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EPIRB – Definition and Pronunciation


What is EPIRB?

Emergency position-indicating radio beacon.

Examples of EPIRB

The EPIRB signal indicate that one or more persons are in distress, that they may no longer be on board a ship or aircraft, and that receiving facilites may no longer be available.

From “Emergency Preparedness: The Role of EPIRBs and SARTs in Maritime Safety”.

Navigational safety equipment, such as radar, Global Positioning System (GPS), and emergency position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs), helps in preventing accidents and facilitates search and rescue operations.

From “Safety Equipment for Safeguarding Life at Sea”.

The purpose of shore-to-ship distress alert by a coast station is to alert all ships in the vicinity of the distress incident. Although VHF and MF DSC distress alerts should, of course, be received directly by GMDSS ship in the vicinity, the original distress signal would be missed if sent on a non-watchkeeping frequency or by some other means, e. g., by some Inmarsat, an EPIRB or by visual signals.

From “Digital Selective Calling-DSC During Disasters or Emergencies”.

Pronunciation of EPIRB

Октябрь, 16, 2024 172 0
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