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Crew Evaluation System CBT test online about Stowaways, Migrants and Refugees

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Welcome to the website where you can pass online the Computer Based Test (CBT) also known as Crew Evaluation System (CES) on the subject «Stowaways, Migrants and Refugees». Practice like this will help you as a marine specialist improve your knowledge with the help of online studying and appraisal practice. CES/CBT based on practical information and marine specialists experience.

CES & CBT tests developed for evaluating seaman basic knowledge by Seagull Company (rebranded as «OTG»), is an evaluating online-tool, used for revealing any professional preparation needed in specific fields of knowledge, defined by STCW.

CES tests have proven themselves as good tools for the selection and recruitment process, as well as advancing the level of knowledge of the current officers and crew. Ocean Technologies Group use various subjects for question creation, which includes:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management;
  • Integrated Navigation System (INS);
  • Ballast water management;
  • Handling and Stowage;
  • Vessel operation management and safety;
  • Marine engineering;
  • Maintenance and repair, etc.

Current test contains Seagull CES questions on the subject «Stowaways, Migrants and Refugees». Those questions can be used for competence verification specialist capable of preventing accidental situations related with transporting safety, or also for self-examination.

«Stowaways, Migrants and Refugees» subject includes theoretical and practical information about stowaways trespassing and situations handling with migrants and refugees. Knowledge of this information directly shows employee’s competence who holds a relevant post on a vessel, provides to prevent bystanders trespassing on a board, take any secessary precauntions measures, and also search for illegal passangers.

On this site Crew Evaluation System Test on the subject «Stowaways, Migrants and Refugees» contains 98 questions you need to answer with no possibility to go back to previous question. Therefore, we recommend carefully reading each question and making decision with no hurry. In case you have some difficulty answering, you have also possibility to request a hint.

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A group of stowaway’s is discovered in a container on board. There are three males and one female. There are no other females on board. What is the recommended policy on searching the female stowaway?
Carry out a minimal, non-contact search and then isolate the stowaway until proper assistance can be obtained from shore.
Carry out a full search anyway but do not make any record of procedure.
Ask the stowaway if she minds being searched first, make a written record of her response and ask her to initial the entry.
Get the stowaway to change into new clothing, examine that which has been removed. Consider that adequate and take no further action.
Next question
“The master of a ship at sea which is in a position to be able to provide assistance, on receiving information from any source that persons are in distress at sea, is bound to proceed with all speed to their assistance, if possible informing them or the search and rescue services that the ship is doing so”. Is this correct statement?
Show result
A regular cargo ship is to pick up a group of 16 refugees, who have been adrift in a small boat in the South China Sea. It will be some time before the ship reaches her next port. Which of the following resources may be seriously impacted by their presence on board?
Water reserves.
Food stocks.
Available living space.
Next question
A regular cargo ship is to pick up a group of 16 refugees, who have been adrift in a small boat in the South China Sea. It will be some time before the ship reaches her next port. Which of the following resources may be seriously impacted by their presence on board?
Food stocks.
Fuel supplies.
The ship’s speed.
Communication facilities.
Next question
A ship arrives in port. There are concerns about stowaway’s activity in the area. How should the master regard the level of security risk that has been declared by the port authority?
He should assess the consequent risk to the vessel of the level and adjust his own procedures if necessary.
He should accept the security risk level declared by the Port Facility Security Officer.
He should ignore the security risk level declared by the Port Facility Security Officer and automatically increase the on board level to the maximum as required by the Ship Security Plan.
Next question
A stowaway has been discovered on board. Who is responsible for the proper and accurate reporting of the relevant details to the authorities, the owner, charterer and other interested parties?
The agent.
The master.
The Flag State.
No reporting is required.
Next question
A stowaway is discovered on board. He is very sick when found. What practical steps may be taken by master to safeguard the health and safety of others on board? Select all applicable answers:
Contact control, such as gloves, masks and protective eye-glasses should be employed when searching the stowaway.
The stowaway should be isolated.
The stowaway should be supplied with his own bedding.
The stowaway should be supplied with his own crockery and cutlery.
Next question
A stowaway is discovered on board. He is very sick when found. What practical steps may be taken by master to safeguard the health and safety of others on board? Select all applicable answers:
The stowaway should be supplied with clothing and the clothing he was wearing when discovered should be incinerated.
The hiding place in which the stowaway had been hiding should be disinfected.
The stowaway should be supplied with medicines to treat himself, but nobody should touch him and he should not be moved until he is well.
The stowaway should be hosed down before he is taken into the accommodation.
Next question
A stowaway is discovered on board. The vessel is at sea, on passage and in international waters. What legal rights does the stowaway have?
He has a right to expect provision to be made for his security, general health, welfare and safety until disembarkation.
He has no rights.
He has a right to asylum in the first port of call.
He has a right to employment on the vessel.
He has a right to communication facilities on board, to advise other parties in his country of origin and the United Nations Refugee Administration of his safety and ongoing treatment on board.
Next question
According to industry representatives, what is the estimated cost of stowaway’s to the shipping industry and their P&I Clubs?
Around US $ 20 000 000 a year.
US $ 10 000 per incident.
Approx. € 3,6 million per year.
An average of US $ 50 000 per ship of 500 grt or over.
Next question
According to the estimates quoted in this program, what is the cost of stowaway’s to the shipping industry and their P&I Clubs?
Around US $ 20 000 000 a year.
US $ 5 000 per incident.
Approx. € 2,5 million per year.
An average of US $ 30 000 per ship.
Next question
Amendments to which IMO Convention first made proposals related to crew and passenger lists and specific recommendations concerning the administration and handling of stowaway’s?
The Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (1965 FAL Convention).
The 1957 International Convention relating to stowaway’s.
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974).
The First United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1965).
The 1979 International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue.
Next question
As part of gangway security, a record of persons coming on board should be maintained. Why will this prove of value as the ship prepares to leave?
Because a check can be made that every person who boarded the vessel, has subsequently returned to shore.
If the Port Security Officer visits the ship at this time, he will immediately see that security has been maintained throughout.
So that the foreman stevedore can tally the hours his men have worked and present a timesheet to the chief officer.
It will confirm whether all crew members are on board.
Next question
As part of the preparations for entering port, storage lockers, machinery rooms, deckhouses, accesses to cargo holds, pump rooms not in use and any other areas which do not need to be open for the purposes of cargo handling or safety should be locked or sealed. What precaution should be taken before this is done?
It should be established that no ship’s personnel are working inside.
It should be checked that any ventilation schedule is completed.
It should be established that there are at least three sets of “master keys” available on board.
Warning notices, in English, the language of the crew and the local language should be affixed on the outside of all locked doors.
Next question
Assuming no claim is being made for asylum, what will immigration authorities invariably consider necessary before permitting disembarkation of a stowaway?
Valid travel documents.
Valid records of inoculation.
A birth certificate (or certified copy).
A letter of invitation from a friend in that country.
Next question
Countries that are signatories to the 1979 IMO International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue are required to ensure that assistance is provided to any person in distress at sea. Which of the following is a correct statement in this respect?
This applies only to persons identified as being in distress by a vessel carrying their flag.
Provision must only be made to rescue persons of nationalities that are also signatories to the Convention.
They must do so regardless of nationality or status of such a person or the circumstances in which that person is found.
The master can choose to disregard any provisions made by his flag State for search and rescue on commercial grounds.
Next question
Do incidents involving stowaway’s, migrants and refugee’s at sea cost the ship owner money?
Next question
Does a stowaway, if discovered in international waters, have any rights?
Next question
Does the master have the legal right to force a stowaway to work?
Next question
For which of the following can a ship be fined? Select all applicable answers:
Arriving in port with a stowaway on board.
Allowing a stowaway to escape.
Arriving in port with over the permitted number of stowaway’s.
Failing to arrange for a stowaway to secure an entry visa.
Arriving in port without a complete medical declaration for a stowaway.
Failing to indicate an assembly point for a stowaway on the ship’s Muster List.
Next question
How should the master of a vessel regard the level of security in a port at which his vessel calls?
He should ignore any security risk level declared by the port security organization.
If the port security is declared as adequate, there is no need to implement any measures on board the ship.
He must assess the consequent risk to the vessel of the declared level and adjust his own procedures accordingly.
He should report the level of security to his owner or operator and secure advice regarding any measures necessary on board.
Next question
If a person is discovered hiding in a lifeboat during the vessel’s pre-departure search, how will he normally be considered within the law?
As a trespasser.
As an illegal entrant.
As a dangerous criminal.
As having alien status.
As a migrant worker.
As a simple nuisance.
Next question
If a person manages to gain access to a ship in port and conceal himself, but is discovered during a search prior to the vessel’s departure, what legal status will normally be applied to him?
He is considered as a trespasser.
He is regarded as a stowaway.
He is judged to be a common citizen of that country.
He is listed as a refugee.
Next question
If a stowaway will not cooperate and give his identity, how might the master establish it?
A check should be made of the stowaway’s belongings for any clues.
He should be threatened with manual labour unless he reveals his identity.
The company may be able to trace the identity from any unique identifying features on the stowaway, such as tattoos, birth marks, etc.
The master should wait and see if the stowaway befriends any crew member who might be able to get the stowaway to reveal it.
Next question
If it is suspected that a stowaway may be carrying an infection, what practical steps may be taken by master to safeguard the health and safety of others on board? Select all applicable answers:
Using contact control when searching the stowaway (gloves, masks, protective eye-glasses, etc).
Isolating the stowaway.
Supplying the stowaway with his own bedding.
Supplying the stowaway with his own crockery and cutlery.
Next question
If it is suspected that a stowaway may be carrying an infection, what practical steps may be taken by master to safeguard the health and safety of others on board? Select all applicable answers:
Supplying the stowaway with clothing and incinerating the clothing he was wearing when discovered.
Disinfecting the stowaway’s hiding place.
Reporting the stowaway to the authorities.
Asking the stowaway to take a cold shower.
Next question
If practicable, how should a claim for asylum be made?
It should be made verbally by the individual to the Port Security Officer.
It should be in writing, in the language of the arrival port and handed to the agent.
It should be in writing, in the language of the arrival port and reproduced in English and handed to the Port Security Officer.
It should be in writing, in the language of the writer and handed to the immigration authorities.
Next question
In addition to fines for having a stowaway on board, or for allowing a stowaway to escape, for which of the following costs may the ship owner or operator find themselves liable? Select all applicable answers:
Cost of guards employed to prevent stowaway’s from escaping.
Provisions, clothing and bedding.
Embassy fees.
Jail or detention expenses.
Next question
In addition to fines for having a stowaway on board, or for allowing a stowaway to escape, for which of the following costs may the ship owner or operator find themselves liable? Select all applicable answers:
Repatriation flights for stowaway’s.
Flights and accommodation expenses for security escorts.
Expenses incurred by agents, but only those expenses directly associated with the stowaway’s.
Diversion costs.
Next question
In addition to verifying that all appropriate spaces are locked, what additional purpose is served by patrols?
They keep the watch keepers alert.
They serve as a visual deterrent to potential stowaway’s.
They enable duties of the ship’s personnel to be rotated.
The watch keeping officer can make an entry in the logbook at the end of his watch stating that security has been maintained throughout.
Next question
In general, which of the following situations will result in a higher fine for a vessel and her operators?
The vessel arrives in port with a stowaway on board. The stowaway is declared to the authorities. During a busy and complex cargo operation on the first night alongside, the stowaway disappears.
The vessel has a standard complement of 23 persons, as advised on the Crew List mailed to the ship’s agent in the port of destination 3 days before arrival. The next day, a stowaway is discovered in the vessel’s paint locker. He is detained and presented to the authorities on arrival.
Next question
In general, which of the following will result in higher costs?
Allowing a stowaway to escape.
Having a stowaway on board when arriving in port.
Next question
In legal terms, there is a significant difference between “stowaway’s” and “migrants and refugees” that are rescued at sea. What is that difference?
Stowaway’s may often be violent or engaged in criminal activity, while refugee’s will in general be genuine, law-abiding and cooperative.
Refugee’s attempt to conceal themselves and escape detection by the authorities, while stowaway’s openly seek rescue and official approval when the vessel reaches port.
Stowaway’s board a ship without permission and without the knowledge of the master, officers and crew, with the intention of remaining on board undetected until the vessel is at sea, while rescued migrants and refugee’s board a ship with the full knowledge and permission of the master.
Stowaway’s always have false identity documents rendering them illegal entrants under international law, while refugee’s and migrants always carry valid and proper papers which are acceptable to the authorities.
Next question
Is a person picked up by a ship at sea automatically given official refugee status?
Next question
Is it recommended by the IMO “Guidelines on the allocation of responsibilities to seek the successful resolution of stowaway cases” that a ship’s master, having discovered stowaway’s on board his ship at sea, should divert from his planned voyage to disembark them? Select the most correct answer:
No, unless he receives confirmation that repatriation has been arranged with sufficient documentation and that permission has given for disembarkation, or unless there are extenuating security or compassionate reasons.
No, he must always maintain his planned voyage under any circumstances.
Yes, stowaway’s should always be disembarked at the first opportunity, irrespective of geographical location of the port in question, or the potential safety risks to the stowaway.
Yes, but only if he receives verbal confirmation from the ship’s agent that it will be possible to arrange disembarkation of the stowaway.
Next question
Security patrols will check that all appropriate spaces are locked. What additional purpose do they serve?
They keep the watch keepers alert.
They are a visual deterrent to potential stowaway’s.
They enable cargo operations to be performed in safety.
They ensure compliance with statutory port security regulations.
Next question
Specialist equipment for detecting concealed persons may work by measuring which of the following? Select all applicable answers:
Elevated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels.
Body heat.
The presence of a heart-beat.
Reduced Carbon Monoxide levels.
Body odour.
Next question
The FAL Convention established a definition for an “attempted stowaway”. What critical condition in this definition distinguishes it from the definition for a “stowaway”?
That the person intended to stow away, but was unable to board the vessel due to some exceptional circumstance.
That the person was intercepted by security personnel within the port complex.
That the person was discovered before the ship departed from the port.
That the person was not in possession of a valid ticket to travel.
Next question
The charterer may be liable for some or all of the costs associated with stowaway’s. Under what circumstances could this be the case?
Special provision may be written into the charter party, indicating that the charterer accepts responsibility for costs when stowaway’s have hidden in the charterer’s goods and boarded the vessel in that way.
Charterers are always totally exempt from liability for costs associated with stowaway’s under international law.
Special provision may be incorporated in the Mate’s Receipt, indicating that costs associated with stowaway’s will be determined by arbitration in the flag State of the chartered vessel.
Charterers are always legally responsible for all costs associated with stowaway’s on vessels contracted to them under international law.
Next question
The master has been presented with papers to sign to stowaway’s he had on board on arrival in port and is uncertain as to their significance. What should he do?
He should communicate with his owners and seek instructions.
He should sign them regardless.
He should ask the Port Security Officer for guidance.
He should refuse to sign them under any circumstances.
Next question
The ship is approaching a small boat, which is believed to contain a group of refugees, with a view to rescuing them and bringing them on board. What must, at all times, be the main priority of the master?
The rescue of the refugee’s on the boat.
The safety of his own ship and her crew.
The recovery of the boat and the refugee’s belongings.
Minimizing the time required for the rescue operation and the costs to the ship owner.
Next question
Under what circumstances may the charterer be liable for some or all of the costs associated with stowaway’s?
When special provision has been made in the charter partly, indicating that the charterer accepts responsibility for costs when stowaway’s have hidden in the charterers goods and boarded the vessel by such a method.
Charterers are exempt by international law from liability for costs associated with stowaway’s.
Where special provision is made in the contract of afreightment that costs associated with stowaway’s will be equally shared between the ship owner and the charterer.
Charterers are always legally responsible under international law for all costs associated with stowaway’s on vessels contracted to them.
Next question
What action is a master, who is in receipt of information that persons are in distress and is in a position to be able to provide assistance, required to take?
He is bound to proceed with all speed to their assistance, if possible informing them or the search and rescue services that the ship is doing so.
He must inform the ship owner of the situation and await further instructions.
He must inform the charterer of the situation and await further instructions.
He is required to proceed to the general area at an appropriate speed and then report to the controlling rescue coordination centre.
Next question
What is the essential difference between the administration of political asylum and modern refugee law?
Political asylum is an individual matter, usually dealt with on a case-by-case basis, while modern refugee law deals with large movements of population.
Political asylum involves membership of an oppressed political movement, while modern refugee law deliberately ignores political aspects of an individual’s claim to asylum.
Political asylum deals with multiple claims for admission to a country of sanctuary, while modern refugee law examines each individual claim on a case-by-case basis.
Next question
What is the essential difference between the way in which those seeking asylum and those considered as refugee’s will be handled by the immigration authorities?
Asylum is usually dealt with on a case-by-case basis, while modern refugee law is written around large scale movements of population.
The authorities will seek to prove membership of an oppressed political movement or religious organization before considering asylum claims; if this cannot be done, they will consider application for entry based on the more general international refugee law.
Political asylum can only be applied if the number of applicants in any one group is less than 12. If greater than this number, then refugee law is applied.
Next question
What is the name applied to the process of returning a person to his country of origin called?
Next question
What is the recommended policy on searching a female stowaway, if no other females are present on board?
Carry out a minimal, non-contact search. Isolate the stowaway until proper assistance can be obtained from shore.
Carry out a full search anyway.
Ask the stowaway if she minds being searched first. Document the response.
Carry out an examination of easily removable clothing, such as jacket, footwear and headwear and then carry out a physical search of the lower arms and lower legs only.
Next question
What is the significant legal difference between migrants and refugee’s that are rescued at sea and stowaway’s that are found on board?
Rescued migrants and refugee’s board a ship with the full knowledge and permission of the master, but stowaway’s board a ship without such permission and consent, intending to remain on board undetected, at least until the vessel is at sea.
Refugee’s and migrants will in general be genuine, law-abiding and cooperative, while stowaway’s may often be violent or engaged in criminal activity.
Refugee’s attempt to conceal themselves and escape detection, while stowaway’s openly seek official approval from the authorities.
Refugee’s and migrants always carry valid and proper identification documents, while stowaway’s always have false papers.
Next question
What practical measures can be taken to prevent persons boarding illegally and stowing away? Select all applicable answers:
Access control.
Securing doors and spaces.
Pre-departure searches.
Daylight only cargo operations.
Posting of notices prohibiting access.
The use of luminous barrier tape around restricted areas.
Next question
What significant impact did the introduction of the ISPS Code have on statistics on stowaway activity since 2004?
Records have revealed that, since this date, stowaway activity has been confined to North Africa, the Far East and Central America.
Since that time, more comprehensive statistics have been possible due to the reporting requirements under the Code.
In ports which have successfully implemented the appropriate measures, it has been more difficult for potential stowaway’s to gain access to a ship.
The average cost per port call expended on shore security services has reduced progressively since this date.
Next question
Whenever a stowaway is discovered on board, who is responsible for the proper and accurate reporting of the relevant details to the authorities, the owner, charterer and other interested parties?
The master.
The stowaway.
No reporting is required.
Next question
Which Code, implemented in 2004, made it more difficult for potential stowaway’s to gain access to a vessel in port?
The ISPS Code.
Port State Control.
The Maritime Security Code.
Next question
Which convention, associated with the streamling of paperwork for the international maritime trade, gave a detailed, legal interpretation to the term “Stowaway”?
The Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (1965 FAL Convention).
The 1957 International Convention relating to stowaway’s.
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974).
The First United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1956).
Next question
Which maritime code is believed to have led to a reduction in the number of stowaway’s in many areas recent years?
The IMDG Code.
The ISPS Code.
The United Nations International Stowaway Code.
Next question
Which of the following are common categories of stowaway that may be encountered at sea, as listed in this module? Select all applicable answers:
Economic migrants.
Asylum seekers.
Illegal immigrants.
Next question
Which of the following are common categories of stowaway that may be encountered at sea, as listed in this module? Select all applicable answers:
Illegal immigrants.
Escaped prisoners.
Military deserters.
Next question
Which of the following are recommended actions for the master who discovers a stowaway on his ship when at sea, as contained in the IMO “Guidelines on the allocation of responsibilities to seek the successful resolution of stowaway cases”? Select all applicable answers:
Determine immediately the port of embarkation of the stowaway.
Attempt to establish the true identity and nationality of the stowaway.
Prepare a statement on the stowaway, for presentation to the appropriate authorities.
Advise the ship owner, the flag State and authorities at the port of embarkation and the next port of call about the stowaway.
Not depart from his planned voyage to disembark a stowaway unless all necessary arrangements have been made and permission has been granted.
Next question
Which of the following are recommended actions for the master who discovers a stowaway on his ship when at sea, as contained in the IMO “Guidelines on the allocation of responsibilities to seek the successful resolution of stowaway cases”? Select all applicable answers:
Not depart from his planned voyage to disembark a stowaway unless all necessary arrangements have been made and permission has been granted.
Ensure the stowaway is properly presented to the appropriate authorities at the next port of call.
Take all appropriate measures to ensure the security, general health, welfare and safety of the stowaway until disembarkation.
Next question
Which of the following areas, as listed in this module, have been recognized for large-scale sea-borne migrant and refugee activity in the last half-century?
The South China Sea, off the coast of Vietnam.
The Straits of Florida between Cuba and the USA.
The Mediterranean Sea between North Africa and Malta.
The Eastern Atlantic Ocean between the Canary Islands and South-west Spain.
Next question
Which of the following areas, as listed in this module, have been recognized for large-scale sea-borne migrant and refugee activity in the last half-century?
The South China Sea, off the coast of Vietnam.
The Gulf of St. Lawrence.
The Gulf of Bothnia between Finland and Sweden.
The Indian Ocean between Tanzania and the Seychelles.
Next question
Which of the following does the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea require the master of a ship to do?
He is “to render assistance to any person found at sea in danger of being lost”.
He is “to establish, operate and maintain such search and rescue facilities as are deemed practicable and necessary to provide a means of locating and rescuing persons at sea”.
“If requested by a Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC), he is bound to proceed with all speed to their assistance, if possible informing them or the search and rescue services that the ship is doing so”.
He is directed “to assist any person who, at any port or place in the vicinity thereof, secludes himself in a ship without the consent of the ship owner or the master or any other person in charge of the ship and is discovered on board after the ship has left that port or place”.
Next question
Which of the following have a responsibility in one way or another to cooperate in preventing illegal access to a vessel in port? Select all applicable answers:
The ship’s master.
The ship owner/operator.
The port authority.
The terminal operator.
Next question
Which of the following have a responsibility in one way or another to cooperate in preventing illegal access to a vessel in port? Select all applicable answers:
The national administration.
The local administration.
The police force.
Security companies.
Next question
Which of the following have a responsibility towards refugee’s and migrants rescued at sea? Select all applicable answers:
The ship’s master.
The ship owner/operator.
The flag State.
The coastal State.
Rescue organizations.
Next question
Which of the following is a correct statement?
A refugee has automatic right to political asylum.
An economic migrant has automatic access to full social rights in his country of choice.
A displaced person has automatic right to refugee status under international refugee law.
A person cannot automatically obtain official refugee status.
Next question
Which of the following is a principle, defined in the 1979 IMO International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue that must be applied to the rescue of persons in distress at sea?
Rescue must take place regardless of the nationality or status of such a person or the circumstances in which that person is found.
The master has the ultimate authority to decide whether he will divert and assist on the basis of the commercial impact of his action.
Rescue should only take place if the master has a guarantee from the appropriate authorities that persons taken on board can be landed at the next port.
The master must carefully consider whether his own vessel will be able to provide enough food, water, accommodation, medicines, etc. for an indefinite period before deciding whether to rescue persons in distress.
Next question
Which of the following is a requirement on the master of a seagoing vessel under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea?
To establish, operate and maintain such search and rescue facilities as are deemed practicable and necessary to provide a means of locating and rescuing persons at sea.
To render assistance to any person found at sea in danger of being lost.
If in a position to be able to provide assistance, on receiving information from any source that persons are in distress at sea, he is bound to proceed with all speed to their assistance, if possible informing them or the search and rescue services of that the ship is doing so.
Next question
Which of the following is the correct definition of a “displaced person” as recorded in this module?
A person who as a result of the actions of the authorities, has been deported from, or has been forced to leave the country of his or her nationality or former habitual residence.
A person who is found in a place that is not his or her country of citizenship or residency, trading or otherwise operating a business for profit and not registered for taxation purposes in that country.
A person who is discovered in the process of travelling, other than in his or her country of residency with documentation that gives a reasonable and valid explanation for their journey.
A person relocating in an attempt to obtain a better standard of living.
A person who has left his or her country of origin, has applied for recognition as a refugee in another country and is awaiting a decision on their application.
Next question
Which of the following is the definition of a “place of safety” by the IMO Guidelines on the Treatment of Persons Rescued at Sea?
A rescue ship.
A state where a refugee’s claim for asylum will be recognized.
A place where a survivor’s safety of life is no longer threatened and where their basic human needs can be met.
A location where medical treatment is available and a refugee will be housed and fed, awaiting processing by the immigration authorities.
Solid land.
Next question
Which of the following is the definition of an “asylum seeker” as described in this program?
A refugee, trying to reach a country where asylum may be granted, or economic migrants claiming asylum, so as not to be repatriated.
A person who is attempting to escape war or civil unrest, or has experienced political or religious persecution.
A person hoping to avoid the attention of the immigration authorities and hoping to enter a country undetected.
A migrant, demanding to travel to another country which is not his own with the deliberate intention of registering for social benefits in that country.
Next question
Which of the following is the definition of an “attempted stowaway”, as described by the FAL Convention?
A person, who at any port or place in the vicinity thereof, secludes himself in a ship without the consent of the ship owner or the master or any other person in charge of the ship and who is on board after the ship has left that port or place.
A person who is secreted on a ship, or in cargo which is subsequently loaded on the ship, without the consent of the ship owner or the master or any other responsible person, and who is detected on board the ship before it has departed from the port.
A person who boards a vessel for the purposes of work but fails to return to shore by the time of departure and remains on board as the vessel puts to sea.
Next question
Which of the following is the definition of an “economic migrant” as described in this program?
A person moving simply in an attempt to obtain a better standard of living.
A refugee, trying to reach a country where asylum may be granted, or economic migrants claiming asylum, so as not to be repatriated.
A person who is attempting to escape war or civil unrest, or has experienced political or religious persecution.
A person who has been forced to leave his or her native place.
A migrant, demanding to travel to another country which is not his own, with the deliberate intention of registering for social benefits in that country.
Next question
Which of the following is the definition of the term “place of safety” in the IMO Guidelines on the Treatment of Persons Rescued at Sea?
A place where a survivor’s safety of life is no longer threatened and where their basic human needs can be met.
A rescue ship.
A state where a refugee’s claim for asylum will be recognized.
A location where medical treatment is available and a refugee will be housed and fed, pending processing by the authorities.
Next question
Which of the following is the definition of “asylum seekers” as recorded in this chapter?
Persons who have left their country of origin, have applied for recognition as refugee’s in another country and are awaiting a decision on their application.
People attempting to escape war, civil unrest, or political or religious persecution.
Persons having no intention of making their presence known to the authorities, hoping to enter a country undetected.
Migrants, demanding to travel to another country which is not their own, with the expressed intention of adopting citizenship of that country.
Next question
Which of the following maritime codes is generally believed to have led to a reduction in the number of stowaway’s in many areas recent years?
The ISPS Code.
The IMDG Code.
The BC Code.
The Life Saving Appliance Code.
The Maritime Inspection and Testing Code.
Next question
Which of the following may be among those conditions from which persons rescued at sea may typically be suffering?
Next question
Which of the following may be among those factors taken into account when planning the rescue of persons in distress at sea? Select all applicable answers:
The prevailing weather conditions.
The available light.
They type and manoeuvring characteristics of the rescuing vessel.
The resources available on board.
Next question
Which of the following may be among those factors taken into account when planning the rescue of persons in distress at sea? Select all applicable answers:
The number of persons being rescued.
The physical condition of those being rescued.
The condition of the craft from which they are being recovered.
The potential financial loss if the vessel stops to pick up the refugees.
Next question
Which of the following practical measures can be implemented to counter stowaway’s? Select all applicable answers:
Access control.
Securing doors and spaces.
Pre-departure searches.
Next question
Which of the following sea areas, as listed in this module, has recorded large-scale, sea-borne migrant and refugee activity since 1990? Select all applicable answers:
The Mediterranean Sea between North Africa and southern Europe.
The Eastern Atlantic Ocean between the Canary Island and South-west Spain.
The Gulf of Aden between Somalia and Yemen.
The Tasman Strait.
Next question
Who in the United Nations organization would have an interest in the large-scale movement of migrants and refugee’s in a particular sea area?
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
The United Nations Committee on Refugee Movement.
The United Nations Trust for Economic Migrants.
The United Nations Commissioner for Displaced Persons.
Next question
Why is it advisable to detain the stowaway in secure quarters? Select all applicable answers:
Medical grounds.
To limit contact with the crew.
For the stowaway’s own safety.
To lessen the chance of theft or other criminal activity.
Next question
Why is it advisable to detain the stowaway in secure quarters? Select all applicable answers:
For the security of the ship.
To lessen the chance of stowaway escaping.
To comply with ISPS Code requirements.
To make interviews and searches easier.
Next question
Why should a record of persons coming on board be maintained by the ships staff?
So that a later check can be made that they have gone ashore before the ship departs.
So that the vessel is seen to be in compliance during an audit.
So that the Chief Officer can check that the gangway watchman has been present at his post throughout.
So that the foreman stevedore can establish the location of his work team.
Next question
Why should a ships master not make a stowaway work? Select all applicable answers:
It is illegal under international law.
There may be a chance of a claim for wages.
If the stowaway is injured in the course of work on board, there may be a claim for compensation.
The safe operation of the ship would be at risk by using an untrained person.
Next question
Why should a ships master not make a stowaway work? Select all applicable answers:
There may be health risks by allowing the stowaway to share work facilities.
The ships work routine and team set-up may be disrupted.
The stowaway would have to be entered on the crew list as “temporary labour”.
Next question
Why should a stowaway be detained in secure quarters on board? Select all applicable answers:
Medical grounds.
To limit contact with the crew.
For the stowaway’s own safety.
To lessen the chance of theft or other criminal activity.
Next question
Why should a stowaway be detained in secure quarters on board? Select all applicable answers:
For the security of the ship.
To lessen the chance of stowaway escaping.
To comply with ISPS Code requirements.
So that there is no need to include them in safety drills.
Next question
You are at sea and discover a stowaway on board. The man has no documents or other proof of identity. How is it likely that the immigration authorities will consider him when your ship arrives in port?
As an illegal entrant.
As a trespasser.
As a crew member.
As a refugee.
Next question
You are conducting a pre-departure stowaway search. How should you proceed if you discover someone concealed in the paint locker?
Immediately report your finding to the Responsible Officer. Do not attempt to physically restrain the person. Secure the door to prevent his escape. Stand by for assistance from the shore authorities.
Summon a colleague and physically remove the person to the ships office. Secure the locker door to prevent any further stowaway’s entering.
Seal the locker and report your finding to the Responsible Officer at the end of the search.
Immediately report your finding to the foreman stevedore and request that he takes action to remove the person to shore. Make an entry to that effect in the ships logbook.
Next question
You are conducting a pre-departure stowaway search. You find three men hiding in the rope locker? What do you do?
You report your finding to the Responsible Officer immediately. You do not attempt to physically restrain the men. You secure the door to prevent their escape. You stand by for assistance from the shore authorities.
You summon other crew members and physically remove the men to the ships office where you keep them under heavy guard. You secure the rope locker hatch to prevent any further stowaway’s entering.
You seal the locker hatch with a chain and padlock and report your discovery to the Responsible Officer at the end of the search.
You immediately report your discovery to the foreman stevedore and negotiate a fee for him to arrange the removal of the men to shore. You record the appropriate details in the ships logbook.
Next question
You arrive in port with a stowaway on board. He is not making any claim for asylum. Before they consider permitting disembarkation, what will immigration authorities invariably demand the stowaway produces?
Valid travel documents.
Valid records of yellow fever and typhoid inoculations.
A birth certificate (or certified copy).
A medical certificate showing he is HIV-negative.
Next question
You discover three male stowaway’s on board. They are young, in good health and willing to work. The ship is on her last passage before entering dry-dock and there is a lot of preparation work in progress. Why should the master not put the stowaway’s to work? Select all applicable answers:
Because it is illegal under international law.
Because they may claim against the ship owner for wages.
If one of the stowaway’s is injured in the course of work on board, he may claim against the ship owner for compensation.
Next question
You discover three male stowaway’s on board. They are young, in good health and willing to work. The ship is on her last passage before entering dry-dock and there is a lot of preparation work in progress. Why should the master not put the stowaway’s to work? Select all applicable answers:
Because the safe operation of the ship could be at risk by using untrained labour.
Because there may be health risks by allowing the stowaway’s to share work facilities with the crew.
Because the ships work routine and team set-up may be disrupted.
Next question
You have departed Dar Es Salaam in East Africa and bound for a European discharge port. You discover a stowaway on board. Should he be forced into making a claim for asylum?
Next question
You have departed a port in South America and are bound for the United States. You discover a stowaway on board. Should he be forced into making a claim for political asylum?
Next question
Your ship arrives in a foreign port with a stowaway on board, who has no documents. How is it likely he will be considered by the authorities?
As an illegal entrant.
As a trespasser.
As a crew member.
As a convicted criminal.
As a refugee.
Next question
Your ship is approaching port. You are assigned to secure all storage lockers, machinery rooms, deckhouses and pumprooms not required to be open for cargo handling or for safety reasons. What should you do before sealing each door?
Follow Enclosed Space Entry procedures and check that no ships personnel are working inside.
Check that the space has been ventilated as required.
Check that there is a backup set of keys to open the padlock, if this is the method of securing.
Post warning notices, in English, the language of the crew and the local language outside all locked doors.
All emergency lighting within the space should be tested.
Next question
* In some questions may be more, than one right answer.
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