Welcome to the page, where you can pass ISM test from famous Seagull CES program. This test will help marine specialists in preparation to exams for getting certificate of confidence.
ISM Code (International Safety Management Code) provides an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships at sea. Purpose of this code is to ensure safety at sea and prevent damage to property, personnel and environment.
Start test
According to the ISM Code, what is the definition of a “non-conformity”? Select the one correct answer:
A situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a specific requirements stated by the S. M. S.
A situation where an auditor thinks that a requirement in the S. M. S. has not been met.
A situation where the ship fails to get to its destination on time.
A situation where someone has an accident on-board.
Next question
According to the ISM Code, which of the following are functional requirements of the Safety Management System? Select any answers that you think apply:
Defined levels of authority and lines of communication between shore and shipboard personnel.
Defined means of communication between shore and ship.
Procedures to prepare for, and respond to emergency situations.
Reporting of maintenance.
Next question
According to this module, what is the cause of most accidents on-board ships? Select the one correct answer:
Recognised safe working practices or company procedures have not been followed.
Collisions with jetties and other ships.
Unsafe manning levels.
Next question
According to this module, what is the definition of a “hazardous occurrence”? Select the one best answer:
An undesired event which could have resulted in an accident (a near-miss).
An occasion when hazardous materials are used.
An occasion when hazardous materials are spilt.
Any undesired event.
Next question
According to this module, what proportion of accidents is caused by equipment failure? Select the one correct answer:
80 %.
60 %.
50 %.
20 %.
Next question
According to this module, why do experienced seafarers still have accidents? Select the one correct answer:
They are slow to learn new work practices.
They do the most dangerous work.
They are unlucky.
Overconfidence can lead to carelessness.
Next question
From the options below, which is the most important to check on a work permit issued to you? Select the one best answer:
The time for which it is valid.
The name of the ship.
The number of the permit.
The S. M. S. procedure that requires the permit.
Next question
How can the Designated Person (DP) quickly change an unsafe situation onboard your ship? Select the one best answer:
The DP can bring critical issues to the top management’s attention without delay.
The DP is an experienced Master.
The DP is an experienced Chief Engineer.
The DP. can contact the Class Society quickly for advice.
Next question
How often does the ISM Code require the company to carry out an internal audit of the S. M. S.? Select the one correct answer:
At least once a year.
Every 6 months.
Twice in 5 years.
Every 5 years.
Next question
Inspectors may ask about a ship’s “critical equipment”. What does the ISM Code require the company to do about such equipment? Select the one correct answer:
Promote the reliability of such equipment or systems, including regular testing of equipment not in continuous use.
Ensure that it is listed on the Class Society survey schedule.
Ensure that it is less than 10 years old.
Ensure that it is only used when essential.
Next question
Once the S. M. S. is verified and working effectively, what document is issued to the ship? Select the one correct answer:
The Safety Management Certificate.
The Document of Compliance.
The ISM Certificate.
The Document of Conformance.
Next question
The procedure for checking the fire-fighting appliances does not include the new Breathing Apparatus (BA) that has been supplied. What should you do about this? Select the one correct option:
Send a “Suggested modifications and improvement to the S. M. S.” report to the Designated Person.
Write your own procedure for checking the BA.
Follow the old procedure, as far as possible, when checking the BA.
Don’t touch the BA until the company sends instructions for it.
Next question
Under the ISM code, a company has to have an “S. M. S.”. What is an “S. M. S.”? Select the one correct answer:
A Safety Management System.
A Ship Management System.
A Shore Manager for Safety.
A Ship Messaging Service.
Next question
What does the ISM code aim to improve? Select the one best answer:
The communication systems used between shore and ship.
The procedure for issuing work permits.
The reports which are sent from ship to company.
The organization of company management in relation to safety and pollution prevention.
Next question
What is the full title of the ISM Code? Select the one correct answer:
The International SOLAS and MARPOL Code for the Safe Operation of Ships.
The International Ship Management Code.
The International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships.
The International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention.
Next question
What is the purpose of the many checklists found on-board ships? Select the one correct answer:
They are written memos to accomplish tasks safely and without causing pollution.
They are used in place of S. M. S. procedures.
They are there to impress Port State Control Officers.
They are all filled in and sent to the company.
Next question
Which ISM Code requirement is met by carrying out regular safety and anti-pollution drills? Select the one best answer:
To prepare for, and respond to emergency situations.
To comply with STCW.
To have defined levels of authority between personnel.
To have a procedure for reporting non-conformities.
Next question
Which IMO convention is the ISM Code part of? Select the one correct answer:
It is not a part of any convention. It is a stand-alone code of practice.
Next question
Which one of the following best describes the main things that the ISM Code requires the company to do to improve safety?
To maintain ships according to Class Society standards.
To assess all identified risks to its ships, personnel and the environment, and to establish appropriate safeguards.
To employ good engineers.
To use a work permit.
Next question
Which one of the following best describes the main things that the ISM Code requires the company to do to improve safety?
Employ extra staff to become ISM auditors.
Establish procedures, plans and instructions to prevent human error.
Write procedures to prevent the company being liable for its crews.
Improve communication between ship and office with satellite.
Next question
Which one of the following is described in this module as a functional requirement of a Safety Management System?
Procedures to report accidents and non-conformities.
Voyage planning.
The supply of main engine maintenance manuals.
A system for managing unplanned maintenance tasks.
Next question
Which one of the following will the company check as part of its management review of the S. M. S.? Select the one correct answer:
The Masters Reviews.
Whether each ship is making a profit.
The manning levels of each vessel.
Insurance premiums.
Next question
Which of the following best describes one of the main goals of a Safety Management System? Select the one best answer:
To establish standardized company procedures.
To provide a tracking system.
To provide a training schedule.
To provide the ship with a 24-hour contact number for the office.
Next question
Which of the following best describes why the Safety Management System is continually reviewed? Select the one best answer:
To ensure that it remains realistic and adequate to meet its objectives.
Because it is part of all routine audits.
To fulfill obligations to MARPOL.
To see that the pages are up-to-date.
Next question
Which of the following is the main reason why the ISM Code was made mandatory? Select the one best answer:
To improve safety and prevent pollution.
To satisfy the US Coast Guard.
To save money for the company.
To get lower insurance premiums.
Next question
Who can contact the Designated Person with their safety concerns? Select the one correct answer:
All crew members.
The company’s shore staff only.
The Master only.
Senior officers only.
Next question
Who can suggest changes to the S. M. S.? Select the one best answer:
Any Senior Officers.
The Designated Person.
Any Company employee.
The Master.
Next question
Why are checklists often provided for use during emergency situations? Select the one best answer:
To make sure emergency drills are realistic.
So they can be sent to the company.
To ensure that important tasks are not missed during stressful situations.
So they can be sent to the insurance company as evidence.
Next question
Why are some procedures not kept within the S. M. S. Manual? Select the one correct answer:
They are not used on all of the company’s ships.
The S. M. S. Manual is kept on a computer.
MARPOL and SOLAS have specific requirements for plans and procedures that may be kept separate from the S. M. S.
They are old procedures from before the ISM Code was introduced.
Next question
Why does the ISM Code require hazardous occurrences to be reported to the company? Select the one correct answer:
So the knowledge of the crew can be checked.
So that safety bonuses can be calculated.
So that procedures can be changed to avoid a future accident.
The ISM Code only requires accidents to be reported to the company.
Next question
Why does the S. M. S. include procedures for what happens in the company’s shore-side office? Select the one correct answer:
Office staff need the S. M. S. to give them authority over the Master.
Crew members need to know what happens in the personnel department.
Decisions taken ashore can directly affect operations at sea.
It is easier to cover the ship and office together.
Next question
Why does the S. M. S. require permits for some types of work? Select the one correct answer:
To help plan any work and confirm it will be safe.
To ensure that work is done to Class Society standards.
So the technical superintendent can control all of the work on-board.
To please vetting inspectors.
Next question
Why should accidents be reported to the Designated Person (DP)? Select the one best answer:
To prevent them from happening again.
Because the company has an obligation to keep statistics.
To find someone to blame.
To be able to settle insurance claims.
Next question
You are told to do a job you have never done before. What should you do? Select the one best answer:
Check the S. M. S. to see if there is any procedure describing how to do it.
Ask your friend if they know how to do it.
Do the job very carefully the first time.
Refuse to do the job.
Next question
You find a folder full of used Hot Work Permits on the bridge. What should you do with the folder? Select the one best answer:
Check the S. M. S. to see how long permits have to be kept as evidence of following the S. M. S. procedure for Hot Work.
Throw away any permits that have expired.
Keep any permits issued this month, and throw away the rest.
Take the permit binder to your cabin to study them.
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* Some questions may contain more than one right answer.

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