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General Provisions, Rules and Requirements for Safe Carriages of Cargoes

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The Rules for safe cargo carriage by sea have been elaborated in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 5 and article 2 of Federal Law No. 81-FZ of April 30, 1999 «Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation» (hereinafter referred to as MSC of Russia), and also are aimed to execute the duties of the Russian Federation on the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 as amended (hereinafter referred to as SOLAS-74).

This rules APPROVED by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, April 21, 2003, No. VR-I/p. Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia, June 27, 2003, No 4835. Came into force on November 24, 2003.

General provisions

The present Rules shall be applied when:

  • transporting different break bulk cargoes,
  • metal cargoes of all kinds,
  • vehicles (self-propelled and not self-propelled, a wheel-based or caterpillar-based),
  • ferro-concrete products and frameworks, containers, loose bulk cargoes, packaged cargoes,
  • bulky and heavyweight cargoes,
  • bulky and heavyweight cargoes, timber cargoes (hereinafter referred to as general cargoes).

For the cargoes under the present Rules and simultaneously entered into the list of dangerous goods, the requirements for the safe cargo carriage of dangerous goods also have to be observed.

The Rules establish general requirements for loading-unloading of ships, providing safety when transporting general cargoes, including packaged dangerous substances, heavyweight and bulky cargoes, which due to their inherent properties and peculiarities can create during carriage by sea a threat to life and health of people, result in damages of ships and carried cargoes.

Cargoes, which need to be placed into packaging and package, to provide their entire integrity when transporting, shall be presented in proper packaging and package for transport. The packaging and package for which State Standards and Technical Requirements are established, shall comply with them. The same provisions shall be applied to containers presented by the shipper (paragraph 1 of article 139 of MSC of Russia).

The shipper shall timely deliver to the carrier all the required documents concerned with the cargo in accordance with port, custom, sanitary or other administrative rules. The shipper shall bear responsibility to the carrier for the losses caused by improper delivery, unauthenticity or incompleteness of such documents (Article 141 of MSC of Russia).

Photo of the cargo containers
Port Pier cargo containers
Source: Pixabay.com

The shipper shall label the cargo in a proper way and provide the carrier with appropriate information on it (paragraph 2 of Article 139 of MSC of Russia; SOLAS-74 Regulation VI/2.1). For this purpose, the shipper, in advance of loading, shall submit information on the cargo in a written form as given in article Rules for Safe Transportation of Cargoes by Sea on the Cargo Ship“Rules and Requirements for Safe Cargo Carriage by Sea” to the present Rules.

The shipper shall entrust the recognized organization (IMO Resolution A.739(I8)) with elaboration of the information on the cargo to provide trustworthiness and completeness of the information on cargoes, which present a great danger when transporting by sea (packaged dangerous substances, bulky, heavyweight and metal cargoes, timber cargoes).

The cargo information may be used within the duration limit established by the elaborator with regard to the character and change of transport Crew Evaluation Test online for seamans about Liquid Cargo Propertiesproperties of the cargo.

Cargo, cargo units and cargo transport units, including containers, shall be loaded, stowed and secured throughout the voyage in accordance with the Cargo Securing Manual. The State Maritime Administration of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation approves a Cargo Securing Manual for a ship entitled to fly the flag of the Russian Federation.

Read also: Safety Precautions and Measures on Gas tankers

Normative technical statements and also methodical documents of safe cargo carriage by sea of particular kinds of general cargo with regard to which Cargo Securing Manuals are elaborated for particular ships shall be issued in accordance with the established order.

Loading-unloading operations aboard the ship shall be canned out in accordance with the Cargo Securing Manual (SOLAS-74 Regulation VI/5.6) on working technological documentation, which is elaborated and approved in accordance with the established order.

Before loading commences, the Master, together with the organization, performing cargo handling, may complete a ship/shore safety checklist in the recommended form given below in Check List to the present Rules.

Check List
Ship/Shore Safety Checklist The Master and operator of the organization, performing handling, complete the checklist jointly. The safety of operations requires that all specified in the checklist questions should be answered affirmatively. Otherwise, having grounded the reason for negative answer the ship’s administration and the terminal should reach agreement upon appropriate precautions to be taken. If an answer to a question is considered to be not applicable, write an appropriate note.x (the recommended form)
Ship’s name___________________________
Port___________________________ Berth__________________________
Date of arrival_______________Date of departure_______________________
ShipOrganization, performing handling
1. Do mooring arrangements and measures meet all local conditions tides, currents, weather traffic of ships and other crafts, which are at the quay?
2. Is there safe access from the ship to the quay? Tended by the ship/organization, performing handling. (cross out the appropriate)
3. Is the atm osphere safe in holds and enclosed spaces, to which access may he required, have fumigated cargoes been identified, and has the need for monitoring of atmosphere been agreed by ship and organization, performing handling?
4. Is sufficient light provided on the ship?
5. Is the ship/organization, performing handling, communications system operative?
Communication method ….. Language ……
Radio channels/phone numbers …..
6. Has the procedure for reports and recording on damages from cargo operations been agreed?
7. Has the shipper provided the Master with cargo information in accordance with the requirements of chapter VI of SOLAS-74?
8. Is there Cargo Securing Manual for the cargo to be loaded aboard the ship?
9. Has the need for securing of the cargo been discussed and the method of stowage and scheme of securing been agreed?
10. Is the ship supplied with sufficient quantity of dunnage and securing materials and arrangements?
11. Has the organization, performing handling, been advised of the time required for the ship to prepare for sea, on completion of cargo works?
Ship’s representativeShore representative
Master’s signature_____________________________________Signature___________________________________
Last name_____________________________________Last name__________________________________
Position_________________________ Position______________________
Open table in new window

For the cargoes which present a great danger when transporting by sea, the shipper shall arrange, by the forces of the recognized organization, control of execution of the requirements of the cargo information, giving the Master a certificate of safe stowage and securing of the cargo, taking into consideration the recommended form given below, to the present Rules.

Form example

Certificate of the Safe Stowage and Securing of Cargo

Port, berth of loading
Date of loading completion
THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that a cargo of (name and quantity of the cargo)
loaded on board the ship (ship’s name)
complies with Cargo Information No.
This is to certify, that stowage and securing on the ship of the above-mentioned cargo have been performed by means of the certified securing devices in accordance with the requirements of:
◻ Ship’s Cargo Securing Manual and/or
◻ Cargo Information and
◻ Ship’s Stability Booklet and/or
◻ Ship’s Stability Calculations and
◻ Code of Safe Practice for Cargo stowage and Securing, or
◻ Rules for the Safe Carriage of Cargoes by Sea, and/or
◻ the recommendations of the signatory organization,
and provide integrity of the cargo and safe sea carriage to the port of destination
Name/status of signatory organization
Place ____________________________ Date ______________________________
Signature on behalf of the shipper (carrier)

If the cargo is secured by the ship’s crew, the carrier shall be entrusted with obtaining such a certificate, which confirms his respective care to provide the safe carriage of the cargo.

To obtain a permission for leaving the port for a ship with cargoes, which present a great danger when transporting by sea, aboard (packaged dangerous substances, bulky, heavyweight and metal cargoes, timber cargoes) the Master shall deliver to the Harbour Master the Cargo Information and the Certificate of safe stowage and securing, obtained from the recognized organization (SOLAS-74 Regulation VI/1/2).

Requirements for cargo, packaging, package and marking

A cargo presented for carriage shall be prepared, taking into account, the requirements of standards for the goods and also be in compliance with the requirements of the conditions of sea transportation and standards in the part:

  • serviceability of packaging and package;
  • availability and serviceability of seals, locks, control bands;
  • absence of any leakage in packages filled with liquid cargoes;
  • conformity of the packaging with the normative documents;
  • availability of clearly perceptible marking on the packaging, including precautionary placards;
  • absence of wetting of cargoes which can influenced by moisture;
  • absence of odour and other signs indicating deterioration of the cargo.

When preparing a general cargo for the transportation, the following factors shall be taken into account:

  1. the risk of its shifting due to rolling and pitching;
  2. the inflammation, explosion, toxic and pollution risks;
  3. the risk of loss of quality or deterioration due to the influence of moisture, dust, contamination, heat, corrosion, evaporations and different bacteria;
  4. diffusing moisture, radiating heat, emitting different odours and dust;
  5. the necessity of providing appropriate temperature, moisture and ventilation regimes.

For the purpose of compatibility general cargoes fall into three categories:

  1. reactive cargoes;
  2. sensitive to extremes;
  3. insensitive.

Packaging of cargo units having gross mass of 1 ton and more shall be luted with devices (eye bolts, rings, hooks, slings etc.) for handling operations and securing of cargoes on a ship. Strength of the aforementioned devices shall correspond to the gross mass of the cargo unit and stresses arising during sea transportation. Lifting fittings should not extend over the outer borders of the packaging.

When any deficiencies concerned with the risk of loss, deterioration or damage of the cargo and/or with the risk of hurt the ship are revealed, the shipper shall set the packaging in compliance with the requirements of the current normative documents.


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Октябрь, 17, 2022 834 0
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