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Questions and answers to Seagull CES CBT test for seamans about Fire-fighting, Advanced, Management of Fire-Fighting

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Welcome to the website where you can find answers for the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «Management of Fire-Fighting». This site will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of open information, where you can find questions as well as answers for them. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Management of Fire-Fighting». These questions can be used to test the competence of a specialist who is able to take the necessary actions to extinguish a fire on a ship in time. The fire safety of the ship and the ability to eliminate the fire as soon as possible are the most important functions of the specialist on the vessel.

This subject includes theoretical and practical information about extinguishing a fire on a vessel. Knowledge of this information directly indicates the competence of the employee, ensures the timely performance of job duties to eliminate fires in the workplace.

This page contains answers to Seagull CES CBT (Crew Evaluation System/Computer Based Test) test about Management of Fire-Fighting, and serve as a database of questions and answers, using which seafarer can prepare to exams for getting certificate of competence, or just to challenge yourself with knowledge in this theme.

CBT CD 0228 – Fire-fighting, Advanced, Management.pdf


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Amount of questions: 16.

Right answers marked with this sign .

How can communications from a fire on-scene commander (OSC) cause a fire-fighting plan to be changed? Select the ONE correct answer:
The communication can show that the original plan is not working.
The OSC will direct a change to be made to it.
The plan is seen to be working correctly.
The original plan will include things that in reality are not necessary.
How does an effective drill prepare a fire-fighter who will directly fight a fire? Select the ONE correct answer:
The person will get used to wearing a fireman’s outfit and BA set.
It does not, because the person will become concerned after wearing the kit.
It lets them see the benefits of a fixed fire-fighting installation.
The person becomes aware of the importance of communications.
In a fire situation, why is it important to have the UN number for dangerous goods? Select the ONE best answer:
It allows the emergency response procedures to be determined from the IMDG Code.
It identifies the fire-fighting procedures to prevent further damage to the dangerous goods, for insurance purposes.
It allows fire-fighting procedures to be used that limit oil and air pollution.
It is a cross reference to a United Nations database of dangerous goods being transported.
Is rescuing trapped crew an initial or subsequent tactic in a fire situation? Select the ONE correct answer:
Subsequent – the initial tactic is to find out if people are missing.
Initial – in a fire situation, there are always people missing.
Neither – rescuing trapped crew does not count as a tactic.
Initial – safety of life is paramount.
On a vessel in port, who may take charge of the fire-fighting organisation? Select the ONE best answer:
A local Fire Chief under the command of the Master.
It will always be the vessel Master.
A company safety representative.
A Port State inspector.
What does OPA-90 say about the requirements of a “qualified individual”? Select the ONE best answer:
They should be contactable and represent an oil facility.
It should be the vessel Master.
It does not matter who the person is long as they are responsible.
They should be an “experienced individual”.
What is important about allocating roles on a Muster List? Select the ONE best answer:
Crew are allocated roles that are appropriate to their strengths, weaknesses and physical health.
To ensure that inspectors and surveyors can see there is a level of organisation on board.
All officers and crew are assigned any role in an emergency.
Duties must be based upon the officer or crewmember’s department.
What is the main purpose of the person in overall command in a fire-fighting response organisation? Select the ONE best answer:
To direct the operations and make decisions.
To be answerable to an insurance company.
To be the point of contact for the media.
To be the liaison person to organisations ashore.
What makes for an effective fire drill? Select the ONE best answer:
It should be as real as possible.
It should last over an hour.
It should always involve the office staff.
It should always be in the Engine Room.
What part of a vessel’s management is tested by having regular and effective fire drills? Select the ONE best answer:
They test a vessel’s fire-fighting organisation.
They confirm that the vessel’s fire alarms work.
They ensure that the fire-fighting equipment is in the right place. However, it should never be used.
They confirm that fire pumps deliver the requirement throughput.
What should a fire drill contain to be as real as possible? Select the ONE best answer:
A realistic place, using crew and equipment that would be used.
Any easily accessible space, so that it is less risky to those taking part.
One that has a few of the crew involved so that it is not too big.
A realistic place always, using two crew in SCBA sets.
Which answer best completes the following statement? For fire-fighting communications to be effective, they should be…
Concise, spoken slowly and short.
Concise, short and spoken as quickly as possible.
Reduced to only passing essential information.
Passed every minute to maintain contact.
Which answer correctly completes the following statement? A plan that is made to fight a fire should…
Prioritise the safety of crew and fire-fighters.
Focus on a direct approach to attacking the fire.
Immediately involve shore organisations.
Exclude the duty watch-keepers and those sleeping.
Which answer correctly completes the following statement? Water is useful to fight fire…
But it cannot be used on all burning materials.
And will extinguish any burning material.
Only when there is a class “A”, carbonaceous fire.
But not in polar areas where it will freeze.
Why is foam not very good at putting out a fire in a water soluble product? Select the ONE best answer:
The foam is broken down when water is absorbed.
Foam has no cooling properties at all.
A water soluble product is a gas.
The product will float on the foam.
Why should a vessel’s ventilation system not be used to remove smoke and hot gases? Select the ONE best answer:
Hot gases may cause a fire in some other location.
It can cause structural damage if air inlets are closed and space is under vacuum.
The ducting will become contaminated with smoke.
Fans cannot cope with smoke or might be damaged.

Test about Fire-fighting, Advanced, Management of fire-fighting

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