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A barge collects your ships garbage while it is in port. Every day the barge gives you a receipt for the garbage. Which one of the following is the best thing to do with the receipts?
Keep them in the Garbage Record Book.
Keep them in the Oil Record Book.
Put them in the paper recycling bin.
Keep them with the bunker receipts.
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You are on a container ship of 6,000 GT. Which one of the following best describes the situation under MARPOL Annex I regarding engine room bilge water discharges in the Antarctic area?
No discharges are allowed.
Engine room bilge water can be discharged using oil filtering equipment.
Engine room bilge water can be discharged using oil filtering equipment with an alarm.
Engine room bilge water can be discharged using oil filtering equipment with an alarm and auto-stop.
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A chemical tanker is drifting in deep water well away from land, while completing tank cleaning. Is the discharge of the wash water overboard allowed under Annex II rules?
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A ship has sewage stored in a tank. Which one of the following best describes the MARPOL Annex IV requirements, that must be met before the ship is allowed to discharge the tank contents overboard?
The ship must be outside port limits.
The ship must be away from land and pump the sewage at a controlled rate.
The ship must be away from land and moving at a minimum of 12 knots.
The ship must be outside port limits and pump the sewage at a controlled rate.
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A shipping container stowed above No. 3 hold cover is leaking a liquid onto deck. How can the crew decide, whether the liquid is likely to be an Annex III harmful substance?
The location of all harmful substance cargoes should be in the Harmful Substance Record Book.
The stowage plan should identify the location of all harmful substance cargoes on board.
Harmful substances should not be stowed above deck.
Test the liquid with litmus paper.
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An oil tanker has double bottom ballast tanks under the cargo tanks. Which one of the following options is a way of reducing the risk of leaked oil from being discharged overboard according to MARPOL Annex I?
The ballast is to be discharged above the waterline.
Ballast water is not allowed to be carried under oil cargo tanks.
The ballast tank is to be sounded using oil finding paste before discharge.
The ballast must be discharged via the oily water separator.
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How can the crew of an oil tanker know the total quantity of cargo oil discharged overboard from the slop tank following tank washing?
The quantity of oil in the discharge is measured by an ODME.
The ship will have a manual giving the quantity of oil washed off each tank during one cleaning cycle.
The slop tank will prevent any oil from being discharged overboard.
The crew cannot know but the oil quantity does not matter.
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If a ship has an approved sewage treatment plant in use, how far from land must it be before it is allowed to discharge overboard, according to MARPOL Annex IV?
At least 3 miles.
At least 12 miles.
At least 50 miles.
Any distance.
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MARPOL Annex I requires many ships to carry a document commonly called the “SOPEP”. What does “SOPEP” stand for?
Shipping of Oil Products Evaluation Permit.
Shipboard Oil Pollution Escape Plant.
Shipboard Oil Permit Emergency Plan.
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.
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MARPOL Annex VI requires some ships to carry a Record Book of Engine Parameters for each engine. Which one of the following best describes when an entry needs to be made in the book?
Any time that any engine parameters are adjusted.
At every air pollution survey.
Once a month.
Any time that NOx critical parts are changed or parameters adjusted.
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Marine animals can be killed by oil in the sea. Which one of the following best explains how oil kills these animals?
It acts as a poison.
It changes the colour of their skin.
It changes the texture of their skin.
It blocks out the sound of approaching attackers.
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Select the option, which is the reason why MARPOL Annex I requires crudest oil tankers to have cargo oil piping designed to minimise oil retention:
To reduce the amount of oil in the slop tank.
To reduce the corrosion in the pipes.
To reduce the pollution when the cargo tank is ballasted.
To reduce the risk of capsize while in ballast.
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Some MARPOL annexes require ships to be surveyed and certificated. Which one of the following is the most likely reason for this?
Compliance with some MARPOL rules cannot easily be proven while the ship is in service.
It produces fees for class societies.
It allows IMO to count the number of compliant ships.
It is an excuse for flag states to visit their ships.
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Steel drums containing a harmful substance, as defined in Annex III, are discharged ashore. If the drums are emptied and then loaded onto a different ship do the requirements of Annex III still apply to the drums?
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The MARPOL Convention brought in rules in Annex II to reduce chemical pollution of the sea. Which one of the following is the most likely reason for chemical pollution of the sea becoming a problem?
Increasing volumes of chemicals and their regular carriage on ships.
The wrecking of the oil tanker Torrey Canyon.
More types of chemicals were being made.
The sea sometimes became acid.
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The MARPOL convention requires ships to report pollution incidents. Which one of the following is the main reason for this?
So that insurance companies can put up premiums.
So that ships can be blacklisted by ports.
So that someone can be prosecuted.
So that action can be taken to clean up the pollution.
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Under MARPOL Annex III what operational discharges of harmful substances in packaged form are allowed?
None, unless via the bilge separator.
Damaged packages can be discharged overboard.
Discharge of leakages might be allowed by the flag state.
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What are the MARPOL Annex IV requirements for records on ships which do not treat sewage?
The sewage holding tank level is to be recorded at the end of every voyage.
The sewage holding tank level is to be recorded weekly.
The sewage holding tank level is to be recorded daily.
There are no requirements to maintain records.
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When garbage is in the sea, marine animals can be killed. Which one of the following best explains how garbage kills them?
The garbage blocks their view of their food.
They eat some kinds of garbage.
They can hit their heads on floating garbage.
The garbage can block the sunlight.
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When the MARPOL Convention entered into force the annexes on pollution from sewage, garbage and harmful substances in packaged form were voluntary. Which one of the following is the most likely reason for them later becoming mandatory?
The wrecking of the oil tanker Torrey Canyon.
Growing worldwide recognition of pollution of the types regulated by those annexes.
Another convention regulating sewage, garbage and harmful substances in packaged form was revoked.
IMO inspectors insisted on them becoming mandatory.
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Which of the following ship types can give the most protection to MARPOL Annex II cargoes in the event of a grounding incident?
Type 3 ships.
Type 1 ships.
Container ships.
Offshore Support Vessels.
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Which one of the following best describes how MARPOL Annex I reduces the amount of oil in ballast water discharges from oil tankers?
Tankers are designed not to need water ballast.
Ballast water is normally kept segregated from the cargo tanks.
Ballast water must be discharged via the slop tank.
Ballast water is kept in fore and aft peak tanks only.
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Which one of the following best describes how MARPOL Annex III attempts to reduce accidental loss of harmful substances in packaged form into the sea?
Packages are required to be made of durable plastic.
Packages are required to be properly stowed and secured.
Packages are required to be stowed below deck only.
Packages are required to be inside a shipping container.
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Which one of the following best describes how MARPOL Annex VI is intended to reduce leakages of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)?
By requiring an ozone depleting substance record book.
By banning some of the ozone depleting substances from 2012.
By increasing the cost of ozone depleting substances.
By requiring a SOx Emissions Compliance Plan.
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Which one of the following best describes how coastal states can find out if a sinking ship is carrying MARPOL Annex III cargo?
A manifest listing the harmful substances must be left ashore.
The SMPEP will require the Mayday broadcast to say, that harmful substances are on board.
The ships AIS will broadcast the list of harmful substances on board.
A red flag is to be flown while harmful substances are on board.
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Which one of the following best describes how you can find out where the Annex V special areas are, while you are on board ship?
They are listed in MARPOL.
They have to be listed in the ships Safety Management System.
They have to be listed in the ships garbage management plan.
They are shown on placards around the ship.
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Which one of the following best describes the action taken by MARPOL Annex VI to minimise accidental emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?
All tankers need to follow a VOC Management Plan.
Crude oil tankers need to store or burn VOCs.
Crude oil tankers need to follow a VOC Management Plan.
Ships need to order low VOC paint.
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Which one of the following best describes the main goal of MARPOL Annex III?
To reduce the amount of harmful substances in the sea.
To reduce the amount of dumping into the sea.
To reduce the harm to the environment from harmful substances in packaged form.
To make the clean-up of harmful substances in packaged form in the sea easier.
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Which one of the following best describes the main goal of MARPOL Annex IV?
To reduce the amount of sewage produced by ships.
To ensure that all sewage on ships is treated to break it down.
To reduce the harm to the environment from sewage from ships.
To minimise the harm to the environment after an accidental discharge of sewage.
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Which one of the following best describes the main goal of MARPOL Annex V?
To reduce the harm to the environment from garbage from ships.
To ban the discharge of garbage into the sea.
To ban discharges containing harmful substances.
To reduce the harm to the environment from sewage from ships.
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Which one of the following best describes the main goal of MARPOL Annex VI?
To reduce the harm to the environment from air pollution from ships.
To ban the emissions of air pollutants from ships.
To capture emissions of air pollutants from ships.
To reduce the harm to the environment from oil pollution from ships.
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Which one of the following best describes the main purpose of the SOPEP required by MARPOL Annex I?
To describe the actions to be taken to reduce the discharge of oil following an accident.
To act as a telephone directory.
To record the actions taken following an accidental discharge of oil.
To describe the actions needed to evacuate the ship while surrounded by oil.
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Which one of the following best describes the meaning of EEDI when related to ships?
Energy Efficiency Design Index.
Energy Efficiency Data Indicator.
Eventual Energy Design Index.
Early Efficiency Data Index.
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Which one of the following best describes the means required by MARPOL Annex IV to reduce accidental discharges of sewage?
Sewage comminuting and disinfecting systems must have a disinfectant low level alarm.
Sewage treatment plants must be fitted with an alarm on the outlet pipe.
Holding tanks must be in a protective location away from the hull.
Holding tanks must have a means to indicate visually the amount of its contents.
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Which one of the following best describes the purpose of the garbage management plan that MARPOL Annex V requires some ships to carry?
It only gives the actions to be taken following accidental discharge of garbage.
It only gives instructions for garbage recycling.
It gives instructions for the disposal of garbage at sea only.
It gives instructions for the collection, processing and storage of garbage before its disposal.
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Which one of the following best describes the purpose of the placards required on some ships by MARPOL Annex V?
They show the penalties for illegal garbage discharges.
They show the garbage disposal positions.
They show the garbage collection areas.
They show the garbage disposal requirements.
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Which one of the following best describes the purpose of the slop tank, that MARPOL Annex I requires oil tankers to be fitted with?
To heat oil for crude oil washing.
To store oil for crude oil washing.
To heat water for tank washing.
To ensure tank washing can settle before the water is discharged overboard.
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Which one of the following best describes the records of noxious liquid operations, that ships have to maintain to satisfy MARPOL Annex II?
A record book must be completed only after cargo tank washing operations.
A record book must be completed only after cargo operations.
The oil record book Part II must be completed after cargo operations.
A cargo record book must be completed after any transfer of cargo or ballasting of cargo tanks.
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Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL Annex VI intended to minimise accidental emissions from incinerators?
The operator is to be trained and have an operating manual.
The incinerator is to have an annual service.
The incinerator is to be supplied with an operating manual.
The operator is to have been on the manufacturer’s training course.
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Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL Annex VI intended to minimise accidental emissions of Sulphur Oxides (SOx) inside Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs)?
Requiring a written fuel changeover procedure.
Requiring separate high and low sulphur fuel day tanks.
Requiring sulphur meters in exhaust pipes.
Requiring a bunker sample be kept on board.
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Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL Annex VI intended to minimise operational emissions of CO2?
All ships are required to have a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan.
Only new ships will be required to have a Ship Energy Efficiency.
New ships will have to go slower than old ships.
All ships will have to reduce speed by 10 %.
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Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL Annex VI intended to minimise operational emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)?
New diesel engines have to meet Tier II NOx limits or better.
New diesel engines will have to use extra low sulphur fuel.
New diesel engines will have their power limited.
Diesel engines built before 2000 have to be down-rated.
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Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL Annex VI intended to minimise operational emissions of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)?
Emissions during maintenance are banned and gases must be recaptured for recycling.
Equipment containing ODS must be maintenance free.
Fire extinguishers must not be serviced.
All types of ODS must be removed from the ship by 2012.
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Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL Annex VI intended to minimise operational emissions of Sulphur Oxides (SOx)?
The sulphur content of fuel is limited.
New diesel engines have to meet Tier II SOx limits.
Sulphur scrubbers are required on all new engines.
Bunker samples must be taken and kept ashore.
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Which one of the following best describes the requirement in MARPOL Annex V for plastic garbage?
It must be discharged ashore, even after incineration.
It must be discharged ashore or incinerated.
It must be incinerated at high temperatures.
It can only be discharged outside a special area.
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Which one of the following best describes the way that sewage can damage the marine environment?
It can contain bacteria, parasites and viruses.
It can block out the sunlight.
It can cover the seabed.
It can increase oxygen levels in the water.
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Which one of the following best describes what MARPOL Annex II requires to minimise the amount of noxious liquids when cleaning cargo tanks?
Tanks have to be washed with the minimum water.
Tanks have to be stripped down to small volumes of cargo.
Tanks are not allowed to be washed with water.
Tanks have to be emptied using ventilation fans.
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Which one of the following best matches the MARPOL Annex II definition of a “noxious liquid substance”?
Any oil not listed in MARPOL Annex I.
Any substance listed as pollution category X, Y or Z in the International Bulk Chemical Code.
Any substance listed in the IMDG Code.
Any substance which could kill a human within 12 hours.
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Which one of the following best sums up the general principle of MARPOL Annex V for discharging garbage into the sea?
Any discharges should be as far as practicable from nearest land.
Any discharges should be as near as possible to land.
All garbage should be burnt before discharge into the sea.
All garbage should be chopped into small pieces before discharge.
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Which one of the following describes the most common way that the substances regulated by MARPOL Annex III cause harm to the marine environment?
They are poisonous.
They spread across the surface of the water.
They cover the sea bed.
They cannot be seen.
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Which one of the following documents is required by MARPOL Annex II in order to minimise the harm caused by an accidental discharge of noxious liquids?
A Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan.
A Noxious Liquids Cargo Record Book.
A Procedures and Arrangements Manual.
A Safety Management System.
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Which one of the following explains, why MARPOL Annex I requires ships to have a sludge tank?
It is required to hold oil separated off by the bilge separator, sludge from purifiers and other waste oil.
It is required only when ships have oil purifiers.
It is only required to store bilge water until it can be discharged overboard.
It is only required to hold the oil separated off by the bilge separator.
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Which one of the following is a kind of environmental damage caused by air pollutants regulated by MARPOL Annex VI?
Acid rain.
Heavy rain.
Lightning strikes.
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Which one of the following is an acceptable method of discharging the contents of the sludge tank under MARPOL Annex I?
Pumping to reception facilities.
Solidifying the oil with sawdust and placing it in a garbage skip ashore.
Pumping it overboard at least 200 miles from land at less, than 1 tonne per hour.
Burning it in oil drums on deck.
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Which one of the following is the main goal of MARPOL Annex I?
To minimise the number of oil tanker voyages.
To reduce the harm to the environment from sewage pollution from ships.
To minimise the harm to seafarers from oil on ships.
To reduce the harm to the environment from oil pollution from ships.
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Which one of the following is the most likely way in which a noxious liquid substance could harm marine plants?
By making the rocks slippery.
By changing the water colour.
By making the leaves slippery.
By blocking the sunlight.
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Which one of the following kinds of garbage does MARPOL Annex V allow to be discharged overboard while the ship is inside a special area?
Cargo residues.
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Which one of the following most closely matches the definition of “garbage” in MARPOL Annex V?
Solid waste and packages containing liquid waste produced by the ship.
All solid waste produced by the ship.
All kinds of food and domestic waste.
All kinds of food, domestic and operational waste.
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Which one of the following most closely matches the definition of “oil” in MARPOL Annex I?
Any oil that burns in air.
Any oil that floats on water.
Unrefined (crude) oil.
Any oil from petroleum.
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Which one of the following most closely matches the definition of “sewage” in MARPOL Annex IV?
Drainage from animals, medical premises, toilets and urinals.
Drainage from sinks, baths and toilets and urinals.
Solids from toilets.
Grey water.
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Which one of the following options best describes how MARPOL Annex I controls the amount of oil discharged into the sea from the cargo tank areas of oil tankers?
The rate of discharge of oil is limited.
Permits must be bought to allow oil to be discharged.
No oil can be discharged into the sea from cargo tank areas.
There is a fixed limit on the total amount of oil discharged per year.
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Which one of the following was the main reason for the public concern that led to the MARPOL Convention?
There was increasing marine pollution due to the increasing number and size of ships.
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) was created.
The United Nations was created.
Global warming was discovered.
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Which one of the given options best explains why MARPOL Annex I requires newest tankers to be built with double hulls?
To reduce the chances of oil leaking into the sea following collision or grounding.
To ensure, that ships have enough ballast capacity to cope with storms.
To reduce instability caused by the free surface effect on cargo.
To increase port fees from tankers.
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Which one of the given options would be the best action to take following an incident, where leaking oil polluted the water around your ship?
Contain the oil with booms.
Spray oil dispersant as soon as possible.
Throw rags on the oil.
Set fire to the oil.
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Why do MARPOL Annex I require crudest tankers to have crude oil washing equipment fitted?
To reduce the need for washing cargo tanks with water.
To reduce the risk of explosion.
So that slop tanks are not needed.
So that tanks can be cleaned in port rather than at sea.
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You are on a container ship of 6,000 GT. Which one of the following best describes the situation under MARPOL Annex I regarding engine room bilge water discharges in the Antarctic area?
No discharges are allowed.
Engine room bilge water can be discharged using oil filtering equipment.
Engine room bilge water can be discharged using oil filtering equipment with an alarm.
Engine room bilge water can be discharged using oil filtering equipment with an alarm and auto-stop.
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