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Foresail – Definition and Pronunciation


What is Foresail?

Foresail is the headsail set closest to the bow. Often used interchangeably with the term headsail.

Examples of Foresail

Since rigging screws can cause chafe on the foresails if they pass outside this point they are often covered in tape or other anti-chafe material, such as a plastic sleeve, so this should be removed to inspect what is happening below.

From “Masts and Rigging Systems for Sailing Ships”.

To get the headsail down, all one has to do is pull a line and the sail wraps itself neatly around the swiveling forestay. It’s a very handy and efficient system that makes taming a large foresail relatively easy.

From “Getting Underway and Sailing on the Sailboat”.

They radically reduce the complexity of the rig by eliminating the stays and chain plates (and the stresses these generate), some of the winches, many feet of line, and most of the foresails. While initially available from only a few builders, a variety of boats with unstayed masts are now appearing.

From “Self-Survey Criteria for the Rig”.

Pronunciation of Foresail


Сентябрь, 28, 2024 148 0
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