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Questions and answers to Crew Evaluation System Test about International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities

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This page contains answers to Seagull CES test about IALA Maritime Buoyage System, and serve as a database of questions and answers, using which seafarer can prepare to exams for getting certificate of competence, or just to challenge yourself with knowledge in this theme.

CBT CD 0101 – IALA Buoyage.pdf


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A prescribed by the IALA Buoyage System, if you are proceeding down a channel AGAINST the Conventional Direction of Buoyage and you come across a yellow Special Mark with a can shape, how will you pass it?
Leave it to port.
Leave it to starboard.
Pass either side – it is a Special mark and there is safe water all round.
Refer to the Sailing Directions for further instructions.
A prescribed by the IALA Buoyage System, you are proceeding down a channel AGAINST the Conventional Direction of Buoyage and you come across a West Cardinal Mark. How will you pass it and why?
I will pass to the West of it. Cardinal marks are not used in conjunction with Direction of Buoyage, so this has no bearing on my decision.
I will pass to the East of it, as going against the Direction of Buoyage, my passage is reversed.
There must be a mistake. I should not encounter a Cardinal Mark in or near a channel. I will drop anchor and investigate further.
It does not matter which side I pass it. A Cardinal Buoy in a channel has clear water all round it.
As prescribed in the IALA Buoyage System, what rhythm may the light of this mark display?
Any that is not used for Cardinal, Isolated Danger and Safe Water marks.
Any, that is not used for a red or green light under the IALA Buoyage System.
As prescribed in the IALA Buoyage System, where would you find spherical-shaped buoy?
On the port side of a channel.
On the starboard side of a channel.
In the middle of a channel.
At what rate will a “Quick Flash” light used on a buoy of the IALA Buoyage System be flashing?
Between 30 and 49 flashes per minute.
Between 50 and 79 flashes per minute.
Between 80 and 129 flashes per minute.
Click on the countries and continents whose waters form Region A under the IALA Buoyage System:

Buoyage System

Australia and New Zealand.
Parts of Africa.
Most of Asia.
Click on the countries and continents whose waters form Region B under the IALA Buoyage System:

Buoyage System - Region B

North America.
South America.
Central America.
The Philippines.
Click on the five standard shapes of navigational buoy used in the IALA Buoyage System:
Click on the five types of top mark used in the IALA Maritime Buoyage System:
Click on the light pattern below that may be found on a “preferred channel starboard” mark in Region A of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System:
Fl(2+1) R.
Q. R.
Iro R.
Fl(2+1) G.
Click on the light pattern below that may be found on a “preferred channel starboard” mark in Region B of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System:
Fl(2+1) R.
Q. R.
Iro R.
Fl(2+1) G.
Click on the two types of buoyage that are incorporated in the IALA Maritime Buoyage System:
Going with the Conventional Direction of Buoyage, on which side of a channel are can-shaped marks located in the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Port hand.
Starboard hand.
They can be found on both sides of a channel.
Can shaped marks are not used to mark channels in the IALA System.
Going with the Conventional Direction of Buoyage, on which side of a channel are conical-shaped marks located?
Port hand.
Starboard hand.
How are Lateral marks of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System modified to show preferred channels?
The buoys are painted with red and green vertical stripes.
The letters “PC” are added to the buoy as an identification mark.
Horizontal red or green stripes are added to standard Lateral marks.
The buoys are marked with a top mark of the opposite colour and display a light, which flashes twice in the primary colour, followed by once in the secondary colour.
How many flashes per minute will a “Quick Flash” light display, as prescribed by the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Between 30 and 49.
Between 50 and 79.
Between 80 and 99.
Between 100 and 129.
How many “Regions” are defined in the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
If numbered, do port hand marks in IALA Region A generally carry odd numbers or even numbers?
If numbered, do port hand marks in IALA Region B generally carry odd numbers or even numbers?
In addition to the use of buoys, what additional warning may be given by a mark of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System to indicate the presence of a “New Danger”?
A racon signal, emitting the Morse Code letter “D”.
A racon signal, emitting the Morse Code letters “ND”.
An automatic sound signal of the International Code Signal “U”, meaning “You are standing into danger”.
A blue strobe light fitted onto, or directly above the marked hazard.
In which Region of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System do the waters of European countries lie?
Region A.
Region B.
Sometimes seen as an alternative mark to those prescribed in the IALA Maritime Buoyage System, what is a nun buoy?
A cylindrical or can shaped buoy with a triangular top, which may be cut-off or slightly rounded, used on the starboard side of channels in US waters.
A buoy with a triangular top used on the port side of channels in European waters.
An IALA-approved beacon with a black conical topmark.
A fairway or landfall buoy fitted with a build-in automatic fog signal.
The Conventional Direction of Buoyage is based on which two of the following factors?
The General Direction of Buoyage.
The Local Direction of Buoyage.
The compass bearing of the approach channel.
The prevailing direction of current and wind.
Under the IALA Maritime Buoyage System and when proceeding with the Conventional Direction of Buoyage, how is the point at which two channels join marked?
No special provision is made to mark the point at which two channels join.
By the appropriate preferred channel marks.
By a beacon, red with a horizontal black band, top mark black sphere and exhibiting a light Fl(3)R 10s.
It depends on whether you are in Region A or Region B, as the buoys used will be different colours.
What colour are Isolated Danger Marks, as prescribed by the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Black and red.
Red and white.
What colour are Special Marks, as prescribed in the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Red and white.
What colour is the symbol for a green buoy on a British Admiralty paper chart?
It is not coloured.
What colour is used on port hand Lateral marks in Region A of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Yellow over black.
Red and white vertical stripes.
What colour is used on port hand Lateral marks in Region B of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Yellow over black.
Red and white vertical stripes.
What colour is used on starboard hand Lateral marks in Region A of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Yellow over black.
Red and white vertical stripes.
What colour is used on starboard hand Lateral marks in Region B of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Yellow over black.
Red and white vertical stripes.
What determines the sequence of distinctive numbers or letters used to mark lateral buoys in a channel?
The Conventional Direction of Buoyage.
Outwards (downstream) from a port or jetty.
As dictated by COLREGs.
Alternately between port and starboard hand pillar buoys.
What distinctive markings are used on the Lateral marks of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System to indicate preferred channels?
Horizontal red or green lines are added across the standard Lateral colours.
The letters “PC” are added to the buoy as an identification mark.
The buoys are painted yellow.
The top mark is an arrow pointing in the direction of the preferred channel.
What is different in the way that buoys and beacons are shown on British Admiralty paper charts?
Beacons are displayed vertically, buoys are shown on a slight angle.
Beacons are shown in black, buoys are shown as uncoloured symbols.
Buoys are shown in traditional mode, beacons are shown using the simplified system.
There is no difference in the way beacons and buoys are shown on BA charts.
What is the term used in the IALA Buoyage System to identify the feature that Cardinal marks are placed around?
The Point of Interest.
The Danger Point.
The Point of Reference.
The Significant Hazard.
What name is given to a system, where an AIS signal projects the position of a buoy artificially, for the purpose of navigational safety, without a buoy being physically present in the corresponding position?
Virtual buoyage.
Simulated buoyage.
Replacement buoyage.
Electronic buoyage.
What name is given to the coloured strips attached to buoys which “beam back” when a light is played on them at night?
Reflective actuators.
Auto beamers.
What top mark (if fitted) is used on a Safe Water Mark of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
A single red sphere.
A yellow cone.
Two black spheres.
Two black cones, points together.
What top mark (if fitted) is used on a South Cardinal Mark of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Two black cones, points up.
Two black cones, points together.
Two black cones, bases together.
Two black cones, points down.
What top mark (if fitted) is used on a Special Mark of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
A yellow X.
A yellow cone.
Two black cones, bases upwards.
Two black cones, points together.
What top mark (if fitted) is used on a West Cardinal Mark of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Two black cones, points up.
Two black cones, points together.
Two black cones, bases together.
Two black cones, points down.
What top mark (if fitted) is used on an East Cardinal Mark of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Two black cones, points up.
Two black cones, points together.
Two black cones, bases together.
Two black cones, points down.
What top mark (if fitted) is used on an Isolated Danger Mark of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
A single red sphere.
Two black spheres.
Two black cones, bases together.
Two black cones, points together.
What type of buoy may be used as an alternative to the conventional conical, pillar and spar shapes of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System, to mark the starboard side of a channel in US waters?
A truncated pillar buoy.
A nun buoy.
A tun buoy.
An elongated spar buoy.
When discussing good navigational practice, which of the following statements is most correct?
Buoys should be used for guidance only and any positions taken from such marks should be cross-checked frequently by alternative means.
Bearings and distances taken from buoys on one side of a channel can safely be used as the only method of position fixing.
A combination of bearings from buoys on different sides of the channel will always provide an acceptable level of accuracy in position fixing in all circumstances.
When establishing the Conventional Direction of Buoyage, as defined by the IALA Maritime Buoyage System, which two of the following factors are considered?
The general direction of buoyage.
The Traffic Management System established by the Flag State Authority.
The local direction of buoyage.
The prevailing direction of wind and tide.
Wherever possible, which way does the General Direction of Buoyage run, as described in the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Clockwise around continents.
Anti-clockwise around continents.
Predominantly North-South.
Always upstream, towards a port.
Which six of the following are the standard types of mark found in the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Isolated Danger.
Safe Water.
Other marks.
Which two colours are the lights used on Lateral marks in the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
Which two of the following are the display modes, which can be employed on an ECDIS to show the symbols on an Electronic Nautical Chart?
IALA standard.
IHO unified.
Which two of the following are types of mark incorporated in the IALA Maritime Buoyage System?
You are in IALA Region A and proceeding up a channel with the Conventional Direction of Buoyage. The buoys are numbered. How would those on the starboard side generally be marked?
With successive odd numbers, following the Conventional Direction of Buoyage.
With successive even numbers, following the Conventional Direction of Buoyage.
You are in IALA Region B and proceeding up a channel with the Conventional Direction of Buoyage. The buoys are numbered. How would those on the starboard side generally be marked?
With successive odd numbers, following the Conventional Direction of Buoyage.
With successive even numbers, following the Conventional Direction of Buoyage.
You are in Region A of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System and proceeding down a channel AGAINST the Conventional Direction of Buoyage. You come across a green conical-shaped buoy. How will you pass it?
Leave it to port.
Leave it to starboard.
Pass either side – it is a Special Mark and there is safe water all round.
Refer to the Sailing Directions for further instructions.
You are in Region A of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System and proceeding down a channel AGAINST the Conventional Direction of Buoyage. You come across a red can-shaped buoy. How will you pass it?
Leave it to port.
Leave it to starboard.
Pass either side – it is a Special Mark and there is safe water all round.
Refer to the Sailing Directions for further instructions.
You are in Region B of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System, and proceeding down a channel AGAINST the Conventional Direction of Buoyage. You come across a green can-shaped buoy. How will you pass it?
Leave it to port.
Leave it to starboard.
Pass either side – it is a Special Mark and there is safe water all round.
Refer to the Sailing Directions for further instructions.
You are in Region B of the IALA Maritime Buoyage System, and proceeding down a channel AGAINST the Conventional Direction of Buoyage. You come across a red conical-shaped buoy. How will you pass it?
Leave it to port.
Leave it to starboard.
Pass either side – it is a Special Mark and there is safe water all round.
Refer to the Sailing Directions for further instructions.

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