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Crew Evaluation Test Online about Marine Environmental Awareness, Sustainable Shipping (CBT 0278)

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the CES CBT CD-0278 test on the subject «Marine environmental awareness, Sustainable shipping». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Marine environmental awareness, Sustainable shipping». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Marine environmental awareness, Sustainable shipping» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on any type of vessel. The curriculum covers topics such as the impact of shipping operations on the marine environment, the importance of energy efficiency and emissions reduction, the use of alternative fuels and technologies, and the implementation of environmental management systems. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory framework governing maritime environmental protection, including international conventions and national regulations. Practical training may involve hands-on experience with environmental monitoring equipment, waste management procedures, and emergency response protocols. Upon completion of the program, sailors will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to the sustainable operation of vessels, ensuring the preservation of fragile marine ecosystems.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Marine environmental awareness, Sustainable shipping» contains 43 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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Describe THREE sustainable options for handling of solid waste:
Minimize plastic packaging.
Discharge into the sea.
It is possible to cut emissions by “after treatment” of exhaust gases. NOx emissions can be reduced by using which ONE of the following:
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR).
Sea water scrubber.
UV treatment system.
Oceans provide food and regulate our climate. Select TWO statements that describe other important aspects of the oceans to humans:
The oceans are important as a “blue highway” for world trade.
The oceans provide large quantities of oxygen.
The oceans prevent earthquakes.
The oceans provide most of our drinking water.
Regarding the profit P, choose the ONE option a sustainable company focuses on:
Short and long term profits.
A positive reputation for the sector.
Care of the environment.
Short term profits.
Select ONE method of waste management on board that is encouraged by MARPOL annex V:
Discharge into the sea.
Select ONE option that correctly describes how economic incentive schemes may lead to a better environmental performance of ships:
Making a better environmental performance financially attractive.
Educating ships’ crew.
Forcing ships to comply to regulations.
Increasing the fines for environmental crimes.
Select ONE option that describes the main source of oxygen in the oceans:
Tiny algae.
Green bacteria.
Green sea weeds.
Select ONE option that describes the reasons why the diversity of deep sea life can be astounding:
Animals are fully adapted to the harsh living circumstances of the deep sea.
Deep sea animals need to be able to make light to survive in the dark deep sea.
Deep sea life has evolved only recently.
Deep sea life is adapted to high levels of carbon dioxide.
Select ONE option that is mandatory for all ships in MARPOL annex V:
Keeping a garbage record book.
Carry a Garbage Management Plan.
Discharge of food waste into the sea.
Segregation of Garbage on board.
Select ONE option why open oceans produce most phytoplankton (and most primary production):
Open oceans are big – more than 90 % of the world ocean area.
Food chains are long.
Food chains are very productive.
Lots of nutrients are available for the phytoplankton.
Select THREE Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas, PSSA’s from the list below:
Baltic Sea.
Canary Islands.
Great Barrier Reef.
Select THREE appropriate actions where every individual onboard can contribute to minimizing the environmental impact of shipping:
Don’t throw waste over the side, even if it is only a small amount and you are miles from land.
Ensure proper maintenance of technical equipment.
Speak up if you think environmental rules are not being followed.
Read books that make you aware of your rights and responsibilities onboard.
Select THREE appropriate actions where officers onboard can contribute to minimizing the environmental impact of shipping:
Be a good example for the crew.
Give suggestions for improvement of procedures to shore staff and company management.
Motivate the crew to follow procedures that protect the environment.
Always verify what your colleagues are doing.
Select THREE differences between open oceans and coastal seas:
Nutrient levels.
Vertical water movement or turbulence.
Intensity of sunlight at sea surface.
Select THREE different treatment methods used for killing organisms in ballast water:
UV light.
Extreme temperatures.
Select THREE economic benefits of sustainable shipping:
Ensuring a good environmental performance can lead to a reduction of port dues (e. g. in the Green Award System).
Ensuring a good environmental performance will attract some cargo owners.
Ensuring a good reputation will provide a license to operate and create new business opportunities.
Using the cleaner fuel MDO instead of HFO is cheaper.
Select THREE examples of possible new solutions for energy supply on ships:
Fuel cells.
Wave energy.
Wind energy.
Water hydroid energy.
Select THREE examples of voluntary best practices related to sustainable shipping:
Cargo owner initiatives like the clean shipping index.
Maersk ship recycling who work with a safe and clean ship recycling facility.
The green award system that certifies ships that are extra clean and extra safe.
The application of a ship energy efficiency management plan.
Select THREE of the following technical installations and/or procedures that prevent discharges of oil to the sea:
Informing the crew about effects of oil in the sea.
Keeping an oil record book.
Installing a magic pipe.
Select THREE of the given options that best describe the three aspects of sustainable development:
Economic prosperity.
Environmental quality.
Social equity.
Scientific certainty.
Select THREE options that apply to the Planet P, which is one of the three pillars of sustainability:
It refers to the natural resources of our Planet.
It refers to what is known as “the natural capital”.
It stands for minimizing environmental impact of human activities.
It stands for eliminating environmental impact of human activities.
Select THREE options that best describe the advantages of using shore side electricity accurately:
Ships do not have to use auxiliary engines in port.
Shore side power reduces local air emissions in port areas.
Shore side power reduces the risk of health issues in port areas.
Shore side power reduces the use of energy on the ship.
Select THREE options that describe how proper personal behaviour leads to prevention of pollution:
Compliance with (international) regulations.
Correct use of technical innovations.
Follow company procedures designed to protect the environment.
Try and save time and money disposing of waste whenever possible.
Select THREE reasons why sustainable shipping is becoming increasingly important:
Every sector should play a role in acting more sustainably, so shipping should too.
Shipping activities have environmental impacts on a global scale.
Ships use fossil fuels as a power source, and fossil fuel resources are not endless.
Shipping is not very important for world economy and has to compete with cleaner modes of transport like planes and trucks.
Select THREE statements that best describe the living circumstances in the deep sea:
Cold and dark.
High pressures.
Low food availability.
Photosynthesis only by bacteria.
Select TWO Special Areas from the list below:
Arabian Seas.
Southern South African Waters.
Malpelo island, Columbia.
Paracas National Reserve, Peru.
Select TWO advantages that smaller open ocean phytoplankton cells have, compared to larger coastal plankton:
Because they are smaller, they are not heavy and this prevents sinking.
Small means optimal surface to volume ratio and therefore the best chance to take up nutrients.
It is easier to hide for predators.
It is easier to stick together and form floating colonies.
Select TWO consequences of the complexity of food webs:
If one species disappears, this may affect other species in the same food web.
It is extremely difficult to predict the consequences of changes in food webs.
Species can disappear without having any effects on other species.
Species may eat the wrong prey.
Select TWO examples of deep sea areas that are extremely productive for sea life:
Hydrothermal vents.
Underwater mountains or “sea mounts”.
Deep sea seagrass areas.
Mariana Trench.
Select TWO options that apply to food chains in open oceans:
A typical food chain is phytoplankton – small zooplankton – copepods – bigger zooplankton – sardines – sharks.
Food chains generally have six levels.
A typical food chain is phytoplankton – copepods – sardines – sharks.
Food chains generally have four levels.
Select TWO options that best describe the balance between Planet, People and Profit (three P’s):
All three P’s should be considered.
Balancing the three P’s can be done in different ways.
All three P’s should always get the same level of attention.
Environmental care (Planet P) is the most important P.
Select TWO options that best describe the combination of methods to treat ballast water:
Combination of filtration and chemical methods.
Combination of filtration and mechanical methods.
Combination of chemical and mechanical methods.
Combination of chemical treatment and after treatment.
Select TWO options that best describe the consequences of the food chain 10 % rule:
Animals higher in the food chain are lower in numbers.
Coastal seas with shorter food chains are more productive than open oceans.
Fishermen are only allowed to catch 10 % of the total fish present in the sea.
Open oceans with longer food chains are more productive than coastal seas.
Select TWO options that describe IMO’s focus on good reputation of the shipping industry:
Ensuring focus on quality agenda.
Raising the public image of shipping.
Economic growth of the industry.
Fair and healthy competition.
Select TWO statements that best describe how oceans affect the climate:
Oceans absorb large quantities of carbon dioxide from the air.
Oceans redistribute heat across the globe.
Oceans release nutrients to the atmosphere.
The ‘ocean conveyer belt’ is driven by carbon dioxide concentration.
Select the ONE correct option that defines why more fish biomass can be found in coastal areas than in open oceans:
Coastal areas have higher levels of primary production.
Most coastal seas are protected.
Most fishing takes place in the open ocean.
The 10 % rule does not apply to coastal areas.
Select the ONE option that best describes why, in coastal waters, sinking of plankton to the sea floor (where it is darker) is not a big risk:
Coastal waters are very turbulent.
They are big, but made of light materials.
They are eaten before they reach the sea floor.
They have special floating devices.
Select the ONE option that most accurately completes the following statement: Reducing NOx emissions means:
Lowering the combustion temperature; this often leads to higher CO2 emissions.
Lowering the combustion temperature; this often leads to lower CO2 emissions.
Using different fuel; this leads to higher NOx emissions.
Using different fuel; this leads to lower NOx emissions.
Select the ONE option that most accurately completes the following statement. The differences in plankton size between open oceans and coastal seas have the following consequence for food chains:
Open ocean food chains are longer.
Open ocean food chains are less complex.
Open ocean food chains are less efficient.
Open ocean food chains are shorter.
Select the ONE option that states how the process where plants in the sea (mainly phytoplankton) turn carbon dioxide (CO2) and water in sugar and oxygen (O2) is called:
Which ONE statement applies to life in the open ocean?
Even though biomass is lower than in coastal areas, some deep sea areas are filled with many life forms.
Because biomass is higher than in coastal areas, deep sea life is more important.
Because biomass is higher than in coastal areas, deep sea life is very diverse.
Because biomass is lower than in coastal areas, deep sea life is less important.
Which of the following TWO statements apply to the use of oily water separators?
After passing through this device, oily water with a maximum of 15 ppm oil may be discharged overboard.
They treat oily water from the bilge tank in such a way that oil is separated from water.
After passing through this device, oily water with a maximum of 25 ppm oil may be discharged overboard.
Oil is separated from water by making use of gravity alone.
Which of the following TWO statements apply to waste collection procedures in ports?
If waste collection in a port is lacking or insufficient, a ship’s Master can complete a form and inform the IMO.
Ports play a critical role in the proper management of ship-generated waste.
If waste collection in a port is lacking or insufficient, there is nothing that a ship’s Master can do.
Waste that is collected in a port is never segregated into different waste streams.

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Август, 11, 2024 302 0
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