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Crew Evaluation System CBT test online for seamans about MLC 2006, an Introduction

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «Maritime Labour Convention 2006». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Maritime Labour Convention 2006». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Maritime Labour Convention 2006» subject includes theoretical and practical information about advanced training for work on the ship. Knowledge of this information directly indicates the competence of the employee holding the relevant position on the vessel, since the maritime labor conventions are the most important component of the ship’s employee’s theoretical knowledge. Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) is an international labor standard adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2006. It is often referred to as the “Seafarers Bill of Rights” as it aims to protect the rights of seafarers and improve their working and living conditions.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Maritime Labour Convention 2006» contains 50 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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According to the MLS 2006 what is the minimum age for any person to work on a ship?
16 years of age.
17 years of age.
18 years of age.
21 years of age.
Next question
According to the MLS 2006 what is the minimum age for seafarer’s to undertake normal night working on board ship?
Next question
According to the requirements of the MLC 2006 what is the maximum time interval for payment of wages during a seafarers contract on board ship?
1 month.
2 weeks.
1 week.
3 months.
Next question
Certain ship types are exempted from compliance with the requirements of the MLC 2006. From the options given select the type which is among this exempt group:
Vessels engaged in fishing.
Oil tankers.
Commercial yachts.
Offshore support vessels.
Next question
For how long is a Maritime Labour Certificate, issued for compliance with the MLC 2006, normally valid?
5 years.
3 years.
2 years.
1 year.
Next question
How does the MLC 2006 define a seafarer on board a ship to which the Convention applies?
Any person doing any work on the ship.
Only persons holding an STCW qualification.
Only persons who hold seaman’s identity documents.
Only persons signed on ships articles.
Next question
How long after ratification was entry into force of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, completed?
12 months after the required ratification criteria were met.
24 months after the required ratification criteria were met.
6 months after the required ratification criteria were met.
Immediately the required ratification criteria were met.
Next question
How many Articles are there in the Maritime Labour Convention 2006?
Next question
How should the non-mandatory Part B of the Code of the MLC 2006 be treated by ratifying Member States?
It must be fully considered and reasons given for non-compliance with it.
It can be ignored completely as it is not mandatory.
It must still be fully implemented.
It must be covered by substantial equivalence.
Next question
If a ship-owner fails to repatriate a seafarer, or pay the cost of the repatriation, following satisfactory completion of a contract, who, according to the MLC 2006, is responsible for making the arrangements and covering the cost for repatriation?
Competent authority of the Flag State.
The seafarer.
One of the seafarer’s welfare organisations.
The ship’s Master.
Next question
In case of repatriation in normal circumstances what cost should the seafarer be responsible for according to the MLC 2006?
Not cost at all.
The full cost of travel and accommodation.
The cost of the flight to his country of residence.
The cost of any hotel accommodation incurred while waiting for a flight.
Next question
In order for a Maritime Labour Certificate, issued for compliance with the MLC 2006, to remain valid it is necessary that an intermediate inspection is carried out on behalf of the Competent Authority. When should this inspection be carried out?
Between the 2nd and 3rd anniversary of issue of the certificate.
After the 3rd anniversary of issue of the certificate.
6 months after issue of the certificate.
Between 1st and 2nd anniversary of issue of the certificate.
Next question
In which element of the MLC 2006 would you find a purpose statement?
In each Regulation.
In each Article.
In Part A of the Code.
In Part B of the Code.
Next question
Member States must show that they have national laws and regulations in place to meet the requirements of the MLC 2006 in order to achieve compliance with the Convention. When do these laws and regulations need to be in place?
At the time of entry into force.
Before ratification.
At the time of ratification.
12 months after entry into force.
Next question
Regulation 3.1 deals with the standards of accommodation required under the MLC 2006. To which ships flying the flag of a ratifying Member State does this regulation apply?
All vessels constructed or delivered after entry into force date.
All vessels constructed or delivered after February 2006.
All vessels over 500 grt.
All vessels.
Next question
Seafarer recruitment and placement services operating under the jurisdiction of a ratifying Member State should be approved and licensed by that State. Which of the statements given in the options is the most accurate in relation to these services?
Once licensed the service should be monitored and inspected regularly to ensure compliance with the requirements of the convention.
Once licensed the service should be self-regulated.
Once licensed the service should only be inspected regularly in the event of an alleged or suspected non-compliance.
Once licensed the service should be spot checked to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Convention.
Next question
Select from the options given the ratification criteria that had to be met before entry into force of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006:
Ratification by at least 30 Member States representing at least 33 % of the world gross registered tonnage.
Ratification by all Member States.
Ratification by any 30 Member States.
Ratification by any number of Member States having at least 33 % of the world registered tonnage.
Next question
Select the option which best completes the following statement. A recognised Organisation is one, which is appointed by ____ to carry out the inspection and certification requirements of the MLC 2006.
A Member State or a Competent Authority.
A Ship-owner.
The ILO.
A Classification Society.
Next question
Select the option which represents the number of Member States of the International Labour Organisation as of May 2009:
Next question
Select from the options given the date of entry into force of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006:
20th August 2013.
20th August 2012.
20th August 2006.
20th August 2015.
Next question
The ILO is split into a number of geographical regions. How many of these regions are there?
Next question
The MLC 2006 contains a number of Articles. Which of the given options best describes the content of the Articles?
A set of broad statements of principles and obligations.
A specific list of requirements to be met.
The specific national laws and regulations that must be introduced by member states.
Part A and Part B of the MLC 2006 Code.
Next question
The MLC 2006 contains a requirement that a copy of the Convention must be carried on board all ships flying the flag of Member States. Who should have access to this document on board the ship?
All seafarers.
Only the ship’s Master.
Only the ship’s Master and Chief Officer.
All of the ship’s Officers.
Next question
The MLC 2006 is seen as the fourth pillar of international maritime regulation in ensuring safety at sea and for seafarers. From the options given select the three that are considered as the other pillars:
Next question
The MLC 2006 requires that Member States provide medical and dental care facilities available ashore. Under what conditions should seafarers have access to these facilities?
As required when the necessary care cannot be provided on-board.
Only when the seafarer agrees to pay for any costs incurred.
Only in emergency situations.
Only when the ships hospital is already fully occupied.
Next question
The MLC 2006 requires that either hours of work or hours of rest are regulated and a notice displayed showing the detail of this. When hours of rest are regulated, what should the minimum hours of rest be in a 7-day period?
Next question
The MLC 2006 requires that either hours of work or hours of rest are regulated and that a notice is clearly displayed showing the detail of this. When hours of rest are regulated what should the minimum hours of rest be in a 24-hour period?
Next question
The MLC 2006 requires that either hours of work or hours of rest are regulated and that a notice is clearly displayed showing the detail of this. When hours of work are regulated what should the minimum hours of work be in a 24-hour period?
Next question
The MLC 2006 requires that either hours of work or hours of rest are regulated and that a notice is clearly displayed showing the detail of this. When hours of work are regulated what should the maximum hours of work be in a seven-day period?
Next question
To ensure flexibility for Member States in ratifying the MLC 2006 it is possible for them to show substantial equivalence of their existing laws to meet the requirements of these laws. Which parts of the Convention can be covered by substantial equivalence?
Part A of the Code.
Part B of the Code.
The appendices.
The Articles.
Next question
Under the MLC 2006 what is the validity for medical certificates for seafarers aged 18 years or older?
2 years.
1 year.
4 years.
5 years.
Next question
Under which of the following circumstances might an Interim Maritime Labour Certificate be issued?
When a ship is newly built and delivered.
Following a successful intermediate inspection.
Following corrective action for a non-compliance under MLC 2006.
When the DMLC is incomplete.
Next question
What does the abbreviation DMLC stand for?
Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance.
Document of the Maritime Labour Convention.
Detailed Maritime Labour Certificate.
Dispensation from Maritime Labour Certificate.
Next question
What is seen as the key advantage to the ship-owner resulting from the introduction of the MLC 2006?
It should give them a level playing field in which to operate.
It should reduce the number of inspections on board their ships.
It should allow them to build cheaper ships.
It should allow them to reduce crew numbers on board their ships.
Next question
What is the main responsibility of a Master on a ship flying the flag of a Member State that has ratified the MLC 2006?
Ensure ongoing compliance with the Convention.
Carry out checks on the recruitment and placement service supplying seafarers to the ship.
Hear all complaints raised by individual seafarers.
Ensure that the DMLC part 2 is completed.
Next question
What is the maximum period of validity for an Interim Maritime Labour Certificate issued under the MLC 2006?
6 months.
3 months.
12 months.
36 months.
Next question
What is the minimum age specified for a person to work as a cook on board ship according to the MLC 2006?
18 years of age.
16 years of age.
25 years of age.
21 years of age.
Next question
What is the minimum leave rate that seafarers should be entitled to under the MLC 2006?
2,5 days per month.
1,5 days per month.
5 days per month.
6 days per month.
Next question
When Port State Control Officers carry out ship inspections according to the requirements of the MLC 2006 they must do so with the regard to the “no more favourable treatment” clause. Which ships is this clause meant to prevent from having more favourable treatment?
Foreign flag ships flying the flag of a non-ratifying State.
Ships flying the flag of the Member State visiting a home port.
Foreign flag ships flying the flag of a ratifying Member State.
Ships built or delivered before the entry into force date of the Convention.
Next question
When deciding on safe manning levels for vessels flying their flag the primary concern of a competent authority is always the safety of the vessel. Which factor should always be taken into account when setting the safe manning level?
Fatigue risk due to vessel operational requirements.
Size of the mess room.
Overall wage bill for the ship-owner.
The capacity of the galley.
Next question
When the MLC 2006 enters into force which ships will need to comply with the accommodation requirements detailed in Title 3 of the Convention?
Ships, flying the flag of a ratifying Member State, built or delivered on or after the date of entry into force of the Convention.
Ships, flying the flag of a ratifying Member State, built or delivered on or after the date of ratification by the Member State.
All ships flying the flag of a ratifying Member State.
All ships over 500 grt flying the flag of a ratifying Member State.
Next question
Which body has the final responsibility for implementation and enforcement of the MLC 2006 on ships flying the flag of a ratifying Member State?
The Member State.
Port State Control.
The ILO.
The IMO.
Next question
Which body is responsible, under the MLC 2006, for inspecting foreign flag vessels which visit countries of ratifying Member States?
Port State Control.
Flag State Control.
The ILO.
A Classification Society.
Next question
Which of the given options best describes the International Labour Organisation?
It is a special agency of the United Nations.
It is an international trade union.
It is an organisation made up of only government representatives.
It is an organisation representing international employers.
Next question
Which of the statements given in the options is true?
Each Title normally contains a number of Regulations and associated parts of the Code.
Each Article contains a number of Titles.
There are a number of Regulations under each part of the Code.
There are a number of Articles under each Title.
Next question
Which part of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 can be altered by both tacit and explicit amendment?
The Code.
The Articles.
The Regulations.
The Titles.
Next question
Which part of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 is considered to be non-mandatory?
Part B of the Code.
Part A of the Code.
The Articles.
The Regulations.
Next question
Which sizes of ship does the MLC 2006 apply to?
All sizes.
Only ships above 200 grt.
Only ships above 500 grt.
Only ships above 10 000 grt.
Next question
Who is required to complete Part 1 of the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance under the MLC 2006?
The Member State or the appointed Competent Authority.
The ship’s Owner.
The ship’s Master.
A Port State Control Officer.
Next question
Who would normally complete Part 2 of the DMLC?
The ship Owner.
The ship’s Master.
The Competent Authority.
A Recognised Organisation.
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* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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