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RIBs and Tenders on Yachts

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RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boats) and tenders are essential support vessels for yachts, providing both convenience and safety. RIBs, known for their stability and lightweight construction, typically feature a rigid hull combined with inflatable sides, making them highly maneuverable and capable of handling rough waters. They are often used for a variety of purposes, such as ferrying guests to and from the yacht, exploring shallow areas where the main yacht cannot navigate, or participating in water sports. With their powerful engines and durable design, RIBs are a reliable choice for yacht owners seeking a balance between speed and safety.


Tenders, which can be either rigid or inflatable, serve as smaller auxiliary boats used for transport between the yacht and shore. They are indispensable for accessing remote beaches, marinas, or harbors where larger yachts may not dock. Many tenders are also equipped for fishing, diving, or providing emergency backup in case of yacht equipment failure. Yacht tenders come in various sizes and configurations, from basic inflatables to luxury models with advanced navigation and comfort features, ensuring that they cater to the diverse needs of yacht owners and their guests.

THE TENDER IS an important piece of equipment; it not only enhances the cruising experience but helps to ensure you get safely back on board after an evening ashore.

Yacht tender
Yacht tenders can have a hard life and suffer neglect

Despite this, the tender is often the poor relation when it comes to surveying a boat and it is rarely included in the full report.

Towing attachments
Check the condition of the towing attachments on an inflatable tender

But while the hard-hulled rigid tender is durable and will stand some neglect, it is often all that stands between you and a serious soaking when returning to your yacht at night in a crowded harbour, so some maintenance and regular checking is advisable.

A tender in a garage
A tender in a garage should be well protected. Make sure you look for chafe

Today, most tenders are based on RIBs with a hard hull surrounded by an inflatable tube, so for this reason we’ll focus on how to survey RIBs, mostly outboard powered, including stand-alone cruising and sports models as well as those used as Wood, Aluminum and John Boatsyacht tenders.

Back from sea

RIBs AND TENDERS will lead a harder life than normal boats; by their very nature, they tend to come in for some serious abuse, bouncing off quays, jetties and other boats and operating off sand and shingle beaches. It’s therefore important to survey the boat regularly. You can do a full survey on an annual basis but it’s well worth going through a quick routine check every time the boat comes back in from sea.

Photo of the tender
This tender looks like it has been abandoned for the winter

Not only will you discover any damage or wear before it gets serious, but perhaps equally importantly you’ll be secure in the knowledge that the boat is ready for sea next time you come to use it.

Underside of a tender
It is often the underside of a tender that suffers the most

If you have been to the beach, first wash down the boat to remove abrasive dirt and grit. Focus particularly on the area where the air tube is attached to the rigid deck, since the fabric proofing can rub off here, creating the possibility of air leaks.

Tender seat wear
The seating in a RIB tender can suffer from wear and tear

Use a bucket of water and mild detergent, perhaps washing-up liquid, before rinsing down with a hose. While this removes any grease and other contaminants from the rubber, it also forces you to examine the tube more carefully, during which time you may discover patches or tape starting to lift away. Moreover, be alert to detergent bubbles gathering at a particular point: this could indicate an air leak.

Tender inflatable tubes
The inflatable tubes tend to be the weak point on RIB tenders

Next, take the time to check fittings and fixtures. Look inside the console if there is one to ensure the electrics are free of damp, and if there are any exposed connections spray them with a silicone grease aerosol to keep corrosion at bay. Treat any moving parts, such as catches, with the same spray but do not use this spray on the air valves in the tubes or other threaded components because it tends to attract dust and grit, which may clog the screw thread (avoid getting this spray on the tube material, since the silicone can make repairs difficult). While these quick checks reduce problems at sea, you’ll also find the annual survey runs more smoothly if you keep on top of tender maintenance throughout the year.

The annual survey

FOR THE ANNUAL survey you’ll want to strip down the boat as far as possible to get access to hidden parts; for example, it may be possible to remove the console and open up the hatch covers or deck panels.

Abrasion of the inflatable bladder
Securing ropes or straps can chafe the inflatable tube


On modern RIBs and tenders you are unlikely to find many wooden components but wooden transoms were very much in vogue on earlier RIBs. The transom was bonded to the composite hull moulding and tube, so look carefully at these points to ensure the bonding is still intact, otherwise water may get in and separation of the two may escalate. There is usually a doubling piece of plywood over the area where the outboard motor is clamped on and this might be showing signs of wear. There is often just a small bit of movement in the clamping points unless they are done up very tightly so some signs of movement may be visible. This is much more likely to be found with a larger clamped outboard, say up to 40 hp, but after that outboards tend to be bolted onto the transom, making them much less prone to slight movement.

Lifting points on a tender
The lifting points on a davit stowed tender need careful checking for integrity

On those larger RIBs where the outboard is bolted on check around the bolt holes for any signs of water entry into the laminate or wood (this will be much easier if you remove the engine).

Damage to a vessel
Bow collision damage on a RIB tender

The area around the bolts is highly stressed so check for cracks in the gel coat. You will often find that the transom of larger RIBs looks to be an integral part of the hull moulding, but there may be a plywood insert inside the outer skin that creates a transom of the desired thickness, so check this for water damage. Since the lifting rings are a critical part of the boat, give them a close inspection: Is the laminate to which they are attached in sound condition and free of cracks?

Tender wear
Time for a full overhaul

The techniques for surveying tender hulls are much the same as those for composite hulls (see Technical Advice on the Boat Inspection Process and Why Survey Your Own Boat“Boat Inspection and Professional Tools Used to Find Defects”). However, with a RIB that has worked off a beach there is likely to be a much higher incidence of chips and scratches, so you need to differentiate between shallow gel coat damage, which is more or less cosmetic, and deeper damage, where the underlying laminate is showing through.

Patch on the tender
Pulling off a poorly applied patch with pliers

Check any abrasion along the keel at the bow and look for cracks in the gel coating, which could indicate impact damage (you are more likely to find these on a RIB that operates off a trailer).

As far as the air tubes and the fabrics of the boat are concerned, go over the surface with a fine-tooth comb just like you would with any hull, looking for areas where the outer proofing of the fabric has worn away and/or the taping and seals have lifted, and any other evidence of damage or decay.

Boat Sealing Tapes
The sealing tapes are one of the most likely points to need attention on an inflatable

It usually helps to deflate the tube so you can get into the areas that are usually inaccessible, particularly the area inside where the tube attaches to the hull in a tight vee: this can be prone to damage and wear if sand or stones have lodged in the space.

Wear at tender
Here the rubbing strip is coming adrift and needs re-gluing

You may find regions where the outer layer of fabric proofing has worn away through abrasion, for example if a mooring line or some other fixture passes over or rubs on the tube. Wear in this outer layer is usually not too serious, but it may need patching up because the sandwiched woven fabric squeezed between the inner and outer layers of rubber can start to absorb water and cause delamination. «Wicking» (where the pressurised air inside the tubes is forced along minute channels within the reinforcing woven fabric, only to find its way out at an outside seam) is also a problem on inflated tubes; it is one of the reasons behind the thin tape glued over the outside seams, which is intended to prevent the air escaping and thus water finding its way into the fabric. Check for lifts and leaks along these seams.

Patch on the tender
A poorly applied patch with excessive glue

Pay particular attention to the point where the air tube is glued to the rigid section of the hull. This area is under a lot of strain and on the outside of the hull there can be a strong peeling action where the water flows upwards and away from the hull when operating in waves. Glued attachments are the norm for this connection but there are alternatives, such as the tube being bolted on through doubling plates which creates a form of sail track system where the tube attachment points slide on. For these types of attachment you only need check for any impact damage from coming alongside too hard.

Removing the tender patch
The edges of a patch can be lifted with a blunt screwdriver after softening with a hot air gun

During your detailed inspection of the tubes check such items as handholds, fender strips, bow rings and transoms. Pick at the edge with your fingernail: you shouldn’t be able to lift it at any of the joints, seams or patches. If you do find any areas of lifting or wear and tear mark them with a magic marker so that they can receive further attention. If the tender is towed, check any rope attachment points, which have a tendency to pull away under the strain.

Corrosion of fastening
The lifting point attachment on this RIB is corroding

If you’re surveying your own RIB you’ll probably be aware of whether or not the boat is leaking air during use, but now is a good time to examine the air holding qualities of the entire boat by painting the air tubes with a soft brush dipped in a detergent solution. Inflate the tube hard and then work the solution up into a foam, painting it all over the surface. Air leaks will soon become evident through bubbles forming, perhaps in a series or along the edges of a seam. Bubbles appearing over a wider area of fabric indicate that the proofing is porous, which can mean a considerable repair job. Mark any areas where bubbles appear so that you can find them once the tube dries off and before you start repair work.

Paint the detergent solution around air valves, too, to check them for air tightness. The inflation valves in inflatable boats are generally very reliable and if replacements are required it is generally only the insert that needs replacing, which is a straightforward job. A whole valve replacement is probably a job for the service station.

If the RIB has been kept afloat, the bottom of the hull will have been coated with antifouling paint to prevent marine growth, which can make detailed inspection more difficult. On some RIB designs the tube is set low in relation to the rigid section of the hull so that the lower part of the tube is permanently immersed at rest. Not only does this make the tube attractive to marine growth but you will need to carefully examine the tube joints and seams in the immersed area to ensure there are no signs of damage from the constant immersion.


If your RIB has a Technical Recommendations for Choosing Engines for a Boatsdiesel engine a survey will be much the same as detailed in articleEngines and Their Systems – Key Points“Determining the Condition of the Engines and Their Systems”. However, most modern tenders and smaller RIBs use an outboard motor, so you will need to take a different approach. The outboard’s strength is that it is supplied as a largely self-contained unit beneath a hood, although this does mean it is easier to neglect the engine’s systems.

Boat Engine
Not much room for access to this RIB engine

Corrosion was quite a problem on earlier outboards because they were constructed from many dissimilar metals, but manufacturers have resolved this for modern units. However, signs of corrosion or salt deposits inside the engine hood should be a warning sign that closer inspection is required (remove the engine hood off and examine the exposed engine).

Engine Trim Fin
The trim fin on this outboard has been adjusted to counteract the propeller torque

Check the condition of both the anode fitted near the propeller and the internal anode in the cooling water system (if there is one). If the engine is not tilted when the boat is afloat there may be marine growth on the leg of the motor and in the cooling water intake; this should just scrape off, but use a wooden rather than metal implement so as to avoid damaging the paintwork on the engine.

Boat Outboard
Follow the handbook instructions when checking an outboard and also check all the pipes and wires coming in

A RIB’s outboard motor also tends to get knocked about a bit due to the often violent motion of the boat, so be sure to check the mounting brackets and fastenings on the transom, particularly if it is one of the lifting types that have a multitude of pivot points. With transom mounted outboards check the clamping system or mounting bolts for tightness and any signs of movement and that locking washers or nuts are fitted to securing bolts.

Boat fuel tank
The fuel tank should be securely stowed

Small outboards up to 5 hp often have an integrated fuel tank, which means the fuel system has been fully tried and tested and should be reliable. However, you can still check the piping for leaks and peer into the tank itself to see if there is any sediment in the bottom. Opening up the fuel filter will also show if there is sediment in the system and this applies to both integral and remote fuel tanks.

Boat motor tubes and wires
The pipes and wires for the outboard have to be free to move so should be checked for any signs of chafe

Some outboards are supplied from a portable fuel tank inside the boat. While these have the advantage that you can take them ashore for refuelling, not to mention they are built for the job and therefore usually reliable, they are difficult to secure.

Fuel filter outboard
The fuel filter and lines for an outboard

Secure them tight because it only wants a slight amount of play to get them moving: go for webbing straps with a ratchet tightener, since elastic straps can rarely be secured tight enough to prevent the tanks moving under the motion of the boat. Ensure the flexible pipe that feeds the fuel to the engine is not being pinched, nipped or damaged. Mild steel portable tanks will corrode in a salt atmosphere; plastic tanks are the alternative but are not recommended for carrying petrol fuel.

Tender Fuel Pipes
Loose lines and fuel pipes can be a hazard in a tender

Built-in metal tanks are now the standard for most larger RIBs and they are usually fitted under the deck, making them difficult to access. There may be a deck hatch giving access to the pipe connection plate, so check that everything here is tight and free of any signs of leaks.

Outboard RIBs rarely have a gas detector fitted in the bilges because there shouldn’t be electrical connections here to ignite gas, but a sniff in the fuel tank compartment will indicate any signs of leakage (and if you find them, you’ll need to check all piping and connections). Check the end fittings on the flexible fuel pipes, usually a push fit with an automatic seal comprising a spring loaded ball valve pressing onto a rubber «O» ring. This O ring serves to seal the ball valve when the pipe is disconnected and forms the seal when the pipe is connected. A leak through the O ring when the pipe is disconnected may not be particularly serious but any leakage when the pipe is connected immediately allows air to be sucked into the engine rather than fuel, meaning the engine will stop, or much more likely it won’t start in the first place. Therefore, carefully check all O rings for signs of damage.

Systems on a tender
Check all the corners and systems on a tender for reliability

From the fuel line the fuel is routed first into a fuel filter and then into a carburetor or fuel injection system. On some installations there may be a fuel filter mounted external to the engine, often on the transom where it is clearly visible, and this serves to trap any dirt in the fuel and also to separate out any water that might be in the fuel. The glass bulb on these filters provides a ready check for any contamination in the fuel. The engine mounted fuel filter may also have a glass bulb so that it can be checked quickly for contamination.


An outboard motor also requires an electrical supply. For smaller outboard motors up to about 50 hp you have a choice of manual or electric starting. With manual starting you might not require an electric supply or battery, so in this case simply check the starter cord for any signs of wear or chafe which could indicate that it’s time for renewal. Larger RIB engines do require an electrical supply, which will need checking (see article Ship Electrical System“How the Ship Electrical System is Arranged and What it is for”).

Survey checklist

In particular, examine the heavy duty cables that take the battery supply connection to the outboard as these will move under steering movements (these cables, the control and perhaps the fuel supply pipes are often contained within an outer tube to reduce the chances of chafing and damage).

Author photo - Olga Nesvetailova
  1. Everett Collier, The Boatowner’s Guide to Corrosion. International Marine, 2001, hardcover, 314 pages.
  2. Fernec Mate, Shipshape: The Art of Sailboat Maintenance. Albatross Publishing, 1986, hardcover, 416 pages.
  3. John Payne, Understanding Boat Corrosion, Lightning Protection, and Interference. Sheridan House, 2005, 90 pages.
  4. Edwin Sherman, The 12-Volt Bible for Boats. International Marine, 2002, paperback, 208 pages.
  5. Nigel Warren, Metal Corrosion in Boats. Sheridan House, Inc., 2006, 229 pages.
  6. Charlie Wing, Boatowner’s Illustrated Electrical Handbook, Second Edition. International Marine, 2006, paperback, 280 pages.
  7. Don Casey, Canvaswork and Sail Repair. International Marine, 1996, hardcover, 140 pages.
  8. Jim Grant, The Complete Canvasworker’s Guide, Second Edition. International Marine, 1992, paperback, 186 pages.
  9. Karen Lipe, The Big Book of Boat Canvas. International Marine, 1988, paperback, 242 pages.
  10. Emiliano Marino, The Sailmaker’s Apprentice, International Marine, 1994, paperback.
  11. Philip W. Conkling, Green Islands, Green Sea: A Guide to Foraging on the Islands of Maine. Down East Books, 1980.
  12. Euell Gibbons, The Beachcombers Handbook. David McKay, 1967, 230 pages.
  13. Janet Groene, Cooking on the Go. Sail Books, 1980, 234 pages.
  14. Peter Howorth, Foraging Along the California Coast. Consortium, 1977.
  15. Ken Neumeyer, Sailing the Farm. Ten Speed Press, 1981, paperback, 256 pages.
  16. Lin Pardey, The Care and Feeding of the Offshore Crew. Paradise Cay Publications, 1999, 414 pages.
  17. Linda Frederick Yaffe, Backpack Gourmet. Stackpole Books, 147 pages.
  18. Peter Hunn, The Old Outboard. International Marine, 2002, paperback, 320 pages.
  19. Jean-Luc Pallas, Outboard Motors Maintenance and Repair Manual. Sheridan House, 2006, 125 pages.
  20. Edwin Sherman, Outboard Engines. International Marine, 2008, hardcover, 176 pages.
  21. W. D. Booth, Upgrading and Refurbishing the Older Fiberglass Sailboat. Cornell Maritime Press, 1988, 287 pages.
  22. Paul and Myra Butler, Fine Boat Finishes. International Marine, 1987, paperback, 160 pages.
  23. Paul and Myra Butler, Upgrading the Small Sailboat for Cruising. International Marine, 1988, paperback, 224 pages.
  24. Nigel Calder, Boatowner’s Mechanical and Electrical Manual. International Marine, 2005, hardcover, 818 pages.
  25. Don Casey, Sailboat Hull and Deck Repair. International Marine, 1996, hardcover, 128 pages.
  26. Don Casey, Sailboat Refinishing. International Marine, 1996, paperback, 144 pages.
  27. Don Casey, This Old Boat, Second Edition. International Marine, 2009, hardcover, 576 pages.
  28. Fernec Mate, The Finely Fitted Yacht. W. W. Norton & Company Limited, 2005, 606 pages.
  29. Dan Spurr, Spurr’s Guide to Upgrading Your Cruising Sailboat, Third Edition. International Marine, 2006, hardcover, 400 pages.
  30. Fred Bingham, Boat Joinery and Cabinetmaking Simplified. International Marine, 1993, paperback, 265 pages.
  31. Michael Naujok, Boat Interior Construction. Sheridan House, 2002, paperback, 176 pages.
  32. Larry Brown, Sailing America: A Trailer Sailor’s Guide to North America. Seven Seas Press, 1990, paperback.
  33. Larry Brown, Sailing on a Micro-Budget. Seven Seas Press, 1985, 163 pages, paperback.
  34. Robert Burgess, The Handbook of Trailer Sailing. International Marine, 1992, paperback, 227 pages.
  35. Don Casey and Lew Hackler, Sensible Cruising: The Thoreau Approach. International Marine, 1986, paperback, 364 pages.
  36. Ronald Florence, The Optimum Sailboat: Racing the Cruiser and Cruising the Racer. Harper and Row, 1986, hardcover, 374 pages.
  37. Annie Hill, Voyaging on a Small Income. Tiller Publishing, 1993, paperback, 208 pages.
  38. J. C. Jenkins, The Humanure Handbook: A Guide to Composting Human Manure. Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 2006, 302 pages.
  39. Elbert Maloney (editor), Chapman’s Piloting, Seamanship, and Small-Boat Handling, (65th edition). Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 2007, hardcover, 928 pages.
  40. Tom Neale, All in the Same Boat. International Marine, 1997, hardcover, 376 pages.
  41. Lin and Larry Pardey, The Capable Cruiser. Pardey Books, 1995, hardcover, 400 pages.
  42. Lin and Larry Pardey, The Cost-Conscious Cruiser. Pardey Books, 1999, hardcover, 352 pages.
  43. John Rousmaniere, The Annapolis Book of Seamanship (revised edition). Simon and Schuster, 1989, hardcover, 402 pages.
  44. Daniel Spurr, Your First Sailboat: How to Find and Sail the Right Boat for You. International Marine, 2004, paperback, 288 pages.
  45. Donald M. Street, The Ocean Sailing Yacht. W. W. Norton, 1973, hardcover, 703 pages.
  46. USCG Auxiliary, Boating Skills and Seamanship. International Marine, 2007, paperback, 404 pages.
  47. Thomas Ask, Handbook of Marine Surveying. Sheridan House, Inc., 2007, 246 pages.
  48. Don Casey, Inspecting the Aging Sailboat. International Marine, 1996, paperback, 144 pages.
  49. Andrew Douglas, Practical Sailor’s Practical Boat Buying, 2 volumes. Belvoir Books, 1998, paperback.

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