the UN Packaging Symbol?
Next question
Which one of these labels would be attached to a package containing explosives?
Next question
Which organization today is responsible for maintaining the IMDG Code?
The International Maritime Organisation.
The International Hazardous Goods Committee.
The MARPOL 73/78 Advisory Committee.
The Governments of Member States.
Next question
Which three of the following sections are contained in the Supplement to the IMDG Code? Select all applicable answers:
Emergency Response Procedures for Ships carrying Dangerous Goods.
The Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents involving Dangerous Goods.
The International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-level Radioactive Wastes on board Ships.
The Dangerous Goods List.
The List of Generic and NOS Proper Shipping Names.
Next question
Which three of the following statements describe the features of a standard shipping label?
A square, set at an angle of 45°.
Minimum measurements of 100 mm × 100 mm.
Divided into two halves, the upper containing a symbol and the lower the class and division numbers.
A triangle, set point upwards.
Minimum measurements of 180 mm × 120 mm × 120 mm.
Divided into two halves, the left containing a symbol and the right the class and division numbers.
Next question
Which two conventions, of relevance to the IMDG Code, lay down guidelines on the carriage of dangerous goods by sea?
SOLAS 1974.
MARPOL 73/78.
Next question
Which two kinds of “schedules” are found in the EmS Guide?
Next question
* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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