Can the main engine be operated with a malfunctioning governor?
Yes, from the bridge.
Yes, from the engine control room.
Yes, from the engine manoeuvring stand.
No, the main engine cannot be operated with a malfunctioning governor.
Next question
Can the main engine be operated with faulty rpm sensors?
Yes, from the bridge.
Yes, from the engine control room.
Yes, from the engine manoeuvring stand.
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Is it possible to cancel a shut-down from bridge?
Next question
Is it possible to cancel a shut-down function?
Yes, all shut-down function can be cancelled.
Yes, but not the over speed shut-down function.
No shut-down functions can be cancelled.
Next question
Is it possible to cancel a slow-down from the bridge?
Yes, always.
Yes, but only when bridge control.
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There are two types of processor cards, NN 791.10 and NN 791.12. What is the difference between them?
791.10 are 12 volt and 791.12 are 24 volt.
791.10 are 5 MHz and 791.12 are 8 MHz.
There is no difference.
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What does “handle match” mean?
Load program is activated.
Bridge and Engine control room handles are in same position.
Bridge handle matches engine speed and transfer of command position can take place.
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What happens if both RPM systems have failed?
Start block.
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What is an adaptor card?
The same as a processor card.
It is used to simulate input/output signals.
Interface card for input/output signals.
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What is reading the RPM signals in the AC4 and SSU unit?
One adaptor card in each unit.
The units have RPM cards for this purpose.
There are no RPM signals to the AC4 and SSU unit.
Next question
What is the input voltage to the AC4 and SSU units?
24 V.
220 V.
440 V.
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What is the main purpose of the load program?
Preventing the engine from over speeding.
Preventing the engine from thermal overload.
Rapid increase of rpm in order to reach charter service speed.
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What is the purpose of the safety system?
Monitor shut-downs and slow-down functions.
Prevent the engine from over speeding.
Prevent the engine from overheating.
Inhibit start.
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What voltages are generated by the internal power supply?
5 V DC, + 15 V DC and -15 V DC.
110 V AC and 220 V AC.
5 V AC and 15 V AC.
Next question
Which of the following functions is NOT integrated in the Bridge Panel?
Displaying process alarm status.
Displaying ship speed.
Displaying ship position.
Physical operation of the main engine.
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Which of the following trigger the 3 fail starts indicator?
Fourth start attempt begins.
Third and last start attempt has finished unsuccessful.
It is always activated until engine starts.
Only active when shut-down.
Next question
Which of the following will trigger the Crash Astern command?
The function is automatic and will be activated if the manoeuvre lever on the bridge is moved from full ahead to full astern.
Call the duty engineer.
Push a “Crash Astern” button.
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* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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