Stringer – Definition and Pronunciation
What is Stringer?
Stringer is a reinforcing or stiffening frame laid fore and aft.
Examples of Stringer
The hull may be stiffened with additional internal frames and stringers, which are added into the mould, or in a more modern system an internal lining is added, which is a separate moulding that fits inside the hull moulding and serves both to stiffen the hull moulding as well as introduce some of the internal divisions and structures of the yacht interior.
From “Technical Advice on the Boat Inspection Process and Why Survey Your Own Boat”.
The practical application of this is that in order to achieve good cryogenic toughness it is not necessary to use low heat inputs and controlled stringer bead welding techniques; in fact it is beneficial to use higher heat inputs and larger weld beads.
From “Welding of Stainless Steel for LNG Applications”.
All stiffening members are fitted inside the tank. The tank is transversally framed on the sides and longitudinally framed on the top and bottom. These members are supported by a combination of vertical webs and horizontal stringers.
From “Type “B” Prismatic Tanks Design and Analysis”.
The vessels performance in service has been excellent. The only reported defect was a typical fatigue crack developing in proximity of a side stringer corner bracket in the cargo tank.
From “Independent Cargo Tanks”.