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Rules and Regulations for LNGC

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LNG specifications and regulations encompass a set of standards and guidelines that dictate the quality, safety, and environmental requirements for liquefied natural gas (LNG) production, transportation, and utilization. These specifications typically include parameters such as methane content, calorific value, sulfur content, moisture content, and impurities levels, ensuring the consistency and purity of LNG produced and traded globally. Additionally, regulations established by international organizations like the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and national authorities govern various aspects of LNG transportation, including vessel design, operational procedures, safety protocols, and environmental protection measures. Compliance with these LNG specifications and regulations is essential to safeguarding human health, protecting the environment, and maintaining the integrity of LNG supply chains, thereby facilitating the safe and sustainable growth of the LNG industry worldwide.

The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) provides comprehensive rules and regulations governing the design, construction, and operation of LNG carriers (LNGCs). These specifications are crucial for ensuring the safety, reliability, and environmental integrity of LNG transportation at sea.ABS rules for LNG carriers cover various aspects, including structural integrity, propulsion systems, cargo containment systems, fire protection, and safety measures.

LNG Carrier Specification

The following list of documents has been taken from the actual specifications of LNGC’s to be built in Korea. The highlighted documents (blue font) are those particular for LNGC’s. All other documents are specifications / requirements, which would be applicable also to other type of ships. However, the large number of applicable documents clearly indicates how demanding a LNG carrier is.



  • +A1 (E) Liquefied Gas Carrier.
  • Ship Type 2G (Membrane tank, Maximum pressure 25 kPaG and minimum temperature -163 °C, Specific Gravity 500 kg/m3) SH-DLA.
  • SHCM.
  • SFA(40).
  • + AMS.
  • + ACCU.
  • UWILD.
  • PMS including CMS.
  • NIBS.

Rules and Regulations

The following Regulations and Rules for Vessels to Carry Liquefied GasRules and Regulations are applicable to the ship:

1) Relevant Rules and Regulations of the loading and discharging ports for entry into those ports.

2) International Convention on Load Lines 1966, as modified by the 1988 Protocol, all amendments up to and including the 2003 amendments and all later amendments.

3) International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea Consolidated 1997, 2000 and all later amendments.

4) International Code for the Construction and equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code).

5) International Convention for Prevention of Collision at Sea 1972 and all later amendments, including IMO International Maritime Organizationx Resolution A464 (XII).

6) International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78) and all later amendments.

7) International Telecommunications Union radio regulations 2001 and SOLAS Chapter IV, as amended.

8) International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969 as amended by IMO Resolutions and all later amendments.

9) International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW Standards of Training Certification & Watchkeeping x) 1995 and all later amendments.

10) USCG US Coat Guardx Rules for Foreign Flag LNG Tankers for LNG ship operating in US navigable waters and involves compliance with USCG CFR 33 Parts 155, 156, 159, and 164, and CFR 46 154 excluding Alaskan waters”.

11) USCG Rules regarding Oil Pollution (except as required for Alaskan waters), Sanitation and Navigation Safety.

12) Suez Canal Regulations.

13) ILO International Labor Organizationx Convention 92: concerning crews accommodation (1949).

14) ILO Convention 133: concerning crew accommodation on board ship (1970).

15) ILO Convention 152: concerning occupational safety and health in dock work (1979).

16) ILO Recommendation 141: Crew accommodation (noise control) (1970).

Specifications and Guidelines

The following Specifications and Guidelines are also to be complied with:

1) IMO Resolution A272 (VIII) and A330 (IX) “Safe access to and working in ballast spaces” 35.

2) IMO Resolution A343 (IX) “Recommendations on the method of measuring noise levels at listening posts“.

3) IMO Resolution A468 (XII) “Code of noise levels on board ships“.

4) IMO Resolution A601 (XV) “Provision and display of maneuvering information onboard ships“.

5) IMO Resolution A708 (XVII) “Navigation bridge visibility and functions and SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 22“.

6) IMO Resolution A719 (XVII) “Prevention of air pollution on ships“.

7) IMO Resolution A.830 (XIX) “Code on alarms and indicators“.

8) IMO Resolution A 868 (XX) “Guidelines for the control and management of ship’s ballast water to minimize the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogen (except Ballast Water Management Plan)“.

9) IMO Resolution MSC 137 (76) “Standards for ship maneuverability“.

10) IMO latest performance standards for all navigation equipment.

11) IMO MSC Circular 982 “Principles relating to bridge design (SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 15)“.

12) IMO MSC Circular 1053 “Explanatory notes to the standards for ship Maneuverability“.

13) IMO MSC Circular 1091, June 2003 “Issues to be considered when introducing new technology on board ships“.

14) IMO MSC Circular 1097, June 2003 “Guidance relating to the implementation of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code“.

15) ILO Guide to Safety and Health in Dock Work 1976, amended in 1979.

16) ILO Codes of Practice: Safety and health in dock work 1979.

17) The recommendations of the OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forumx Tanker Structures Co-operative Forum shall be used as guidance by the Builder.

18) OCIMF Recommendations on Equipment for the Towing of Disabled Tankers 1981 (see SOLAS / IMO Res A.535).

19) OCIMF Mooring Equipment guidelines 1997.

20) OCIMF Guidelines and Recommendations for the Safe Mooring of Large Ships at Piers and Sea Islands 1994.

21) OCIMF Recommendations for Ships’ Fittings for Use with Tugs 2002.

22) OCIMF HSE at Newbuilding and repair shipyards and during factory acceptance testing July 2003.

23 OCIMF / SIGTTO Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Limitedx Recommendations for Manifolds for Refrigerated Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers (LNG) 1994.

24) ICS International Chamber of Shippingx / OCIMF / SIGTTO Ship-to-Ship Transfer Guide (Liquefied Gases) 1995.

25) ICS Guide to Helicopter / Ship Operations.

26) SIGTTO Recommendations and Guidelines for Linked Ship / Shore Emergency Shutdown of Liquefied Gas Cargo Transfer 1987.

27) SIGTTO Guidelines for the Alleviation of Excessive Surge Pressures on ESD 1987.

28) SIGTTO Recommendations for the Installation of Cargo Strainers on LNG Carriers and for Emergency Shut Down System.

29) SIGTTO Port Information for LNG Export and Import Terminals.

30) IEC International Electrotechnical Commissionx Publication 60092 “Electrical installations in ships“.

31) IEC Publication 60533 “Electrical and electronic installations on ships – electromagnetic compatibility“.

32) ISO International standardization Organizationx 484-1:1981 “Shipbuilding – Ship screw propellers – Manufacturing tolerances – Part 1: Propellers of diameter greater than 2,5 m“.

33) ISO 2923:1996 plus Cor 1:1997 “Acoustics – Measurement of noise onboard vessels“.

34) ISO 4406:1999 “Hydraulic fluid power – Fluids – Method for coding the level of contamination by solid particles“.

35) ISO 6954:2000 “Mechanical vibration – Guidelines for the measurement, reporting and evaluation” 35.

36) ISO 8573-1:2001 “Compressed Air – Part 1: Contaminants and purity classes“.

37) ISO 10816-1:1995 “Mechanical vibration – Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts, Part 1: General guidelines“.

38) ISO 17894 “Computer Applications – General principles for the development and use of programmable electronic systems in marine applications“.

39) ISO/IEC 15288 “System lifecycle processes“.

40) Swedish Standard SS 780726 “Engine ventilation on turbine vessels“.

41) VDI Vibration German National Standard x 2056 “Criteria for assessment of mechanical vibrations in machines“.

42) VDI 2063-1985 “Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibration of reciprocating piston engines and compressors“.

43) SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineersx Technical & Research Bulletin 3-11 “Marine steam power plant heat balance practices“.

44) SNAME Technical & Research Bulletin 3-39 “Guide for shop and installation tests“.

45) SNAME Technical & Research Bulletin 3-47 “Guide for sea trials“.

46) SNAME Technical & Research Bulletin 5-2 “Gas trials guide for LNG Vessels“.

47) BS British Standardsx 1807-1981 “Surface finish requirements for reduction gears“.

Coating Standards

The following Specifications and Guidelines are also to be complied with:


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