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Crew Evaluation Test online for seamans about Marine Lubricants

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Welcome to the page, where you can pass CBT test (Computer Based Test), what also known as CES (Crew Evaluation Test) online about “Marine Lubricants”. This practice will help you, as marine specialist to improve your knowledge, using our site as remote e-learning and training assessment.

Basing on empirical data and seafarers experience, combined materials of CES/CBT tests, can be used in practice.

Developed to evaluate basic seaman’s knowledge, CES & CBT tests of company Seagull (after rebranding OTG), represents online tool to rate demands in professional preparation, as shown in International STCW Convention.

In process of recruiting, and also to evaluate knowledge level of the crew, CES test showed himself as good tool. Ocean Technologies Group created questions to multiple topics, what include:

  • Crisis and Crowd Management;
  • Integrated navigation system (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Cargo handling and stowage;
  • Ship operations and safety management;
  • Marine Engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, and etc.

This page contains questions from Seagull CES test about Marine Lubricants, collected from CBT simulator, and placed here for you, to test your skills.

Test about Marine Lubricants include theoretical and practical information, knowledge of which not only make him good worker, which understand how to choose lubricants, how to fix problems in vessel equipment, but also shows level of competence of the specialist.

Crew Evaluation System Test about Marine Lubricants contains 27 questions, you should answer in 60 minutes. So don’t hurry up, concentrate and try your best!
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Practice - CES test: Marine Lubricants
Exam - CES test: Marine Lubricants
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Base oil combinations are selected to meet:
Pour point.
Viscosity index.
Operational conditions.
Oxidation stability.
Next question
Crude oils are roughly classified as:
Paraffinic, naphthenic and mixed base.
Straight and branched chain.
Waxy and asphaltic.
Heavy and light.
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Friction modifiers or “oiliness additives” will:
Improve the viscosity index.
Reduce friction under boundary conditions.
Increase the pour point.
Extend lubricating oil life time.
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In which type of equipment is low pour point and good wax depositing important?
Refrigeration compressors.
Deck winches.
Medium speed trunk engines.
Hydraulic cranes.
Next question
Lubricant base oils generally exhibit boiling points above:
300 °C.
200 °C.
150 °C.
100 °C.
Next question
Marine lube oil extracted from Naphthenic Base oil is suitable as:
Engine oils.
Turbine oils.
Refrigerator oils.
Industrial process oils.
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Mineral oils are generally complex mixture of Hydrocarbons. What is the range of presence of carbon atoms in one molecule of hydrocarbon in a Lubricant base oils?
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Name the properties, that are exhibited by Aromatic hydrocarbons?
Poor chemical stability.
High viscosity indices.
High pour points.
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Name the two properties of Marine Lube oil extracted from paraffin base oil:
High viscosity index.
Low volatility/evaporation loss.
High pour point.
High thermal stability/resistance to cracking.
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Oxidation inhibitors are:
Removing oxygen from the oil.
Dissolving oxygen in the oil.
Preventing rust.
Counteracting chemical breakdown.
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Solvent extraction is a:
Vacuum distillation process.
Physical process removing aromatics.
Atmospheric distillation process.
Hybrid process.
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Synthetic hydrocarbons are:
Organic esters.
Fluoroalkylether and silicate esters.
Polyolefin’s, hydrocracked mineral oils and alkylates.
Polyether’s and polyalkylene glycols.
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Synthetic oils are manufactured by:
Polymerisation of selected monomers.
Hydro-catalytic Process.
Synthesized by chemical processes using a variety of raw materials.
By Hybrid process.
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The main advantages of Synthetic oil over mineral oil are:
The properties required by the equipment’s can be accurately met.
Longer oil life.
Low cost factor.
Low water absorption.
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The refined lubricant base oil properties are greatly influenced by:
Storage and treatment.
Refining process.
Chemical treatment.
Crude oil composition or origin.
Next question
This is an example of:

Example of lubrication

Elastohydrodynamic lubrication.
Hydrodynamic lubrication.
Boundary lubrication.
Extreme pressure lubrication.
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What is EP (Extreme Pressure) oil?
Additive forming a protective chemical surface film.
High pressure hydraulic oil.
Standard gear oil.
High maximum pressure cylinder oil.
Next question
What is a typical BN level for a two stroke engine cylinder oil?
BN 70 – BN 100.
BN 10 – BN 20.
BN 50 – BN 70.
BN 5 – BN 10.
Next question
What is elastohydrodynamic lubrication?
A combination of different lubricating oils.
An additive to keep the viscosity index stable under various conditions.
The contacting surfaces are elastically deformed, distributing the load over a greater area.
Water is added to the oil because it is not compressible and we can increase the load.
Next question
What is mixed lubrication?
When formation of a fluid film is partly established.
When using grease and lubricating oil together.
When mixing mineral and synthetic oils.
When changing type of lubricating oil from time to time.
Next question
What is the “NLGI” number of a grease indicating?
How water resistant the grease is.
How fluid or non-fluid the grease is.
The grease compatibility.
The grease expected life time.
Next question
What is the main criterion for fluid lubricants operating under hydrodynamic conditions?
Anti-wear agents.
Flow of lubricant.
Temperature of bearing.
Next question
What is the most important property of a lubricating oil for reciprocating air compressors?
Good anti-wear property.
High viscosity index.
Low carbon-forming tendency.
Good corrosion protection.
Next question
What is the single most important element for gear oils?
Shear stability.
Anti-wear performance.
Corrosion prevention.
Next question
What is typical BN level for a trunk piston engine operating on residual fuel oil?
BN 70 – BN 100.
BN 5 – BN 10.
BN 40 – BN 50.
BN 30 – BN 40.
Next question
What type of refiring process will greatly reduce the influence Crude oil origin?
Solvent refining.
Severely hydro-processed.
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Why can EP Additives only be used on ferrus metal surfaces?
Will be chemically bound to other metals.
Will change viscosity.
May be corrosive to other metals.
Will change chemical composition.
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* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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