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Questions and answers to CES CBT test for seafarers about how to work into Microsoft PowerPoint and Outlook

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Welcome to the website where you can find answers for the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «Microsoft PowerPoint and Outlook». This site will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of open information, where you can find questions as well as answers for them. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Microsoft PowerPoint and Outlook». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Microsoft PowerPoint and Outlook» subject includes theoretical and practical information about working with the Microsoft PowerPoint and Outlook software. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel, provides creating and formatting text documents, creating charts and graphs using Microsoft services, print up-to-date information and much more.

This page contains answers to Seagull CES CBT (Crew Evaluation System/Computer Based Test) test about MS PowerPoint and Outlook E-mail, and serve as a database of questions and answers, using which seafarer can prepare to exams for getting certificate of competence, or just to challenge yourself with knowledge in this theme.

CBT CD 0176 – MS PowerPoint.pdf


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Amount of questions: 51.

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File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Window, Help are command groups that are displayed on the:
Standard Toolbar.
Formatting Toolbar.
Menu Toolbar.
Drawing Toolbar.
Find People, Call, Sort by are options available to you while using:
Log Files.
New Identity.
Encoding Features.
Address Book.
If you are composing a message offline, where will your message be saved?
Sent Items.
In MS PowerPoint, empty boxes with dotted lines to enter text, image or a chart, as required, are known as:
Linked Files.
In a presentation, Automatic, Hidden, Arrow and Pen are kinds of:
Animated Layers.
In the Picture toolbar, the Image Control option allows you to convert the image into what type of image?
Black and White.
Black and Red.
Manual scans are used to scan large size hard drives for viruses:
The Print option allows which formats to be printed? Check all correct options:
Word file.
The Slide Sorter can be used for what purposes? Check all correct options:
For a quick overview of the slides.
Copying slides.
Changing the order of slides.
Printing slides.
Saving the slides.
The feature in PowerPoint that recognises and checks spelling, typing errors and grammar mistakes is called:
Auto Format.
Auto Layout.
Auto Shapes.
Auto Correct.
To configure Norton Antivirus for maximum protection, you need to:
Activate the default settings.
Run Full System scan.
Be aware of current viruses.
Copy files from one archive to another.
To copy the formatting style of a selected line to another text:
Use Format Painter icon.
Use the Copy icon.
Click Format > Copy.
Click Edit > Paste Special.
To have a different look for the title slides in your presentation, you need to change the:
Handout Master.
Title and Slide Master.
Notes Master.
Headers and Footers.
To insert Date and Time in the current slide:
Click View > Header or Footer > Date and Time > Apply.
Click View > Header or Footer > Date and Time > Apply to All.
Click Format > Apply Design Template.
Click Insert > Comment.
To sort the E-mails according to the names of the sender, which column should be clicked?
A file can be added to an existing WinZip file by dragging and dropping on it. True or False?
MS PowerPoint does not allow you to export details to MS Word. True or False?
Outlook Express can send a message that does not contain a subject. True or False?
Slide Layout command can be used to apply or re-apply a selected layout to the current slide on the screen. True or False?
The Rehearse Timings tool allows you to practice with an on-screen presentation. True or False?
To put your presentation on the Web, you need to save it as an HTML page. True or False?
To remove bullets from a list in a slide, highlight the list and click the bullet icon. True or False?
Two people cannot use Outlook Express and the Address Book on the same computer. True or False:
You can customise the size and orientation of your printed Address Book pages. True or False:
You can only scan all the files on the system, and not a folder. True or False:
What are the formats in which a message can be saved in a folder? Check all correct options:
Text (*.txt).
Outlook Express email format (*.eml).
HTML (*.html).
Word document (*.doc).
What are the two reasons for which you may need to compress a file? Check all correct options:
To scan the file.
Reduce file size.
Configure WinZip Classic Interface for the system.
Compress many files of different types into one.
What is Slide Transitions?
The effect applied when one slide changes to the next during an on-screen presentation.
The animation effect applied on objects and text in a slide.
The effect applied on a chart.
The colour effects applied in a slide.
What is the command to Unzip or Uncompress a selected file?
Double click the file to open the WinZip dialog box.
Drag and drop the file into My Document folder.
Right click to create shortcut.
Single click the file to open the WinZip dialog box.
What is the command to attach an image or file to e-mail?
Click Edit > Copy.
Click Insert > Attachment.
Click Edit > Attachment.
Click Tools > Picture.
What is the command to check spelling in the E-mail in the new message window? Check all correct options:
Click Tools > Spelling.
Click Spelling Icon.
Click format > Rich Text.
Click Edit > Find.
What is the command to create a New E-mail? Check all correct options:
Click File > New > Mail Message.
Click File > Open.
Click Message > New Message.
Click Message > Forward.
What is the command to create a new message folder? Check all correct options:
Click File > New > Folder.
Click Edit > Move to Folder > New Folder.
Click File > New > Mail Message.
Click Tools > New Folder.
What is the command to increase the spacing between paragraphs?
Click on the Outside Border icon.
Click on Increase Indent icon.
Click Format > Line spacing.
Click Format > Alignment.
What is the command to reply to all the persons listed in an E-mail received? Check all correct options:
Click Message > Reply to All.
Click the Reply to All icon.
Click Message > Reply to Sender.
Click Message > Forward.
What is the command to search a text from the messages in the Inbox?
Click Edit > Find > Message in this folder.
Click Edit > Find > Message.
Click Edit > Find > Text in this message.
Click Edit > Find > Find Next.
What is the command to view a slide show presentation?
Click Slide Show > View show or F5.
Click File > Send to.
Click Slide Show > Set Up Show.
Click View > Slide Sorter.
What is the correct command to insert a table in a slide?
Tools > Table.
Tools > Add-ins.
Insert > Table.
Insert > New Slide.
What is the term for a jump connection between two Web Pages on the Internet known as?
Linked Files.
Web Page Wizard.
What type of List is shown in the picture?

Numbered list

Nested or Outlined.
When a presentation is saved as a template, what is the file type?
When the Insert Chart icon is clicked, a spreadsheet with dummy data and a graph based on it is displayed along with chart menu and toolbar options:
Which are the two types of e-mail services available? Check all correct options:
Which command is associated with this icon?

PowerPoint - Save icon

Open a new file.
Print file.
Print preview file.
Save file.
Which command is associated with this icon?

PowerPoint - Undo icon

Undo last action.
Redo last action.
Paste text.
Copy text.
Which icon do you need to click on the Picture toolbar to delete all the modifications made to an image?

PowerPoint - Reset icon

Image Control.
Reset Picture.
Recolour Picture.
Format Picture.
Which is the correct command to create a List as shown in the picture?

Bulleted list

Format > Bulleted and Numbering > Bulleted.
Format > Border and Shading.
Format > Bulleted and Numbering > Nested or Outlined.
Format > Fonts.
Which of these are the available icon options on the Drawing toolbar? Check all correct options:
Crop Button.
Dash Style.
Which of these views are available while working on PowerPoint? Check all correct options:
Notes Page View.
Slide Show.
Slide Screen.
Placeholder View.
Which template tool do you need to access to make presentations from pre-selected options, but according to your requirement?
Slide Sorter View.
AutoContent Wizard.
World Art.
With Outlook Express, you can prove your identity in electronic transactions by:
Posting messages to newsgroups.
Using digital IDs.
Using a vCard format.
Changing language encoding.

Test about MS Powerpoint and Outlook

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Июль, 09, 2022 629 0
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