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According to the IMDG Code, what are “labels”?
Notices, that are fixed to the outside surfaces of small packages to indicate the hazards associated with the substances in the packages.
Large notices, that are fixed to the outside surfaces of cargo transport units to provide a warning, that the contents of the unit are dangerous goods and present risks.
The unique identifying numbers assigned to dangerous substances, materials or articles.
Large signs, identifying dangerous goods.
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Within the IMDG Code, the term “marking” refers to which one of the following?
Identification of the substance contained in a package.
Identification of the risks and hazards presented by substances contained in a package.
Identification of the risks and hazards presented by substances contained in cargo transport units.
Damage done to a package of dangerous goods while on board ship.
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According to the IMDG Code, what are “placards”?
Large labels, that are fixed to the outside surfaces of cargo transport units, to indicate the hazards associated with the substances contained in the unit.
The unique identifying numbers, assigned to dangerous substances, materials or articles.
Notices, that are fixed to the outside surfaces of small packages, to provide a warning, that the contents of the package are dangerous and present risks.
Large signs, identifying dangerous goods.
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According to the IMDG Code, what is the correct way to store drums, containing dangerous goods?
On their sides.
On pallets and shrink-wrapped, in batches of eight drums.
In a pyramid pattern, not more than three tiers high.
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According to the IMDG Code, where should placards be located on a freight container containing dangerous goods?
One on each end only.
One on each end and one on each side.
One on each side only.
One on each end and one visible from directly above.
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According to the IMDG Code, which one of the options identifies the item or items, that road vehicles which are used for the transport of dangerous goods must have?
A yellow flashing light.
Suitable supports and securing attachments, which provide a safe and stable platform during transportation.
Motion sensors, which activate a remote alarm if the vehicle breaks loose during transportation by sea.
Suitable bracing arrangements, such that they can be attached to other vehicles, and create more rigid unit during transportation.
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All substances have a unique chemical composition throughout. What chemical term is used to describe this?
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Besides seafarers engaged in the carriage of dangerous goods, who else does the IMDG Code specifically require should be trained in their handling?
Shore-based personnel, engaged in the handling of dangerous goods.
Port officials.
All persons visiting the ship while she is carrying dangerous goods.
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Can a cargo transport unit used for the transport of dangerous goods, which is found to be damaged, leaking or otherwise losing its contents be accepting for loading? Select the most correct answer:
Yes, provided the area around it is regularly swept or hosed down.
Only if the shipper provides a written guarantee to be responsible for any costs, resulting from the damage.
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Can the hazard, posed by a substance, arise from a dangerous reaction with other substances in the surrounding environment?
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Class 2 (Gases) has three divisions. Two of these are “Flammable” and “Non-flammable, non-toxic”. Which of the following is the third division of this Class?
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Column 16b of the Dangerous Goods List shows the requirements for segregation. What is segregation in terms of carriage of dangerous goods on board ship?
Stowage describes the location of dangerous goods horizontally on board a ship, while segregation indicates their vertical separation.
The system used in plans, showing the stowage of dangerous goods.
The requirements for loading and discharging dangerous goods.
The way, that dangerous goods are separated by location on board.
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Corrosive substances can cause severe damage to skin tissue through contact. Which of the following is also a risk with all corrosive substances shipped in packages?
That they will cause anyone entering the affected storage compartment to feel nauseous and disorientated.
That they will create a flammable atmosphere in the hold.
That they will cause toxic vapours to enter the ship’s ventilation system.
That they can damage other cargoes or the ship’s framework if they leak from damaged packaging.
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For consignments of dangerous goods, the appropriate emergency information shall be available at all times. Where must it be kept?
In a place on board separate from the goods themselves and immediately accessible in the event of an incident.
With the dangerous goods themselves.
In the shore office.
Such emergency information is available by telephone or e-mail at all times directly from the IMO.
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For the purposes of studying the IMDG Code, what are the three main states of matter?
Solid, liquid and gas.
Frozen, moisture and liquid.
Materials, substances and articles.
Explosive, poisonous and corrosive.
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For which one of the following can guidance be found in the Supplement to the IMDG Code?
The safe use of pesticides in ships.
The safe handling of animals on board cargo ships and livestock carriers.
Reporting procedures for arrival in quarantined ports.
Anti-piracy measures.
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Goods of Class 1 (Explosives) are described as “compatible” if which of the following conditions are met?
They can be safely stowed or transported together without significantly increasing the chance of an accident.
They are stowed more than 12 metres horizontally apart within the same compartment, or in a separate compartment.
They contain no live detonators or fuses.
They have been approved by the UN Committee on Classification of Dangerous Goods as mutually insensitive.
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How is the technical information displayed on a portable tank?
It is stamped on a metal plate, fixed to the tank, where it can easily be seen.
It is painted on the front and back of the tank.
It is printed on both sides of the tank.
It is written on a placard fixed to the tank adjacent to the drain valve.
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How many Classes of dangerous goods are there in the IMDG Code?
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How must salvage packaging be specially marked?
By the word SALVAGE.
With the warning CAUTION – SALVAGED GOODS.
With the caution DANGER – SALVAGED GOODS.
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How should marine pollutants be stowed?
They should be securely stowed in such a manner as to minimise the risk of them being lost overboard.
They should be stowed “On Deck Only”, because of the hazards they present.
They should be stowed adjacent to the living quarters.
It is permitted to stow marine pollutants anywhere within the cargo area of the ship, provided they are, at least 6 metres horizontally from the ship’s side.
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If a mixture is above its upper flammable limit, how is the atmosphere described?
Too rich.
Too lean.
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If a mixture is above its lower flammable limit, how is the atmosphere described?
Too rich.
Too lean.
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If it is safe to do so, how should a spillage of a substance listed as a marine pollutant preferably be dealt with?
It should be collected for safe disposal and absorbent material should be used to collect spilt liquid.
It should be washed directly overboard.
It should be sprayed with caustic soda and then washed overboard.
It should be pumped down to the engine-room and held in a spare storage tank until it can be landed to shore.
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If you discover a leaking tank container on the weather deck, which of the following actions should you take first?
Report it immediately to the Duty Officer.
Wash it away immediately.
Examine the tank container and try and close off any leaking valves.
Make sure the Chief Officer knows about it before arrival, so that no vehicles drive through the spillage.
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In addition to the IMDG Code, which other book should be referred to for guidance on security matters?
MARPOL 73/78 (as amended).
The International Maritime Security (IMS) Code.
The Seafarers Security Handbook.
The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.
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In which of these can you find the Dangerous Goods List?
Volume 1 of the IMDG Code.
Volume 2 of the IMDG Code.
The Supplement to the IMDG Code.
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In which part of the diamond-shaped shipping label for dangerous goods would you find the class and division numbers?
The upper part.
The lower part.
The left-hand part.
The right-hand part.
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Packaging’s shall be so constructed and sealed as to prevent any loss of contents. Which two of the following are among those circumstances, which the IMDG Code says should be considered in this respect?
Changes in pressure.
Being inverted.
Damage through an impact equal to a force of 300 kg point load.
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Ships are divided into two groups for the purpose of making appropriate stowage recommendations in accordance with the IMDG Code. Which are they?
Cargo ships or passenger ships carrying a limited number of passengers, being a maximum of 25 or 1 per 3 metres of length.
Other passenger ships in which a larger number of passengers is carried.
Oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers, which are not subject to the provisions outlined in volume 2 of the IMDG Code.
Cargo ships equipped for the carriage of dangerous goods in packaging’s, IBC’s, portable tanks and MEGCs.
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The MFAG is written around the substances, material and articles covered by the IMDG Code and which other Code?
The IMSBC Code.
The IGC Code.
The ISPS Code.
The IBC Code.
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The Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods provides advice intended for which of the following?
The initial management of chemical poisoning and diagnosis within the limits of the facilities available at sea.
The comprehensive and total management of chemical poisoning and diagnosis to full recovery, with assistance from shore as required.
The transfer of a casualty into shore side care with full and appropriate medical documentations.
The limited care of casualties in exposure incidents involving liquid chemicals.
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The classes drawn up by the UN Committee of Experts for the safe handling of hazardous substances are based on which of the following?
Alphabetical order.
UN Number.
The type of hazard they present.
Random laboratory tests carried out under the UN guidelines.
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The proper shipping name and UN Number of a substance must be listed material or article on the Dangerous Goods Form. This is so that the Master has the necessary information to hand, if he has to report a pollution incident involving this substance. But which of the following is also a reason?
So that the substance can be readily identified during transport, especially in the event of an emergency.
To assist in stowage of the package.
To avoid customs fines for improper documentation when passing through controlled waterways.
To demonstrate compliance with Part B of the ISPS Code.
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The proper shipping name and UN Number of a substance must be listed on the Dangerous Goods Form. This is so that the substance can be readily identified during transport, especially in the event of an emergency. But which one of the following is also a reason for this?
So that the Master has the necessary information to hand if he has to report a pollution incident involving this substance.
To assist in stowage of the package.
To avoid being detailed by the authorities for improper documentation when entering port.
To demonstrate compliance with section 6.5 of the ISPS Code.
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The reporting of incidents involving harmful substances and/or marine pollutants is regulated under which international regulations?
MARPOL 73/78.
Part A of SOLAS 1974.
Appendix B of the Supplement to the IMDG Code.
The EmS Guide.
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What do the letters “IMDG”stand for when we refer to the IMDG Code?
International Maritime Dangerous Goods.
Internal Marine Dangerous Goods.
International Marine Danger Group.
International Monitoring Department (Geopolitics).
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What does the EmS number refer to?
The relevant emergency schedules for FIRE and SPILLAGE in the Emergency Response Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods.
The emergency response procedures as outlined in 46 CFR 32 of the US Federal Code of Regulations and expanded in the USCG Guidelines on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Sea.
The relevant guidelines listed in the International Maritime Organization Emergency Anti-Pollution Measures (1974).
The appropriate entry in the Emergency Procedures (Shipping).
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What does the abbreviation “IBC” stand for?
Intermediate Bulk Container.
Intermediate Bulk Code.
Internal Bulk Construction.
International Booking Code.
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What is a “UN Number”?
An international fire-fighting reference number.
An emergency contact number for use in the event of an injury or pollution incident involving a dangerous substance as listed in the Dangerous Goods List in the IMDG Code.
A unique international chemical symbol assigned to a dangerous substance or material.
A unique identifying number assigned to a dangerous substance, material or article by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.
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What is an “article”?
A device, that contains a dangerous substance or mixture of substances.
A form, that contains important information about a dangerous substance.
A device, that is responsible for initiating a dangerous reaction.
Something, that is packed within a freight container.
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What is meant by the term salvage packaging in relation to the IMDG Code?
Special packaging into which damaged, defective, leaking or non-conforming packages or dangerous goods, that have spilled or leaked, are placed for the purposes of transport for recovery or disposal.
Packaging, used only at the direction of a contracted environmental protection response company.
Packaging, which is manufactured from recycled material.
Packaging, in which goods recovered from the sea are held, pending investigation by the appropriate authority.
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What special mark must a plastic packaging bear if it is recycled?
Caution! Recycled Packaging!
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When should all placards, orange panels, marks and signs be removed from a cargo transport unit?
As soon as the dangerous goods or their residues are discharged.
As soon as the cargo transport unit is discharged from the ship.
Once the cargo transport unit has been loaded and sealed.
Placards, orange panels, marks and signs should never be removed from a cargo transport unit.
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Where dangerous goods have been loaded into a road vehicle, what is the name of the form, that must be supplied by the person, responsible for that operation (assuming the information has NOT been incorporated into the Dangerous Goods Form)?
Container/vehicle packing certificate.
Vehicle manifest.
Packing note.
Modular operation transport certificate (MOTC).
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Which abbreviation is used to identify a “Marine Pollutant” in the Dangerous Goods List?
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Which group of dangerous goods is generally understood to be the most dangerous for marine transportation?
Toxic gases.
Infectious substances.
Flammable liquids.
Organic peroxides.
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Which of the following is a design feature of all intermediate bulk containers?
They must be fitted with a minimum of three pressure-relief valves.
They must be capable of withstanding a drop test of 12 metres.
They must be individually approved by the competent authority.
They must be suitable for handling by mechanical means.
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Which of the following is a general principle of segregation?
Incompatible goods must be stowed in separate compartments, or at least 15 metres apart horizontally within the same compartment.
Incompatible goods must be stowed on separate decks.
Compatible goods shall be segregated from one another.
Incompatible goods shall be segregated from one another.
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Which of the following is an example of an artificial mixture?
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Which of the following is another name for “smell”?
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Which one of the following is a correct statement?
The hazard posed by a substance can arise from a dangerous reaction of the substance or article with other substances in the surrounding environment.
Substances in the surrounding environment can have no dangerous impact on packaged dangerous goods.
A dangerous reaction between a substance or article and other substances in the surrounding environment is only possible, if those goods are packaged in a container constructed of soft, non-water-resistant material.
The hazard posed by a substance is no higher on board ship than it is ashore.
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Which one of the following is the most accurate definition of the term “incompatible goods” in relation to the IMDG Code?
Those, which when stowed together result in a hazardous situation in the event of spillage, leakage or any other accident.
This is just another way of saying “dangerous goods”.
Those, which when stowed together with foodstuffs present a risk to health through the leakage of poisonous vapours.
Goods of different classes, as listed in the Dangerous Goods List.
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Which one of the following would you consult for guidance on the fire-fighting procedures to follow in the event of an incident involving dangerous goods?
The EmS Guide.
MARPOL 73/78.
The International Marine Fire-Fighting Directory.
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Which one of the options best describes a multi-element gas container in relation to the IMDG Code?
A portable tank, which is divided by a number of internal bulkheads and is capable of being emptied via a single drain valve.
A special arrangement of cylinders and tubes, which has a manifold and is assembled within a framework and fitted with service and structural equipment.
A number of independent gas cylinders being transported under a single shipment and with the same UN Number.
A gas container, which is divided into individual compartments and is capable of simultaneous storage of different gases.
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Which one of the options describes a requirement of the IMDG Code in respect of the testing of packaging?
All packaging’s must be of a successfully tested design.
Each individual packaging must undergo testing by the manufacturer before use.
Packaging will be subject to testing in the event of leakage or other failure.
The marking on every package must indicate when it was last tested.
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Which one of the options identifies the first part of any marking on a packaging as required by the IMDG Code?
The UN packaging symbol.
The UN Number.
The mark of the authorizing State.
The manufacturer’s mark.
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Which one of the options identifies where empty, uncleaned cylinders, which have previously contained gas of a toxic nature, be safely stowed, according to the IMDG Code?
Only on deck.
Only under deck.
Either on deck or under deck – there is no restriction on empty cylinders.
Empty gas cylinders must be cleaned before they can be accepted for carriage by sea.
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Which organization today is responsible for maintaining the IMDG Code?
The International Maritime Organization.
The International Hazardous Goods Committee.
The MARPOL 73/78 Advisory Committee.
The Governments of Member States.
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Which packing group is assigned to substances presenting a low level of danger?
Packing Group I.
Packing Group II.
Packing Group III.
Packing Group L.
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Which two kinds of “schedules” are found in the EmS Guide?
Atmospheric pollution.
Medical emergencies.
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Which two of the following are standard tests performed on representative samples of packagings?
Drop test.
Stacking test.
Rigidity test.
Crash test.
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Which two of the following can the term “cargo transport unit” be applied to?
Road transport tank.
Aviation transport containers.
International livestock container.
Portable tanks.
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Who is primarily responsible for completing the documents, relating to the shipping of dangerous goods (unless the Code specifically requires otherwise)?
The Shipper.
The Receiver.
The Master.
The Loading Master at the port of loading.
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Why should dangerous cargo be stowed clear of living quarters on the ship?
Because of the possibility, that dangerous vapours may leak and be drawn into the air intakes and ventilation ducts, entering the accommodation or machinery space.
Because they will be off-loaded first and so should be at the other end of the ship.
Because the area next to the accommodation is designated for the carriage of foodstuffs.
Because there are no hook-up points for the power to drive electrical cooling units; these must all be close to machinery space according to the Code.
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