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Questions and answers to Seagull CES CBT test for seamans about Piracy and Armed Robbery

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Welcome to the website where you can find answers for the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «Piracy and Armed Robbery». This site will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of open information, where you can find questions as well as answers for them. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Piracy and Armed Robbery». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Piracy and Armed Robbery» subject includes theoretical and practical information about actions in case of pirate armed robbery. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel, provides to avoid an encounter with pirates, assess the situation properly and what actions could be taken in case of an attempted armed robbery of the ship.

This page contains answers to Seagull CES CBT (Crew Evaluation System/Computer Based Test) test about Piracy and Armed Robbery, and serve as a database of questions and answers, using which seafarer can prepare to exams for getting certificate of competence, or just to challenge yourself with knowledge in this theme.

CBT CD 0156 – Piracy and Armed Robbery I.pdf


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Amount of questions: 54.

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By what name are the larger vessels that are used by pirates to extend their operations out into ocean areas generally known? Select ONE of the given options.
Mother ships.
Support Vessels.
Father ships.
Control ships.
How is it recommended that deck lighting is used when transiting an area of known piracy activity? Select the TWO best options:
It should only be switched on during an emergency.
It should be kept switched off at all normal times.
It should be used to illuminate all areas of the deck from dusk until dawn.
It should be switched on if a small vessel is detected within 1 mile of the vessel.
How should the crew behave if pirates seize control of their vessel? Select the THREE correct answers:
Stay calm.
Obey instructions.
Resist and continue to defend the ship.
If a merchant vessel is successfully hijacked by a small group of pirates, what can normally be anticipated within a short while afterwards? Select ONE of the given options:
More pirates will board.
The crew will immediately be removed from the vessel.
A mother-ship, if used, will make fast to the vessel.
The pirates will give the Master a letter claiming ownership of his vessel, to comply with international law.
If a pirate attack is happening on a vessel, which kind of message would the vessel broadcast on the VHF radio? Select the ONE correct answer:
If a small craft suspected of being involved in pirate activity, is manoeuvring dangerously directly ahead of the vessel, what should the Master do? Select ONE of the given options:
Maintain speed and zig-zag manoeuvre.
Slow down and manoeuvre to avoid the craft.
Manoeuvre according to reports from the forecastle lookout.
Slow down, but warn the engine room to be ready to increase speed again immediately.
If a vessel is attacked within territorial waters, what might it NOT be able to depend upon? Select one of the given options:
Assistance from warships of an international counter-piracy force operating in adjacent international waters.
Any other vessel picking up her emergency messages.
Being able to out-run the pirates.
That the pirates will be less prepared, being closer to shore.
If pirates reach the bridge, or seize a crew member, what is the recommended procedure? Select the ONE correct answer:
Do not resist further, as it may lead to added aggression by the pirates.
Continue to resist the pirates at all costs.
Offer them money and hope that they leave quickly.
Attempt to free any crew members taken by the pirates and keep them out of the wheelhouse.
If the pirates manage to seize control of the vessel, how are they likely to initially behave towards the crew? Select the ONE best answer:
They will be excited and agitated.
They will be calm and organised.
They will be polite and respectful.
They will be angry and fighting with each other.
International law recognises that piracy takes place on the high seas. Which term is generally applied to similar aggressive acts that take place on a vessel within a state’s territorial waters?
Armed robbery.
Territorial piracy.
Attempted seizure.
Regional piracy.
It is recommended that the accommodation doors are secured against entry during transit of a known piracy area. Which ONE of the options specifies the door that is generally suggested to be used as the designated access for patrol and lookout purposes?
A bridge deck or wheelhouse door.
The aftermost door, leading onto the poop deck.
An internal door, leading to the machinery space.
The door closest to the crew mess room.
Pirates generally observe a potential target before attacking. Which of the following will they typically look for on a merchant ship as signs of weakness? Select THREE of the options:
Slow speed and low freeboard.
Lack of preparation and alertness.
Slow response when approached.
High speed and low freeboard.
Faulty radio and radar equipment.
Shallow draught and high freeboard.
Pirates have boarded a vessel and managed to reach the bridge, where they are threatening a crew member with injury. Select ONE of the options to best describe the action the vessel Master should take:
Cease any further resistance and attempt to calm the situation.
Continue to resist the pirates and attempt to expel them from the bridge.
Offer them money and hope that they will leave quickly.
Advise the pirates that they must release the CM before you will have anything to do with them. Ignore any instructions they give while they still hold the CM.
Select ONE of the options that best describes the primary role of an on board security team:
To assist and advise the Master on security for a high risk area.
To shoot pirates.
To tell the crew what to do if pirates get on board.
To talk with pirate gang leaders and make sure the vessel is not attacked.
Select ONE of the options which best describes the value of a citadel on a vessel, sailing in an area with a naval presence, if pirates board the vessel:
It can buy time for the naval task force to reach the vessel.
With all ships personnel in the citadel, the pirates will not be able to sail the vessel or control the engines and will give up and leave.
The Master will be able to coordinate and control all defence measures against the pirates from this one location.
The Master will be able to communicate directly with the task force commander from the citadel and get advice.
Select ONE of the options which best identifies the product that is recommended to be applied to a window to prevent glass splinters flying around if it is hit by a bullet:
Shatter-resistant, adhesive film.
A layer of clear varnish on the inside.
A layer of clear varnish on the outside.
Adhesive tape, arranged in an “X” pattern.
Select ONE option that best describes the kind of signal that the Ship Security Alert System sends:
A covert, silent ship-to-shore signal, alerting the Company, the Flag State authorities and closest national authorities.
A loud, pre-arranged Tannoy signal, which is duplicated on the ships whistle.
A pre-configured message on Digital Selective Calling frequencies, indicating the ships name, her position and the nature of the emergency.
An open speech, pre-recorded verbal message announcing the pirate attack.
Select ONE option that best describes the nature of nitro-glycerine explosive:
Nitro-glycerine is a clear, very dangerous liquid.
Nitro-glycerine is a clear liquid safe to handle without a detonator.
Nitro-glycerine is a solid material.
Nitro-glycerine is a clear liquid needing a detonator to make it explosive.
Select ONE option that best describes the nature of plastic explosive:
Plastic explosive is a soft, pliable material.
Plastic explosive is hard, brittle material.
Plastic explosive is a clear liquid that is very unstable.
Plastic explosive is always a bright orange colour for identification.
Select ONE option that describes the likely course of action that pirates who wish to negotiate a ransom for a hijacked vessel will take:
They will take the vessel to a pirate held port.
They will keep the vessel at sea.
They will land the crew and sail the vessel to a different location.
They will take the vessel to its home port.
Select ONE option to correctly identify the kind of wire that should be arranged around the main-deck rails or bulwarks to prevent boarding:
Razor wire.
Barbed wire.
Rusty wire.
High-tensile steel mesh netting.
Select ONE option to explain why pirate boats sometimes broadcast false radio distress messages:
To try to get a merchant vessel to reduce speed in response.
As a coded communication to other pirates.
To frighten a merchant vessel before attacking it.
Because the pirates get excited and activate the alarm by mistake.
Select ONE term to best describe the successive counter-piracy defensive arrangements supporting a merchant vessel:
Layered Defence.
Ringed Defence.
Concentric Support Measures.
Best Management Defence.
Select the ONE option that describes what personnel on the open deck, such as lookouts, should do immediately if the pirates get close and start firing:
Stay out of the line of fire and retreat inside the accommodation.
Prepare fire hoses to direct at any pirates who attempt to board the vessel.
Crouch down and make a report to the bridge.
Make their way across to the other side of the vessel and continue to monitor developments when possible.
The primary information on preparing the vessel against attacks by pirates is located in which of the following sources? Select ONE of the options:
The Ship Security Plan.
NAVTEX broadcasts.
The ISPS Code.
Alerts from the Piracy reporting Centre.
The reduction in the number of successful pirate attacks is attributed to the international counter piracy measures and which one of the following factors?
Vessels being better prepared.
Increased media coverage.
Vessels generally being faster.
Falling competence levels amongst the pirates.
There is good evidence to show that pirates will avoid attacking which ONE of the following vessels?
A vessel that is well prepared against attack.
A new ship.
A ship that has a satellite communications dome.
A vessel with a bulbous bow.
To avoid injury from weapons fired at a vessel by pirates, what is the main basic guideline to be followed? Select ONE of the given options:
The crew should remain under cover.
The crew on deck should run to the side which is not being fired on.
The crew should display a sign saying “explosive material on board”.
The crew should all be issued with steel helmets.
What does the International Maritime Organisation recommend when it comes to seafarers using firearms? Select the ONE correct answer:
The should not be used.
They should be used.
They allow individual shipping companies to decide.
They encourage the Master of every vessel to consider it as an option.
What radio message should be broadcasted if it is suspected that a pirate attack is about to take place? Select the ONE correct option:
Pirate attack!
What should happen to the last designated accommodation entry point if pirates get on board? Select the ONE best answer:
Once the last crew members have retreated from deck, it is sealed from the inside.
It is immediately sandbagged to stop small arms fire.
Nothing – it will already be closed and secured on entry into a high-risk piracy area.
It will be closed but left unsecured, just in case there is a fire.
What speed should a vessel maintain in order to put pirates off from attacking? Select the ONE correct answer:
15 knots.
8 knots.
25 knots.
10 knots.
What strategy is used by some counter-piracy organisations to make monitoring and protection of vessels easier? Select the ONE correct answer:
Organised convoys.
Submarine patrols.
Daylight sailing only.
Making vessels sail in pairs.
What type of vessel do pirate boats sometimes mix with as a form of disguise, particularly when operating near to the coast? Select ONE of the given options:
Local fishing boats.
Naval patrol boats.
Pilot boats.
When the shipping company contracts with a Private Maritime Security Company and sends a team on board, who will direct the vessel’s crew in their safety and security duties? Select ONE of the options:
The Master and ship’s officers.
The Security Team Leader.
The Company Security Officer.
The Master and Security Team Leader will decide between them.
Which ONE of the following is a particular feature of piracy activity off West Africa?
Oil cargo and bunker theft.
Taking vessels and crews hostage and demanding ransom.
The use of high-tech monitoring systems to identify targets well ahead of interception.
Violence associated with an inability to communicate with the pirates in a common language.
Which ONE of the following manoeuvres taken by a small craft might be considered suspicious and possibly indicate the beginning of a pirate attack? Select the ONE correct answer:
A sudden increase of speed towards a vessel, particularly from a craft abaft the beam.
Slow circular movements by a craft forward of the beam, but outside the vessel’s intended track.
A sudden reduction in speed, or even stopping, by a craft abaft the beam.
An alteration of course to pass astern of own-ship at a distance of less than 2 miles.
Which ONE of the following options will NOT normally be part of an on board security team’s duties?
Negotiating with pirate gang leaders for a safe passage through their waters.
Assisting the crew in constructing barriers as per the BMP guidance document.
Running anti-piracy drills.
Conducting an onsite security risk assessment of the vessel.
Which ONE of the following organisations broadcasts regular “live” piracy alerts and bulletins?
The International Maritime Bureau Piracy Reporting Centre.
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
The United Nations News Agency.
Which ONE of the given expression best describes the tiered system of defensive measures for a merchant vessel to defend itself against pirate attack?
Layered defence.
Logistical defence.
Logical defence.
Limited defence.
Which ONE of the options best describes the areas for which extra vigilant monitoring by look-outs is recommended for?
Blind and shadow sectors behind the vessel.
Directly abeam, either side of the vessel.
The quadrant ahead of and to starboard of the vessel.
Under the bow, directly ahead of the vessel.
Which area defines where piracy acts take place? Select the ONE correct answer:
In International waters.
In any sea area, including territorial waters and ports.
Outside a country’s Economic Exclusion Zone.
In specifically identified areas, such as the Eastern Mediterranean, the Straits of Hormuz and the Philippine Sea.
Which definition correctly explains what a “citadel” is when fitted to a merchant vessel? Select the ONE best answer:
A pre-prepared, secure space or muster point, located at an internal position, to which all personnel can retreat.
An area critical to the safe operation of the ship, such as the Bridge or Engine Control Room.
An area of the ship from which defence procedures against pirates can be coordinated.
An area around the deck identified as that most likely to be used by pirates to gain access to the vessel.
Which is the first (outer) layer in the “Layered defence” strategy for a merchant vessel to defend itself against pirate activity?
Avoidance of known high risk areas.
Defeat the boarding.
Deny access to the accommodation.
Delay the entry.
Which item is considered to be the most effective item of a military or naval anti-piracy task force? Select the ONE correct answer:
The helicopter.
The laser-guided missle.
The international intelligence network.
The high-speed rigid inflatable boat (RIB).
Which of a ships documents gives information on preparing it against attacks by pirates? Select the ONE correct answer:
The Ship Security Plan.
The SOLAS Manual.
The ISPS Code.
Piracy alerts and bulletins.
Which of the following are examples of navigational procedures that have been implemented in known piracy areas to better protect merchant ships? Select TWO of the given options:
The creation of “safety corridors”.
“Group Transit” merchant ship convoys.
The total ban on all radio communications between merchant ships.
The use of special light signals to be displayed by merchant ships.
The monitoring of the movement of small boats by helicopters.
Which of the following features of a vessel will pirates consider most advantageous when planning to attack a merchant vessel? Select the TWO best answers:
That it has a slow speed and low freeboard.
That there are relatively few personnel seen on deck.
That the deck is well loaded with containers.
That it is obviously an old vessel they are attacking.
Which one of the following options is a feature of the small “skiff” boats used by pirates in an attack on a merchant vessel? Select the ONE correct answer:
They are powered by outboard motors that deliver a relatively fast speed.
They are heavily armoured against attacks from naval patrol boats.
They are totally enclosed boats, enabling pirates to be concealed.
They are very stable when running in the wake of a merchant vessel.
Which person is responsible for establishing and monitoring the general fleet-wide anti-piracy procedures? Select the ONE correct answer:
The Company Security Officer.
Shipping companies do not have fleet-wide policies; each ship is responsible for establishing its own procedures.
The Port Security Officer at the departure port.
The Company Personnel Manager.
Who is responsible for the conduct of anti-piracy lookouts during the transit of a high-risk area? Select ONE of the given options:
The Officer of the Watch (in accordance with the Master’s Orders and Company Procedures).
The Security Team Leader (as per the contract between the Shipping Company and the Private Marine Security Company).
The Ship’s Safety Officer (as per the ship’s Safety Management System).
Each individual is responsible for his own conduct when in a piracy area.
Why can the Master and Watch keeping Officers not rely on radar to alert them to the approach of pirates in small boats? Select TWO of the given options:
Because the boats are often made of wood and present poor radar targets.
There may be blind spots in the radar coverage.
Because the Master and Officers cannot watch the radar screens all the time.
Because pirate boats are fitted with devices that interfere with the radar picture.
Because the pirate boats will move too fast for the radar to track them.
Why do pirates believe attacks far out at sea might be more successful? Select the TWO correct answers:
Because the target vessel might not except to encounter pirates away from the coast and could be poorly prepared against attack.
Because there will be less chance of response from shore authorities.
Because the sea conditions will generally be smoother and therefore make an attack easier.
Because nobody will hear any distress signals sent by the target vessel.
Why should crew members not attempt to manually direct fire hoses at pirate boats? Select TWO of the given options:
Because their actions may attract gunfire and they are exposed.
Because they may not get back into the secure accommodation in time.
Because all available personnel should be used in extra look-out positions.
Because a sudden increase in water pressure may knock them off their feet and therefore reduce the security status of that area of the deck.

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  1. Luca
    14.08.2022 в 14:30
  2. Manish shrivastava
    05.08.2022 в 09:46
    Answers the piracy and armed attack assessment questions and answers
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