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Fuelling the Future – Powering the LNG Carriers 234
Dual-Fuel-Electric LNG Carrier Propulsion 221
Overview of Alternative Propulsion Systems for the LNG Vessel 874
The New Generation of Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers – Basic Design Philosophy 642
Weather-related Economics of Natural Gas Transport for Two Propulsion Plant Configurations 744
Technical Considerations in the Classing of Vessels Intended to Carry Compressed Natural Gas 674
Compressed Natural Gas Carriers Applied to Remote Marginal Gas Field Developments 928
Natural Gas Transportation in the Form of Hydrate Pellets (NGHP) 653
Wave and Impact Loads in Design of Large and Conventional Liquefied Gas Carriers 675
Det Norske Veritas Fatigue Analysis of Natural Gas Carriers 672
Condition Assessment Program for Liquefied Gas Carriers (CAP LNG) 1176
Dynamic Strength Analysis for Membrane Type LNG Containment System Due to Sloshing Impact Load 903
Coupling Between Liquefied Gas and Vessel’s Motion for Partially Filled Tanks Effect on Seakeeping 493
Development of the FLNG and FONG for Gas Extraction 794
Maximising LNG Efficiency Through the Use of Foul Release Coatings 452
Manning and Operational Standards for the Liquefied Gas Carriers 749
Planning the Design, Construction and Operation of New LNG Transportation Systems 931
History and Future Predictions of the Liquefied Natural Gas Shipping 923